The purpose of the Obama tax increases is to reward Obama’s cronies

Posted by: Phineas on January 4, 2013 at 6:13 pm

**Posted by Phineas



Consider this: contained within the recent “fiscal cliff” legislation are tax increases to make those evil wealthy people (You know, those job creators who make over $400,000 per year) pay their fair share, to the tune of $620 billion over ten years, so about $62 billion in 2013.

But the Washington Examiner’s Tim Carney became curious about tax break extensions for business and energy concerns the White House insisted be included. So, he ran the numbers and… guess what?

…it undermines Obama’s professed desire to close the deficit.

Think about this: just the business and energy tax extenders reduce federal revenue by $67.7 billion in 2013. The tax hikes on the rich Obama won — higher rates on those over $400,000 and reduced deductions on those over $250,000 — raise $620 billion over a decade. As far as I know, we can safely guess that this would be less than $62 billion in 2013.

Unless I’m missing something, the special-interest tax breaks Obama demanded look to be bigger than the money he raised by taxing the rich. If he had just let all these special tax breaks expire — like wind tax credits, algae subsidies, and railroad track maintenance — it would have raised more revenue than his tax hikes on rich individuals and small businesses.

In other words, Obama doesn’t give a damn about shrinking the deficit in the least; instead, the whole charade serves largely to subsidize tax breaks as rewards for (I’m willing to bet) big donors. It’s redistribution from the taxpayers to favored interest groups. And it stinks.

Remember that as ever more is take out of your check each payday and you hear yet more promises from Obama and the Democrats about how they’re fighting for you. Then compare their words to their deeds.

“By their fruits you will know them.”

via Avik Roy

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)


NC furniture company, hailed in 2011 by Obama as a job creator, closing doors (UPDATED)

Posted by: ST on January 4, 2013 at 1:58 pm

Another one bites the dust:

Lincolnton Furniture Company closed abruptly Thursday just one year after it was hailed by President Barack Obama as an example of the recovering U.S. economy.

Furniture-making operations stopped indefinitely and only a few people will remain employed moving forward, company financial officer Ben Causey said.

“I don’t know where it’s going to go exactly; we’re still evaluating our situation,” Causey said. “We just didn’t have any choice at this point.”

The company was not receiving the orders it needed to sustain its operations, Causey said.


Owner Bruce Cochrane, a fifth generation furniture-manufacturer, formed the company in 2011 with a $5 million investment and the hope he could make a profit off people who wanted to buy furniture made in America.

It was a move that caught the attention of North Carolina officials and those in the White House. Last year, Cochrane sat with the first lady during Obama’s 2012 State of the Union Address. He also joined the president and other business leaders in a discussion about how to create more jobs at home.

Unfortunately, Lincolnton Furniture Company has been hit by the Obama kiss of death. And this is not the first NC company this has happened to, either.

I wish the Cochranes well in their future endeavors. Furniture making is a longtime industry here in NC, and I love visiting the various “furniture rows”, admiring the beautiful craftsmanship, and smelling the wood. Hopefully the Cochranes will give it another go in the future – if they’re smart, they’ll wait until our clueless wonder in the WH has finished his last term. By then, hopefully we’ll have a more business-friendly President whose knowledge about how to get an an economy growing is based on something other than the op/ed pages of the NY Times.

Update – 4:05 PM: Here are excerpts from Obama’s speech at the WH last January commending Lincolnton Furniture and other small businesses:

I don’t want the next generation of manufacturing jobs taking root in countries like China or Germany. I want them taking root in places like Michigan and Ohio and Virginia and North Carolina. And that’s a race that America can win. That’s the race businesses like these will help us win.


“But you don’t have be a big manufacturer to insource jobs. Bruce Cochrane’s family had manufactured furniture in North Carolina for five generations. But in 1966 — 1996, rather, as jobs began shifting to Asia, the family sold their business and Bruce spent time in China and Vietnam as a consultant for American furniture makers who had shifted their production. While he was there, though, he noticed something he didn’t expect: Their customers actually wanted to buy things made in America. So he came home and started a new company, Lincolnton Furniture, which operates out of the old family factories that had been shut down. He’s even re-hired many of the former workers from his family business.

