Friday, December 28, 2012

Abbas theatens to quit, Israeli former FM: Please Quit! We can't wait!

Sometimes you have to take a step back and consider how the Palestinians act as pure comedy.

Lieberman on Abbas' Threat: Please Quit, We Can't Wait

Abbas hugging murderer Amna Muna in Turkey, she lured a Jewish boy on the internet to have him murdered - because he was a dirty Jew, was freed by Hammas' Shalit kidnapping deal, was visited in Turkey by Abbas
Lieberman welcomes Abbas' threat to step down. 'We're pleased he recognizes the way forward.'
Yisrael Beiteinu head Avigdor Lieberman, until recently the Foreign Minister, reacted with joy Friday as Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas threatened to quit if negotiations do not resume. Abbas has refused to negotiate in absence of several Israeli concessions, including a complete freeze on construction east of the 1949 armistice line.

According to Lieberman, Israel "can't wait" for Abbas to follow through on his threat.

"We congratulate Abu Mazen [Abbas] for reaching the correct conclusion, that only his leave from the PA leadership will allow the diplomatic process to resume," Lieberman said.

"We anxiously await the official announcement from the Muqata regarding his retirement," he added. "There are many alternatives among the Palestinians with whom we could hold a diplomatic dialog."

"It's Abbas' remaining [as leader] that will ultimately bring Hamas and other radicals to power in Judea and Samaria," he warned.
Abbas told Haaretz that if negotiations do not resume after the elections, "I will take the phone and call (Prime Minister Binyamin) Netanyahu. I'll tell him...Sit in the chair here instead of me, take the keys, and you will be responsible for the Palestinian Authority."

Abbas has demanded a construction freeze that would include a ban on natural growth in major Israeli towns that it has previously been assumed would remain Israeli under a diplomatic agreement. He also has required that Israel free PA resident terrorists, allow the PA to arm its police force more heavily, and agree in principle to his major territorial demands. At the same time, he has refused to recognize Israel as a Jewish state or to end incitement to terrorism, and continues to support the "right of return" for millions of people descended from Arabs who fled pre-state Israel to move to Israel.

Abbas' term in office expired in early 2009, but he has declined to hold new elections, arguing that PA residents should vote for a new leader only after Hamas-led Gaza reunites with the Fatah-led PA in Judea and Samaria.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Truce?! Gaza infiltrator attempts stabbing family, blocked by hero Mom

I was hoping for at least a week of rest from this shit. I'm sure the families living around Gaza were hoping as well.

Gaza man shot dead by IDF troops in Eshkol

They blow up so young, who would have thought these children would grow up to be murderers?
Man infiltrates Israeli border, attacks resident of southern border town before being shot dead; army probes possible terror attack

An IDF force has shot dead an assailant who broke into a home in the southern town of Sdei Avraham on Monday and stabbed a female resident. The woman was lightly hurt in the attack.

A preliminary investigation by the army found that the trespasser was a Gaza resident who infiltrated Israel's border. The security services initially reported the incident was criminal in nature but later postulated the attack was nationalistically driven.

According to the IDF, he was shot down by Kfir Brigade soldiers when he tried to assail the troops who ordered him to stop.

According to Deputy Inspector General Peretz Amar of the Negev police, the Gaza man broke into the home at 4 am and attacked the woman, who was at the house with her children. She fought back, making him flee. The woman was lightly hurt in the her face and shoulder when he wielded his knife

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Australians make a PSA advising Israelis how to hilariously get rid of Hamas terrorist

Of course, I'm taking the following theme song to Darwin awards out of context, but it is hilarious, and I do wish most of it on Hamasholes (as should any other decent human being).

What if...

A bus explodes in Israel, Gaza celebrates. A missile hits Rishon L'Zion residential building, Gazastan boast victory. Turkey's FM sheds tears in Gaza hospital - you know - where they hide their long range missiles, where they fire them from at Jerusalem. Egypt's Morsi was reported yesterday to have said that a cease fire will have happened yesterday, yet he didn't say that. He said "Israelli aggression". Israel is surrounded and led by its enemies - all support continued murder and terrorizing Jews in Israel.

Well, what if Israel had done a small bit of what it is accused of?
  • If Israel were to target civilians, Gaza would evaporate. 
  • If Israel was a terrorist state, then why aren't the Arabs in Israel, Judea, Summeria terrorized? Why do Gaza civilians feel relatevily safe while bombs descend on terrorists next door?
  • If Israel were ever to perform ethnic cleansing, then how come it is plagued with hostile Arabs?
  • If Israel was the aggressor, then how-come it had to develop and deploy a super expensive rocket defense system? What exactly about sending missiles at Israeli civilians not making the Arabs the aggressors?

The maddening part of it all - is that these are all simply logical statements, easy to comprehend by level headed individuals. However, Israel and Jews are dealing with a deranged world, unhinged media, and Nazi-like Turkey and Egypt.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Collection of posters: Israel under attack

Found these on facebook, shared by friends and relatives.

Hamas under brutal attack by Israeli aggressor

Gaza hospital directory

Gaza rockets: what would Obama do?

Gaza: Kids in the winter

Gaza: Hamas humanitarism

Gaza: Moms

Gaza: Why innocent die in Gaza?

