The Progressive Message Is Marketable. The Conservative Message Is Not.

January 4, 2013


Scott Pinsker is a marketing and publicity expert. He has written a two-part article for Fox News, in which he analyses the 2012 election results from a marketing point of view and explains why the Democrats won and the Republicans lost. In Part 1, Pinsker explains the difference in the two parties today. He calls… [Read more…]

Is America’s Constitution No Longer Wanted by “Most” Americans?

January 3, 2013


Georgetown University law professor, Louis Michael Seidman, wrote this in the Op’Ed section of the New York Times the other day: AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to… [Read more…]

Today I Just Can’t Do It

January 2, 2013


I have started and trashed four posts today. My fury over the cowardly Republicans in our House of Representatives won’t let me think clearly. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to write again.

Posted in: Uncategorized

A New Year Wish For All My Friends Back In America

December 31, 2012


Although the future may look dark, we can not give up hope.

Posted in: Happy New Year

Sunday Humor… or Maybe Not So Funny

December 30, 2012


Snatched from Political Irony According to satirist Andy Borowitz “The Al Qaeda terrorist group is disbanding, saying “our mission of destroying the American economy is now in the capable hands of the U.S. Congress.” And one more: In related news, a consortium of billionaires led by Sheldon Adelson has warned that if their taxes go up, they… [Read more…]

Posted in: Political Humor

“If I Were King for a Day” an essay by Pat Slattery

December 29, 2012


Today’s Guest Saturday post comes to us from Pat Slattery of The Free Market Project blog. Pat engages in a fantasy that many of us have taken. He originally published this essay on  December 15, 2012. *************** If I Were King for a Day I have a suggestion that may help people understand Washington. I… [Read more…]

Obama Against The World. What Will It Cost Us?

December 28, 2012


Have you ever tried to figure out whose side Obama is on? That is one tough question to answer. We know he is not on America’s side. Forget all the class warfare rhetoric. Nothing Obama’s has done, including ObamaCare, and nothing he is doing or planning on doing is going to help the middle class.… [Read more…]


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