Online Petition Asks White House to Label Catholic Church a ‘Hate Group’

St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael, defend us in battle.

There was a time in my life when this headline would have surprised me. Those days are gone. My own bishop, Bishop William Medley, has mentioned to me that shocking headlines can tend to have a negative impact on people and their perceptions of things. I toned things down after that conversation, even though he wasn’t speaking about me personally, but the media in general. I think he might agree with me now that the time has come when shocking things in headlines can’t really be avoided, because there is so much hatred out there against the Catholic Church. The irony is that this hatred of the Catholic Church is masked as a campaign against “hatred.”

Catholic News Agency:

An online petition asking the White House to designate the Catholic Church as a “hate group” for its views on marriage is drawing criticism for generating unjust animosity.

The petition reveals an “underlying agenda,” which is not simply to prevent violent crimes, but to “stigmatize any disapproval of homosexuality at all and essentially to silence us,” said Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C.

He explained to CNA on Jan. 3 that applying the “hate group” label to organizations that are morally opposed to redefining marriage is simply “name-calling designed to cut us out of the public debate.”

Initiated on Christmas Day, a petition on the White House website had collected 1,640 signatures by Jan. 3.

Cappadocia in Lowell rightly points out that Catholic teaching on sexuality is not limited to homosexuality. We have beliefs about sexuality that cover everyone. The idea that we are “targeting” people with same-sex attraction is sorely misguided.

Commentarius de Prognosticis reminds us that this has implications for any group that upholds the sanctity of marriage and of human life.

In Layman’s Terms points out that “Somehow, Muslims are exempt” from this sort of thing.

Prayer to St. Michael, the Archangel


St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Hat-tip, New Advent

Photo by Likauken, Flickr



Matt Lewis Predicts ‘Long, Hard Slog’ For America

Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden

Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden, Bowyer Bible 13c., Photo by Philip Devere

Matt Lewis writes that the “culture war is over and conservatives lost.” He’s looking at this in terms of political victory. I look at it from a spiritual perspective. Conservatives lost political victory, but on a spiritual level, America is losing and will continue to lose, because to be moral is to be counter-cultural in America.

Lewis says:

Predictably, conservatives tended to ignore this inconvenient truth about the culture, persuading themselves that winning elections — and ostensibly passing conservative laws (though they did that less frequently) — were what mattered. (Or maybe it was that they convinced themselves that because they could win elections — because the American public supported their politics — it implied a “silent majority” of Americans were still traditional, salt-of-the-earth types.)

Have you been to a movie theater lately? Have you gone to rent a video and browsed the available titles? Very little of what is released these days is suitable for adults, let alone children. I would say that this has corrupted society but the only one’s who would agree with me on that are those who have not been so corrupted. Judging from what I hear from my kids — three teens and one pre-teen — most kids are allowed to watch movies that I would never let my kids watch. In Hollywood, anything goes. When society accepts this, anything goes in society, too.

Consider two quotes from Norman Lear, a writer and producer who is highly respected in the entertainment industry and who founded the anti-religious organization People for the American Way.

“I think the greater responsibility, in terms of morality, is where leadership begins.”

“In this nation, leadership is dollars.”

America has paid Hollywood to corrupt her children. No politician can fix that.

Lewis agrees that politicians can’t fix this.

Conservatives have largely lost the culture, and it can’t be won back by passing some landmark piece of legislation. Instead, it’s going to be a long, hard slog. The good news is that, though conservatives typically hate the term “reactionary,” most conservative victory is first predicated on liberal overreach.  

It may be that if things get bad enough, America will finally start looking inward.

Let’s hope so. Otherwise, America is toast. The deluded will glory in sin, thinking themselves more “enlightened” than the rest of us, while those closest to God are the ones who will suffer the most, including the children.

HuffPo Law Professor Says Celibacy ‘Incompatible With Nature’


How is that a “Distinguished Service Professor of Law” has never heard of Plato?

As a celibate person myself, I take serious issue with this statement from Geoffrey Stone, a “Distinguished Service” Professor of Law at the University of Chicago, in an article attacking Cardinal George and Catholicism.