Gaza: weather forecast

Gaza: What would Cameron do?

Gaza: harmless projectiles

Gaza: BBC is anti-Israel

Gaza: What would Merkel do?

Gaza: Over my home

Gaza: Imagine if New York...

Gaza: war crimes

Compare and contrast, Israelis love their children, Hamas parades dead


(Hamas has once again apparently been caught faking an image of a dead Palestinian child--this time using a child likely killed by its own rocket fire and claiming that an Israeli attack was responsible)

'nough said.

Madness: Israel delays ground op further (link dump)

It seems like Israel is continuously pressured to make the wrong decisions at its citizen's lives and livelihood expense. Gaza disengagement was a mistake, a deadly one - and it is time to correct that mistake once and for good.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Report: Israel eliminated 4 heads of Islamic Jihad in media building

Somewhere, an MSM "journalist" is shedding a tear for his friends next door.

4 Islamic Jihad operatives hit by IDF airstrike

Four Islamic Jihad top operatives were hit by the IDF in the Gaza Strip, when an IAF plane fired at a media building in Gaza, where the operatives were stating. Foreign press representatives were apparently also in the building during the strike.

Is a cease fire imposed on Israel on unfavorable terms?

Consider the headlines:

Meanwhile, bombing continues, and IDF reserves recruits are waiting for command. Many Israelis feel that if the intention is not to take Gaza back and eliminate terror threat for good, a ground invasion will be a waste of IDF soldiers' blood. People don't believe the world will let Israel properly defend itself.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Narrative and reporting based on fairy tales

So the IDF is insisting they are doing their best to minimize harm to Arab civilians in Gaza, IDF tweeted:
VIDEO: Terrorists put an underground launch site next to a mosque. We targeted the site. The mosque was unharmed. …


The Jihadi scum in Gaza is insisting their real goal is to kill civilian Jews and terrorize them, not shy about using human shields:

And I guess the real question is how do CNN and BBC manage to miss that tidbit and insist on painting Israel is blood-thirsty murderers and the Gaza Jihadi scum as victims?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Video: IDF answers why war now? Fajr-5 threatens 3.5 mil civilians, also - armed UAV-s

Would you mind making a pancake mashed potatoes out of Gaza already?

IDF strikes Hamas UAV warehouse in Gaza

Next in line - Lebanon, again. And again - without IDF in the field occupying potential terrorist lands and subduing their murderous desires, we will see a repeat. The world is allowing Iran to create this terror launching bases on the backs of a willing Arab population.

Gaza fired rocket at Jerusalem

Official tweet:

From IDFSpokesperson tweet: Confirmed: A rocket fired from Gaza struck outside Jerusalem, Israel's capital city. #IsraelUnderFire

I've said this before: When you want to shoot, shoot, don't talk. Ground operation should have started on day 1, not talked about endlessly. Gaza should not have been abandoned to terrorist rule, and the only fix is to take it back and not return it. Egypt's peace treaty is already null of content, its only valid sign of existence is Egypt mostly holding back its tanks from Sinai. It would take about a day for that reality to change. Israel shouldn't just put in troops into Gaza, but properly prepare for Egyptian forces on its southern border. In short - prepare to take Sinai back. Just this no-body's opinion, far away in Michigan, who still has a lot of family and friends back in Israel.

Obama urges Egypt to pressure Gaza to cease attacking civilians, Egypt sends PM as human shield to express solidarity, president Morsi threatens war on Israel

Surprise, the Jihadi Muslim Brotherhood in charge in Egypt - are aligned with the Jihadi Muslim Brotherhood who took charge in Gaza.

Bonus, when they fail to murder Jews, they murder Arabs in Gaza. Blood thirsty animals.

* Gaza rocket fire continues during Egypt PM's visit

Imagine Hamas's fire crackers hitting your kitchen. Hey kids, snack time?

* Egypt's PM in Gaza denounces Israel's attacks as 'aggression'

Show of solidarity, no pressure to stop targeting civilians.

* Morsi aims to incite violence against Israel
* Obama presses Egypt to help rein in Hamas as Gaza conflict escalates
And finally, the talks Obama had with Morsi weren't about stopping Hamas, they are actually about Morsi's real current intentions:
Obama works to avert Israel-Egypt break as Gaza violence persists

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 2: Rockets on Tel Aviv, Russia condemns response as disproportional, Israeli civilian casualties

I wonder, did Georgia bomb Moscow? No - then STFU. Enough's enough - it's time to flatten Gaza.

Rocket Falls Near Tel Aviv, IDF Massing Armor

Rocket "fell into sea near Bat Yam," hurt no one. IDF massing ground forces near Gaza. Minister: Gaza is in for unprecedented attack.

Rockets fired at Tel Aviv area for first time since Gulf War
Putin urges Netanyahu to avoid escalation

... Russia strongly condemned Israel's "disproportionate" use of force in air strikes on the Gaza Strip while calling on Palestinian terrorists to halt firing rockets at the Jewish state.
Exactly how is a nation supposed to respond to such attacks? Any options besides turning Gaza to a pancake?

* 3 killed by rocket fire in Kiryat Malachi