obama chevy volt looks like a lemon gm government motors sad hill news

Monkey See. Monkey Do.

While bankrupt GM, Chrysler and Fisker managers practically doubled their salaries via bonuses and benefits using taxpayer bailout funds from 2011, bankrupt Tesla Motors needed only 90 days to burn through $35 million of their Obama-awarded $465 million taxpayer-funded bailout.

Obama to Tesla CEO, “Now buy yourself a mansion, after you donate $100,000 to my re-election campaign, just like bankrupt Solyndra.”

It must have been the internal CEO fighting and hemorrhaging bank account – from trying to sell a $92,000 electric car that costs $140,000 to ‘produce’ – that made Tesla Motors the perfect addition to Obama’s money laundering portfolio

Bankrupt Tesla CEO Buys $17 Million Mansion After Receiving $465 Million Taxpayer-Funded Bailout

(Breitbart) Taxpayers footed the bill for a $465 million loan to troubled electric carmaker Tesla as part of President Barack Obama’s “green energy” stimulus.  But Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk is now riding high with the purchase of his new $17 million mansion.

Mr. Musk’s 20,248-square-foot hilltop mansion boasts breathtaking views, a two-story library with rolling ladder, a home theater, and a five-car garage to house his taxpayer-subsidized, pricey Tesla vehicles.

In September, the New York Times reported that Tesla had burned through cash and missed production targets, raising “questions about the long-term viability of the company” and igniting “ criticism of the government’s energy loan program, which has been heavily promoted by the Obama administration.”  But Tesla says it has begun making payments on its government loan ahead of schedule.

Mr. Musk donated over $100,000 to Mr. Obama’s 2012 campaign.

Tesla produced 359 cars last quarter.

More: HERE

Amerika’s god of ‘green‘ energy…

obama alfalfa omega green energy god of all things sad hill news-1

Tesla Motors awarded $465 million in taxpayer funds, loses $35 million in 3rd quarter: HERE

Solyndra ‘Green’ executive: $100,000+ in Obama donations and 20+ White House trips: HERE

What happens to all of the expired hybrid batteries? They kill Mexicans: HERE

Government Motors stops investigating itself over Chevy Volt fires: HERE

Government Motors blames media for low Chevy Volt sales and 1300 employee layoffs: HERE

ObamaGenius, ‘Since my Chevy Volt won’t sell, I’ll penalize Americans $2,500 more per vehicle: HERE

Chevy Volt Fires!HERE

 – Chevy Volt, ‘The People’s Car’: HERE

Wow! 281 Chevy Volts sold just last month – thank you Mr. Obama!: HERE

*hitty *hitty Bang Bang: HERE

GM recalls 154,000 Chevys: HERE

Taxpayers – $7,500 on the hook for every Chevy Volt sold: HERE

Obama administration bought 1-in-4 GM hybrids soldHERE

Boldface lies about GM service and warranties: HERE

Chevy Volt commercial – as it should be: HERE

The God of ‘green’ energy promises taxpayer funds for more green energy failures: HERE

Jesse Jackson, ‘We need more stimulus’: HERE

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Merry CHRISTmas

On 12.24.12, in Fun, by Sad Hill

merry christmas blue jay sad hill news

Blue Jay captured with my camera – looked wintery.

Merry Christmas!

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obama hitler time magazine abortion killing children exterminating jews joy ride sad hill news


Do the math. An abortion in the US every 26 seconds. That’s 3,300 executions per day, or roughly 1.2 million murders per year. Multiply that by 8 (2 terms = 8 years), then factor in the rapidly increasing abortion rate (4,000+/day):

Obama 11,000,000  vs.  Hitler 6,000,000

Keep in mind abortions skyrocketed between 2011 and 2012: HERE

And Conservatives say, ‘Obama hasn’t accomplished anything’…

The official U.S. Holocaust tally from American Life League that does not include chemical abortions* nor those killed by Obama’s countless drone strikes:

      • Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2011: 54.5 million+
      • 234 abortions per 1,000 live births (according to the Centers for Disease Control)
      • Abortions per hour: 137
      • 9 abortions every 4 minutes

*These statistics include only surgical and medical abortions. Because many contraceptive measures are abortifacients (drugs that induce or cause abortions), it is important not to overlook the number of children killed by chemical abortions. Since 1965, an average of 11 million women have used abortifacient methods of birth control in the United States at any given time. Using formulas based on the way the birth control pill works, pharmacy experts project that about 14 million chemical abortions occur in the United States each year, providing a projected total of well in excess of 610 million chemical abortions between 1965 and 2009.


