N.C. Police Lieutenant Warns Of Martial Law In Early 2013

I hope he is wrong…

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  1. He is NOT wrong. We have confirmed today that Houston and Sugar Land police are also under Federal auspices due to receipt of funding and will be issued matching uniforms. The Federal government is subsidizing and standardizing all uniforms and cars to state and local police so all across the land so all law enforcement will look identical. Some folks who are clueless about what is happening think this is a good idea and being done to better coordinate services in times of disaster. These are the people who should not be voting. The Brownshirts are coming.

  2. Avatar of Spudmans2 Spudmans2 says:

    Then those of you that work for the SOB’s that are doing this just remember just whom the heck you are and who you are supposed to do this to and that would be AMERICANS. Keep you head on straight, your ears open and throw wrenches into their system’s cogworks whenever you safely can. These people in power have no idea of just how sleeping giants can wake up and be just as independent as every generation of AMERICANS before starting with the Minutemen. It will be heartbreaking, it will be bloody and it will hurt like hell but our cause is just and those of us who do survive will carry on. War is hell and civil war is really hell. Usually the first casualty of war is the truth and if this does come down then unimaginable atrocities will occur the likes of which unless you have seen war first hand will shake us to our very core. Maybe we can stop hating each other long enough to band together, shoulder to shoulder and defeat what is obviously SATAN in what he believes is his finest hour. In God We Trust!

  3. Avatar of JoAnn523 JoAnn523 says:

    So Jessie Ventura is right ! I just watched a documentary where he traveled all over the US and tried to get in to the so called “Residential Centers” that they have been building all over the US. They have double wire fences with barbed wire at the top. All barbed wire is facing inwards. So it is not to keep people out it is to keep them in.
    The government has stockpiled hunderds of thousands of coffins all over the US . What for? It’s all a secret. No one would tell anything!
    The communist are NOT playing around. It is upon us now!

  4. Avatar of Spudmans2 Spudmans2 says:

    What happened to this thread? It came up as corrupted and now it is not in my e-mail list as all of the others are……, uh oh, is Big brother is watching! Are we in Danger here Daniel?

  5. Avatar of Wero1946 Wero1946 says:

    It’s Getting Very Serious Now!
    “Food For Thought”
    Semper Fi!

  6. Avatar of Gabor Zolna Gabor Zolna says:

    This is a real scary piece of information, America is about to be invaded by our own people. Obama is clearly out of his mind and no one seems to be capable of stopping him from destroying our country.


  8. Avatar of Spudmans2 Spudmans2 says:

    Infiltration is a two way street. If the Obama-ites have infiltrated the military, the police and the govt. well then so can the Patriots of this country go undercover and screw up their treasoness grandoise plans of over throwing the USA. Once the shooting of inocents, prisoners and the general populace starts there will be plenty of those who will refuse to do it and turn their arms onto the perps themselves and none too soon. Where I come from people shoot trap both left and right handed so attackers beware that you are in grave danger yourselves unless you lay down your arms and reverse your loyalties to and for the people.

  9. Avatar of smoki smoki says:

    This was far too truncated and brief to be of any help. What the hell is this police Lt. talking about, i.e. “taking the American people down.” Taking them down for what, for what reason, “their preparedness?” What the hell does that mean? Is he saying that those of us who have records of having purchased firearms and are thus assumed to have them in our possession, we will be the targets of this “taking down?” What is legal about that? Nothing!

    Martial law is normally declared for a specific reason, one that alleges to protect the public from some known menace or direct threat to public safety. I’m not interested in hearing some off the wall conspiracy allegation. I want facts. I didn’t hear anything like that in this, just innuendo.

    • There are many pieces of information that individually can be innocent enough…but when taken in their totality are very ominous. Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA; the standardization and subsidization of all state and local police departments so uniforms and cars look alike—a “civilian police force?” DHS has been stopping vehicles along Tennessee highways for random searches; same for bus stations in FL and last spring they were searching Houston Metro riders and going through grocery bags and handbags. Did you ever view the clip of the FBI agent who infiltrated the Weather Underground back in the 70s? It was chilling. Those people spoke of “re-education” camps and the need to exterminate up to 25 million who could not be “re-educated.” This is like Nazi Germany and people refuse to see it. They think this is America and it can’t happen here–but it is. The economy will collapse and then it will all be set in motion. This is what I see.

  10. Avatar of 88vulcan 88vulcan says:

    Would someone be kind and give me the URL to this radio/web host. I would like to listen to the show but am not familiar with it.

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