Remembering 9/11: Ten Years Ago

Date September 11, 2011

Has it really been 10 years?

I’m still emotionally raw by the events of that horrible day and I suppose my life, like countless others, has forever been changed by those events ten years ago today. As I watched the 9/11 Memorial dedications and specials this weekend, I was comforted to see and hear President Bush who gave an amazing speech at the Flight 93 Memorial Dedication yesterday. One of the many things he said about our citizen heroes on that flight was this:

“One of the lessons of 9/11 is that Evil is real and so is Courage.

At the moment American democracy was under attack, our citizens defied their captors by holding a vote. The choice they made would cost them their lives. And they knew it. Many passengers called their loved ones to say good-bye. Then hung up to perform their final act.

The Flight 93 heroes led the first counter attack in the War on Terror.”

I’m so glad he was president that day. He received a standing ovation from those in attendance. Here is President Bush’s speech at Shanksville if you didn’t get a chance to see it. It will lift you and encourage you as an American.

Today, I honor the 9/11 generation - many just kids on that day - who for 10 years have taken the fight - our fight - to the enemy.

“This nation will not wait to be attacked again. We will take the fight to the enemy. We will defend our freedom.” – President George W. Bush, June 28, 2005.


Here are other links with terrific posts about 9/11 you’ll want to check out:

Nice Deb
Gateway Pundit
The Anchoress

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Project Valour IT 2011: Marine Facts and Traditions (Links!)

Date July 10, 2011

Our fabulous US Marine Corps was established on November 10, 1775, by a group of minutemen in Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And yes, today’s Marine still likes a good tavern when they see one!

The first Marines were originally recruited as sharpshooters to fight from the tops of men-of-war during the Revolutionary War. And in 1834, the Marine Corps became a department of the Navy. This is why you’ll see Marines standing guard at Naval bases and on Naval vessels, and why Marine medical personnel are Navy corpsemen corpsmen and doctors.


Nicknames. Ever wonder how they got the nickname ‘Leathernecks’? Well, during the Revolutionary War they wore high leather bands around their throats, to protect their necks from deadly saber jabs.

Another nickname for the Marines is ‘Devil Dogs’. They got this one during World War I from German troops, who were seriously afraid to fight with Marines.

But probably, one of their more famous nickname is ‘Jarhead’. Tradition has it that Army guys gave the Marines this one because of the way they felt Marines looked in their dress blues: it reminded them of a mason jar! Others say it comes from the traditional combat Marine’s haircut, the ‘high and tight.’ In my family, we simply call it a ‘meat cut’!

Help Us. There’s just a few days left to donate to Project Valour IT! The competition ends July 14th. By now, you know what the project is and what you need to do to help. Give ’til it hurts.

Here are some other great Marine Team posts to check out today!

Wolf at Howling at the Moon has a terrific post up on a certain crusty Sergeant Major… It’s awesome!

Stix Blog has a great video up today of the Devil Dogs. Check out his other material on Valour IT too!

Grim has an Valour IT update and a video up.

Nice Deb has a post and video explaining what Project Valour IT does. She also has 2 other incredible super vids up as well.

Soldiers Angels Germany tells us about former Landstuhl patient and Hero SGT James “Hack” Hackemer who died this past week. He savored every moment of life since surviving a bomb blast in 2008 while serving in Iraq.

Whoa! Retriever says “Give and I’ll Match!”. Let’s go!

And….Thor introduces us to Angel Gomez, a Marine that suffered severe injuries from an IED blast and how Angel is now giving back.

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Project Valour IT Marine Team 2011: Embracing the Suck

Date July 9, 2011

Embracing the Suck: mil-speak for ‘The situation is bad, but deal with it’ – is something the Marines are exceptionally good at. From Iwo Jima to Fallujah and Anbar Province to the Helmand River Valley in Afghanistan, the Marines have always been America’s 911 Force and the “First to Fight” for us.

We’ve entered the second week of our Soldiers Angels Valour-IT fundraising competition, which provides special laptops for wounded warriors. The Army team has a commanding lead (oh yay) but the Marine Team is embracing the suck! I think we can still pull this thing out with your help!

