Demand a Plan, but Don't Demand More Gun Control

We must understand that the government will use this, and has already started to attempt to force more useless gun control legislation on the law-abiding American public. No matter what they say, the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment for a reason, and that reason was to prevent the federal government from becoming too powerful over the people. 3 Jan 2013, 3:06 PM PDT

Boehner's Second Chance: No Compromise

Today, Speaker of the House John Boehner received a second chance. After ramming through a fiscal cliff deal that made conservatives shudder – income taxes increased on everyone making more than $400,000 per year, the payroll tax cut expired, unemployment insurance was extended, and pork was ladled by the bucketful into law – Boehner came under heavy fire. But conservatives recognized that the true test of Boehner’s conservatism is yet to come: the debt ceiling debate. And there is no room for compromise. 3 Jan 2013, 1:50 PM PDT

Superstorm Sandy Tops 2012 Insurance Claims

Natural disasters cost insurers $65 billion last year, with the United States accounting for nine-tenths of the bill and Superstorm Sandy prompting payouts of $25 billion, a leading insurance company said Thursday. 3 Jan 2013, 12:52 PM PDT

Thought of the Day: From Fiscal Cliff to Debt Ceiling

Congress is responsible for spending. The President can use his office to promote favored policies, but the actual purse strings are controlled by Congress. The fact that this statute even exists is an admission that members of Congress are akin to alcoholics faced with an open bar, or a thief with a newly discovered pocket book. There are many who suggest, with a certain level of rationality, that we should do away with the debt ceiling. If our representatives in Washington were reasonable and sober individuals, I would agree. However, doing away with the debt ceiling will certainly not lead to fiscal prudence. 3 Jan 2013, 12:17 PM PDT

Humbled Boehner Retains Speakership on Close First Ballot

Today, Speaker of the House John Boehner narrowly retained his speakership on the first vote. After signing off on a fiscal cliff deal that resulted in a tax increase for 77% of American households and an income tax increase on everyone earning more than $400,000 per year, Boehner was under heavy fire from within his own caucus. But, pledging significant changes to the way he does business, Boehner retained support for his speakership. 3 Jan 2013, 11:35 AM PDT

IL Denny's Throws On-Duty Cops Out For Carrying Guns

Illinois' over-the-top opposition to gun ownership hit new heights Tuesday when a Denny’s in Belleville, IL threw out cops carrying guns. When a group of detectives – on duty but not in uniform – walked into the Denny’s, one of the other customers started whining to a manager. The manager then threw them out of the restaurant. 3 Jan 2013, 11:18 AM PDT

Study: Environmentally Friendly Lightbulbs Cause Cancer

The federal government is forcing more and more Americans into buying new energy efficient lightbulbs by gradually outlawing incandescent light bulbs, which supposedly waste energy. But a new study shows that eco-friendly lightbulbs may not be human-friendly. 3 Jan 2013, 10:34 AM PDT

Boehner Best We Can Do Right Now

It’s possible that a libertarian-tea party alliance can knock over Boehner, but here’s some reality: Boehner is as good as it gets, at least for now. Republicans first have to rebuild and regroup, and that’s not going to get done if GOPers instead indulge in ideological fratricide. 3 Jan 2013, 9:34 AM PDT

Tea Party Group Wants Secret Ballot For Speaker Vote

On Thursday afternoon members of the House will vote for the Speaker of the 113th Congress. Everyone’s vote for speaker is public like most House votes. Given the criticism of current House Speaker John Boehner (R – OH), some are calling for the vote to be a secret ballot, so members of his party will not face retribution, should they vote for someone other than Boehner. The Tea Party Patriots put out a press release Thursday morning calling for the vote for the Speaker to be a secret ballot. 3 Jan 2013, 8:32 AM PDT