Huffington Post:

Cardinal George insists that same-sex marriage is incompatible with “nature.” One might just as easily say the same about celibacy.

He offers this nonsense in a lengthy article attacking the idea that Natural Law, which is defined essentially as truths that everyone is born knowing, cannot actually be naturally known. In other words, there is no such thing as a Natural Law, in his view. He claims that the Summa Theologica penned by St. Thomas Aquinas was basically generated out of thin air.

Does “nature” speak directly to Cardinal George? More likely, George got his information from Saint Thomas Aquinas, who communed with “nature” 750 years ago. In his prodigious Summa Theologica, Thomas largely rewrote much of Christian moral theology and provided a rationale in “nature” for the notion that same-sex sex is contemptible in the sight of God.

Philosophy on Natural Law preceded St. Thomas Aquinas by many centuries. Plato, for example, lived in the 5th Century, B.C. and he penned the following in regard to homosexuality in Laws:

And since we have reached this point in our legislation, and have fallen into a difficulty by reason of the vices of mankind, I affirm that our ordinance should simply run in the following terms: Our citizens ought not to fall below the nature of birds and beasts in general, who are born in great multitudes, and yet remain until the age for procreation virgin and unmarried, but when they have reached the proper time of life are coupled, male and female, and lovingly pair together, and live the rest of their lives in holiness and innocence, abiding firmly in their original compact: surely, we will say to them, you should be better than the animals. But if they are corrupted by the other Hellenes and the common practice of barbarians, and they see with their eyes and hear with their ears of the so-called free love everywhere prevailing among them, and they themselves are not able to get the better of the temptation, the guardians of the law, exercising the functions of lawgivers, shall devise a second law against them.

Here he explains what this “second law” would be; the deprivation off all “civic honours and privileges.

The principle of piety, the love of honour, and the desire of beauty, not in the body but in the soul. These are, perhaps, romantic aspirations; but they are the noblest of aspirations, if they could only be realised in all states, and, God willing, in the matter of love we may be able to enforce one of two things—either that no one shall venture to touch any person of the freeborn or noble class except his wedded wife, or sow the unconsecrated and bastard seed among harlots, or in barren and unnatural lusts; or at least we may abolish altogether the connection of men with men; and as to women, if any man has to do with any but those who come into his house duly married by sacred rites, whether they be bought or acquired in any other way, and he offends publicly in the face of all mankind, we shall be right in enacting that he be deprived of civic honours and privileges, and be deemed to be, as he truly is, a stranger. Let this law, then, whether it is one, or ought rather to be called two, be laid down respecting love in general, and the intercourse of the sexes which arises out of the desires, whether rightly or wrongly indulged.

Aristotle, too, held that homosexuality is not natural and, as such, is opposed to Natural Law. The idea that Natural Law is an invention of St. Thomas Aquinas a few centuries ago is a flat out lie. Natural Law is not “Catholic.” It is accepted by Catholics because it is compatible with Catholicism. It is also compatible with Judaism and with all other denominations of Christendom, and many others besides.

The main reason that this is important is that Natural Law is what our Constitutional rights are based on. The Founders of our country knew that in order for America to be free, we needed to be welcoming of all viewpoints in the public square. They failed to include some persons in their plan, including African-Americans and Native Americans, and the right of women to vote, but what they did was still an incredible leap forward for freedom precisely BECAUSE it was based on Natural Law, limiting government to the enforcement of only those BASIC truths that are known to all.

The Declaration of Independence is the document which lays out the reasoning that the American colonists gave for breaking away from tyranny. Here is that document’s appeal to Natural Law:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

“Self-evident truth” is Natural Law — truths which are known universally by all, provided that they are not corrupted as Plato noted people can be corrupted by barbarians. There was a time in America when the vast majority of people were disgusted by homosexuality. This was before the entertainment industry successfully corrupted the nation to be more accepting than it ever was before on homosexual acts as “normal” and even “good.” It is now said that for a Christian to say that one should “resist” homosexual urges is itself evil. They call this “bigotry,” equating it with denying the personhood of an African-American. Our government is, in some places, taking the position that Christianity is evil because they claim that it is “bigotry” to oppose “gay marriage.” Catholics who are simply holding to the core teaching of their faith are lumped in with those who blocked school doors to blacks. This is insanity.