But actually, whether they are Marines, Soldiers, Airmen or Navy, here’s what your donation to Soldiers Angel’s Valour IT will provide to our wounded warriors:

Voice activated laptops:

1. Help wounded vets connect with still-deployed fellow service members (relieve anxiety about how their friends are doing, allow them to maintain a support system)
2. Allow vets to stay in touch with loved ones who can’t be at their bedside
3. Run therapeutic computer programs that help restore brain/vision function,
4. Can be used to research treatments, keep track of treatment regimen.
5. Retrain for post-military employment
6. Voice control makes using a computer one of the first things they can do on their own

Wii uses:

1. Physical therapists in VA hospitals and major medical centers are using Wii fit systems with their patients
2. Motivation: Wii Sports games key into natural competitive nature
3. Track progress in a fun way

GPS uses:

1. For those with very severe PTSD or TBI (memory problems, high anxiety, etc), having a GPS increases independence and restores a sense of competence. Short-term memory problems can make it hard to navigate of new locations. A GPS can mean the difference between success and failure.

Please help. These men and women have already given so much. The price of a six pack of beer or an inexpensive dinner seems the least we can to in return for their sacrifices.

And…in case you missed them, here are a few great posts of this past week from some of my fellow Marine Team bloggers! Please pay them a visit and leave a comment if you can.

Wolf at Howling at the Moon writes about Sgt Scott Moore, his girl Mila and the Marine Ball. It’s cute!

Check out the new USMC commercial on Soldiers’ Angels Germany blog!

North Carolina Soldiers’ Angels blog explains why Valour It is not charity but rather an investment in the future!

And…Doug Powers blogging on Michelle Malkins’ blog gives an update on the overall fundraiser.

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Brit Hume: Obama is in “Full Political Retreat”

Date July 6, 2011

From Brit Hume’s lips to God’s ears as the Amish would say because it’s been 2 1/2 long years of watching the Leftists and the Obama Gang march against America and the Constitution. Teh Won’s base is unhappy with him, the Right want him gone and his policies undone, and Americans want an improved economy and jobs. Yet all we get are petulant speeches and partisan accusations from this man child. Brit Hume pegs him though:

“This President is in as full of a political retreat as this town has seen in many years. He was elected to fix the economy, but people think he and his party have failed and have exploded the nation’s debt in the process,” Brit Hume said during his commentary segment on “Special Report.”

“His political base is cranky over the war in Afghanistan, unhappy that he failed to end the Bush tax cuts and worried now that he may be willing to cut spending significantly to win an increase in the debt-ceiling.

“Mr. Obama knows his must stir his base to have any chance at election. But, he knows also that if the independents that backed him in 2008 and deserted him and his party last fall don’t come back, his base won’t be enough.”

Here’s the video:

Brit Hume’s Commentary

Yep. Brit’s the man alright. Barack Obama has been leading from behind for a long time. But the fight ahead for Obama’s re-election will be a hard, dirty one. We all know that and hopefully we as conservatives are prepared to run to the fight rather then away from it.

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Soldier’s Angels Valour IT: Marine Team, Bad Ass.

Date July 4, 2011

You’ve heard of Project Valour IT right? It’s a program through Soldiers Angels that provides laptops with voice activated software to our wounded soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen recovering at military medical centers all across America. Generally these young men and women spend up to two years healing and undergoing physical therapy. Their courage and determination is an inspiration.

We’ve heard of and seen the amazing stories of these young men and women who, after a catastrophic war injury, often take up mountain bike riding or some other extreme sport and that’s pretty awesome. But its during the physical healing period - the time they are confined to a bed - that can be the most difficult for them.

Project Valour IT provides them with a way - through IT - to escape the confines of their rooms and keep in touch with buddies, friends and family members. For many wounded vets, it’s a tangible reminder that they’re still part of the world outside Bethesda, Walter Reed, or other military hospitals. And it helps to remind them that there is life waiting for them even after being wounded.

This Project Valour IT competition was developed by Soldiers Angels as a fun way to raise money for a very serious project. This year’s competition is from July 1 to July 14. The teams are purely for the sake of friendly competition, building on the natural inter-service rivalries (Air Force, Navy, Army and Marines) of the US military. The team of bloggers that wins get ‘bragging rights’ of course, but the true winners are the wounded warriors who benefit from the results of the friendly competition. All funds raised go into the same Valour IT account and are used to assist any wounded service member in need of Valour IT’s support, regardless of his or her service branch.

