
Our Mrs. Reynolds

I am still feeling like canned cream-of-shite and am calling in sick for the remainder of the week. I have been laid low and humbled. But amazingly I felt this evening like living seems marginally better than dying. As my dad put it tonight, “you feel like you are going to die and then you pray that you will…”

The title of this post – no pics just yet, sorry – refers to our new Christening of the kitten formerly known as Melody. Now we affectionately refer to her as “Mrs. Reynolds” which is a nod to the character Saffron from Firefly. She is bodacious and evil. Pure essence of cunningly alluring evil. She is no longer a kitten but turning into a sleek beauty.

It is a lie.

I have a picture of her waiting like a coiled up serpent in our Christmas tree. Check back in this post later for the pic.

But first a video

Here you go… She is about 3-4 feet up in the tree. She did not find the Pickle Ornament first in spite of base camping there.




Happy Freakin’ New Year

If you haven’t been boycotting me you’ve probably wondered where the hell I got off to.

Christmas Eve day I started coming to grips with the fact that I was getting a cold.  I didn’t feel all that horrible though, and thought I was going to shrug it off.

Note:  That is known as “foreshadowing”.

By the end of Christmas Eve I was feeling pretty crappy with bloody sinuses and a sore throat that went all the way down.

By Christmas day I felt worse.

And for the rest of the week up until Saturday, I was worse.  All the colors of the rainbow came out of my lungs and sinuses.

Saturday I asked Cruel Wife to take me to urgent care since my inhaler wasn’t doing a damn bit of good.  They gave me a nebulizer treatment to help with my breathing and prescribed… a nebulizer.  Like I can find one of those at 5pm on a Saturday or Sunday.  But I felt a little better even if I did look like hell – serious dark circles under my eyes, pale, lethargic.  Oh, did I mention that I also have a case of pinkeye in both eyes?  Yes.  I’m not making that up.

Sunday night (last night), around 9pm:

“Uh, CW… I need you take me to the ER… NOW.”

I couldn’t get a breath that seemed like it was enough.  I was dizzy as hell.  And I felt just as sick or sicker than I did on Christmas Eve.

So, CW packaged up the kids and rushed me to the hospital where I was admitted for IV fluids, X-rays (which loosened some of the phlegm in my lungs), donated about 2 pints for blood work, etc.

They prescribed a nebulizer treatment on the spot and later came in to ask if the nebulizer was helping.  I said “Well, bad news is I’m still sick.  Good news is I don’t feel like dying quite as strongly.”

White blood count was up a bit so they gave me some antibiotics, finished off the IV drip, Rx for some Tylenol 3 so I can finally get some sleep w/o coughing non-stop, and some gunk that sure makes it easier to cough up the crap that has been nailing me.  When the nurse was describing what they were going to prescribe he got to the stuff that helps you clear your lungs out a bit better and I said “I will kiss your feet if that stuff works.”  Nearly had a tear in my eye.

So I got a nebulizer for home this morning and have been taking it easy.  Like I have any choice as to being active.

I haven’t been hit this hard by a flu/cold since the swine flu.  Geez.  I got three days of vacation and nine days of what was going to be the rest of my vacation knocked flat on my ass.  Wah-hoo.

Merry frickin’ New Year.  May it be a damn sight better than the last one.

Mathematics are boundless

Steamboat McGoo approached me the other day and said “Lemur King, I would love to collaborate on a paper, but I must be top billing and I get to name the misshapen progeny that will result from such a union.

Wanting to flex some brainicles a bit I agreed to his proposal and we worked feverishly on this document that we hope to publish in the Albanian Mathematical Society of Our Lady of Perpetual Menses.  Their peer review cycle is generally only as long as it takes to clear a $40 check and requires no edits.  Beware, McGoo’s mind is a deep one and his papers should not be taken lightly – I was lucky to be able to include my name.  The link will bring you the PDF document (compiled in LaTeX)

McGoo-Lemur King-2012



Kittens grow fast.  Ours quickly becomes a demon.  Here you see a small kitten in the coat rack, which she has recently decided is a suitable cat-perch.   She is in Urban Kitten mode, where she blends passably well into her surroundings.


