A.B. Stoddard

Biden's day dawns
A.B. Stoddard - 01/11/13 04:09 PM ET

Ever the bridesmaid, Vice President Biden has suddenly blossomed into a bride. After four years in the White House and 36 years in the Senate, Biden — at age 70 — has finally graduated from sideshow to statesman, becoming his party’s most capable (perhaps sole) Mr. Fix-It and suddenly a serious presidential contender.

All eyes on 113th Congress
A.B. Stoddard - 01/04/13 01:29 PM ET

The first day of this year robbed us of that clean-slate feeling Jan. 1 traditionally bestows. The grim showdown in Congress over the "fiscal cliff" not only reeked of the old year, it brought the promise that our government is poised to plunge to new depths of dysfunction that heretofore might have been beyond imagination.

Closing in on compromise
A.B. Stoddard - 12/19/12 06:20 PM ET

Sure, progress was halted Tuesday, “Plan B” has infuriated members of both parties and the White House has issued a veto threat. 

A president’s legacy
A.B. Stoddard - 12/12/12 05:48 PM ET

President Obama has just days to decide, or reveal, whether he will be Santa Claus or the Grinch as an anxious nation speeds past our Christmas of crisis toward the fiscal cliff. 

Dems should pass the torch
A.B. Stoddard - 12/05/12 07:01 PM ET

Democrats are feeling fine these days. Polls show them winning a clash with the GOP over tax increases, they believe President Obama’s reelection victory has provided him a mandate and they enjoy watching stunned Republicans writhe as they grapple with painful questions about how the party not only lost the White House, but lost badly with key groups necessary to win the presidency.

Dems can’t have it all
A.B. Stoddard - 11/28/12 06:26 PM ET

Somebody better tell the Democrats they can’t have it all.

Rice would be risky pick
A.B. Stoddard - 11/14/12 06:57 PM ET

Seven years later, just a mention of Harriet Miers, by all accounts one of the nicest people on the planet, still makes the Bushies cringe.

Seizing the moment
A.B. Stoddard - 11/07/12 06:51 PM ET

Barack Obama, a historic president, defied history again Tuesday night to be reelected amid a climate of 7.9 percent unemployment, the kind that usually shows incumbent presidents the door.

A post-election crisis
A.B. Stoddard - 11/02/12 01:40 PM ET

Next week at this time Americans will have reelected President Obama — or fired him. There will be no shortage of post-mortems and exit-poll analyses, and the palpable anger of roughly half the nation that inevitably will follow — no matter who wins. There will be no inspiration or joyful weeping on either side, no matter who wins, as we all face a crisis the following day, no matter who wins.

The “fiscal cliff,” which combines deep spending cuts to military and domestic programs known as “sequestration” with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, the payroll tax cut, the Medicare “doc fix” and unemployment insurance, threatens to plunge the economy into a tailspin and cause damage that would take years to undo. It can and must be avoided, but no one yet quite knows how. Despite bipartisan outrage over the state we’re in, most Democrats like our broken entitlement systems the way they are and most Republicans won’t raise taxes even for a 1-10 ratio with spending cuts to help reduce the deficit. The fiscal cliff was created by Congress in the summer of 2011 when both parties raised the debt ceiling with the promise (aka punt) of doing the hard work another day. Nearly one and a half years later the day of reckoning is here, and Congress has just six weeks to solve the thus-far unsolvable. Are you laughing or crying?

Some plan
A.B. Stoddard, columnist, The Hill - 10/25/12 05:00 AM ET

It's almost certain that President Obama released his agenda, titled "The New Economic Patriotism," the night before a Donald Trump blockbuster announcement designed to derail Obama's reelection. He had to have been hoping dearly the Trump stink-bomb would take all the oxygen away from any second-day stories about the "plan for jobs and middle-class security" the campaign published. It's not just that the plan is the first voters have heard of any Obama has for his second term — two weeks before Election Day — but that the brochure is about as cheesy a cheap shot as they come.

Current and Previous Articles

10/18/12 05:53 PM ET Obama spinning toward a loss
10/13/12 10:19 AM ET Democrats' happy sigh
10/03/12 06:06 PM ET Morning after
09/26/12 01:11 PM ET Campaigner in chief
09/19/12 06:10 PM ET Waiting for the debates
09/12/12 05:38 PM ET Romney’s troubles
09/06/12 04:00 AM ET Opinion: Obama aiming to defy history
08/30/12 10:49 AM ET Opinion: Notes on Tampa 2016 — I mean, 2012
08/11/12 10:16 AM ET Opinion: With Ryan pick, a new Romney
08/01/12 05:38 PM ET Fat chance for fiscal plan
07/25/12 04:53 PM ET Mitt needs 
a photo-op
07/18/12 04:09 PM ET Hoosier 
Tea test
07/11/12 05:16 PM ET Obama defines Romney
06/27/12 05:32 PM ET Polls: Voters not sure yet
06/20/12 05:18 PM ET The artful dodger
06/13/12 05:04 PM ET Obama must take action
06/06/12 05:06 PM ET Wisconsin bellwether
05/23/12 04:21 PM ET Bain of our existence
05/16/12 04:57 PM ET Raising 
the stakes
05/09/12 05:37 PM ET A question 
of character
04/25/12 04:24 PM ET Toss-up in the making
04/18/12 05:17 PM ET Dems should pitch budget
04/11/12 02:34 PM ET The Gipper Rule
03/28/12 05:41 PM ET Appeal helps Obama
03/21/12 05:22 PM ET Santorum’s lost message
03/07/12 05:32 PM ET GOP’s March madness
02/29/12 06:20 PM ET Santorum blew it
02/22/12 03:26 PM ET Done till December
02/15/12 05:48 PM ET Blue collar vs. blue blood
02/08/12 06:09 PM ET Romney 
has no base
02/01/12 05:51 PM ET Newt’s 
long war
01/25/12 07:02 PM ET November on his mind
01/18/12 06:13 PM ET Opinion: Romney's 15 percent problem
01/11/12 06:48 PM ET Romney the GOP misfit
12/14/11 06:11 PM ET The new 
12/07/11 06:35 PM ET Newt a risky bet
11/30/11 05:55 PM ET GOP in 
panic mode
11/16/11 06:46 PM ET More
 wasted time
11/02/11 05:25 PM ET Cain needs 
to open up
10/26/11 05:37 PM ET The circus 
is in town
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