Boehner Makes Concessions to Survive

This afternoon, the new 113th Congress convenes. Its first order of business will be to elect a Speaker of the House. For most of the media, this is merely a procedural hurdle to John Boehner's reelection as Speaker. As Breitbart News has reported, however, there is growing dissatisfaction with Boehner's leadership among conservative lawmakers. In recent days, Boehner has been reaching out to conservatives and making some concessions. Will it be enough to retain the Speakership? 3 Jan 2013, 8:28 AM PDT

Conservatives Plan to Push Boehner to Second Ballot

The plan the conservatives will likely follow is to force at least two, maybe several elections until a suitable alternative steps up to unite the party. If enough Republicans – 17 at a minimum – vote for someone besides Boehner as Speaker during the first election shortly after noon today, it will go to a second vote. Some groups have confirmed that more than 20 House Republicans plan to vote for somebody else as Speaker. 3 Jan 2013, 8:02 AM PDT

Boehner Sets House Vote on Sandy Aid

After the House passed the bill that averted the fiscal cliff but didn’t cut the budget, House Speaker John Boehner reversed course on his earlier decision to avoid a vote in the House approving $60 billion for victims of Superstorm Sandy. 3 Jan 2013, 7:00 AM PDT

Attack on Tim Scott Reveals NAACP Has Nothing to Do with Civil Rights

NAACP President Ben Jealous claimed yesterday that Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)--the first black Senator from the South since Reconstruction--does not believe in civil rights. The basis for Jealous's claim is that Scott received an "F" on the NAACP's annual civil rights scorecard. In reality, the NAACP scorecard has nothing at all to do with civil rights, and is just a checklist of liberal Democrat policy priorities, from collective bargaining to global warming. 3 Jan 2013, 6:39 AM PDT

Illinois Senate Moves Toward Total Gun Ban

On Wednesday, the Illinois Senate Public Health Committee, led by anti-gun, Senate President John Cullerton and backed by Governor Patrick Quinn, passed House Bills 1263 and 815. These measures, if passed would ban nearly all common firearms and magazines, and institute new shooting range restrictions. 3 Jan 2013, 6:17 AM PDT

Jobless Claims Rise to 372k

The Labor Department says weekly applications rose by 10,000 to a seasonally adjusted 372,000 in the week ended Dec. 29. The previous week's total was revised higher. 3 Jan 2013, 5:37 AM PDT

Bigger Fights Loom After "Fiscal Cliff" Deal

President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans face even bigger budget battles in the next two months after a hard-fought "fiscal cliff" deal narrowly averted devastating tax increases and spending cuts. 3 Jan 2013, 5:29 AM PDT

Kirk Returns to Senate a Year After Stroke

Mark Kirk's welcoming committee when he returns to the U.S. Senate after a stroke includes Vice President Joe Biden and his colleague, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. 3 Jan 2013, 5:25 AM PDT

Obama Signs Sweeping US Defense Spending Bill

President Barack Obama has signed into law a $633 billion US defense spending bill that funds the war in Afghanistan and boosts security at US missions worldwide. 3 Jan 2013, 5:20 AM PDT

Congress Ushering in New Members, with Old Divide

Congress is ushering in the new and the old _ dozens of eager freshmen determined to change Washington and the harsh reality of another stretch of bitterly divided government. 3 Jan 2013, 5:19 AM PDT

NJ Gov. Christie Blasts Boehner, Republicans

Gov. Chris Christie's blunt talk has long been one of his hallmarks. But Christie, who has verbally tangled with many, showed Wednesday he's willing to aim his barbs at the highest echelons of his own party. 3 Jan 2013, 5:18 AM PDT

Ring in ObamaCare, Say Farewell to Full-Time Jobs

The start of the New Year means ObamaCare tax hikes for many and the countdown to the health reform law’s official inauguration on Jan. 1, 2014. Twelve months from now, most Americans will face a “tax” via the individual mandate. There will supposedly be new online insurance marketplaces called “exchanges,” and American companies and businesses with at least 50 workers will owe penalties if they don’t cover full-time employees. 3 Jan 2013, 5:07 AM PDT