The very reason that our country is so polarized is because our government has decided to explode in size and make laws even about what light bulbs we can use. Now, there are people in both political parties who want to re-define marriage in opposition to Natural Law. This crushes the freedom of the Church, making it impossible for Catholics to work as court clerks issuing marriage licenses. It makes it impossible for Catholics to operate adoption agencies since we cannot place children with same-sex couples. It makes it impossible for Catholic parents to send their children to public schools where children are taught that “gay marriage” is normal and that you’re a bigot if you think otherwise. It even sometimes makes it impossible for Catholic parents to take their kids to a public swimming pool or park in places where “gay marriage” is legal. Don’t you get this, America? We can’t just yawn at sin in front of our kids and we can’t tell our kids that it’s “okay to be gay.” It’s never going to happen, for a faithful Catholic. Never.

If America rejects the very thing that makes us able to have a free society — Natural Law — the only possible result, ultimately, will be war. Limited government based on Natural Law is the only way to avoid continued polarization and animosity. Either we will go to war with each other or we will be so weakened by division that we will be attacked from abroad and conquered. Faithful Catholics will not comply with unjust laws. Just as Catholics stood with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, against the unjust laws of the Jim Crow era, we will stand together against this insane attempt to redefine us as “bigots” for being Catholic.

Court Rules in Favor of Catholic Health Company Against HHS Mandate

Obama conscience

Well, I don’t know about you, but I could use some good news, and here it is!

LifeNews reports:

A Catholic health management company has become the tenth entity to receive a favorable judicial ruling preventing enforcement of the pro-abortion HHS mandate that is a part of Obamacare.

Read more at LifeNews.

Sr Donna Quinn Takes a Break from Abortion to Support ‘Gay Marriage’


The Chicago Sun Phoenix has an article about a group of nuns supporting “gay marriage” in opposition to the bishops. You’ll never guess who the lead nun is in all this. (That’s sarcasm, by the way.)

Sister Donna Quinn, a Chicago native who has been a Catholic nun for over 50 years, said it’s about time for Illinois to approve legislation that would legalize same-sex marriage.

Remember Sister Donna Quinn? Here’s a reminder, via LifeSiteNews.

A Dominican nun has been seen frequenting an abortion facility in Illinois recently – but not, as one might expect, to pray for an end to abortion or to counsel women seeking abortions, but to volunteer as a clinic escort.

Local pro-life activists say that they recognized the escort at the ACU Health Center as Sr. Donna Quinn, a nun outspokenly in favor of legalized abortion, after seeing her photo in a Chicago Tribune article.

Is anyone surprised that someone who assists in the murder of children is leading an effort to make people think it’s “Catholic” to support “gay marriage?”

Quinn has been a member of the “rainbow sash” movement, so this is not a first for her.

Gibbons Cooney writes:

The fact that she is still allowed to call herself a Dominican is a scandal, and an insult to the true followers of St. Dominic.

I’m sure my Dominican friends would agree with that.

Mark Lambert on ‘Gay’ Identity; Why We Should Trust Archbishop Nichols


“Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.”

Mark Lambert has written an excellent post on the end of the “Soho Masses.” He is as hopeful as I am that this can really be the end, provided that Archbishop Nichols follows through. I have reason to believe he will, which I will explain, but first, let me point out what Lambert says about identity, which really is the crux of the issue in all this and is related to why I believe Archbishop Nichols will follow through.

Lambert says:

The Church also refuses to label people according to sexual reference, which is what self-identifying as “gay” or “queer” is. Authentic human dignity means understanding we are far more complicated than our sexuality which forms just one aspect of our person.

