
4 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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4 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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4 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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4 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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5 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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8 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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8 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Weekly Standard: Barney Frank admitted this morning ...

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9 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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9 hours ago 0 ››Chuck Biscuits

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11 hours ago 0 ››Chuck Biscuits

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12 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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22 hours ago 0 ››Dinah Tellya

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22 hours ago 0 ››Dinah Tellya

Excerpted from The Weekly Standard: Vice President ...

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22 hours ago 0 ››Dinah Tellya

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23 hours ago 0 ››Dinah Tellya

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23 hours ago 0 ››Dinah Tellya

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

SCARBOROUGH: Don’t you hear from Republicans, don’t ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Mediaite: Newly sworn in Sen. ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Chuck Biscuits

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

ESPN cameras were rolling when Scott Norton ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Chuck Biscuits

"You know what my really complicated analysis ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Related: Muslim Brotherhood Cell Arrested in Plot ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Chuck Biscuits

Related - Celebrity Photo Of The Year: ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

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4 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Politico: Delaware Attorney General Beau ...

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4 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Foreign Policy Cable: President Barack ...

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4 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Breitbart: With the left ...

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4 hours ago 0 ››Chuck Biscuits

Excerpted from Hot Air: The White House ...

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8 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Related: Illinois Advances Law For Total Confiscation ...

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8 hours ago 0 ››Infidel

Excerpted from Keith Koffler: Michelle Obama recently ...

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9 hours ago 0 ››Infidel

Obama and Cochrane Miami Herald: Lincolnton Furniture Company ...

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9 hours ago 0 ››spratico

The Telegraph - Gen Hugh Shelton, who ...

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11 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Philly Mag: On October 31st, ...

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11 hours ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

BELLEVILLE, Ill. (KMOX) – Belleville police chief ...

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21 hours ago 0 ››Spit Stixx

Excerpted from Fox News: Illinois Senate Democrats ...

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22 hours ago 0 ››Dinah Tellya

NEW YORK –- Time Warner Cable pulled ...

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23 hours ago 0 ››Infidel

( - When children from Sandy Hook ...

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23 hours ago 0 ››Infidel

Casablanca — Although Ahmed Boukhtala is the ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Infidel

Excerpted from Fox Nation: According to the ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Spit Stixx

Excerpted from The Sun: PANORAMA investigator ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Floor Action Blog: Rep. John ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Via Buzzfeed: From: ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Excerpted from The Daily Caller: Wisconsin ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Pat Dollard

Excerpted from The Ticket: The fiscal austerity ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Toro520

Via Breitbart: It took a year, but the ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Toro520

Via The Blaze: In an opinion column published ...

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1 day ago 0 ››Toro520

Via The Blaze: When the “Arab Spring” swept ...

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1 day ago 0 ››spratico

Source-Geo News ISLAMABAD: A US drone strike killed ...

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2 days ago 0 ››Toro520

I suppose he was just ’ expressing his ...

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