
The Anniversary that Wasn't There
Kevin Jackson and Thomas Lifson
A century and a half ago, something happened that affects us today. So why was the abolition of slavery in the United States (if that isn't a big deal, what is?) worthy of almost no attention when it marked its sesquicentennial on January first, 2013? More

Should Your Children Pay for My Rollercoaster?
Jack Cashill
I have the uneasy feeling that taxpayers -- more accurately, their descendants -- will be paying for my rollercoaster, and no one in New Jersey or in the media anywhere seems remotely troubled by it. More

We Must Control the Second Amendment Conflict
William A. Levinson
The side that controls the language of an argument controls the argument, and the side that takes and maintains the offensive controls the entire conflict. Time for freedom-lovers to get in the game. More

The Falklands: Borrowing Trouble
Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison
President Obama needs to remember his Peace Prize and put his foot down firmly on the side of self-determination and freedom. More

Outing the Gun Owners and the Left's New Savagery
Robert Spencer
The American Left, which thoroughly dominates the mainstream media, no longer believes, if it ever did, in the concept of reasonable and respectable people disagreeing in good faith on core issues. More

An Appeal for Dictatorship Comes Out of the Closet at the New York Times
Daniel Downes
Who needs a constitution when professors take for granted the wisdom of the elites they have educated? More

Throwing the Rich to the Lions
Jeannie DeAngelis
For four years, Barack Obama has worked diligently to disparage success. He has cultivated class envy using the false premise that the wealthy destroyed the nation and are deserving of monetary castigation. More

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Jan 3, 2013
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American Thinker Blog

Syria Slides toward Humanitarian Disaster
January 4, 2013
UN relief efforts are beginning to feel the strain. More

2012 GM Auto Sales Worse Than Any Bush Year
January 4, 2013
These numbers will make your liberal friends go totally crazy. More

Abandon the Constitution?
January 4, 2013
President Obama and The New York Times on the same page yet again. More

Martha the Farmer May Have the Last Laugh
January 3, 2013
Martha Boneta, the Virginia farmer at the center of the Pitchfork Protest in August that gained national attention, may have found the ultimate way to keep lawbreaking bureaucrats in check. More

Syria starts new year with air strikes and shelling of civilians
January 3, 2013
UN now says 60,000 dead in conflict. More

Key Taliban commander killed in drone strike
January 3, 2013
Signed a peace treaty with Pakistani army. More

Despite looming debt ceiling fight, gun control, immigration reform on Obama's agenda
January 3, 2013
Success for either measure not likely in GOP House. More

Al Jazeera America,coming to your television
January 3, 2013
Al Gore sells his struggling Current TV to the Arab media giant. More

Illinois GOP Chair's disappointing stance
January 3, 2013
Asks Republicans to vote for same sex marriage. More

The day that began the destruction of Cuba
January 3, 2013
January 1, 1959 - a terrible morning for the people of Cuba. More

The calm in the eye of the ObamaCare storm
January 3, 2013
The full fury of the storm will return in 2014. More

'A Group of White Propertied Men Who Have Been Dead for Two Centuries?'
January 3, 2013
The academy declares war against America. More

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