Identity with one’s sexuality instead of in what Christ has called us to be is the very problem that has to be addressed. I have taken, recently, in multiple posts, to pointing out that many protestants get this point completely, and many Catholics are completely missing it. Why do many protestants get it? BECAUSE THEY LOVE JESUS and CLING to Him in a personal relationship, and if you LOVE JESUS and cling to Him in a personal relationship you will get it! If you’re just mindlessly following rules without interpreting them in the light of reason which comes from LOVING JESUS, then you will not see this as important. The testimony of Sy Rogers is yet another excellent example of a protestant who understands that “gay” as an identity is what separates people from knowing God’s love in a REAL way.

Some Catholics “get” this, including the Courage apostolate. It is not a “rule” without reason. It means something, and it is something central to every person’s relationship with Jesus — that we are ALL called to become like Him, no matter what “urges” we may have pulling us away from Him. It is said that if you were to meet the person you are called by God to be, you would not recognize that person. You might even hate that person! The saint you are called to be is completely different from the person you are now. For this reason, we should not allow any label that is not Godly to define who we are, because all of them prevent us from becoming the person God has called us to be.

Catholic Truth blog says Archbishop Nichols is not really going to end the Soho Masses. Certainly, he needs to do more than what he has already done. I have already agreed with Deacon Nick Donnelly that more needs to be done, but at the same time  I know that our bishops are not in the habit of physically overturning tables as Jesus did without providing time for those being corrected to think things through. Maybe you would like to see them physically overturning tables, but now is not the time for that. My faith in Archbishop Nichols comes from his statement about identity.

He said:

Also, of great importance, is the teaching of the Church that a person must not be identified by their sexual orientation .

This sentence alone tells me that Archbishop Nichols completely understands the teaching of the Church and is willing to defend it. That he is giving some time for this to occur does not mean that he is not going to enforce it. It simply means that he is giving everyone an opportunity to think this over and submit to the will of the Church on the matter. At least, that is how I interpret it.

Will they do so? I don’t really think they will, but we must hope that they will, and we must pray for them that they come to the truth on this, because their salvation really does depend on knowing the real Jesus and finding their identity in God’s will for them. Don’t waste your energy complaining about Archbishop Nichols just because he isn’t moving quickly enough for your taste. Give things time, and use that time to PRAY for those who need to come to the truth in Christ.

Read Two Birds with One Stone, by Mark Lambert

Rosary photo by miqul on Flickr

Globe and Mail: To ‘Resist Homosexual Urges’ is ‘Controversial’

University of Toronto

It is “controversial” to “resist homosexual urges.” So says the Globe and Mail in a report about the University of Toronto rejecting the Courage apostolate on that basis.

Globe and Mail:

The University of Toronto has distanced itself from a controversial program dubbed “Courage” that is described as an anonymous support group to help young adults struggling to resist homosexual urges recently launched at the Catholic parish based on the school’s main campus.

[...]The Courage program is an official “pastoral partner” of Toronto’s archdiocese, meaning it has the church’s explicit support. But it has caused a rift at the Newman Centre, which at least a dozen parishioners have stopped attending because they oppose the program and its principles, while the U of T has urged the centre’s leaders to discontinue it.

This is problematic for at least two reasons: (1) The university is treating Catholicism as inherently bigoted and, as such, unwelcome on their campus; and (2) it is a claim that to resist sin is inherently bad, provided that the particular sin is one accepted by society.

In other words, Catholics at the University of Toronto are not allowed to actually be Catholic. They are not allowed to preach the truth about Jesus Christ for those who experience same-sex attraction. The Gospel is not welcome at the University of Toronto.

Photo: University of Toronto, Korok12 on Flickr


The End of ‘Soho Masses’ Already Being Misinterpreted

Soho Masses Photo: Queer Church News

Soho Masses Photo: Queer Church News

Yesterday I wrote about Archbishop Vincent Nichols’ decision to end the “gay Masses” known as the “Soho Masses” in the Westminster Diocese. His statement is already being misinterpreted by organizers of the “Soho Masses.”

Terence Weldon writes:

This statement in no way ends the existing model of pastoral care, but takes it into “a new phase”, with a shift of emphasis from organizing Mass twice a month, to pastoral provision in its fullest sense.