Obama, Labor Dept. Ship $40 million in Jobs Money Overseas

It’s not enough that Barack Obama wants to stifle America’s private sector with crushing taxes and regulations. It’s not enough that Obama is in bed with public-sector unions. He and his Department of Labor (DOL), which is supposedly responsible for helping Americans find work, are now taking the money they steal from Americans in taxes and sending it to other countries to help their unions. 3 Jan 2013, 4:58 AM PDT

Obama to Swiftly Pursue Immigration Reform, Gun Control

How far will John Boehner go to accommodate Barack Obama if he retains his job as Speaker of the House? It won’t take long to find out; Obama is planning on moving swiftly on two issues which conservatives are adamant about: immigration and gun control. 3 Jan 2013, 4:55 AM PDT

Eleventh Hour: Speaker Boehner Moves to the Right

The Speaker of the House will be elected today and some conservatives believe they have the votes necessary to oust John Boehner. In an appearance on CNBC, American Majority Action spokesman Ron Meyer said there are more than 20 House Republicans willing to vote for someone other than Boehner on Thursday when the 113th Congress convenes to elect a Speaker. Another source from a different organization has similarly confirmed that more than 20 have planned to oppose Boehner. 3 Jan 2013, 1:36 AM PDT

Who Will Stop Bully Obama on Debt Ceiling?

With President Obama set to precipitate a constitutional crisis over the upcoming debt ceiling, Republicans in Congress must prepare to stand tall against any tax increases -- and they must be ready to shut down the government. 2 Jan 2013

2012: Guns Sold Increased in 48 of 50 States

Those who oppose the Second Amendment and want to confiscate Americans’ guns may want to ponder this simple statistic: in 48 of the 50 states in the United States, in the year 2012, the number of individuals purchasing guns increased. 2 Jan 2013

Democrat Mayor Puts Armed Police In NJ Schools

Lucky for Mayor Jonathan Hornik he's a Democrat. Were he not, it is hard to see how his segment this afternoon with CNN's Don Lemon would have been so civil. Lemon, just one of many CNN gun-control hysterics, actually treated with respect someone who agreed with the NRA's proposal to place armed guards in schools. 2 Jan 2013

Occupy Uses Sandy Relief Bill to Attack GOP, Cover for Dems

As the House refused to pass the pork-laden $60 billion Sandy Relief Bill, the official Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Sandy Twitter accounts immediately began to attack the Republican Party for not passing it, instead of the fact that the bill had been corrupted in the first place. 2 Jan 2013

Budget Hawk Hensarling Critical for Looming Debates

The next Congress will be dominated by budget and fiscal issues. Almost immediately, the 113th Congress will have to grapple with Obama's demand to lift the debt ceiling and pair any further spending cuts with increased tax revenue. The budget is on an unsustainable path and can either be tackled now or in the wake of a certain collapse in the near future. It will require every ounce of principled fortitude that the GOP can muster. Texas Congressman Jeb Hensarling is one particular member who has consistently shown he has the will to fight for conservative positions. He will be central to the looming showdown. 2 Jan 2013

Democrats Spin Their Votes for Cliff Deal

For certain, liberal Democrats will be looking to get more of what they believe they missed in this cliff package. A Democrat familiar with the negotiations told the Washington Post that the president will be following up this deal, when the deficit reduction talks begin, with attempts to gain additional revenues from households making at least $250,000 by limiting their tax deductions. 2 Jan 2013

McConnell: Obama Got 'Tax Rates He Wants,' Time to Cut

In the aftermath of the fiscal cliff deal that put off the sequester’s implementation by some two months, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is putting focus squarely on debt reduction, with the debt ceiling as the trigger mechanism for that discussion. 2 Jan 2013

White House: We Want 'Even More Revenue from The Wealthiest'

