The Penalty For Creating Open Conversations is Death


the Saudi blogger
Follow the link below and read and participate in an open conversation about a Saudi blogger facing the death penalty for trying to create open conversations:

Saudi Blogger Faces Death

Many people are having a lively conversation on that post. Please add your comments. Here's what the post says:

Saudi blogger faces death penalty for creating web site where people can have open conversations.

The creator of a Saudi Arabian web site called Free Saudi Liberals faces a charge of "apostasy," which comes with an automatic death sentence.

The charge stems from comments made on his site by users that criticized senior Saudi religious leaders.

He had initially been charged with "insulting Islam through electronic channels," but that charge was upgraded to apostasy by a judge.


Peace On Earth


Serge Trifkovic said most of the conflicts in the world involve Muslims, and if you took away conflicts involving Muslims, the world would be a pretty peaceful place.

Muslims, both orthodox and heterodox, are always quick to point out that Islam is a religion of peace. But this statement by Trifkovic made me curious, so I searched Google for a map of world conflicts, and which ones involved Muslims. I didn't find what I was looking for, but I found two maps (on two different web sites that have nothing to do with each other) that are interesting when you see them together.

The first map is by Freedom House, an organization that tracks democracies around the world. It shows their map of world freedom. The purple countries are the least free:

A few clicks later, I found the map below of populations of Muslims. It shows by color where the densest population of Muslims live in the world (the highest population of Muslims is darkest blue):

There isn't much of a difference between the two maps. The only big difference is that China is not Islamic but still ranks low on the freedom scale.

So a practical way to attain more peace on earth is to work to awaken the non-Muslims of the world to the reality that Islam is not a religion of peace. When that is clear to a large number of people, we will no longer be bamboozled by their rhetoric, no longer allow the concessions they push for, no longer lavish Islamic regimes with money, and no longer trust orthodox Muslims in negotiations. The result will be more peace on earth.


How Non-Muslims Have Been Disarmed


IF EVERYONE in the free world had read the Koran already, almost all of us would be united against orthodox Islam, as the Parable for Our Time attests (once the passengers on board Flight 93 had a clue about the true intentions of the hijackers, they immediately acted to defend themselves and their fellow Americans).

Orthodox Muslims do not want us to unite against them. They don't want to arouse our defenses. So they routinely employ methods to disarm us. These are the methods they use:

1. They present Islam as a multiculturalist paradise. For example, they depict Muslims, Jews, and Christians all getting along in Andalus (Muslim-occupied Spain). They have insinuated this point of view into PBS television programs, history textbooks in American schools, and elsewhere.

In their depiction, they make sure they give special attention to two prominent Jews who were in positions of authority during that time (in Sharia law, non-Muslims cannot be in a position of authority over Muslims).

The historians neglect to point out that the following year, those two Jews were assassinated by Muslims for having the effrontery to be in positions of authority, or that Sharia law was immediately reasserted, followed by a brutal pogrom that left 5000 Jews dead.

The result of the successful infiltration of public television and textbook editing is that when non-Muslims are told about the efforts of orthodox Muslims to Islamize the world, many of them think, "what's the big deal? Life under Islam would be a multiculturalist paradise." They have been disarmed just as effectively as the frightened passengers of the planes that plowed into the Twin Towers when they were told they were merely being held for ransom.

2. They try to make Westerners feel guilty, and they exploit already-existing guilt. Orthodox Muslims say things like: Your troops in Arabia defile our sacred land, the Western world attacked us unprovoked during the Crusades, you support Israel so you're responsible for the deaths of innocent Palestinian children, your "people" have been historically cruel to other minorities — slaves and Native Americans, for example.

They use whatever they can because people who feel guilty are less willing to defend themselves and more likely to try to appease (to make amends for perceived sins).

3. They cry racism, bigotry, hate-speech, Islamophobia, even if it doesn't make any sense. For example, if an orthodox Muslim makes this public statement: "We must kill the Jews and drive them into the sea," it doesn't seem to bother any outspoken Muslims. But if a non-Muslim quotes a Muslim saying that, the non-Muslim is accused of racism, bigotry, hate-speech, or Islamophobia.

It doesn't make any sense, but it works. An accusation of racism is taken very seriously in the media and by the public in general.

Orthodox Muslims know very well if we can't talk to each other about a threat, we can't very well defend ourselves against it. So these accusations are effective ways to silence (and thus disarm) most people who would publicly criticize orthodox Islam.