Not exactly. Archbishop Nichols’ reference to identity, as I already pointed out, means in and of itself that the pastoral care must be fully in keeping with the teaching of the Church. This can be found at the Courage apostolate, which is Vatican-approved.

Weldon also says:

The SMPC as we now know it is not being sidelined, but entrusted with greater responsibility. We will no longer be organising the Masses – but the Jesuits do a fine job themselves. Free of the burden of preparing all the details of the Mass, it will be easier to extend our celebrations from just twice a month, to a regular weekly service – and to concentrate more actively on the pastoral provision, as described.

We will need to find a new name – but what we have come to know as “Soho Masses” are not ending, but expanding.

I’m not sure on what basis he formulates the opinion that a name change is all that is needed here. He seems to have pulled this out of thin air.

Deacon Nick Donnelly writes the following, with which I completely agree:

The potential point of failure inherent in Archbishop Nichols’ announcement is his acceptance that the ‘group’ responsible for organizing the Soho Masses will continue to be recognized in its new role of  leading pastoral provision in Farm Street.

[...] If the same individuals continue in leadership positions then the promotion of active homosexual life-styles contrary to the teaching of the Church will in all likelihood continue. How will Archbishop Nichols ensure that the ‘Farm Street Pastoral Council’ will be ‘conducted fully in accordance with the teaching of the Church?’

The group formerly known as the Soho Masses Pastoral Council should have been disbanded and leadership of pastoral provision for homosexual persons  given to (En) Courage.  This half-measure is better than the previous policy of no action being taken, but the root of the problem has not been dealt with. Nothing will really change until the defiant  dissent at the heart of this group is challenged and canonical sanctions imposed.

Read more at Protect the Pope.


Repair the Breach


Leila Miller says the world needs saints now, more than anything.

Mother Catherine says what the world needs is to repair the breach. We need reparation. Of course, it takes saints to do that.

May all of us who aspire to be saints be given the sufferings, the strength and the courage necessary to purge ourselves of everything that is not pleasing to God.

It is said that to become a saint is difficult. That is only part of the story. When you walk with Jesus, He makes the way very light indeed.

St. Paul of the Cross wrote in a letter to Sr. Maria Cherubim Bresciani:

I want her to love, adore, praise, and glorify our great God. She ought to converse of love, to speak to him of his passion or of the sufferings of his Sorrowful Mother, and to offer that great heart to the eternal Father . . . When the soul comes to know and savor the silence of love, allow it to stand and drink from this divine fount the most holy waters of grace which burst forth from the Sacred Heart. Take care that you drink here. It is necessary to drink deeply. . .


Is Pride Getting in the Way of Your Identity in Christ?

Who Am I?

In my previous post on identity in Christ, I gave a tip of the hat to protestant bloggers who seem to talk a lot about this topic, to their credit. Here’s another example.

Carl Johnson writes:

I have never realized how I made it so much with pride and false humility and trying to put out the workmanship of Christ Jesus. I have seen the work of the Cross in my life and know that I am in Christ Jesus but my Identity lies alone in him and not in anything I can do as a follower but the direct sonship of my father.

I know that I would disagree with Carl on the role of works in our salvation, but what I agree with him on here is that unless we find our identity in Jesus Christ and in the work of the Cross in our lives and unless we truly know the real Jesus, we are going to be spinning our wheels and in misery, because we will never truly know what He has called us to be. The world is going to keep trying to drag us down into the pit of corruption. For us to embrace that tugging in any way is denying the power of Christ in our lives.

Photo by tonyhall, via Flickr

 Get Monk Shots!

Christopher Yuan – Placing My Identity in Christ, Not My Sexuality

Christopher Yuan

Here is a quote from a protestant Christian author, Christopher Yuan, who has same-sex attraction. It’s a quote that Catholics in the blogosphere really need to take to heart. Please stop using terms like “gay people” and “gay men” and “gay Catholics.”