While conservatives fume over the fiscal cliff aversion bill that passed through Congress and now awaits President Barack Obama’s signature, Obama’s team is triumphal about it – and they are ready for a debt ceiling debate featuring more talk about taxing the rich. Despite Obama’s proclamation that the rich are now “paying their fair share,” Obama will undoubtedly call for more tax increases for top earners if Republicans insist on cutting government spending. 2 Jan 2013

Issa Backs Boehner

While other conservatives are considering a coup d’etat against House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday, House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa plans to support the embattled Ohio Republican. 2 Jan 2013

Study: A Few Extra Pounds May Be Healthy

Turns out a few extra pounds may not be such a bad thing, according to a new analysis of nearly three million adults that showed people who are overweight or slightly obese may live longer. 2 Jan 2013

Private Spy Drone Images Lead to Criminal Indictments

An anonymous individual or group’s private spy drone’s images have resulted in a criminal indictments for a US meat packing company. The images were taken nearly a year ago and received so much attention that authorities took notice and acted. 2 Jan 2013

Thought of the Day: Republicans Rolled

Our founders were certainly wary of too much power accruing to the executive branch, but they were equally concerned with what James Madison called a tyranny of the majority. Protecting minority rights is an essential aspect to republicanism. A President who won reelection by taking less than 51% of the majority vote does not have a mandate to impose his will. 2 Jan 2013

Rep. Tom Price: We Need 'Red State Leadership' in House

Rep. Tom Price is a respected leader of conservatives in the House. A former chair of the Republican Study Committee, the in-house caucus of conservative legislators, he has long been at the forefront of crafting conservative solutions to our nation's policy challenges. Appearing this morning on WMAL, Price told Breitbart New's Larry O'Connor that it was time for "red state leadership" in the House. The statement will likely send shockwaves through the GOP caucus. 2 Jan 2013

Boehner Joins Pelosi to Pass Obama's Fiscal Cliff Tax Bill

Congress' excruciating, extraordinary New Year's Day approval of a compromise averting a prolonged tumble off the fiscal cliff hands President Barack Obama most of the tax boosts on the rich that he campaigned on. It also prevents House Republicans from facing blame for blocking tax cuts for most American households, though most GOP lawmakers parted ways with Speaker John Boehner and opposed the measure. 2 Jan 2013

It's Not the Fall that Kills You

It is 2013, and we went over the Fiscal Cliff long before midnight last night. The fact is that our economy does not rise and fall over the course of months or even a year. We went over the Fiscal Cliff when the never-ending debt ceiling increase became standard operating procedure in Washington. 2 Jan 2013

Boehner to Reid: 'Go F--- Yourself'

Last Friday, House Speaker John Boehner told Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to simply "Go f--k yourself" as tensions boiled over between the two Congressional leaders days before the country was slated to go over the so-called fiscal cliff. 2 Jan 2013

Sandy Hook Students, Teachers Head Back to School

parents like David Connors are bracing to send their children back to school, nearly three weeks after the shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. It won't be easy _ for the parents or the children, who heard the gunshots that killed 20 of their classmates and six educators. 2 Jan 2013

Despite Deal, Taxes to Rise for Most Americans

While the tax package that Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99 percent of Americans from an income tax increase, most of them will still end up paying more federal taxes in 2013. 2 Jan 2013

Political Brinksmanship Still Threatens US Economy

An emergency deal reached after weeks of rancorous negotiations will keep the U.S. from driving off the so-called fiscal cliff, but higher taxes and continued political bickering in Washington threaten to shake the fragile U.S. economy well into 2013. 2 Jan 2013

Cantor, McCarthy Turn Young Guns on Boehner, Ryan

Tonight's vote on the Senate-brokered deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" may set the stage for a Leadership challenge when the new Congress convenes at noon on Thursday. Almost two-thirds of the House GOP caucus voted against the Senate plan which provided for steep tax hikes and increased spending. Just 85 Republicans went along with an overwhelming majority of the Democrat caucus to pass the plan out of the House. Among these were Speaker John Boehner and Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan. Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy broke with Leadership and voted against the plan. 1 Jan 2013