4. They try to move so slowly it is unnoticeable. I once read a book by a cavalry soldier who was posted out on the Great Plains in the early 1800s when the Apaches still had the upper hand. He said he was out on the prairie camping with a small contingent, and he was on guard duty for the night. Despite his vigilance, Apache warriors were able to get within several feet of their camp without being noticed, when they suddenly attacked.

How did they do it? They disguised themselves as bushes, and they had extreme patience. They moved so slowly it was unnoticeable. Every time he turned his head, whoever was behind him silently moved up just a couple of inches.

Orthodox Muslims are using the same technique with their stealth jihad and waging jihad by gaining concessions. Each concession seems like such a small accommodation, we go along with it, and yet the concessions are adding up.

5. They evoke pity. As I have described in great detail here, the most effective way to disarm good-hearted people is to elicit pity, and orthodox Muslims do this constantly, portraying themselves as the downtrodden, the persecuted, the abused. It's so effective, some have even faked "hate-crimes" to evoke pity.

The antidote to all these methods is to push people to read the Koran. When enough people in the free world have done so, these methods will be seen for what they are and they will lose their power to influence. And as the people aboard Flight 93 demonstrated, we will be united against them, we will fight back, and the third jihad will be defeated.

Your mission, then, is to get everyone you know to read the Koran. Let's roll.


How To Disarm Good People


IN THE BOOK, The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout says something really interesting. Her book is about normal, everyday sociopaths (also known by the somewhat outdated term, "psychopath"). In other words, the book is not about serial killers, but about the neighbor who drives you crazy, the spouse who seems dedicated to making your life miserable, the cruel, unfeeling boss, etc.

A sociopath is someone who feels no empathy for other human beings. The consequences of this lack are enormous. These people are, in many ways, not recognizably human. And there is no cure for sociopathy. It is not caused by upbringing. Therapy only makes them worse.

About two percent of the population is sociopathic, and those who are in a relationship with a sociopath need to understand what makes sociopaths tick. The more you know, the less likely you are to be fooled, used, or destroyed by a sociopath.

But Martha Stout said something interesting for us here in our conversation about Islam. She wrote about the techniques sociopaths use to exploit people around them. Sociopaths use people. And there is one thing experienced sociopaths use more than anything else because it works so well with normal people. Their ultra-effective weapon is to evoke pity. Stout wrote:

The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearfulness. It is, perversely, an appeal to our sympathy.

I first learned this when I was still a graduate student in psychology and had the opportunity to interview a court-referred patient the system had already identified as a "psychopath." He was not violent, preferring instead to swindle people out of their money with elaborate investment scams. Intrigued by this individual and what could possibly motivate him...I asked, "What is important to you in your life? What do you want more than anything else?" I thought he might say "getting money," or "staying out of jail," which were the activities to which he devoted most of his time. Instead, without a moment's hesitation, he replied, "Oh, that's easy. What I like better than anything else is when people feel sorry for me. The thing I really want more than anything else out of life is people's pity."

I was astonished, and more than a little put off. I think I would have liked him better if he had said "staying out of jail," or even "getting money." Also, I was mystified. Why would this man — why would anyone — wish to be pitied, let alone wish to be pitied above all other ambitions? I could not imagine. But now, after twenty-five years of listening to victims, I realize there is an excellent reason for the sociopathic fondness for pity. As obvious as the nose on one's face, and just as difficult to see without the help of a mirror, the explanation is that good people will let pathetic individuals get by with murder, so to speak, and therefore any sociopath wishing to continue with his game, whatever it happens to be, should play repeatedly for none other than pity.

More than admiration — more even than fear — pity from good people is carte blanche. When we pity, we are, at least for the moment, defenseless, and like so many of the other positive human characteristics that bind us together in groups...our emotional vulnerability when we pity is used against us...

The reason I thought that was interesting and relevant is that pity is one of the most common techniques orthodox Muslims use, and it is the main reason they've been able to get away with as much as they have so far. They exploit the egalitarian, multiculturalist, good-hearted nature of non-Muslims. They evoke pity and then use our own kindness and our desire to "get along with others" against us.

I was just reading the book, Tripoli: The United States' First War on Terror. The ruler of Tripoli had been seizing U.S. merchant ships, adding the ship to his own fleet, keeping the contents of the ship, and selling the captured sailors into slavery. It was a very lucrative pirating business. The U.S. wanted Tripoli to stop it, of course. The ruler of Tripoli said, "Sure, we'll stop attacking your ships if you pay us tribute every year."

So for awhile the U.S. paid the tribute because they were a new country and had no navy to speak of, and they wanted to continue with their overseas trade. But the ruler of Tripoli decided the tribute they had agreed to wasn't enough, so he demanded more and when he didn't get it, he started seizing U.S. ships again.