We’re proud to be on the Marine Team for the 4th year in a row and our fearless team leader this year is Wolf over at Howling at the Moon blog.

Now that you know a wee bit about how wonderful Project Valour IT is, will you help us?

We know these are economically difficult times. But if you are able, please go here to donate any amount to Project Valour IT Fundraiser’s Marine Corps Team. You can have the confidence knowing that every dollar raised goes directly to wounded vets at military medical and VA treatment centers nationwide. And hey, if you have a blog, you can sign up to join the Marine team here — we really need you to help get the word out! Our goal this year is to raise $25,000 and at this writing we are at the $5,521 mark.

BTW, throughout the competition, I’ll be sharing terrific Marine hero stories, trivia, culture and training info, jokes, games, videos and stuff in blatantly shameful attempts to woo you to pass up that Skinny Irish Latte several times this month and give that money to Project Valour IT instead.

Oh, and did I mention The Marine Team WON last year? And the year before? Semper Fi!

Marines. The Few. The Proud. The Bad Ass.

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John Adams: “Independence Forever!”

Date July 4, 2011

“Independence forever!” is the toast that John Adams, our second president, gave on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Coincidentally and maybe fittingly, that was also the day he died at the age of 91.


John and Abigail Adams

I so love John and Abigail Adams! The letters they exchanged during the days of the Revolutionary War, while he was part of the Continental Congress and she at home outside of Boston raising their children, are historic treasures and are recommended readings for patriots everywhere.

John frequently asked Abigail about many things and their letters are filled with smart, engaging discussions on government and politics. Besides being personal love letters, they serve us as amazing and invaluable eyewitness accounts of the Revolutionary War home front as well as terrific sources of political commentary. Here is the book I have, and I’ve parked out in that thing at least 4 times now and it is still a wonderful read!

Did you know it was John Adams who inspired the passage of the Declaration of Independence? It was his stirring speech that convinced the more reticent members of the Continental Congress to declare our independence from England.

Shortly after the passage of the Declaration of Independence, John wrote back to Abigail and at the time, thought it would be July 2nd that would be forever celebrated:

“The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America,” he wrote. “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”

And though he was overjoyed, John Adams completely understood that independence, freedom, and liberty could not come without a price. He wrote this to Abigail:

“You will think me transported with enthusiasm but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure, that it will cost us to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these states. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is more than worth all the means.”

And his prediction that freedom would not come easily has proved true. Many of you know what happened to those early patriots:

“Of those 56 who signed the Declaration of Independence, nine died of wounds or hardships during the war,” the author wrote. “Five were captured and imprisoned, in each case with brutal treatment. Several lost wives, sons or entire families. One lost his thirteen children. Two wives were brutally treated. All were at one time or another victims of manhunts and driven from their homes. Twelve signers had their homes completely burned. Seventeen lost everything they owned.”

Two hundred and thirty five years ago, both John and Abigail Adams (and our other founders) understood that the very strength of this young nation was its citizens’ resolve to be free and stay free from tyranny. They had the courage and the strength of character to dream the dream of a free America and independence forever.

Happy 4th of July!

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Freedom: Priceless

Date May 30, 2011


solemn. poignant. somehow fitting.


the irish brigade memorial at gettysburg

an excerpt from the Gettysburg Address:

“The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1965. our 16th president of the United States.

look at the faces in this video. we remember with great gratitude all those who served and gave their lives so that this great land could be free. and we pray for the families across the country who grieve this weekend for the loss of their dear one.

‘tears in heaven’ by eric clapton

sacred ground — honor, courage, sacrifice.

‘arlington’ by trace atkins

the price paid for freedom in blood and treasure is high and painful. but the return is priceless: freedom to live and thrive and pursue happiness as we choose. as always, a thank you to those who have served and those who serve today.

blackfive has an incredible post of fallen heroes personal to him. go read it and be inspired by their sacrifice.