Video below:

Sigh …


#IamTheMiddleClass: Paying higher taxes, halting 401K, health insurance premiums skyrocketing

Posted by: ST on January 4, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Pres on vacationWhile our celebrity President has gone back on sunny vacation after spending the bare minimum time in DC to demagogue the opposition party regarding the fiscal cliff “crisis”, I thought it would be a good time here in the new year to note that the “savior” who vowed to “protect the middle class”  has done a damned lousy job of it.

Like all of you reading this, the 2% FICA increase hit my paycheck this week, and all totaled for the year I’ll be paying roughly $1200 more to Uncle Sam. Pair that with having to halt 401k contributions in the last year, and also seeing health insurance premiums rise to the point I had to choose a less expensive plan with a higher deductible.  This wasn’t the “rescue” the President promised, was it?

The fact of the matter is that all of this was entirely predictable from the get go – when Obama was a candidate for President the first time around. Taxes weren’t just going to go up on “the rich”, they were going to go up on us all because WE CAN’T SUSTAIN GOVT AS IT STANDS WITHOUT HIGHER TAXES, FINES, FEES, ETC BECAUSE THEY SPEND TOO FREAKING MUCH AND CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS WON’T CUT A DIME UNLESS IT RELATES TO DEFENSE SPENDING.  Then it’s open season.

Even some liberals are finally starting to get it, as notes here. Toldjah So, morons!  You can’t expect for government to “provide” for the things you “need” without them being paid for BY ALL OF US. NOTHING THE GOVT “GIVES” YOU IS FREE.  NOTHING.

So to the willfully ignorant jack asses who think health care is now “free”, and that anything else you “need” from the government is “free” – and who now are seeing less in their paychecks every week (as a result, in part, of what YOU advocate), has to pay higher health insurance premiums, has to scale back on 401k, etc: HAVE YOU LEARNED? You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.  Who best decides how to spend your hard-earned money – you? Or Uncle Sam? 


Related: Daily Mail - Workers making $30,000 will take a bigger hit on their pay than those earning $500,000 under new fiscal deal


World’s greatest deliberative body only got three minutes to read fiscal cliff bill

Posted by: Phineas on January 3, 2013 at 5:47 pm

**Posted by Phineas

The 154-page fiscal cliff bill, that is:

The U.S. Senate voted 89-8 to approve legislation to avoid the fiscal cliff despite having only 3 minutes to read the 154-page bill and budget score.

Multiple Senate sources have confirmed to that senators received the bill at approximately 1:36 AM on Jan. 1, 2013 – a mere three minutes before they voted to approve it at 1:39 AM.

The bill is 154-pages and includes several provisions that are unrelated to the fiscal cliff, including repealing a section of ObamaCare, extending the wind-energy tax credit, and a rum tax subsidy deal for Puerto Rican rum makers.

I ask you, is this any way to run a republic?

Oh well, if they could pull this crap for the thousand-or-so pages of  Obamacare, why the heck not for a mere 154 pages? Heck, I’m surprised they even bothered delivering it to the chamber before passing judgment on it.

So much for the pledge to post bills online for 72 hours before voting.

While the failings of Congress are bipartisan, I lay most of the blame for this particular national embarrassment at the feet of Harry Reid and the Democrats. It’s been known for, what, two years that taxes would go up on January 1st? And we all saw the sequester deadline coming up a year ago. The House sent a bill to the Senate last August to at least buy another year to reach a settlement, but Reid, as per usual, refused to allow a vote and forced matters to wait until the last minute when he knew Republicans would be under heavy pressure to accept a bad deal to avert a catastrophe.

In short, and as the Democrats have done for at least the last ten years, Harry Reid deliberately put his party’s fortune ahead of the nation’s well-being.