Fiscal Cliff Negotiations Leave Hedge Fund Tax Loophole Unscathed

In 2008, Mr. Obama received nearly twice as much in political donations from private equity and hedge funds as Sen. John McCain. And while Mr. Obama has included provisions to end carried interest in past budgets—and certainly used the issue as a political bludgeon against his GOP challenger—the current fiscal cliff negotiations at this hour appear to have left carried interest unscathed. 1 Jan 2013

House GOP Leadership Split Votes Over 'Fiscal Cliff'

The House voted to pass the Senate’s fiscal cliff bill on Tuesday night. Eighty-five Republicans joined 172 Democrats to pass the bill. And the House Republican leadership split down the middle. House Republican leadership members who voted against the Senate "fiscal cliff" bill were House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and House Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). 1 Jan 2013

Sources: Enough Republicans Willing to Unseat Speaker Boehner

American Majority Action spokesman Ron Meyer told Breitbart News late Tuesday that enough House Republicans have banded together in an effort to unseat House Speaker John Boehner from his position--they just need a leader to take up the mantle. “At least 20 House Republican members have gotten together, discussed this and want to unseat Speaker Boehner--and are willing to do what it takes to do it,” Meyer said. “That’s more than enough to get the job done, but the one problem these guys face is they need a leader to coalesce behind.” 1 Jan 2013

All Taxes, No Cuts: House Accepts Senate 'Deal'

Tonight, the House voted to accept the Senate amendments to House Resolution 8, setting in motion the enactment of the McConnell-Biden brokered deal to avert the "fiscal cliff." The House will next hold a quick vote to pass the underlying resolution. The House GOP caucus voted against the proposal by almost a 2-1 margin. It secured a healthy 250 votes for passage because of overwhelming support from Democrats. 1 Jan 2013

'Turn 'Em All In': Feinstein Said She Wanted All Guns Banned

One of the lines that many progressives and TV talking heads are reiterating is that no one really wants to take away Americans' guns. Senator Dianne Feinstein apparently missed that directive. She admitted as far back as 1995 that she does, indeed, wish to take everyone's guns away from them. 1 Jan 2013

House GOP May Reject Fiscal Cliff Deal

The miniscule spending cuts ordained by the Senate bill aren’t enough for some House Republicans, who assert that they will raise the amount of spending cuts. Some Republicans said they favor a ratio of $3 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax hikes for the upper tax echelon. Rep. Steven LaTourette, (R-OH) said: "Our sense, at least in the House, was that a number of the Republicans who voted for it must have been drunk." 1 Jan 2013

'Fiscal Cliff' Face-off: Boehner, Cantor Showdown Over Vote Tonight

When the House votes on Tuesday evening (or potentially right after midnight early Wednesday morning), House Republicans will likely be divided into two camps: Team Boehner and Team Cantor. Those who vote for the bill will be on Team Boehner and those who oppose it will be on Team Cantor. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is backing the bill, and conservative groups like FreedomWorks are opposing it. 1 Jan 2013

Cliff Deal: Half of Tax Hikes Go to Boost Spending

As more details emerge about the Senate's hastily-passed deal to avert the "fiscal cliff", the scale of the GOP's capitulation grows more troubling. This morning, it looked as if the Senate GOP had overwhelmingly voted for a $620 Billion tax increase in exchange for almost no real spending cuts. That's bad enough, but an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office reveals that the deal actually contains $330 Billion in new spending over the next 10 years. More than half of the new tax revenue won't go to plugging the deficit, but increasing the size of government. 1 Jan 2013

