To Do

10:15 a.m. E.T.

With his inaugural address behind him (David Brooks celebrated it and sort of liked it; Fred Barnes not so much; most of the MSM thought it was smashing), the President now moves to his State of the Union address, budget, and policy decisions.

Among the interesting choices he faces:

  1. How thoroughly does he embrace the House Republican efforts to delay the debt ceiling showdown for a few months?
  2. How much does he work with Senate Democrats on a gun control package (both in private and in public)?
  3. How successfully can he build a quasi-Bush-style business-Hispanic-Democratic-religious-labor coalition on the front end of launching a major immigration reform effort?
  4. Which Senate Republicans does he try to draw in to working with him on immigration, climate change, and budget cutting?
  5. At what moment (if ever) does he choose to show his cards on how much entitlement reform (and benefit cutting) he is willing to do, which will bother the left?
  6. Does he overload the system with climate change, immigration, guns, and budget all at once, or try to sequence them in 2013 so that one gets a fall push as the others pass or fail?
  7. Does the President’s new Organizing for Action outfit go after some congressional Democrats from the left any time soon?

I ask these questions without any idea what the answers are, as I wait for my sources to come down from their parade highs.

Tuesday’s Political Ledes

6:20 a.m. E.T.

New York Times: “Obama Offers Liberal Vision: ‘We Must Act’”

Washington Post: “Obama Gives Bold Vision of American Future”

Wall Street Journal: “Obama Vows Aggressive Agenda”

Associated Press: “Obama Stands His Ground on Fiscal Debates”

Los Angeles Times: “In Obama’s Inaugural Speech, A Sweeping Liberal Vision”

Politico: “Obama Dodges Entitlements”

The Hill: “Budget Tax Increases Would Put Red-State Democrats in Tough Spot”

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’16 Now

8:50 a.m. E.T.

Some key notes from the last 48 hours on the Democratic side:

A. If you missed it, read Maureen Dowd’s column on/interview with Andrew Cuomo. Caused tongues to wag from Albany to Manhattan to points south.

B. The New York Times chronicles Joe Biden’s inauguration weekend from the first-in-the-nation point of view of Iowa and New Hampshire.

C. Martin O’Malley’s star turn on Monday’s “Morning Joe” included his impersonation of Bradley Cooper’s Pat Solitano (from “Silver Linings Playbook,” complete with football jersey), a two-shot with David Axelrod, and the kind of regular-guy accessibility and amped up rhetoric that Bill Clinton identified long ago as a winning combination.

Monday’s Political Ledes

6:05 a.m. E.T.

New York Times
: “Obama Sworn In for 2nd Term, This Time Quietly”

Washington Post: “Obama Officially Begins His Second Term”

Wall Street Journal: “‘I Did It’: Obama Takes Oath”

Associated Press: “Obama Gets Second Swearing-In for Second Term”

Los Angeles Times: “Brief Ceremony Begins Obama’s Second Term”

Politico: “Obama’s Not-Quite Camelot”

The Hill: “Washington Ready to Celebrate Obama’s Second Inauguration”

Various Networks

The Sunday Shows

4:05 p.m. E.T.

Meet the Press — Video.

Face the Nation — Transcript. Video.

This Week — Transcript.

Fox News Sunday — Transcript. Video.

State of the Union — Transcript. Video.

Sunday’s Political Ledes

7:05 a.m. E.T.

New York Times: “Change Comes: After 4 Years, Friends See Shifts in the Obamas”

Washington Post: “Inauguration Opens Doors for Top Donors”

Associated Press: “Obama To Be Sworn In for Second Term at White House”

Los Angeles Times: “Obama Comes Out Swinging for Second Term”

Boston Globe: “Talks of Change in Second Term”

Politico: “Obama vs. Roberts, Round Two”

The Hill: “Sen. Rubio Rallying Conservatives Behind Immigration Reform Drive”

Saturday’s Political Ledes

9:15 a.m. E.T.

New York Times: “Well-Trod Path: Political Donor to Ambassador”

Washington Post: “The Man Behind A Military Patch Obama Prizes”

Wall Street Journal: Eva Longoria’s Next Role: Hispanic Activist in Washington”

Associated Press: “Obama Eyes A Legacy: ‘You Can Make It If You Try’”

Los Angeles Times: “Obama Loyalists Are Now Organizing for Action”

Politico: “Can Obama Defy the Second-Term Curse?”

The Hill: “A Minority Posture for House GOP”