No ‘love and prayers‘ from the killer-in-chief. Not a single Connecticut crocodile tear shed.

obama abortion make mistake abort punished with a baby senator barack punishment sad hill news

Child sacrifice,’ the leftist Utopia: HERE

Global Holocaust — Planned Parenthood invades Africa: HERE

American Holocaust: Obama defends ‘the right’ to exterminate 54+ lives: HERE

Obama marks abortion anniversary — Happy Birthday Genocide!: HERE

ObamaCare Double-Counter Kathleen Sebelius destroys key evidence in Planned Parenthood case: HERE

Planned Parenthood reports record baby kills — up 8000+ in one year: HERE

Obama marks abortion anniversary — Happy Birthday Genocide!: HERE

Planned Parenthood helps pimp’s underage sex ring: HERE

Planned Parenthood sponsor One Nation Rally: HERE

Pretend your baby is a tree and save it: HERE

Little miss college girl know EVERYTHING about everything: HERE and HERE

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joe biden barack obama libya war playstation unpatriotic games space invaders sad hill news

Connecticut who?!

From the ‘Obama is God’ leftist hypocrites over at the Huffington Post:

US Drones Are Killing Children, Terrorising Families And Turning Civilians Against America, Report Finds

The detailed report – which was compiled over nine months using interviews with the local population, including victims of strikes, humanitarian workers and medical professionals – explains that hundreds of civilians have been killed through drone strikes.

It quotes figures from the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), which says that from June 2004 to mid-September 2012, drone strikes killed between 2,562 and 3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom 474 to 881 were civilians, including 176 children.

More: HERE

Happy Kinetic Military Action Libya!: HERE

Kinetic video wall installed at the White House: HERE

US could stay in Iraq for years – broken Obama promise #498,952 and counting: HERE

Obama Theater — Now Playing: My Dumb War With Libya: HERE

The War Movement: Bush war = BAD, Obama war = GOOD: HERE

Obama’s illegal war: HERE

Obama says, ‘There is going to be a tug-of-war within the US between those who see globalization as a threat, and those who accept it’: HERE

Joe Biden, ‘Impeach the president!’: HERE

Libya solution: HERE

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Whoops! I have no idea who posted this ‘news’ on SHN. Totally inappropriate. I’ll remove it just as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience and understanding. — Sad Hill

michelle obama time magazine most beautiful woman that ever lived sad hill news


But as long as you’re here, let’s review shall we?

michelle obama baboon monkey totally looks like laughing smile mouth sad hill news


michelle obama ireland hair blown windy grinch sad hill news


michelle obama time magazine most beautiful woman that ever lived sad hill news-2

Newsweek and Time desperate to sell their rags: HEREHERE and HERE

Obama says, ‘If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun’: HERE

Journolists that urged ‘caution’ after Fort Hood, now race to blame Palin after Arizona shooting: HERE

Hat tipI Own The World

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obama gun salesman of the universe firearms salesman of the century sad hill news-1


Liberty slips away – gun takeoverHERE

Our nation cannot survive treason from within: HERE

70% of Lame Duck President Twitter followers are fake: HERE

Eric Holder vs. George Zimmerman: HERE

Gun Owners of America t-shirt: HERE

Washington Post tied to 2,500 crimes in DC: HERE

Project Gunrunner SHOCKER: HERE

Project Gunrunner reruns are getting old: HERE

IRS, the DEA and ICE were also connected to Project Gunrunner: HERE

Stimulus Funded ‘Project Gunrunner’ Verified On OpenCongress.org WebsiteHERE

DOJ Wiretap AuthorizationHERE

Project Gunrunner Briefing PaperHERE

Project Gunrunner: DOJ / ATF smuggle guns to Mexican drug cartel: HERE

Project Gunrunner: DOJ authorized wiretap of ATF’s ‘Fast and Furious’: HERE

No Fast and Furious justice for Project Gunrunner culprits: HERE

Project Gunrunner – Now in theaters everywhere!: HERE

Breitbart from the grave, “Obama born in Kenya”: HERE

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barbara streisand rotting whale malibu coast beach homes smell john boehner sad hill news-163

Perhaps I misread the article…

But listen carefully won’t you…to the sad, sad songs of a helpless beached whale.

If only we could push Streisand and Boehner off the highest fiscal cliff. Twice.

“Send in the clowns. Don’t bother, they’re here.”

40,000 Pound Carcass Rotting Off Malibu Beach And No One Knows What To Do With It

(Blaze) MALIBU, Calif. — On a private Malibu beach near the homes of celebrities like Barbra Streisand and Bob Dylan is a stinking, rotting carcass of washed up whale — and no one is quite sure what to do with it.

Los Angeles County lifeguards planned to try to pull the 40,000-pound carcass out to sea at high tide, said Cindy Reyes, executive director of the California Wildlife Center.

But fire Inspector Brian Riley said that’s unlikely to work.

“You would need a tug boat to drag it out to sea,” Riley told City News Service in a report Thursday.

“It is entrenched in the sand and impossible to tow free even at high tide,” Riley said. “Burial at low tide will be difficult as well as land removal. It’s in an area with bad access.”

The city was not sure who would do the job, spokeswoman Olivia Damavandi said.

The Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors was not responsible for disposing of the more than 40-foot body, said Carol Baker, who represents the agency.

“It’s on a private beach” controlled by homeowners down to the high tide line and the state is responsible for the tidelands, Baker said.

Something officials may or may not have considered is blowing up the whale carcass like Portland, Ore., officials did in the 1970s.

More: HERE

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