GOP New Year's Resolution: Political Suicide

On a host of social and cultural issues, the American public has moved away from positions traditionally held by the Republican party. Yet, the party has remained competitive electorally because of two core tenets of the party; keeping taxes low and generally constraining the growth of government. It is one of the few issues where the GOP maintains a considerable edge over Democrats. As we begin 2013, the GOP seems intent on squandering its last remaining issue advantage. 1 Jan 2013

Ann Coulter: Wayne LaPierre Wrong Spokesman for NRA

Coulter says LaPierre's response was "hemming and hawing" instead of forthrightly telling Gregory to quit perverting the statements of the NRA. She says LaPierre should have reminded Gregory, and the country, at that point: "There is one way to stop innocent people from being gunned down by lunatics" and that's by having more law abiding citizens armed... 1 Jan 2013

Official: Goal of 'Fiscal Cliff' to Break GOP on No Tax Increase Pledge

According to Ed Henry of Fox News, the “fiscal cliff” deal passed by the Senate served its ultimate goal for President Obama. An official close to the negotiations said: “The President fulfilled a major campaign promise,” referring to raising taxes on the rich. The official added that the president “broke the Republicans’ backs on a 20-year pledge” not to raise tax rates. 1 Jan 2013

Boehner Promised a Deal Supported by 'Majority of Majority'

Throughout the "fiscal cliff" negotiations, Speaker Boehner promised that only legislation that had the support of a "majority of the majority" would come to the floor for a vote. It was his nod to reassure conservatives that he wouldn't accept a terrible deal to avoid the tax hikes and automatic defense cuts triggered in the new year. As the details of the Senate-passed deal emerge, though, Boehner's ability to keep that promise are in doubt. 1 Jan 2013

Deal Will Prevent Spike in Milk Prices

White House and congressional bargainers have agreed to prevent milk price increases as part of their compromise to avert the "fiscal cliff." 1 Jan 2013

Will Boehner Violate 'Hastert Rule' with 'Fiscal Cliff' Vote?

A precedent set by former Republican House Speaker Denny Hastert, dubbed the “Hastert Rule,” requires that a Speaker have support from at least 50 percent of his or her own caucus before bringing a bill to the floor for a vote. While Boehner aides have told the Associated Press that he believes in and abides by the Hastert Rule, they wouldn’t answer when asked by the AP or Breitbart News if the Speaker would follow the rule when it comes to the "fiscal cliff" or this deal specifically. 1 Jan 2013

Occupy LA Float Featured in Rose Parade

Just when you thought Occupy was dead, it leaps back to life … in the Rose Parade. Today’s world-famous Pasadena Rose Parade is designed to give millions joy. But today’s parade will feature a float from Occupy Los Angeles, complete with a giant Mr. Monopoly riding a red wagon. 1 Jan 2013

King Obama the Irrelevant

The "fiscal cliff" fiasco has made it clear that President Barack Obama is entirely irrelevant to the everyday task of governing. He is not interested in it, and he is not good at it. He is great at campaigning and terrible at leading. He is essentially a symbol, a political celebrity who could be re-elected forever because people seem to like what they think he stands for, and what he tells them he stands against. But he does nothing positive for the country. 1 Jan 2013

Happy New Year: Feds Kill 75W Incandescent Light Bulbs

Beginning today, the 75-watt incandescent lightbulb has been banned from production and importation in the United States. That’s right – as soon as stores clear their shelves of their current stock, you won’t be able to buy a 75-watt incandescent lightbulb anymore. 1 Jan 2013

After Midnight, It's a Tax Cut; Senate Passes 'Cliff' Deal, 89-8

The U.S. Senate overwhelmingly passed a deal early this morning to cut taxes to Bush-era rates for all income categories below $450,000 per household ($400,000 for individuals). The Senate vote came too late to avert the midnight "fiscal cliff" deadline, and the deal must still pass the House of Representatives later today. The deal will also delay the deep spending cuts in the "sequester," including defense cuts," by two months. 1 Jan 2013

Details of Senate Bill Averting 'Fiscal Cliff'

