Benghazigate: Research Help Request – White House 9-11-12 Photo During Benghazi 7 Hour Seige…. ?

updateALL UPDATES After original post BELOW  – Need Viral Assistance.

The White House has refused repeated attempts by journalists to produce pictures of President Obama and his team in the White House Situation Room during the 9-11 Benghazi terrorist attacks [3:30pm to 11:00pm Eastern Time].

Personally, after researching the offical reports minute by minute, and comparing them to the media released statements, I believe the Situation Room was empty.

Today the White House released this picture taken on 9-11-12.  It was included in a White House FLICKR Album “The Year In Pictures“.  You Decide:

White House 9-11-12

(Sept. 11, 2012)  – ”Denis McDonough, Deputy National Security Advisor, left, updates the President and Vice President on the situation in the Middle East and North Africa. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon and Chief of Staff Jack Lew are at right.” (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

A couple of notes:  It’s twilight outside, so this is close to sunset on September 11th.  The vehicles are noted through the window and you can tell it is twilight.   Sunset Was 7:22pm, with end of civil twilight at 7:49pm on Sept 11th 2012.   The metadata embedd shows the picture was taken at 7:26pm.

So this picture was taken four hours after the fire-fight started, and they are NOT in the “situation room”.   We know the video & audio feed from the Benghazi faux-State Dept. Consulate was live;  So, simultaneous to this photograph it was 1:26am Benghazi Time.  That is the exact time (01:30am) the rescue team of Navy SEAL’s Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty arrived back in the CIA annex with the body of Sean Smith.

The first Reuters report did not hit the media until 00:30am on Sept. 12th, and was not reported on TV until approx 00:45 eastern (6:45am Benghazi) as a “breaking story”.

POTUS “Schedule Binder” is on the couch in front of Donilon, it is closed.    Someone is visible in the reflection at the collar of McDonough.  Someone else is visible (seated) in the reflection over the shoulder of Lew.  Neither are the photographer.

Biden is holding scratch notes [of events?] including people.  One of the first notes is “Rice to BD or BB” (?)  (Click HERE For BIG VERSION)   [4096 x 2731 pixel]

What is written on the paper in the hands of VP Biden?

Continue reading

Posted in Benghazi-Gate, CIA, Clinton(s), Egypt & Libya Part 2, Election 2012, Islam, Obama re-election, Obama Research/Discovery, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized, White House Coverup | 62 Comments

Barney Frank To Replace John Kerry in Senate?….

Makes sense when you think about the pending LGBT opposition to Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary.   If Barney can reach the Senate, he can deflect opposition by providing President Obama “Gay Credibility” in the confirmation process.  The Gay and Lesbian community will shut up if Barney Frank supports Hagel. 

barney_frankBOSTON — Gov. Deval L. Patrick said that retired U.S. Rep. Barney Frank is a gifted legislator and would make a great interim senator.

“He is definitely on the list,” Patrick told reporters Friday. “I think he would be a great interim senator.”

Patrick’s comments came at a Statehouse press conference after Frank, a Newton Democrat, told MSNBC that he wants the governor to appoint him as an interim replacement for U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry. President Barack Obama has nominated Kerry to be secretary of state.

Responding to a reporter’s question, Patrick said it would be logical to appoint Frank, partly because he knows the issues in Washington and could hit the ground running. (article)

Posted in Decepticons, Dem Hypocrisy, Harry Reid, media bias, Obama Research/Discovery, Political correctness/cultural marxism, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized | 7 Comments

Dictatorial Fiat – Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi Will Support POTUS Executive Takeover Authority on Spending – ie Debt Ceiling….

Sadly hilarious, in a predictable way…. we are only four days into the new year and already it appears five of our ten predictions for 2013 will come to fruition....

harry-reid-and-obamaWASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has privately told other Democrats, including President Obama, that if the administration used its constitutional and executive authority to continue paying its debts in the face of House Republican opposition, he would support the approach, according to a source familiar with Reid’s message to the president.

The simplest escape route out of the debt ceiling impasse is for the president to direct the Treasury to find a legal way to pay its debts. The Treasury then has a variety of options. One gaining particular attention relies on a law that allows the Treasury to mint a coin of unspecified value and deposit it with the Federal Reserve. Those funds could then be used legally to pay debts. Continue reading

Posted in A New America, Bailouts, Decepticons, Dem Hypocrisy, Harry Reid, media bias, Obama re-election, Obama Research/Discovery, Predictions, Socialist, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized | 25 Comments

Granholm Quits Current TV – New Dress Code Too Much?