** this post was originally published in 2009 and has been updated. kate

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Rejected Super Bowl Ad: ‘Jesus Hates Obama’

Date January 23, 2011

Just because you can make some sort of a living from selling controversial T-shirts out of the back of your car, doesn’t mean you get to have one of the coveted TV ad slots for the BIG game! Apparently Fox has rejected this controversial Super Bowl commercial called ‘Jesus Hates Obama’ from the conservative comedy site ‘’, calling the ad ‘unacceptable’. Though the website’s creator insists it’s all just a joke, even their appeal to the network to reconsider was roundly rejected.

Check out the ad for yourself:

Banned Jesus Hates Obama Super Bowl Ad

So this 30-second-ad, which for the cost of about 2.3 million would have run before kick-off, was created by Richard Belfry - a comedian in L.A. who sells a lot of ‘Jesus Hates Obama’ merchandise at his website. He really did start his company out of the back of his trunk in 2009, selling over 70,000 of his signature ‘Jesus Hates Obama’ t-shirts.

The company also says on their website that it doesn’t really hate Obama. The producer, Richard Belfry, says that he’s just trying to poke fun at the Obama Administration and to also sell some of his stuff.

“Do I really believe that Jesus hates Obama? Absolutely not.” said Belfry.

Of course it wouldn’t be the Super Bowl without controversial ads — remember the Tim Tebow anti-abortion ad from last year? Or the racy Go Daddy ads?

I, for one, love the Super Bowl commercials. The ‘Jesus Hates Obama’ ad is pretty dumb but I’d love to have those bobble heads! I just hope Fox didn’t reject it because of Teh Gnu Civility!

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Blogging For Choice Or Life: When They Say ‘Choice’ What Do They Really Mean?

Date January 21, 2011

Meet Benjamin Matthew Chesser, the pre-born child of Matt and Cassy Chesser. His daddy Matt is one of our bravest — a Marine currently deployed to Afghanistan. His mommy is Cassy, one of the best conservative bloggers on the internet and my friend. This 4D Ultrasound video of their son Ben, yawning, was taken just a couple of days ago at 29 weeks in the womb. His much anticipated birth date is April 5, 2011. The idea of ‘choosing’ whether Ben would live or die is something Matt and Cassy never, ever considered. After watching Ben’s video, who would?

Benjamin Matthew Chesser

Yet NARAL, the leading pro-abortion advocacy group in the country, has announced their annual ‘Blog for Choice Day,’ today, January 21, in ‘celebration’ of the upcoming 38th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade — a decision that has led to the killing of 50 million pre-born babies in America.

‘Blog for Choice Day’? Sounds ambiguous doesn’t it? Does that mean a choice to be a redhead rather than blond? To wear black instead of blue? To go to college or not? No. Regardless of what they try to say it’s about, ‘Choice’ is always code for killing babies.

Please. Watch Benjamin Matthew Chesser yawn again and then explain to me what the ‘choice’ in pro-choice really means. To celebrate the killing of 50 million babies (and millions of broken and brutalized women) is decidedly craven. For those of us who are unashamedly pro-life, the news this week of the mass killings of babies at an abortion clinic is heartbreaking and evil. All i can really say about that is THIS is what the word ‘weep’ was meant for.

Remember pre-born babies have no voice but ours. Choose Life.

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San Francisco’s Sarah Palin Poster: ‎’Enrage them with fear until they feel justified in their violence.’

Date January 13, 2011

Have you seen this anti-Palin poster? It’s by street artist Eddie Colla and it’s all the rage in San Francisco.


Progressive Poster of Sarah Palin in San Francisco

With street art it’s all about the message:

“Enrage them with fear until they feel justified in their violence.” explains the artist, “I’ve associated it with a number of people from Glen Beck to Palin, Pinochet to Pol Pot, Hitler etc. Sometimes events unfold in such a way that your message becomes so much more relevant and you have an opportunity to really make an impact and communicate. That’s timing and timing is important.”


“Whether or not Palin influenced Jared Lee Loughner, is rather beside the point. Her actions and her language have been consistently hyperbolic, manipulative and irresponsible. Palin gives speeches and the crowd tends to react to the tough-talk and rhetoric, so that’s what she continues doing it… That behavior is typical of people who participate in pageantry, but that’s not leadership. In light of the past weeks events it might be a good opportunity to examine what is effective or appropriate rhetoric and what we as a society deem unacceptable.”

Progressives. We know they want civil discourse but who are they trying to inspire?

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