Hey! We were psychic! We just didn’t know it ahead of time! — Steamboat McGoo, on the Weblog Awards fiasco

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Jan 4

Hazy Shade of Winter

Posted by LC Aggie Sith on Friday, January 4, 2013 in Funny Pics, Open Thread, Weather

The prognosticators prognosticated sleet and ice and snow for my area today.

As usual, they were wrong.

Remind me to send them a Thank You card.

groundhog lol

Seriously, Punxsutawney Phil Sowerby has a better track record than most weather peeps.

So, today I shall be doing chores at home, and trying to stay warm while the prognosticated temperature reaches its zenith. Basically what I am trying to say is, I have run out of excuses and must now clean house.

And how will you be spending this inglorious bastardly day?? :D

Jan 3

Thursday Random

Posted by ArmedGeek on Thursday, January 3, 2013 in Randomness



Jan 2

Hooker of the Week

Posted by ArmedGeek on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 in HOTW


Dec 31

Another Year, Gone

Posted by LC Aggie Sith on Monday, December 31, 2012 in Funny Pics, holiday

Thank goodness!

Tonight marks the beginning of a new year. Not sure why that is a cause for a party, but whatever. I have two parties to attend and can’t get out of either one, so I will make sure to drink water and enjoy the spectacular sloshing that people will be undertaking. At least that will be fun for me.

corkscrew mayhen

Believe it or not, I saw this happen once. And no, I wasn’t the perpetrator.

Take care this evening, be responsible and watch out for the idiots.

And have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

Dec 29

My New Weapon

Posted by LC Aggie Sith on Saturday, December 29, 2012 in Awesomeness, Funny Pics

Someone call Diane Feinstein.

assault bow swords

Hey, DiFi, FUCK YOU!!

Have a great Saturday :D

Dec 28

Deadpool Update: General Norman Schwartzkopf

Posted by LC Aggie Sith on Friday, December 28, 2012 in Deadpool, Everyday Hero, Military

Norman Schwarzkopf Obit2

From Fox News:

Schwarzkopf was named commander in chief of U.S. Central Command at Tampa’s MacDill Air Force Base in 1988, overseeing the headquarters for U.S. military and security concerns in nearly two dozen countries stretching across the Middle East to Afghanistan and the rest of central Asia, plus Pakistan.

When Saddam invaded Kuwait two years later to punish it for allegedly stealing Iraqi oil reserves, Schwarzkopf commanded Operation Desert Storm, the coalition of some 30 countries organized by President George H.W. Bush that succeeded in driving the Iraqis out.

He will always be “The Bear” to us. Godspeed, kind sir.

NOTE: The General was not on anyone’s list but he’s certainly deserving of the honor of a post.

Dec 27

Thursday Random

Posted by ArmedGeek on Thursday, December 27, 2012 in Randomness



Dec 26

Hooker of the Week

Posted by ArmedGeek on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 in HOTW


Dec 25

DeadPool Update: Charles Durning

Posted by ArmedGeek on Tuesday, December 25, 2012 in Deadpool

Charles Durning

From the Washington Post:

Charles Durning grew up in poverty, lost five of his nine siblings to disease, barely lived through D-Day and was taken prisoner at the Battle of the Bulge.

His hard life and wartime trauma provided the basis for a prolific 50-year career as a consummate Oscar-nominated character actor, playing everyone from a Nazi colonel to the pope to Dustin Hoffman’s would-be suitor in “Tootsie.”

Durning, who died Monday at age 89 in New York, got his start as an usher at a burlesque theater in Buffalo, N.Y. When one of the comedians showed up too drunk to go on, Durning took his place. He would recall years later that he was hooked as soon as heard the audience laughing.

Reiuxcat gets the 2 for the report. Broozer however is the big winner today with both Klugman and Durning. I’m starting to get suspicious.

Dec 24

DeadPool Update: Jack Klugman

Posted by ArmedGeek on Monday, December 24, 2012 in Deadpool


From USAToday:

Jack Klugman, the prolific, craggy-faced character actor and regular guy who was loved by millions as the messy one in TV’s The Odd Couple and the crime-fighting coroner in Quincy, M.E., died on Christmas Eve, his son said. He was 90.

Klugman, who lost his voice to throat cancer in the 1980s and trained himself to speak again, died with his wife at his side.

This is another sad one. I always liked that dude.

Broozer gets the points for the report along with 10 for the death. Joining him in gaining points today are riff and 1IDVET.

So … where ya at, the_botnet ?