Friday, January 04, 2013

Pelosi Photoshops

Nancy Pelosi's office photoshopped four faces into a photo so it would include all the Democratic women now in the House of Representatives. I don't understand why they didn't take the opportunity to jazz up the whole picture. I never close Photoshop until I've added all the bells and whistles.

Heartwarming Story

We have a winner in the cat vs. dog wonderfulness contest:

A blind dog in Wales who hardly ever left his basket because he would bump into things now has a new lease on life thanks to a helpful stray cat.

Because of cataracts, eight year-old pup Terfel can only see patches of light and darkness. But as soon as its owner adopted Pwditat, things changed.

On their first meeting the cat walked up to Terfel in its basket and led him out into the garden. Pwditat has continued to lead its vision-impaired friend around the home since.

"Pwditat immediately seemed to know that Terfel is blind," Anne Cragg, who cares for the pair now that their owner isn't able to, said. "She uses her paws to help guide him. They are glued to each other and even sleep together now."

Is that great or what? I sweet old dog pretending to be blind so that a stray cat can feel useful. Hands down winner: dog.

Looking Bad in Front of Your Friends

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Duck Update and an Observation

As for that deal: The debt is a big problem. $1 in spending cuts for every $43 in new taxes is not balanced. This does nothing to fix the problem. It isn't even a serious attempt to fix the problem. And it's the deal Obama wanted.

I rest my case.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

All Axes Pass for 2013

I was looking to get an all access pass to 2013 but couldn't find one so I decided to make my own. Feel free to print, laminate, and display. If anyone comes up to you in 2013 and says you can't be here, just show them the pass.

Bonus points if you holler, "I know my rights," as they put the handcuffs on.

Monday, December 31, 2012

What Was That?

The President just packed the White House with supporters so he could come out and announce that there was no deal yet? Really?

It was Obama doing the one thing he's good at: campaign rallies. Maybe someone at the White House can explain how this was in any way helpful.

Best Branch of 2012

Picked by the dog.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012

About Those Christmas Cookies..

I never weigh myself with clothes on. (don't try to imagine it, no, really) This year though, I'm shaving first, clipping my nails, and making sure that I'm not holding my toothbrush. And if these numbers don't come down, I may get a haircut as well. I may need to postpone summer for a few months to get down to swimsuit weight this time around.

Remembering Summer

"A little left, a little more. A tiny bit more. There! Hold it. Perfect!"
