Best Top 10 Lists

Top 10 Christmas Decorations (That Will Ruin Your Christmas)

Top 10 Christmas Decorations (That Will Ruin Your Christmas)

Christmas is a time for joy, but the creators of these decorations are doing their best to induce confusion and rage. If anybody gives you one of these as a present, Santa and Jesus agree that it’s alright for you to temporarily forego the Christmas spirit, and give them the gift of a backhanded slap. 10. Yule Doo There’s nothing wrong with the occasional joke decoration, but only if your sense... [Read more]

Top 10 Weird Holidays You Need To Start Celebrating

Top 10 Weird Holidays You Need To Start Celebrating

Almost every single day of the calendar has something you’re supposed to be aware of, while you go about your business of pretending to work while reading TopTenz lists. That’s 365 separate things you’re supposed to remember. Well, screw that noise! You might as well only celebrate the ten we deem important, because the best way to live your life is to unquestionably obey what you... [Read more]

Top 10 Weirdest Fashion Trends from Around the World

Top 10 Weirdest Fashion Trends from Around the World

It is not the intention of anyone here at TopTenz to insult the diverse fashion sensibilities of other countries. We believe it’s up to individual nations, regions and groups of people to decide what exactly constitutes “fashion” and no one answer could ever be the “correct” one. However, that being said, you at least have to admit that wearing shirts with a cartoon Hitler on them and tattooing... [Read more]

Top 10 Classics (That Only Exist Because Somebody Pirated Them)

Top 10 Classics (That Only Exist Because Somebody Pirated Them)

Ever since the Internet came into its own, the debate has raged over whether file-sharing is killing the entertainment industry. While some insist that those who pirate music or books are, in fact, the customers whom do the  most to drive up sales, others say that they’ve deprived the industry of billions over time. While TopTenz is not coming down definitively in support of either camp, we would... [Read more]

Top 10 Historical Acts of Strength

Top 10 Historical Acts of Strength

If you watched the Olympics this year, you saw many feats of impressive athleticism and strength. If you didn’t watch them, it’s very unfortunate that you were trapped at the bottom of the sea for two weeks. However, most of the so-called feats of strength featured in the Olympics actually pale in comparison to those on the following list. Note: All of the weights listed are in pounds,... [Read more]

Top 10 Adam West Roles (Other Than Batman)

Top 10 Adam West Roles (Other Than Batman)

When compiling a list of roles that Adam West has done, it is all too easy to just put a few different versions of Batman at the top. Now, around here, we do not do “easy.” Everyone knows that Adam West played Batman. A lot of other people know that Adam West voiced Batman in cartoons. So there it is. Adam West played Batman. This list, meanwhile, is a look at the rest of West (which sometimes... [Read more]

Top 10 Countries That Disappeared In The 20th Century

Top 10 Countries That Disappeared In The 20th Century

New nations seem to pop up with alarming regularity. At the start of the 20th century, there were only a few dozen independent sovereign states on the planet; today, there are nearly 200! Once a nation is established, they tend to stick around for awhile, so a nation disappearing is quite uncommon. It’s only occurred a handful of times in the last century. But when they do, they completely... [Read more]

Top 10 Best Christmas Songs (That Everyone Finds Annoying)

Top 10 Best Christmas Songs (That Everyone Finds Annoying)

I got a temp job in retail before Halloween, which was enough time to get the basics before the Christmas season started.  And with the Christmas season came listening to the same awful Christmas songs day after day.  Yeah, I’d probably get sick of The Night Santa Went Crazy or Snow Miser – Heat Miser if I had to listen to them at work every day, but there’s a big difference between a song... [Read more]

Top 10 Weird Sales Boosts

Top 10 Weird Sales Boosts

Pop culture or major media events often influence peoples spending habits in weird ways, it’s called advertising or something. But sometimes these sales boosts are a little, odd or unexpected, here are 10 examples.  10. Bow Ties  Dr. Who wears a bow tie, an antiquity throwback to a simpler time. And it’s cool when he does it because being cool is about straying away from trends to define... [Read more]

Top 10 Cynical Christmas Songs

Top 10 Cynical Christmas Songs

Every December (or more often, late November) radio listeners are bombarded with themes of merriment, prosperity, and togetherness, written about in traditional holiday music. It’s uplifting for the easily uplifted, but a joyless purgatory for those who dread the upcoming holiday season, a frostbitten limbo we’re forced to endure until the Christmas tree has dried up. Here’s a list... [Read more]

Top 10 Best Sculptures in the United States

Top 10 Best Sculptures in the United States

Nothing is more subjective than art. Is it a masterpiece, or is it an eyesore? Here’s a list of 10 great sculptures that have become emblems of their environments. Most are big pieces in public places, rather than roped-off works in admission-only sculpture gardens. If you haven’t seen them in person, your opinion of them might change if you do. You don’t have to love them but, if you have a... [Read more]

