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Reagan Wisdom

The cult of zero personal responsibility OKA progz are unable to grasp this simple truth:

“We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” ~Ronald Reagan

And that indeed is a societal problem… Heh.

Paging @PiersMorgan Rapper Ice T: “Right to bear arms last form of defense against tyranny”

“I’d give up my gun when everybody else does.”


Q: Do you have a gun at home?
Ice T: Yeah, it’s legal in the United States. It’s part of our Constitution. You know, the right to bear arms is because that is the last form of defense against tyranny. Not to hunt. It’s to protect yourself from the *police.

*I’m assuming Ice T was referring to a ‘police state’.

Now for the fun part:
My personal Twitter campaign daring Piers Morgan to invite Ice T on his show (click here to retweet and thus bombard Piers ‘FOREIGN NATIONAL supporter of tyranny agitating for insurrection on US airwaves’ Morgan, til his eyes bleed. Figuratively speaking that is).


@NYGovCuomo On Possible Gun Legislation “Confiscation & Mandatory Sale To The State Could Be Options”

And so it begins…

Cuomo fast tracks the slippery slope (speaking from his lair secured by HEAVILY ARMED GUARDS no doubt):

“I don’t think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, ‘I need an assault weapon to go hunting,’ ” he said. At the same time, he noted that he owns a shotgun that he has used for hunting, and said, “There is a balance here — I understand the rights of gun owners; I understand the rights of hunters.”

In the interview, Mr. Cuomo did not offer specifics about the measures he might propose, but, while discussing assault weapons, he said: “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it.”

H/T @DocWashburn

Is it True Armed Civilians Have Never Stopped a Mass Shooting?–NO.

Also see:

Diane Feinstein’s Hypocritical Conceal & Carry Flashback: “I know the urge to arm yourself because that’s what I did.” [Video]

Charlton Heston: “From My Cold Dead Hands”

Diane Feinstein’s Hypocritical Conceal & Carry Flashback: “I know the urge to arm yourself because that’s what I did.” [Video]

Hypocritical fascist cow.

“Less than twenty years ago I was the target of a terrorist group. It was the New World Liberation Front. They blew up power stations and put a bomb at my home when my husband was dying of cancer. And the bomb didn’t detonate. [...] I was very lucky. But, I thought of what might have happened. Later the same group shot out all the windows of my home. [...] And, I know the sense of helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself because that’s what I did. I was trained in firearms. I’d walk to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if somebody was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me.”

Jeff G at Protein Wisdom posits a frightening hypothetical scenario:

If Dianne Feinstein grants herself the right to self protection, how on earth can she justify denying you your right to do the same. For Feinstein, an “assault weapon” is merely a weapon that cosmetically looks frightening to her. That is, her ban is (and was) nothing but a ban on aesthetics

And that’s because the general mechanism used by “assault weapons” to fire bullets — one squeeze, one round — is the same as with nearly every pistol and revolver still extant, including I’d bet the one Feinstein herself concealed and carried. And the only other readily available guns sold legally are single-load, manual bolt-action rifles that, against two or more armed assailants who, let’s say, break into your home wielding semi-automatic pistols, would prove useless, even were you to hit and kill one of your attackers with the first shot. Because you simply couldn’t reload the gun quickly enough to get off a second shot before that second assailant was able to empty the entirety of his magazine in your direction….

Levin is livid; “this video needs to go viral”.

Also see:
The Assault Weapons Ban: How Silly Was It?
Revisiting the comically incompetent law which President Obama wishes to reinstate.

Charlton Heston: “From My Cold Dead Hands”

Crossover Dribble: 50 Year Old Transexual To Play NCAA Women’s Basketball

One of these is not like the others, one of these just doesn’t belong. Can you guess which one?

Out of bounds.

(Chicago Sun-Times) –SANTA CLARA, Calif. — The women’s basketball team at Mission College expected the bleachers to be full and the hecklers ready when its newest player made her home court debut.

In the days leading up to the game, people had plenty to say about 6-foot-6-inch, 220-pound [50 YEAR OLD.] Gabrielle Ludwig, who joined the Lady Saints as a mid-season walk-on and became, according to advocates, the first transsexual to play college hoops as both a man and a woman.

“I got exactly what I always wanted, just to fit in and be normal like everyone else,” Ludwig said.

Ludwig, who turns 51 this month, acknowledged that part of her motivation for playing women’s basketball was to be a role-model for transgender youth.


Teammate Amy Woo, 19, said Ludwig has brought a maternal influence, helping the team keep problems in perspective.

Continued >>>

Tipping point.

Photo source:

Pro-Union Activist Threatens Michigan Gov. Snyder: “We’ll be at your daughter’s soccer game…” [Video] Update: Tweet: Rightwing Ready To Crucify Me, Bring It On, Mean’t What I Said”

The threats and intimidation were spoken by a (so called) man of the cloth…no less. Yeah, Jesus Christ was all about stalking and frightening children for the ‘better good’.

“By any means necessary!”

(Michigan Capitol Confidential) –LANSING — A speaker at a union protest against right-to-work legislation said if Gov. Rick Snyder signed the bill he would get “no rest” and that protesters would be at his ”daughter’s soccer game.”

The Rev. Charles Williams II made the comments Tuesday to loud cheers before a group of thousands of union workers.

After his promises to harass Gov. Snyder, he introduced Rep. Richard Hammel, D-Mt. Morris Township, and House Minority Leader Tim Greimel, D-Auburn Hills. Williams is a Detroit-area pastor and left-wing activist.

Gov. Snyder later that day signed a bill into law making Michigan a right-to-work state. One of his daughters is a 16-year-old high school student.

“Just know one thing, Rick Snyder: You sign that bill, you won’t get no rest,” Williams said.

“We’ll meet you on Geddes Road [Where Gov Snyder lives with his family -ed.].

We’ll visit you at your church. We’ll be at your office.

“Because Michigan workers will not take it laying down — by any means necessary!” he said.

Continued >>>


I know men of God, and you are no man of God.

#BenghaziGate: Chaffetz: The Obama State Dep. Is Hiding Benghazi Jihad Survivors

There is much, much more to the story than meets the eye. And if the whole truth never comes out, it would be an extreme travesty of justice the likes this country has ever seen. Americans (and most especially the families of the fallen) DESERVE answers immediately, if not sooner!
No more coverup!
No more lies!

Demand accountability!

“When an American goes down we go get ‘em. But this president didn’t do that.”
–Rep. Jason Chaffetz
Now go read this =>Benghazi explained: Interview with an “Intelligence Insider”.

Rant Of The Day! On The Subject Of Racist Union Thug Cowards & Clint Tarver

Racist Union Thugs Demolish Clint Tarver’s Business by CommonSense

Link at YouTube

Union Thugs Demolish Lansing,Michigan Hot Dog Vendor Clint Tarver’s Equipment [Photo] Update: “N*gger, Uncle Tom” –Slurs Confirmed