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Club for Growth Blog

Key Vote Alert - "NO" on Ryan-Murray Budget Deal

Posted on Dec. 12, 13 | 09:28 AM by Andrew Roth | Topic: Cap and Trade
"NO" on the Ryan-Murray Budget Deal

The Club for Growth urges all House members to vote "NO" on the Ryan-Murray budget deal. Consideration of the plan will likely be today. The vote will be included in the Club's 2013 Congressional Scorecard.

This deal is the "same old same old" that Americans have come to expect from Washington. It's a deliberate attempt to avoid modest, but much needed spending cuts in exchange for the promise of spending cuts in the future. It also includes revenue increases that do nothing to reduce the size of government. Worse, this deal is likely only the first attempt at undoing the sequester completely. This bill should be vigorously opposed.

Our Congressional Scorecard for the 113th Congress provides a comprehensive rating of how well or how poorly each member of Congress supports pro-growth, free-market policies and will be distributed to our members and to the public.

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Obamacare Website Crashes In Front Of Sebelius In Miami

Posted on Nov. 20, 13 | 01:30 PM by Barney Keller | Topic: Entitlement Reform
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Nancy Pelosi struggles to defend ObamaCare

Posted on Nov. 18, 13 | 09:46 AM by Barney Keller | Topic: Crazy Liberals
"It's not that it's not correct..." Um, yes.

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36 Times Obama Said You Could Keep Your Health Care Plan (H/T WFB)

Posted on Nov. 13, 13 | 05:16 PM by Barney Keller | Topic: Health Care Reform
Thanks to the Washington Free Beacon for putting this together

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Former MSNBC Host’s Health Plan Cancelled, New Plan Costs 3.5 Times More

Posted on Nov. 08, 13 | 10:17 AM by Barney Keller | Topic: Entitlement Reform
The below tweet is from former liberal MSNBC TV Host Dylan Ratigan:
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Flashback: Dr. Price Said Obama was Lying

Posted on Nov. 04, 13 | 10:14 AM by Andrew Roth | Topic: Crazy Liberals
This is from four years ago - Aug. 24, 2009.  Fast forward to the 2m31s mark.

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Flashback: Sen. Toomey Questions Rep. Mel Watt At Senate Banking Committee

Posted on Nov. 01, 13 | 10:44 AM by Barney Keller | Topic: General Economics
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"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama

Posted on Oct. 29, 13 | 10:57 AM by Barney Keller | Topic: Entitlement Reform
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WH: 'It's True' Some Americans Won't Keep Their Health Plan Under Obamacare

Posted on Oct. 28, 13 | 03:04 PM by Barney Keller | Topic: Entitlement Reform
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Club President Chris Chocola appears on CNN's "Crossfire"

Posted on Oct. 24, 13 | 11:54 AM by Barney Keller | Topic: Club in the News
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Jon Stewart Delivers Blistering Takedown of Obamacare Rollout

Posted on Oct. 23, 13 | 09:39 AM by Andrew Roth | Topic: Health Care Reform
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Club for Growth is a national network of thousands of Americans, from all walks of life, who believe that prosperity and opportunity come through economic freedom. We work to promote public policies that promote economic growth primarily through legislative involvement, issue advocacy, research, training and educational activity. Join today!



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