Top 10 Unbelievable Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Top 10 Unbelievable Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Being a doctor is stressful. In other jobs, you can make a mistake every now and then and be mostly OK. But, if you screw up when dealing with a patient’s health, even one measly time, your licence and wallet are in extreme danger. Especially if you muck up in a royally epic fashion that nobody will soon forget. 10. 200 Grand Over The Wrong Testicle So, you’re just a normal guy, living an... [Read more]

Top 10 Greatest White Basketball Players in History of the NBA & WNBA

Top 10 Greatest White Basketball Players in History of the NBA & WNBA

Sports rankings are always going to be subjective. It matters when you were born. It matters who you root for. It matters who you root against. You can argue points, championships, awards, and the ever-present “eye test.” Also, sports rankings are some of the most fun to debate, no matter what the category. With all of that in mind, I bring you the Top 10 greatest white basketball players... [Read more]

Top 10 Lame College Sports Nickname Changes

Top 10 Lame College Sports Nickname Changes

Every couple of years, some Christian group approaches my hometown school district and asks them to change the logo of the school from the Blue Devil to something, well, less Satanic. Don’t people have more important things to worry about? Apparently not, because it seems that new college presidents are always talking about changing team colors, mascots, or symbols for whatever reason while some... [Read more]

Top 10 Ways Kids are Scared of Santa

Top 10 Ways Kids are Scared of Santa

Editor’s note: Republishing this as a new list for 2012. It is one of my favorite Christmas lists. Hope you enjoy it.  Who doesn’t love the time-honored tradition of having their child pictured on Santa’s lap? Nothing is more cute than to see little Timmy or Sally smiling brightly on Santa’s lap while sharing their most heart-felt wishes and desires for Christmas morning. Of... [Read more]

Top 10 Hobbits You Didn’t Know Existed

Top 10 Hobbits You Didn’t Know Existed

Once again, with the upcoming movie The Hobbit just around the corner, I thought I’d continue my celebrating. In case you have forgotten or didn’t know in the first place, I wrote a list last week that pulled together some rather fantastic portrayals of Smaug in anticipation for his second film appearance. This week, I’m going to introduce to you ten hobbits who have had a significant... [Read more]

Top 10 Weirdest Wikipedia Pages

Top 10 Weirdest Wikipedia Pages

Wikipedia is awesome. In addition to giving free knowledge to everyone without ever asking in anything in return, it can actually just as reliable for facts as the Encyclopedia Britannica. But, when you create something that’s supposed to contain everything, you’re going to find some weird stuff in the mix. Stuff like: 10. The Sound Of Fingernails Scraping Chalkboard The sound of fingernails... [Read more]

Top 10 Awesome Events in Cosplay

Top 10 Awesome Events in Cosplay

Costume playing/live action roleplaying is an ever-expanding hobby and business. You’ve only got to look at some of the ads for this, and other sites, to see how true that is. However, while many sites enjoy showing off examples of people making subpar amateur costumes, or just calling them bad because the person in the photo is overweight, here’s a tribute to ten times that the practice was done... [Read more]

Top 10 Marvel Comic Book Artists

Top 10 Marvel Comic Book Artists

It’s nice to see that some things stay the same; comic books are among the few art forms that have always maintained strict artistic integrity. Very rarely does the medium rely on digital technology, or anything more than a talented individual’s fine motor skills, and a clean sheet of paper to manifest the contents of their wildest imagination. And while artists may come and go, and constantly... [Read more]

Top 10 Fictional Dominatrices

Top 10 Fictional Dominatrices

Dominance and submission is becoming a more prevalent relationship model in our society. This is particularly true with the emergence of book series like 50 Shades of Grey. So it makes perfect sense that there are certain fictional women who give off that certain…vibe. Sometimes, the vibe is hinted at, and sometimes it’s more or less implied.  These ladies seemed to have been specifically... [Read more]

Top 10 Portrayals of the Dragon Smaug

Top 10 Portrayals of the Dragon Smaug

One of my favorite books growing up was The Hobbit, so imagine my excitement when I heard that it was going to become a movie from Peter Jackson! My excitement was great! And then I heard it was going to be a trilogy! My excitement diminished greatly. It’s not that I think that a trilogy, or even a duology, would be a bad idea. I just hate the idea of waiting a year between movies, again. I put... [Read more]

Top 10 Strange Courtship Rituals

Top 10 Strange Courtship Rituals

“Should I give him my number?” “Why hasn’t he called yet?” “I can’t be in a relationship because I have commitment issues.” “I like you but I don’t love you… yet!” “I am ready to get down on my knees and take this relationship forward.” “….She said yes!” We have heard the stories. We have even seen them. The story from every dorm room, to the stories on our celluloid... [Read more]

Top 10 Awesome Examples Of Onomatopoeia In Music

Top 10 Awesome Examples Of Onomatopoeia In Music

In literature, “onomatopoeia” is a word that’s employed to mimic any audible sound not pertaining to any spoken language.  Examples include buzz, crack, pop, whoosh, etc.  Inserting these “meaningless” words into a piece of prose, however, does have the effect of capturing a more-convincing snapshot of reality. But this doesn’t just work on paper; it can also work in music,... [Read more]