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NRO's Costa: Rumors About Boehner Facing A Coup Unsubstantiated

Robert Costa of National Review and Ron Meyer Jr. of a conservative group called American Majority Action weigh in on the Boehner drama on CNBC's "Kudlow Report." Meyer, whose group is working to build up momentum to oust Boehner, claims that the he will resign tomorrow rather than seek another term as Speaker of the House. Meyer, who doesn't share his sources, says Boehner will resign as Speaker of the House....

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Glenn Beck: Anyone Who Brings Up "That Man" Obama Is Fired

"This is in effect. Anyone who brings him up, unless it's me, is fired. I can’t take the man’s voice, I don’t want to hear him, I don’t want to know about him. You want that information, go anyplace else....

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Krauthammer: Obama Has "Never Shown An Iota Of Interest" In Debt Reduction

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I would look, not at his associates, or appointees, but just at his behavior. He didn't do anything on debt in the first two years, except rack it up. A trillion a year. And then he appoints a...

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Christie: I Called Boehner Four Times Last Night And He Did Not Answer

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie calls Congress' inaction over Superstorm Sandy relief aid "disgraceful."...

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Hannity: "Some Republicans Don't Have The Stomach For The Fight"

Sean Hannity opines on the fiscal cliff deal on his nationally syndicated radio program. HANNITY: The deal in every way is a bad deal, and it’s one, frankly, that conservatives should have rejected outright. But from the very beginning, because...

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GOP Rep. LaTourette: "We Got Whooped" On Fiscal Cliff

(CBS News) Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-Ohio) said today on "CBS This Morning" that the GOP "got whooped" in the "fiscal cliff" compromise that passed the House last night. LaTourette, a moderate Republican who is retiring from Congress this week, had quipped...

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Corker: New Congress Needs To Be About Entitlement Reform

On CNBC's "Squawk Box" today, Senator Corker expressed disappointment in the failure of a fiscal cliff agreement to reduce spending, saying the first quarter of the 113th Congress needs to be about one thing: entitlement reform, encouraging passage of his...

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Obama Campaign Video: What The Fiscal Cliff Deal Means For You

President Obama releases a video, through his campaign, that explains what's in the fiscal cliff deal and what it means for the average person....

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Krauthammer: Obama's Presidency All About Raising Taxes To Support Entitlement State

"He has no interest in anything other than raising the level of taxation to pre-Reagan levels so he can support the entitlement state, which is what his presidency is all about. It’s a very long view, and I think he’s...

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Rep. Dreier Gives Farewell Speech On Bipartisanship During Fiscal Cliff Debate

House Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-CA) gives his parting remarks on the House floor after 32 years of service. Dreier spoke on the floor Tuesday night, prior to the vote on fiscal cliff agreement....

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Obama Comments On Cliff Deal: We Can't Cut Our Way To Prosperity

President Obama spoke shortly after the House passed a deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" tax increases and spending cuts. He said the deal is "just one step in a broader effort." President Barack Obama: "A central premise of my campaign...

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