02 January 2013

Now You Know Who the RINOs Are

Gonna primary these Obama-enabling tools 
in 2014 (if any of us are still in the GOP by then)

TEA Party to GOP Squish-Bags:
It's Boehner/McConnell or Us Now

Bachmann, West, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott,
even Eric Cantor stand their ground while 
Paul Ryan deeply disappoints conservatives

01 January 2013

Sowell: Happy New Year?

The beginning of a new year is often a time to look forward and look back. The way the future looks, I prefer to look back... and depend on my advanced age to spare me from having to deal with too much of the future. 

If there are any awards to be given to anyone for what they did in 2012, one of those rewards should be for prophecy, if only because prophecies that turn out to be right are so rare. With that in mind, my choice for the prediction of the year award goes to Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal for his column of January 24, 2012 titled: 'The GOP Deserves to Lose'...

★Happy New Year 2013★

Happy New Year 2013