Click HERE for details

Posted in A New America, Islam, media bias, Political correctness/cultural marxism, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Update – Second Trooper Suspended – Criminal Sexual Assault – Women Suing State Troopers Over Roadside Cavity Searches – No narcotics, contraband found during searches

updateTEXAS - The second of two Texas State troopers at the center of a lawsuit involving a roadside cavity search  has been suspended with pay.

The two women from Irving are suing Trooper David Farrell, Trooper Kelley Helleson and the director of the Department of Public Safety for what they call an unconstitutional search without probable cause.

On Thursday, the DPS said Farrell had been suspended with pay effective Dec. 21 pending the outcome of an investigation into the incident. Helleson had also been suspended with pay on Dec. 19.  (updated link)

Bumped. Another Media Report Here - But, let me just clear something up.  This was not a search; This was not reasonable; This was recorded forcible sexual assault by police officers under the auspices of their threatening authority.   Rape, period.

There were no attempts to search their pockets.  They were not told to empty their purses, or put their personal contents on the ground or top of car for inspection.  This was not a pat down – the officer never even checked the legs, socks or shoes.  The female officer was not conducting a search, she immediately put her fingers in the anus and vagina of both victims. Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, A New America, Communist, media bias, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized | 118 Comments

…Aaand, They’re Off – 10 Gun Bills on Day One….

The Gates were loaded, the horn sounded, and the Progressive race to restrict gun ownership has begun…..    Leading the first furlong we have Carolyn McCarthy, followed closely by Bobby Rush and Rush Holt;  as they head toward turn one Sheila Jackson Lee breaks out the whip, but Jim Moran is also digging in his heals…..  giddy up’….

WASHINGTON DC - Members of the 113th Congress introduced 10 bills on Thursday relating to gun violence, most of which came from Democrats seeking new restrictions on gun ownership.

gun_controlThe flurry of legislative proposals show that members are likely to push the issue in the wake of the December shooting at a Connecticut elementary school that left 20 children dead.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), whose husband was shot to death in 1993, introduced four of the bills. The congresswoman has vowed to seek changes in federal law in response to the school shooting. Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, A New America, Dem Hypocrisy, Potus Gun Ban, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized | 42 Comments

Other Than DOJ Planning For “Gun Controls”, Why Would This Be Needed?

I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It’: N.C. Police Lieutenant Warns Of Martial Law In Early 2013, Says Training Has Begun

Was the Illinois Gun Ban [home state of Emanuel, Jarrett, Axelrod and Obama] the trial balloon to see how public responses to gun bans and confiscation would occur? (Via Washington Examiner) President Obama’s home state of Illinois won’t be the first to approve post-Sandy Hook Elementary School gun control measures after all, thanks in part to the Second Amendment advocacy of the National Rifle Association. Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, A New America, Dem Hypocrisy, media bias, Obama re-election, Obama Research/Discovery, Political correctness/cultural marxism, Potus Gun Ban, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized, White House Coverup | 18 Comments

Gore Threatened To Accuse Cable Providers Of Being Anti-Muslim Bigots If They Dropped Al Jazeera After Current TV Sale…

…. see below post because apparently it worked.

New York Times - Al Gore’s Current TV was never popular with viewers, but it was a hit where it counted: with cable and satellite providers. When he co-founded the channel in 2005, Mr. Gore managed to get the channel piped into tens of millions of households — a huge number for an untested network — through a combination of personal lobbying and arm-twisting of industry giants.


He called on those skills again after deciding in December to sell Current TV toAl Jazeera for $500 million. To preserve the deal — and the estimated $100 million he would personally receive — he went to some of those same distributors, who were looking for an excuse to drop the low-rated channel, and reminded them that their contracts with Current TV called it a news channel. Were the distributors going to say that an American version of Al Jazeera didn’t qualify, possibly invoking ugly stereotypes of the Middle Eastern news giant? Continue reading

Posted in Islam, Israel, media bias, Political correctness/cultural marxism, Sept 11, Uncategorized | 5 Comments