Hot topics: Mahmoud AbbasMohammed MorsiTzipi LivniShelly YachimovichYair LapidAnti-SemitismNaftali BennettRaoul Wallenberg
  • Saturday, January 5, 2013
  • Tevet 23, 5773
  • 5:30 am IST
  • Site updated 26 minutes ago

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  • January 4, 2013 - #timesofisrael photo of the day: the first kalanit blossoms in Northern #Israel by @activedreamer
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  • Happy 2013! Let's make it a great year!
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  • December 29, 2012 - #timesofisrael Photo of the Day: Sunset on Mediterranean. Photo by @irahok
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  • Reflections in Glass by Jaffa Gate, #jerusalem
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  • A morning train ride into #jerusalem
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  • The train from #telaviv to #jerusalem
  • Shadow and light by Jaffa Gate

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