Christian Post:

What changed my mind wasn’t the six “clobber passages” which mention homosexuality. It was realizing that I had placed my identity and focus on the wrong things – my sexuality and pursuing a same-sex, romantic relationship. But God calls Christians to put their identity in Jesus Christ alone. God says, “Be holy, for I am holy.” I needed to pursue a life of holiness, not heterosexuality or homosexuality.

Even though our bishops, including the Pope, continually talk about this topic, because our identity is in Christ, not in our disorders and not in things of the world, Catholics in the blogosphere continue to ignore it. Why??? As the Pope says, even for the sake of dialogue we cannot concede this point, that our identity is in Christ. To deny this is to continue to spread confusion on this topic. It leads people AWAY from Christ to say that it is okay to find your identity in a disorder.

I am beginning to think that the ones who refuse this truth are those who themselves find their identity in things that are not of Christ. They are attached to things they should not be attached to, and so they find nothing “wrong” with people clinging tightly to identity in disorder. That is why they don’t “get” this. I’m open to an alternative explanation.

I’d like to thank all the protestant bloggers out there who talk about identity in Christ, especially on the topic of same-sex attraction. It’s too bad so many of the Catholics haven’t caught up with you yet. Pray for them.

Here’s an example of what the protestants are doing to explain that our identity is in Christ.

Spirit Juice Studios does a good job of addressing this, but it could be more to the point. Providing the web address at the end to Courage is great. There you will find what I am talking about. “Why doesn’t Courage use the terms “gay” and “lesbian”?

Hat-tip, Anglicans United

Photo of Christopher Yuan by Julian88Tex

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Archbishop Nichols Ends ‘Gay’ Masses; Church Will Now Be Used for Ordinariate

Tough Love

Photo by Dippylulu, Flickr

Archbishop Nichols, in the United Kingdom, is practicing some tough love that is welcome, indeed.

Catholic Herald:

Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster has announced that Masses in Soho organised for gay people are to end.

He also revealed that the church where the Masses took place will be given to the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.

You can read his full statement at the Catholic Herald. This sentence in particular makes me happy, since I blog frequently on the topic of identity in Christ. This alone tells me that he will ensure that pastoral care be kept in accordance with authentically Catholic spirituality.

Also, of great importance, is the teaching of the Church that a person must not be identified by their sexual orientation .

Damian Thompson writes, “Both these moves should be welcomed. The “gay Masses” were an embarrassment, a relic of old-style gay rights campaigning that scandalised large numbers of Catholics.”

I agree. He also points out that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith likely played a role here.

Father Tim Finigan offers some good advice:

I know of many Catholics (including people struggling with same-sex attraction) who have been scandalised by some of the phenomena associated with the “Soho Masses” over the years. There are also many who have felt that the Ordinariate has not been treated with sufficient generosity. Today’s “double whammy” story will be a temptation to triumphalist and perhaps unkind comments. I understand that temptation but would urge that like so many, it should be resisted.

Pray for the bishops.

UPDATE: Did you notice the Catholic Herald used the term “gay people” in the text I quoted above? They need to get with the program. Again, here is the relevant quote from Archbishop Nichols:

Also, of great importance, is the teaching of the Church that a person must not be identified by their sexual orientation .

Please stop saying “gay people.” It spreads confusion.

Get Monk Shots!

Do ‘Transgendered’ People Have the Right to Use a Public Restroom of Their Choice?

Public Restroom

Photo by Greg Braatan, Flickr

Defenders of traditional marriage say that preserving traditional marriage as the only form of civil marriage does not deny anyone their “right to marry,” because all adults may marry, provided that they marry someone of the opposite sex. This argument is rejected by “gay rights” proponents, however those same activists will sometimes use the same logic when it comes to public restrooms.

Consider the case of Colleen Francis, a male who chose to live as a woman and who was caught exposing himself to young girls in a woman’s locker room at Evergreen State College. I suppose it was fear that prompted the university and civil authorities to respond as they did.

Students from nearby Olympia High School as well as children at a local swimming club share locker rooms with the college.