“Contemptible” doesn’t begin to describe Harry Reid.

via Doug Powers

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)


Victory for Domino’s founder against ObamaCare’s contraception mandate

Posted by: ST on January 3, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Great news:

Domino’s Pizza (DPZ) founder Tom Monaghan sued the federal government in December on behalf of his Michigan office park, Domino’s Farms, to avoid providing the mandatory contraception coverage in the nation’s health care law — also known as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. On Sunday, a district court judge in Michigan granted an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order that allows Monaghan to avoid providing contraception as part of his property management firm’s health care plan until the case is resolved.

The law went into effect on Tuesday and is already getting costly for some companies fighting its contraception provision. Last week, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a similar injunction request for Oklahoma City arts-and-crafts store chain Hobby Lobby, which also has a contraception-based suit working its way through the lower courts and risks potential fines of $1.3 million a day for not offering the required coverage.

The heads of both companies have protested the law vociferously on religious grounds. Monaghan — who has used his Domino’s fortune to bankroll Catholic charities, support conservative political candidates and found Ave Maria University in Florida — argues that contraception isn’t health care, but “gravely immoral.” When Hobby Lobby launched its suit back in September, founder David Green wrote an opinion piece for USA Today blasting the mandate requiring the chain’s health insurance to provide “what I believe are abortion-causing drugs” because “we believe doing so might end a life after the moment of conception.”


Monaghan sold much of his controlling stake in Domino’s to Bain Capital back in 1998 and his Domino’s Farms property outside of Ann Arbor is a small holding not affiliated with the company.

Hobby Lobby having to pay $1.3 million a day in fines is going to hurt them big time but I admire them for standing their ground on this. Let’s hope the court battles they – and Monaghan – face in the months ahead lead to a change in this monstrosity of a law so other companies who can’t afford to pay the fines and court costs but who want to opt out of the contraception mandate on religious freedoms grounds can do so.H


President Autopen signs #FiscalCliff bill, continues on with Hawaii vacation

Posted by: ST on January 3, 2013 at 10:31 am

Via The Hill (hat tip):

President Obama on Wednesday signed legislation that raises taxes on the wealthiest Americans and avoids the so-called “fiscal cliff,” which threatened to send the economy into decline.

The White House said late Wednesday that Obama reviewed a copy of the bill in Hawaii, where he is vacationing with his family. The president instructed that the legislation — passed by the House and Senate earlier this week — be signed by autopen, a device that emulates Obama’s signature.


Before leaving for Hawaii on Wednesday to rejoin his family, who vacationed there over the Christmas and New Year’s holiday, Obama said the passage of the law fulfilled a campaign promise to raise taxes on the wealthy.

Fox News explains more about the autopen:

The autopen is a mechanical device that copies the president’s signature. According to the White House Executive Clerk’s Office, the bill was sent to Obama in PDF form Wednesday afternoon, and was signed via autopen once Obama approved it.

Obama is the first president to sign bills electronically, and has signed two previous pieces of legislation using the technology.

The president arrived in Honolulu before 5 a.m. local time Wednesday and immediately rejoined his family in their rented beachside vacation home in Kailua, a picturesque Honolulu suburb on the east side of Oahu. Kailua Beach is a popular place for wind sports and paddle surfing.

Obama and his family had spent several days, including Christmas Day, at the secluded compound before he returned to Washington on Dec. 26 for the fiscal cliff negotiations.

Well, he made passage of the fiscal cliff bill sound “urgent” – but apparently him sitting down to sign it wasn’t as urgent as returning to the beautiful sands of Hawaii.

Quite frankly, the “autopen” – which has been used a total of three times under this President, including on this piece of legislation – scares the hell out of me, almost as much as the “nuclear button” does. Who has access to it? How is it secured? Is it even Constitutional? documented some serious and not so serious questions and commentary about Obama’s use of the autopen, which included intriguing background info from respected CBS journalist Mark Knoller. On the humorous side, there is now a Twitter account with the @The_Autopen handle. That said, Derek A. Hunter had probably what was and is the best tweet on the controversy:

And don’t forget paddle surfing.