Highlights of a bill approved Tuesday by the Senate aimed at averting wide tax increases and budget cuts scheduled to take effect in the new year. The measure would raise taxes by about $600 billion over 10 years compared with tax policies that were due to expire at midnight Monday. It would also delay for two months across-the-board cuts to the budgets of the Pentagon and numerous domestic agencies. 1 Jan 2013

Bill to Avert Fiscal Cliff Heads to House

Legislation to negate a fiscal cliff of across-the-board tax increases and sweeping spending cuts to the Pentagon and other government agencies is headed to the GOP-dominated House after bipartisan, middle-of-the-night approval in the Senate capped a New Year's Eve drama unlike any other in the annals of Congress. 1 Jan 2013

Merry Cliffmas!

Here is a summary of where things stand on the "fiscal cliff," with just minutes to spare before the midnight deadline, after which the Bush tax cuts will expire and massive automatic spending cuts are implemented. 31 Dec 2012

Group: Boehner Can't Get Majority of GOP to Back Deal

American Majority Action, the conservative group that’s leading the charge against House Speaker John Boehner continuing in his current position, said Monday evening that Boehner doesn’t have at least 50 percent of his House GOP members’ support for the fiscal cliff deal that Senate leaders and the White House have reportedly cut. 31 Dec 2012

FBI and Andrew Breitbart Vindicated by New 'Occupy' Explosives Arrests

The arrests come at a critical time due to recent allegations by the left against the FBI for having apparently infiltrated the revolutionary Occupy movement. The Occupy movement was heralded by mainstream media outlets as heroic and altruistic, but right-of-center critics, such as Andrew Breitbart, began to point out the movement was little more than a rebranded gathering of extremist far-left groups. 31 Dec 2012

Fiscal Cliff: Third Time Biden Has Negotiated for Obama

President Barack Obama delivered remarks from the White House on Monday afternoon on fiscal cliff negotiation progress in Congress, as Democratic and Republican leaders in the upper chamber appeared to iron out major issues pertaining to a fiscal cliff agreement 31 Dec 2012

How California Will Sell Obamacare: Celebrities, Reporters, and Targeted Ethnic Appeals

Democrats market policy the same way they market candidates: leveraging the power of the media to make targeted ethnic appeals. When it comes to selling Obamacare to Californians, the plan involves $90 million worth of outreach augmented by partnerships with celebrities, the entertainment industry, and "select" reporters who are presumably eager to help with the roll out. 31 Dec 2012

Congress Throws Worst New Year's Eve Party in the World - UPDATE: Biden Crashes

If you're not having as much fun as you expected this New Year's Eve, take some comfort in the fact that the nation's politicians are even more miserable. They just failed to avert the "fiscal cliff" of tax hikes and spending cuts, and they're still stuck in Washington, D.C. anyway. The entire country hates them, they hate each other, and yet they're fated to ring in 2013 together, drowning their sorrows in wonton soup at the Hunan Dynasty. 31 Dec 2012

American Heroes: Conservative Congressional Republicans

How difficult it is to consider people currently in American government as heroes. After all, we have a narcissistic president, whose narcissism is so ingrained that he has no awareness of his grossly partisan agenda. We have a Democrat Party that plans to spend more money anyway, so why bother with a budget at all? And we have an established, main stream Republican Party that seems frightened to win elections. 31 Dec 2012

JUMP: Washington Fails to Beat 'Fiscal Cliff' Deadline, Talks to Resume in New Year

Numerous sources report that the House of Representatives will not be able to vote on any Senate deal to avoid the "fiscal cliff" before the midnight deadline tonight, even if the Senate were able to reach agreement, which it has not yet done. The nation will now go over the "fiscal cliff" of tax hikes and spending cuts. 31 Dec 2012

Exclusive - GOP: Cuts Won't Be Stopped, Despite Dems' Reluctance

While the Washington Post reports this afternoon that Congress is considering pushing off all cuts under a new deal to avert the fiscal cliff, top Republicans say that is absolutely false. The sequester cuts will either go through now, as written, or they will be replaced for no more than two to three months to be more specifically calibrated to avoid the blunderbuss across-the-board cuts largely affecting defense. 31 Dec 2012

Clinton Most Admired Woman in US for 17th Time

Ailing US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had something to smile about from her hospital bed Monday when she was named the woman most admired by Americans, for the 17th time. 31 Dec 2012

Obama Scuttles 'Fiscal Cliff' Deal?

