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Second Amendment Facing Complete Decimation

January 4, 2013
Second Amendment Facing Complete Decimation

The NRA believes America’s laws were made to be obeyed and that our Constitutional liberties are just as important today as 200 years ago. And by the way, the Constitution does not say Government shall decree the right to keep and bear arms. The Constitution says ‘The right of the people to keep and...

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Pakistani Girl Shot by Taliban Leaves Hospital

January 4, 2013
Pakistani Girl Shot by Taliban Leaves Hospital

Pakistani teenager Malala Yusufzai has been discharged from Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. She is the fifteen year old girl who was shot by the Taliban on her way...

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Egypt’s Morsi Despises Zionist “Blood-suckers,” “Descendants of Apes and Pigs”

January 4, 2013
Egypt’s Morsi Despises Zionist “Blood-suckers,” “Descendants of Apes and Pigs”

MEMRI TV translated a 2010 interview with Egyptian President Morsi who used the opportunity to condemn Israelis and Americans. He blames them and us for the need to have...

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Barre VT Mayor Attempts Legislating Gun Control By Fiat

January 4, 2013
Barre VT Mayor Attempts Legislating Gun Control By Fiat

And so it begins in my home State of Vermont, in the city of my birth and my home for the first 25 years of life.  I’m actually ashamed...

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DAR Parses Words While Denying They Banned “Jesus Christ”

January 4, 2013
DAR  Parses Words While Denying They Banned “Jesus Christ”

God, Home, and Country ~ Motto of the Daughters of the Newspeak Revolution The DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), the oldest Christian patriotic organization,...

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Marxist EPA Loses Battle to Seize Control of Water in a Virginia County

January 4, 2013
Marxist EPA Loses Battle to Seize Control of Water in a Virginia County

The EPA has lost their case to control water on privately-owned property in Virginia.   Ken Cuccinelli sent out this tweet yesterday - Ken Cuccinelli ‏@KenCuccinelli BREAKING NEWS: We just...

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Hobby Lobby Faces $1.3 Million in Fines Per Day Over HHS Mandate

January 4, 2013
Hobby Lobby Faces $1.3 Million in Fines Per Day Over HHS Mandate

The IRS might force the closing of a successful US business over the company’s right to religious freedom. Hobby Lobby has defied the HHS Mandate which requires every company,...

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Jon Hammar Tortured in Mexican Prison

January 4, 2013
Jon Hammar Tortured in Mexican Prison

For anyone who hasn’t followed the story of Jon Hammar, he is the retired Marine who was arrested for trying to register an antique bird-hunting rifle on the Mexican...

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Slowest Economic Recovery in US History

January 4, 2013
Slowest Economic Recovery in US History

We added 155,000 jobs in December, unemployment rose to 7.8%, the broader number is unchanged, and 1.8 million new jobs were added this year, same as last year. According...

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Fracking Is Safe, NY State Health Department

January 4, 2013
Fracking Is Safe, NY State Health Department

The NY Times reports on the NY State Department of Health study which says Fracking can be done safely. The report was never published and has been hidden by...

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Heartwarming Story of a Courageous Senator Mark Kirk

January 4, 2013
Heartwarming Story of a Courageous Senator Mark Kirk

This is a great story of a determined Mark Kirk climbing the steps to the Capitol building being greeted by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle. When...

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Watcher’s Council Winners Are Up!

January 4, 2013
Watcher’s Council Winners Are Up!

  The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast, and the results are in for the first Watcher’s Council match up of 2013! Even taking into consideration the...

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Newsday Lied by Omission About Hurricane Sandy Relief

January 3, 2013
Newsday Lied by Omission About Hurricane Sandy Relief

Newsday is ripping into Republicans for not approving the Hurricane Sandy relief package. On the surface that sounds legitimate, especially when you have two Republicans, Rep. Peter King and...

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Putnam County Presser on Journal News’ Request for Names of Gun Owners

January 3, 2013
Putnam County Presser on Journal News’ Request for Names of Gun Owners

Putnam County Clerk Dennis Sant made a courageous decision to not comply with the FOIA request from the Journal News for the names and addresses of people who applied...

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Gun Control for the Common Man Alone

January 3, 2013
Gun Control for the Common Man Alone

It is always worthwhile to keep readers aware of the most creative petitions on the White House website. My personal favorite is this one – Eliminate Armed Guards for...

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Extremists Arrested in Greenwich Village with Weapons & Bomb-Making Materials

January 3, 2013
Extremists Arrested in Greenwich Village with Weapons & Bomb-Making Materials

Oh, hey, I thought the Tea Party were supposed to be the violent ones. These rich kids are pulling up the ghosts of 1960′s radicals.  Who or what were...

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Constitutional Lawyer Decries the “Evil Provisions” in the Constitution

January 3, 2013
Constitutional Lawyer Decries the “Evil Provisions” in the Constitution

The NY Times ran an opinion column last week that should surprise no one given the newspaper’s far left leanings. The article is entitled, “Let’s Give Up on the Constitution.”...

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Attorney Irving Pinsky Lost His Law License Once, Here’s Why

January 3, 2013
Attorney Irving Pinsky Lost His Law License Once, Here’s Why

Irv Pinsky is the Connecticut attorney who withdrew his lawsuit in which he claimed that the state of Connecticut should have stopped the Newtown tragedy. His brilliant idea of...

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Divided Republicans Will Bring Socialism to Our Door

January 3, 2013
Divided Republicans Will Bring Socialism to Our Door

  Update: Speaker Boehner has been re-elected. He said he is not here to be something, he’s here to get something done. Can’t he do both? All we have...

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Piers Morgan, Alleged Phone-Hacking Plagiarist, Is the Face of CNN

January 2, 2013
Piers Morgan, Alleged Phone-Hacking Plagiarist, Is the Face of CNN

CNN’s hiring and continued employment of Piers Morgan is almost inexplicable unless they think having a nasty, untrustworthy anchor will eventually garner the ratings they are hoping for. I...

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Internet Media’s Slant on Cable News Ratings

January 2, 2013
Internet Media’s Slant on Cable News Ratings

One cannot trust the media, especially not on the Internet. On December 31st, Yahoo News reported that “Rachel Maddow’s Surge Is Fox News’ Worst Ratings Nightmare.” They made a point of...

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“A Complete Rout” – That Sound You Hear Is Ronald Reagan Rolling Over In His Grave

January 2, 2013
“A Complete Rout” – That Sound You Hear Is Ronald Reagan Rolling Over In His Grave

Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist, political commentator, and physician said it best: “Look, there are a lot of conservatives in the Republican caucus in the House who hate...

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Quote of the Week

“I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control,and if that didn’t work, I’d adopt radical measures.”

~ Donald Kaul, Des Moines Register

Fabulous 50 Winner!

Winner - 2012 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards
US National Debt
US Federal Spending
Total US Debt



The US DEBT CLOCK above shows spending going down, but the debt continues upward at a wicked pace.

The US Federal Spending always goes down as the appropriated funds for a given period run out. All agencies spend like there’s no tomorrow immediately after an appropriation is approved, but the money runs out before the calendar.

If a continuing resolution is passed, you’ll see the spending reverse itself and start back up again.

The National Debt continues to climb because of long-term, unfunded liabilities and interest on trillions of borrowed dollars.

Right now – and apparently for many years to come – we’re going to be borrowing money to pay the interest on previously borrowed money!