Why was the Senate’s #SandyAid bill larded up with unrelated pork?

Posted by: ST on January 2, 2013 at 3:49 pm

Pork spending

And furthermore, why won’t the bleeping media focus more attention on this fact? I guess it’s more important for the Democrats and their colleagues in the MSM to note the ridiculous, self-serving “bipartisan outrage” over the fact that the House didn’t take up the bill yesterday “in a stunning reversal” as previously anticipated. And also “important” to (falsely) insinuate that thousands of New York and New Jersey residents will be stuck out in the cold as a result of their inaction.

Yeah, I know you’re shocked – SHOCKED – at how the MSM and ignorant, politically opportunistic politicos in both parties are spinning this, right? /sarc

NJ Gov. Chris Christie, who I am DONE with, has flipped out – as has Rep. Peter King (R-NY). Why not be upset at Senate Democrats who filled up their version of the Sandy aid bill with projects that had NOTHING to do with Sandy relief efforts? Why not take a chill pill when you consider that FEMA has enough money to cover relief efforts for at least another few weeks while the new US House considers the existing options on the table (and presumably will come up with one of their own)? Imagine that – actually TAKING TIME to craft, contemplate, and consider the options before you?!

Oh – regarding the specifics on the pork in the Senate bill? Gabriel Malor documented it extensively here. Make sure to read the whole thing. Then you’ll understand who to express the appropriate outrage to.

Mainstream media dereliction of duty when it comes to accurately informing the public has reached an all time high. Guess what I and others like me will spend a considerable amount of time doing this year? Combating their bull sh*t! #Enough


Gun control: armed defenders save lives

Posted by: Phineas on January 2, 2013 at 3:25 pm

**Posted by Phineas

I’d heard about this story soon after it happened, but was reminded of it by Howard Nemerov’s article today at PJM.  An angry ex-boyfriend gets upset with his ex-girlfriend over their break up, so, logically, he decides to shoot up his workplace.

Fortunately, someone in the area also had a gun:

Jesus Manuel Garcia, 19, an employee at a China Garden restaurant next to the Santikos Mayan Palace 14 theater, apparently became upset Sunday night after his girlfriend broke up with him.

He lashed out by sending her a message saying he planned to go to the restaurant and “shoot somebody,” said Bexar County sheriff’s Sgt. Raymond Pollard.

Pollard said the woman called to warn restaurant employees, but by the time she saw his message, Garcia was already outside the China Garden firing a Glock 23 at the front door about 9:25 p.m.

Garcia went inside, chased people out the back door, and followed one employee as he ran toward the theater, apparently because he was the easiest target, Pollard said.

“He was chasing him, shooting in the air and at other cars,” Pollard said.

He said that when a San Antonio police officer heard the gunshots and pulled into the theater’s parking lot, Garcia shot out his patrol car’s windshield.

Garcia then pursued the employee into the theater, firing more shots when he reached the lobby, Pollard said.

One of the shots struck a patron in the back, but the bullet did not strike any vital organs and the man was released from San Antonio Military Medical Center later Sunday night.

Bexar County sheriff’s Sgt. Lisa Castellano, who was working off-duty as a security guard at the Mayan Palace, chased the gunman toward the back of the theater. The 13-year department veteran cornered him after he ran into a men’s restroom, shooting him several times and taking his gun, Pollard said.

Now, an opponent of individual gun rights under the second amendment (and thus going against a top liberal constitutional scholar) will point out with some justice that Sgt. Castellano, while undoubtedly heroic and deserving of the medal of valor she received, was nonetheless a highly trained, experienced police officer, not an armed civilian. But to argue that shows we don’t need armed civilians would be to miss the key lesson of the incident:

“When seconds count, help via 911 is minutes away.”

The police officer (1) who had his windshield shot out only happened to be in the area by chance, as part of his patrol.  He apparently was not part of the take-down in the theater, where people were being shot. Sergeant Castellano was there only because she was working a second job as an armed security guard. That showed wisdom on management’s part. But, had that not been true, had the people running for their lives in the restaurant and theater been forced to rely on urgent calls to 911 –when time is not on your side– well, we can all imagine what might have been the result.