Below is Melody Demon Song taking a breather and planning out her next ambush on Sir Jack L. Katt and Mdm. Jilly of Boo.CatNotofThisEarth

Here she is looking a tad bit less demonic and just skilled at whatever she is doing.


Cheap short shot.


On Drudge:

rotting whale

You want to get rid of that rotting whale stench in your neighborhood?   You just gotta get Babs Streisand to move.



Random Stuff in Passing.

Bear with this posting  there’s some good nuggets of gold in it.

First, enjoy a kitten.  Sure she’s not quantum tunneling at the moment but she just had her shots.  I walked by her three times w/o noticing her because she blends into my jacket.  She was not phasing in and out but she was running about 3 degrees above normal.


Next, the remodel.  It is coming along.  Spaced Diode helped me rewire the upstairs with grounded circuits after Cruel Wife nagged and nagged and nagged.  “I don’t want anyone dying because there wasn’t a grounded circuit.”

Sheesh.  Like electricity is that dangerous.  It’s not like it has ever killed anyone or set fires or anything.

remodel-121112-2 remodel-121112

Next, enjoy some redneck wallpapering.  In the oldest part I cut out plaster and lath so we could get insulation in the walls.  Notice the wallpaper on the inside face of the outside wall, including the joists.  This sucker was an open wall and left long enough that wallpaper was deemed a good thing.  It’s like a bad episode of Redneck Rampage™.   It truly is as if a layer of purty paper protected these folks from whistling cold Michigan winters.RedneckWallpaper


None of this is designed to gain back readers such as Mitchell and veeshir, who are at this moment boycotting this blog because my retrieval of their remarks from Spam Hell is not quite fast enough.

Ask Cruel Wife if I am busy enough lately.

For grins, look at a mirror that I showed Cruel Wife at my company.  I simply call it “My Precious”.  Won’t tell you who made it, who they made it for, it’s exact specs, etc.   I will say it is 24″ x 18″ x 3″ thick, flat, honeycomb inner construction, and coated for multiple wavelengths.   All pictures were taken using while light back illumination but at different angles to the surface.  Same piece but a dielectric Reflectivity enhancement coating looks very different from all angles.  It’s complicated.

IMG_4506_small IMG_4514_small IMG_4503_small

So a co-worker gets ahold of the pics I took, fires up his copy of PhotoShop (Gimp, truth be told) and tweaks it… now My Precious is truly one mirror to rule them all.

Mounting to rule them all

Lemurita just watched LotR with me Sunday night, saw that last image and laughed and laughed and laughed.  That’s my girl.

Much work has been done.

Walls have been torn down, electrification has been improved, half-walls of sheetrock has gone up, and we merely wait to fill the walls this weekend with light and fluffy gossamer down, mixed with goose feathers from foie gras geese and leftover fur from clubbed harp seals.

In the meantime, the kitten is growing, and she is a delightful little lady.

Kids are good and my daughter is displaying a wicked sense of sarcasm – AND – she watched LOtTR with me.   Pics tomorrownig of the remodel, of the kitten, and of a giant mirror (my precious).

Bob Costas decided to use his air time to rant against the evils of guns and started quoting Jason Whitlock.

“Our current gun culture,”Whitlock wrote, “ensures that more and more domestic disputes will end in the ultimate tragedy and that more convenience-store confrontations over loud music coming from a car will leave more teenage boys bloodied and dead.”

“Handguns do not enhance our safety. They exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it. In the coming days, Jovan Belcher’s actions, and their possible connection to football will be analyzed. Who knows?”

“But here,” wrote Jason Whitlock,” is what I believe. If Jovan Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.”

Current gang gun culture ensures more domestic disputes because these individuals are highly inclined to try to hurt each other by any means.   These are not church members we’re talking about.

Handguns absolutely enhance my safety the moment I have one, am trained to use it, and are fully willing and ready to use it in defense of my home and family.  That right there enhances our safety.

If I am sitting in my own home I have not sought out confrontation but will press for it if a threat is perceived.

Lastly, if Belcher didn’t have a gun there is no possible way you can argue that he and Ms. Perkins would be alive today.  That’s is horse-crap argument and is factually fallacious on several levels.

This is how your gun rights will be taken from you – one unwasted tragedy at a time.


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