It was a lovely moment. Today, following Senator Heidi Heitkamp’s (D-ND) swearing in ceremony, Vice President Joe Biden said this: “Spread Your Legs, You’re Gonna Be Frisked.”

Seriously Joe? Apparently, he was being Uncle Joe, the gaffe-tastic crazy relative that lives up in the attic, again. You can watch the video below. There really are no words. Our beloved country is being run by crazy people.



They create the fiscal cliff and then reward themselves for avoiding it. A bloated and feckless government, whose spending far exceeds government revenue; with major Federal programs facing potential bankruptcy. Why is that? Because said bloated and feckless government, aka Congress, can’t seem to understand how to exercise any sort of discipline when it comes to spending money that isn’t technically theirs.

Once the SHTF, they whip everyone into a frenzy – especially the spineless Republicans – about “The Fiscal Cliff,” passing a tax hike that will do NOTHING to stop or slow the financial disaster America is headed into over the next decade. And as if to add insult, Senators got the 154-page Fiscal Cliff bill 3 minutes before they voted on it. Weak-kneed Speaker John Boehner apparently cut some sort of deal with the WH, and after avoiding the cliff, Obama headed back to Hawaii to finish his luxury vacation at a cost of $3.6 million dollars on top of the 4 million the American taxpayer has already spent this time around. By the way, that estimate? It only considers the expense of operating Air Force One at around $180,000 per hour.

This is so like President iWonTwice, isn’t it?

His contempt for America is so clear. His lack of sensitivity and grace is palpable. And now, we find out that he left DC without signing the Fiscal Cliff bill that he was freaking out about.

Back to the imperial vacation…let them eat cake.


Hillary Clinton Found and Weekend Links!

December 29, 2012

We all know about Hillary Clinton’s stomach flu and then her concussion which caused her to be “too sick” to speak with Congress this month about the Benghazi massacre that killed 4 Americans including one of her Ambassadors, Chris Stevens. Her absence became so pronounced, that people around the country began wondering just where the [...]

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Marine’s Letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein on her Gun Ban: “No Ma’am”

December 27, 2012

It’s shameful really. While people in the bankrupt state – my home state – of California, are actually lining up to turn in their guns for grocery store gift cards, our feckless Congress, with uber-lib California Senator Dianne Feinstein taking lead, plans to launch significant new gun regulations next month. A lot of people are [...]

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Who’s insane-the mentally ill, or the courts that keep them from the help they need?

December 27, 2012

The two weeks leading up to Christmas were insanity in our house. Not just with the normal kinds of things that two weeks before Christmas are usually filled with-the shopping, the baking, the candy making. No, instead that Tuesday afternoon our community learned that two people had been gunned down in a popular shopping mall. [...]

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Let US talk about Suicide. Died by Suicide.

December 26, 2012

Let US talk about suicide. Let US all get out of our comfort zone. Let US just put some thoughts out there and start the conversation. We, the people, US the spouses, the parents, the friends, the neighbors or the employers. Let US start talking about suicide. Died by Suicide. It is a Stigma. A taboo.   Died due [...]

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Hollywood Brain Trust “Demand a Plan” on Gun Control (Video)

December 26, 2012

There have been loud calls from the Left for gun control legislation after psycho-creep Adam Lanza killed 26 women and children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut a couple of weeks ago. First, there was this: A full-page ad in support of the Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns “Demand a Plan” campaign, was taken [...]

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Christmas 2012: Good News of Great Joy with a little Aretha!

December 24, 2012

At my house, we love lots of bright Christmas lights, a beautifully decorated tree with cherished ornaments collected over the years, and stockings hung by the chimney with care. We love Christmas movies, Christmas cookies, and Christmas carols. We believe giving is great and receiving is fun too. We pray for our military serving across [...]

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Zero Dark Thirty and Weekend Links!

December 22, 2012

Apparently the movie “Zero Dark Thirty” is getting a lot of people worked up. It’s the just released movie that chronicles the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda lead terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, with justice delivered at the hands of the Navy SEAL Team 6 in May of 2011. Between the [...]

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Code Pink Harpies Accuse NRA of “Killing Kids” (Video)

December 21, 2012

The ever disgusting Code Pinkos are back to their annoying tactics of interrupting press conferences and speeches with their self-righteous diatribes. This time they’re accusing the NRA of being dangerous and “killing our kids”. Interestingly enough, those hags have never been more safe than at an NRA gathering! Wayne LaPierre of the NRA – the [...]

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