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Free Speech and the Internet Under Assault from Multiple Sources

Free Speech and the Internet Under Assault from Multiple Sources (2)

October 9, 2009 • Category: LEAD

It’s been a rough month for Freedom of Speech and the arena where it’s practiced most: the Internet. Free speech has come under assault from many directions. These alarming attack have ratcheted up in the last 2 weeks alone. What you can do.

Free Speech and the Internet Under Assault from Multiple Sources


Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize: Reactions (4)

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize: Reactions

The Nobel Peace Prize winner was announced today: Barack Obama.


Obama Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings, Henry Hay, and NAMBLA: Jennings Faces Scrutiny over Purported Speech Praising Hay (5)

Obama Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings, Henry Hay, and NAMBLA: Jennings Faces Scrutiny over Purported Speech Praising Hay

New evidence has come to light regarding Obama Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings, gay activist pioneer Henry Hay, and Hay’s ties to NAMBLA: the vile Man-Boy Love pedophile pushing organization.


Michael Jackson Autopsy: AP Reports Jackson Died in Home Part III (4)

Michael Jackson Autopsy: AP Reports Jackson Died in Home Part III

According to an article by the AP, Michael Jackson “died” at his home. In Part III, we took a look at the LA Coroner’s Office ruling on Jackson’s cause of death, the “timeline” Dr. Conrad Murray allegedly gave Jackson a series of medications, and what the LAPD Search Warrant documents state versus Dr. Conrad Murray’s attorney’s claims.


Culture Watch: Afghan Fire Fights, Texas Gay Divorce, Idiot of the Week (0)

Culture Watch: Afghan Fire Fights, Texas Gay Divorce, Idiot of the Week

Deadly Afghan fire fights, Texas divorce, gay-style, Idiot of the Week: Culture Watch is back!


ObamaCare: Health Care Solutions in the Beer Aisle (0)

ObamaCare: Health Care Solutions in the Beer Aisle

Where can politicians who grapple with the problems of health care go for answers? They need not look any further than their local stores. Down the beer aisle, to be exact. So writes the Conservative Punk.


Glenn Beck CT Book Signings: Long Lines, Lots of Vets, 3 Protesters (5)

Glenn Beck CT Book Signings: Long Lines, Lots of Vets, 3 Protesters

Glenn Beck’s “Arguing with Idiots” book tour hit Stamford CT Friday and Irony Curtain reports HUGE crowds–and “handful (three) protesters”.


Nobel Trifecta: Obama Bags 2010 Nobel Chemistry, 2013 Medicine Prizes (1)

Nobel Trifecta: Obama Bags 2010 Nobel Chemistry, 2013 Medicine Prizes

President Obama bags another one–this time, the 2013 Nobel prize for medicine and the 2010 Nobel prize for chemistry. pat is there with this report.

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      If the linked blogger wasnt a moron - Tangaroa

      ...one idiot editor - The Sword

      you guys are truly morons - Chris Brunner

      ....Iranian propaganda - mostreliable

      ...Who writes your blabber? - MA

      ...ARRRRGH! BLOGSPAM!!!!! - raisputin3

      ..incredibly dishonest blog posting - Roger Strong

      ...nobody needs your take on an article...who dug this hacky spam up anyhow? - superdoofus

      ...Iranian propaganda only this time the source of information is some idiot's BLOG - dlibert

      I wonder if Bill the bigot will put this site(death by 1000 papercuts) on his show as an example of the right wing hate sites? - Kid Funkadelic

      ...Ah, the Support Mindless Jingoism blog - Ryan Thompson

      I get it now. The know-nothing editor of this blog just keeps POSTING THE SAME GARBAGE over and over again.. - framecop

      How stupid are you? - Ann Elise

      Idiotic conspiracy theorist...dumbass - Hopefull

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