Meanwhile, the U.S. was frantically building a navy, and by this time had enough warships to put up a fight, so they did. Suddenly Tripoli's ruler wanted to talk peace. But in the negotiations, the man negotiating on behalf of the ruler asked for a gift of money. The U.S. said no, absolutely not. The U.S. said basically, "You have not been fair in any way and have only acted as our enemy, and no, we will not pay you to stop the fighting."

Then Tripoli's negotiator tried to appeal to pity: "But Tripoli is very poor," he pleaded. "she cannot subsist without the generosity of her friends; give something then on the score of charity." In this case, Tripoli had already established a poor reputation with the Americans, so the pity plea did not work. But even after the U.S. negotiator said no, Tripoli's negotiator tried to make the U.S. negotiator feel guilty for not feeling pity. He asked, basically, "You say you want peace but you won't give this gift of charity to obtain the peace?"

Islam uses the pity plea anywhere it can. Mohammad used it, Muslims in Tripoli were using it, and Muslims today are still at it. In their dealings with powerful non-Muslims, the basic stance of Islam is: "We are an oppressed, persecuted people. We're a minority. We're under siege. We are wrongly accused. We're the victims of bigotry, hatred, and Islamophobia." And if they can't find anything to point to that proves their oppression, they literally create something (click here for an example).

It's like a game they are playing, except this is a game with very serious consequences. A single sociopath using the appeal to pity can completely ruin the lives of many people. And this is, of course, nothing compared with what orthodox Muslims have done. They've killed over 270 million people since they started. They've ruined even more lives, and they are affecting the lives and livelihoods of billions of us today.

I would like to spend my time working on productive, positive, life-affirming activities. Instead, I am spending many hours of my short time here on earth trying to stop the insidious Islamic encroachment, reading and writing about things I wish didn't exist. It's an upsetting topic. It's disturbing. But the consequences of ignoring it are even worse, so I devote a large portion of my life to it.

And, of course, I'm not alone. Each of us has been influenced in hundreds of ways we don't even know about by the third jihad (and the first two jihads).

It's important to understand how they are Islamizing the free world so successfully. One of the most effective techniques they use is the appeal to pity. The good news is that as soon as you see the appeal for what it is, the game is over, the magic disappears, the trance is lifted.

The above is an excerpt from the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam by Citizen Warrior.


Rapport Comes Before Influence


Deep rapport equals deep influence.
It's not just what you say, but the way you say it. You know that. But when you want to say it a different way, what should you change? In the following quote from the book, Persuasion Engineering, the authors give you a very different idea for how to gain rapport with those you're trying to influence:

People understand words at the same rate that they speak them.

Have you ever thought of that? So one of the things you can do when you're in a conversation with someone about Islam is pay attention to the speed at which they talk, and make sure you talk at the same speed. This is their speed, and you will have the greatest chance of reaching them if you speak at their speed.

To go to a little more sophisticated level of gaining rapport, check this out, paraphrased from the same book:

One of the most important "rapport skills" you can learn is to listen to their intonation patterns and listen to the predicates they use. Do they use a lot of picture words or a lot of feeling words or a lot of hearing words? The whole sentence counts.

For example, "Well, it looks like a good opportunity but I feel I'm not ready for it."

This sentence tells you something about the sequence of how information is processed by this person. First they look (visual) and then they check their feelings (kinesthetic). There is no right or wrong in this. There is no good or bad. People process information in many different ways. Listen to the intonation. Listen to the sequence of their predicates. They will indicate how you should talk to them to have the best chance of getting through. Read more about that here.

Sometimes people use nothing but visual words. They'll say "I'm looking for a new stereo. I could see how it would help us have great evenings together." With this kind of person, it almost doesn't matter what the stereo sounds like. If you want to sell him a stereo, you're going to have to show him.

If someone is visually oriented, you will more successfully reach them if you speak in a way that is visually oriented too. Or sound-oriented, or feeling-oriented. Whatever they are.

Speak at the rate they speak. Speak with the same kinds of intonations. And speak to their primary sensory system. Do these things and your ability to get your message to penetrate will greatly improve.

Learn more about speaking to their sensory system.



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Article Spotlight

One of the most unusual articles on is Pleasantville and Islamic Supremacism.

It illustrates the Islamic Supremacist vision by showing the similarity between what happened in the movie, Pleasantville, and what devout fundamentalist Muslims are trying to create in Islamic states like Syria, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia (and ultimately everywhere in the world).

Click here to read the article.

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