This afternoon, in one of the more bizarre appearances of his presidency, Barack Obama gave a televised address to a room full of supporters on the "fiscal cliff." He broke no news, but mocked Congress, and hinted at future tax hikes. Observers worried that he may have deliberately scuttled a potential agreement. 31 Dec 2012

Google Hires 'Grand Prophet' of Machine Intelligence

In December, Google hired as its director of engineering Ray Kurzweil, 64, the "grand prophet" of something called “the Singularity”—the moment when machines will overtake human intelligence to such a level that “human life will be irreversibly transformed.” 31 Dec 2012

Stocks Turn Up on Hints of 'Fiscal Cliff' Deal

The Dow and the other major stock indexes turned higher at midday after a few signs that a deal was emerging. The Associated Press and other media outlets reported that both sides had agreed on a few key points on taxes and unemployment benefits. 31 Dec 2012

Obama Approval Drops Five Points in Week

In the wake of his reelection victory last month, President Obama has enjoyed a steady rise in his approval ratings. According to Gallup's daily tracking poll, Obama's approval rating reached 58% on December 21st, a 52-week high. Election winners typically see a rise in their approval ratings in the weeks following victory. Over the last week, however, Obama has shed most of his gains. 31 Dec 2012

Democrats Balk at Fiscal Cliff Deal

Iowa's Democrat Senator Tom Harkin is balking at any offer to raise the tax hike threshold from $250,000 annually to $450,000 in late negotiations to prevent the federal government going over the "fiscal cliff." 31 Dec 2012

10 Most Corrupt Politicians of 2012

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released its 2012 list of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.” 31 Dec 2012

Progress seen in last-minute 'fiscal cliff' talks

A person familiar with the negotiations says Democrats have offered to extend tax cuts for families making up to $450,000 a year and individuals making up to $400,000. President Barack Obama originally wanted the tax cuts to be extended only for families making up to $250,000 a year. 31 Dec 2012

RGIII: Only Man Who Can Solve Fiscal Cliff

Yesterday, he only threw for 100 yards against the Dallas Cowboys, but it was enough to lift the Washington Redskins to an unlikely NFC East division title and a spot in the NFL playoffs. Today, all Robert Griffin III would have to do is walk into the Capitol building, and an immediate bipartisan consensus on a fiscal cliff deal would begin to form. 31 Dec 2012

As 'Fiscal Cliff' Draws Near, Obama Leaves Negotiations to... Biden

In the final hours before the "fiscal cliff" becomes a reality, President Barack Obama has left talks to... Vice President Joe Biden, who is reported to be negotiating directly with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The last-ditch effort between Biden-McConnell talks reportedly began Sunday evening. This is not the first time that Obama has delegated core responsibility to his deputy. 31 Dec 2012

Yes Mr. Obama, There Will Be Resistance

While appearing on Meet the Press on Dec. 30th, President Obama pledged to make gun control one of the central aims of 2013. He said he knows it won't be easy -- that "there will be resistance" -- but that it has to be done to be sure another Sandy Hook doesn't take place. 31 Dec 2012

Time for Gun-Free Politician Zones?

Gun-Free School Zones have cost untold innocent lives since their implementation. And now, with so many Americans rallying behind the idea of armed guards and/or teachers in schools in the wake of the Newtown shooting, Political Media's Larry Ward wonders why we can't turn the tables and see how the politicians like it. 31 Dec 2012


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