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Wednesday, January 02, 2013


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Don't you worry your pretty head about it, Syria, I have golf in Hawaii. Oh you all owe $2000 more in taxes this year. I am your African King and you voted for me and that is just the way it is. My bill is 7 million for my holiday, quit bitchin.

Everyone knows Israel is behind all of this, Obama is golfing, don't bug him, he is after all the president.

THis is Non Sense, Bitch Pamella. Syria people and the Muslims in America and global wide are the same for you. YOu should not intend to care of them.

Leave the Syrian issue for the Muslims you hate, But stop the occupation of Palestine and the aggression of the western Zionists.

The Issue of Syrai and Palestine ate two different things, the syrian one is non of your F*Ing Bussiness.

Go to Hell Pamella WHORE

No one wants to see humans suffer.
The question is how many of the 60,000 are humans.
How are we supposed to concern ourselves over this typical bloody spasm of blind hatred, torture, rape and violence, the very currency of life and society in any country where muslims live?
Northern Ireland, you say?
Sorry, the vastly unequal scale disproves that desperate lie.
It's the muslims -- born and raised under the curse of mohammed.
Keeping them and their sickness out of our country is our number-one priority.

@Ahmed in Nigeria

Yes, if Israel would stop building those bloody apartments on their own territory, the killing in Syria would stop!

By the way, Ahmed, how many Nigerian Christians have you killed today?

@Ahmed: surely, you are the intellectual of the family.

No one really knows how many Syrians really died. The numbers on a statistical model are not the same in third world countries when compared to the USA or First world countries. This reminds me of the VietNam war where Walter Cronkite would come out every evening and say "US Forces killed 20,000 Viet Cong today. If it was posible to listen to everyone of his broadcasts the USA woulds have killed 6 million of the enemy. We all know that was the the case, just like the so called 6 million Jews who died in the holocaust, a number that too was made up by the Jews themselves.

It's hard to say which is the lesser of two evils in the syrian conflict.

Georg von Starkermann - I presume with a name like that your father/grandfather was in the SS. Incidentally, did the 6 million vanish into thin air or have you other evidence?

The UN would do sanctions anyway. They are all Muslims.

As far as "sunflowers" is concerned I am happy he could tear himself away from the Bacha Bazzi sex boys" long enough to blog. He is one sicko hate monger. He must be muslim.


Palestine. You have No right to be there. Does Not belong to you it was given to the Jews thousands of years ago. Go back to pounding sand!

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