To me, this incident again shows the value of having armed defenders on the spot. The police can’t always (or even often) be there, but a trained, armed civilian can also be effective by distracting for the criminal and buying time for others to escape. (And here’s some more about that armed civilian at the Clackamas mall)

Time and again, armed, law-abiding civilians have prevented or limited potentially horrific mass shootings. To deny this and pretend that gun-free zones make us safer is delusional.

(1) The article doesn’t mention what became of the officer. I hope he or she is okay.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)


The #FiscalCliff deal: What to like about it, and what to hate about it

Posted by: ST on January 2, 2013 at 11:24 am

The Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein on the “good, bad, and ugly” about the fiscal cliff deal that will soon reach the President’s desk to be signed into law:

Conservatives believe that higher taxes are a bad thing, that the tax code needs to be dramatically overhauled and that the true driver of long-term debt is out of control spending, particularly on entitlements. For those who thought it was possible to emerge from the “fiscal cliff” showdown without tax increases, with genuine tax reform and with real spending cuts that made fundamental changes to entitlements, this deal is obviously a nonstarter.

For those who assumed that President Obama’s reelection and continued Democratic control of the Senate at a time when the nation was facing an automatic $4.5 trillion tax hike would inevitably mean higher taxes without actual tax or entitlement reforms, the deal is less bad. As the House considers the legislation today [now passed – ST], I thought it would be worth assessing the good, the bad and the ugly of the “fiscal cliff” deal.

The Good

At the start of 2013, income taxes were scheduled to go up on nearly every American, but if this deal becomes law, roughly 99 percent of taxpayers would be protected from those tax hikes. For over a decade, Democrats opposed the Bush tax cuts and prevented them from becoming permanent. Now, they have voted overwhelmingly to preserve about 84 percent of the dreaded cuts, which for years they demagogued as only benefitting the very rich.

Lawmakers also agreed on permanent changes that minimized the tax increases on estates and capital gains. In addition, the deal permanently prevented the Alternative Minimum Tax (originally passed in 1969 to capture a small number of rich households who were avoiding taxes) from hitting tens and millions of Americans. From a more technical standpoint, this also means that the deal locks in a Congressional Budget Office revenue baseline that will be as low as possible. So, if future Republicans propose real tax reform, we won’t end up with estimates saying that their proposals would cost trillions of dollars, because such proposals will no longer be judged against an unrealistic baseline that assumes all of the Bush tax cuts would otherwise expire and open the floodgates to new revenue.

A less publicized but still significant positive from the deal is that it formally repeals the CLASS Act, a long-term care entitlement that is part of Obama’s national health care law. Originally the brain child of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, the program was slated to collect years of premiums before paying out any benefits, so Democrats cynically exploited this fact to claim twice as much deficit reduction through Obamacare as existed in reality. The Obama administration has already suspended implementation of the CLASS Act after conceding it is unworkable. But it still remains on the books, waiting to be reinstated at some point in the future. The fiscal cliff deal would put a stake through the heart of this program once and for all.

Read the rest for the “bad and the ugly.” And a lot of it is indeed bad and ugly.

The deal has understandably been dubbed a “crap sandwich” by many staunch conservatives who are very disappointed in the GOP House and Senate leadership for what they believe to be “caving” to Obama and Senate Democrats when it comes to raising taxes while at the same time not touching entitlement spending. Other staunch conservatives like yours truly also believe the fiscal cliff “deal” is indeed more or less a “crap sandwich”, but was also one GOP leadership in both chambers didn’t have much choice on in the 11th hour of negotiations, for sad but true reasons National Review Online’s Jim Geraghty explained well in his Morning Jolt newsletter from today (bolded emphasis added by me):

There’s a lot of anger, frustration, and disgust building in the righty grassroots in the past few weeks. Over the past week I saw a lot of comments on Twitter in the vein of “we have a spending problem! Why won’t Republicans insist we deal with that first!”

