Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Invisible Hand of Socialism

Islam's Warriors ...

... Not fit to be in the human race:

PESHAWAR, Pakistan -- Gunmen in northwest Pakistan killed five female teachers and two aid workers on Tuesday in an ambush on a van carrying workers home from their jobs at a community centre, officials said.

The attack was another reminder of the risks to women educators and aid workers from Islamic militants who oppose their work. It was in the same conservative province where militants shot and seriously wounded 15-year-old Malala Yousufzai, an outspoken young activist for girls' education, in October.

Cockroach Nation

"What do we want?"

"Free Stuff!"

"What do we get?"

"Free stuff!"

The "fiscal cliff" deal that was designed to save money actually includes $330.3 billion in new spending over the next decade, according to the official estimate the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday afternoon.

CBO said the bill contains about $25.1 billion in new cuts, but those are swamped by the new spending on extended unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless and other new refundable tax credits that President Obama fought for.

Of those cuts, only $2 billion are scheduled to take effect in 2013.

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: The Year the Tide Changed

2012 ... the year Canada cemented her position as one of the most stable economies on earth.  The Loonie is now the "petro-dollar" ... Canadian Banks the world AAA standard ... and Canadian commodities more sought after than perhaps at any time in our history.

2012 ... the year that Global Warming lunacy became the realm of fools. Sure, the politics hasn't caught up, and ecophobes still abound ... but have you looked at the polls ... 

2012 ... the year the Great American Socialist Experiment began to crumble. Sure, they elected the socialist darling from Chicago, but "other" people's money is running out.  The socialist hoards will try to stretch out the free lunch for as long as possible, as socialist always do ... but 2012 will go down as the year that the bacon truly began to run out. The Great American Socialist Titanic has struck the berg but she continues to sail on, temporarily ignoring the mortal wound ... but there is no longer any escaping the reckoning. 

2012 ... the year Europe began to come to terms with the her own socialist experiment, brought to her by Greens and Europhiles.  Just as in the USA, she sails on, mortally wounded.  The sooner the wretch comes apart, the sooner the fix can be made. EUR offers us a nice piece that describes the sea-change taking place within the UK:

But at least as the political skies grow darker and Britain gets wetter, there are real signs that we are beginning to wake up from a whole series of collective dreams which turned out to be nightmares. The breaking in of reality on such make-believe must inevitably be painful and bewildering, but Booker uses it as a cue to wish his readers a happy New Year.

In truth, the happiness will not fully return until we are finally rid of these belief systems, and there have been many false dawns. However, the façades are cracking and, for that, we can at least be reasonably cheerful.

And lest you think that, as a Canadian, I'm gloating:

2012 ... the year that it became abundantly clear that a massive, possibly horrific confrontation awaits us somewhere in the future ... a confrontation between Islam and the rest of the civilized world, as more and more nations came under the sway and horrors of Sharia.  There was no Arab Spring in 2012, it was a Sharia Spring ... and Spring will turn to Summer ... and then to Fall.  It's the Winter I fear, for there is no accommodation that will satisfy Muslim fanatics.

Works for Me

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Words Fail

Some things just make one want to vomit ... all over someone:

A $100 million claim on behalf of a 6-year-old survivor is the first legal action to come out of the Connecticut school shooting that left 26 children and adults dead two weeks ago.

The unidentified client, referred to as Jill Doe, heard "cursing, screaming, and shooting" over the school intercom when the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, opened fire, according to the claim filed by New Haven-based attorney Irv Pinsky.

Incidentally, the lawyer representing these wankers is the official lawyer for "Occupy New Haven".

Saturday, December 22, 2012

How Dare You ...

That child's right to life is unalienable but as that child's parent you are the one charged with defending that right.

How dare you refuse to discharge that responsibility!

A MUST read.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

From Socialist Drudgery to Hope

Most of Saskatchewan's history has been dominated by socialist politics. As a result, Saskatchewan ended up where most socialist "utopias" end up ... broke and depressed.

But, in 2007 the election of Brad Wall and the conservative "Saskatchewan Party" triggered an economic and psychological spring time that is still going strong.
"Years ago, it was quite the opposite. It was people were just depressed and, you know, 'Nothing ever changes here.' This was the last place in the world to get any great news.

Socialists and communists like to argue that Brad Wall's success has been fueled by a resource boom ... well indeed it has; but those very same resources were here all along. In neighbouring Alberta, for example, conservative governments spring boarded off of resource riches to created the wealthiest province in Canada, while in Saskatchewan, the socialists turned the potential riches of the very same (and more) resources into little more than a broke welfare state.

Perhaps the most ironic of all, is that under the Socialists (NDP), Saskatchewan ended up with perhaps the most decayed infrastructure in Canada.

Saskatchewan also has one of the worst senior care systems as well.  How ironic, that the very same folks who voted in the Socialists decade after decade, are now tossed to the curb in their senior years because the politicians they trusted virtually ignored the vast infrastructure needed to take care of the elderly.  Wall is building long term care facilities at a record rate, but even at that, it'll be another decade before Saskatchewan can adequately care for all those aging socialists who saw no need to plan for their old age ... after all, they reasoned, the government will take care of us.

Mental Illness ... Or Gun Control?

The gunman who slaughtered 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school may have snapped because his mother was planning to commit him to a psychiatric facility, according to a lifelong resident of the area who was familiar with the killer’s family and several of the victims’ families.

... read the details.

Question #1: ... Why did Lanza have ready access to guns?

Question #2: ... Why do civil libertarians fight like mad to make it as difficult as possible to commit the mentally ill?

2 Billion Pixels