Fume at Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell all you want, but here’s the problem: The chance to gain leverage in these negotiations was on Election Day, and the GOP came up with bubkes that day. Sequestration and the expiration of all of the Bush tax cuts presented an awful status quo to begin with, and there was really no better alternative that would get A) passed in a Senate controlled by Harry Reid and B) signed by President Obama. They don’t want what we want, and we don’t want what they want. And time was on their side in several ways, not least of which was that as of noon Thursday, a new Congress, with even more Democrats, is sworn into office.

There was and is no magic argument, anecdote, policy detail, or chart that could change that dynamic. What was worse — or perhaps, if you look at it a certain way, liberating — was that Republicans were and are just about certain to get the blame from most of the public for either the failure to reach a deal or for the unpopular parts of any deal reached. Some of this is because of the power of the presidential bully pulpit, and some of this reflects people’s enthusiasm for taxing somebody making more money than they do. But a lot of this dynamic is because a large segment of the public just doesn’t pay attention to budget fights and doesn’t want to pay attention to budget fights. So no matter what the numbers actually say, they’re inclined to blame the party they already consider to be the problem.

The bolded lines above can’t be emphasized enough. I primarily blame the mainstream media for every article written and every word uttered that insinuated or outright stated in one form or other that rising taxes on the middle class in the new year would be the “fault of the GOP members of Congress” if a deal wasn’t reached – when the House had already done its part ages ago, and when the Senate had and has stalled any House attempt at avoiding the exact scenario that would play out at the end of 2012. The damned Democrat Senate leadership, under demagogue Harry Reid, knew the “blame the GOP” narrative would play out to perfection courtesy of their banging the drum about how the GOP were allegedly being “obstructionist”, which of course their allies in the MSM picked up and successfully ran with. Not much of anything on Senate Democrats and their refusal to work with the House GOP. As a result – and Reid knew this would happen – the GOP would feel their backs up against the wall to compromise or if not, as Geraghty notes, lose what little political capital they have over something that, in reality, was the fault of Senate Democrats and our clueless celebrity President. Where has the MSM been when it comes to calling Senate Democrats to the carpet for their failure to pass a budget in over 3 years, and for their repeated attempts at stalling any House GOP attempts at avoiding a “fiscal cliff” showdown? They’ve been here: As usual, in the back pockets of Democrats, essentially being their puppets in painting the GOP as being the party who wants to “raise taxes”!

Now that this “deal” is out of the way, expect more big ideological battles ahead that the House and Senate GOP leadership must stay on the right side of – the fierce debate over spending cuts and raising the debt ceiling. Expect these battles to be especially bitter, considering how the two sides ripped each other to shreds during the negotiation process on the “fiscal cliff deal.” In particular, there is no love lost between Boehner and Reid, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see their animosity towards each other blow up in a very public way in the coming weeks.

The key for the GOP is to get AHEAD in the messaging war ON ALL FRONTS on this going forward as they can’t continue to allow the Democrats and their press pals to control the narrative in a way that puts the blame on the wrong side when it comes to wanting to combat this crisis in a meaningful way by having to make tough but crucial, critical choices on the issue of spending and entitlement reforms and taxes.

As they say, stay tuned.


Happy New Year from the ST blog!

Posted by: ST on December 31, 2012 at 7:58 pm

Here’s wishing you and yours a very safe, healthy, and happy New Year’s eve and day. Let’s make 2013 count!

Of course, it’s already “next year” in other parts of the world. Enjoy the fireworks seen earlier in Australia. :)

Helpful tips: First and foremost, you should designate a driver if you know you’re going to drink the night away. But in the event you don’t have a DD or neglect to designate one, keep this information in mind: Although it isn’t being offered nationally, some AAA clubs are offering Tow-to-Go or Tipsy Tow service tonight for those who shouldn’t be driving. If you’re interested in learning more info for yourself or a loved one, click here. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a list of sober/safe ride options as well. Please make sure to keep this information handy as it could save a life.

Be well!