According to a police report, the mother of a 17-year-old girl complained after her daughter saw the transgender individual walking naked in the locker room. A female swim coach confronted the man sprawled out in a sauna exposing himself. She ordered him to leave and called police.

The coach later apologized when she discovered the man was transgendered but explained there were girls using the facility as young as six years old who weren’t used to seeing male genitals.

“They’re uncomfortable with him being in there, her, being in there and are shocked by it,” parent Kristi Holterman told KIRO-TV.

According to the police report, the local district attorney probably will not pursue charges because he said the “criminal law is very vague in this area.”

Can’t you just hear “gay rights” activists saying, “Who are you to ‘judge’ this man?”

This case has prompted what is known as a “Colleen Francis” clause in ordinances related to discrimination based on “sexual orientation.” One such clause was adopted by city commissioners in Helena, Montana. This remark about the clause from a “gay rights” blog called Gender Trender caught my eye.

All males have a right to use facilities based on anatomical sex. What they wear, or how they think of themselves should have no bearing on this.

Do you see that? This is an admission that forcing a “transgendered” man not to use a women’s restroom is not denying him the right to use facilities. Forcing him to go to the men’s restroom preserves his right to use public facilities.

Funny how they will not accept this same reasoning when it comes to marriage. If it is not denying anyone’s rights by forcing them to use the restroom appropriate for their anatomy, then neither is it denying anyone’s rights by requiring that if they get married that it be to someone of the opposite sex.

It’s the very same logic.

Hat-tip, J. Matt Barber, A Politically Incorrect Guide to ‘Sexual Identity,’


1.7 Million Human Embryos Discarded Since 1991

Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows. Photo by The Golden Prayer

This makes me shudder to my core.

The Tablet:

Millions of human embryos created to enable women to get pregnant through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) have been thrown away unused, newly released figures have revealed.

More than 1.7 million embryos – 48 per cent of all 3.6 million created since records began in 1991 – were discarded. The figures showed that for every woman who conceives through IVF, 15 embryos are made, the Daily Mail reported.

That’s not all. Read the whole thing.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

Lack of Use Prompts Catholic Church in Germany to Discontinue Abuse Hotline


Cricket, by Valerie Everett, flickr

What’s the point of having a hotline if no one calls it?

DW reports:

The Catholic Church in Germany has closed its hotline for victims of sexual abuse due to lack of use. Critics say the church is not doing enough to counter this ongoing problem.

For two and a half years, the counseling service run by the Catholic Church was set up as a first point of contact for victims of abuse and their relatives.

Today, few people call the number, Matthias Kopp, spokesman for the German Bishops’ Conference, told Deutsche Welle. He said the telephone helpline had fulfilled its purpose and would be turned off at the end of 2012.

About the “critics,” I’m not sure how having a hotline that no one calls can logically be characterized as the Church “not doing enough” to counter an “ongoing problem.”


Check Out These Westerners Applauding Kim Jong-Un


Posted above is a screen shot from a report, below, on Kim Jong-Un’s New Year speech.  I was a bit taken aback by the appearance of happy, applauding Westerners in the footage.

My guess is that none of the people in the screen shot are North Koreans. According to a BBC report, tourists are allowed in North Korea, “unless they are a spy, a journalist or an American.” Tourists are closely monitored and must be escorted by a tour guide.


Good Catholics Know History and Have Learned From It

Christian Martyrs

Christian Martyrs. Photo: Catholic Lane

Many identify as “Catholic” but there really is such a thing as a “good Catholic” who is well-studied in the Catholic Faith and committed to preserving the authentic Catholic Faith. Being a “good Catholic” has as much to do with what a Catholic knows and believes as it does with whether one behaves in a holy manner, for if one knows and believes lies, then one’s aspirations are to a lie. Good Catholics live in reality — the one true reality — which is God’s will, and when they apply reality in their lives to the fullest, they become the “Best Catholics” — Saints.

Good Catholics know the history of humanity, through the experience of the Hebrews and the nation of Israel before the coming of Christ; through the Life, Death and Resurrection of Christ; and through the life of the Church since. Good Catholics have learned from reality, not from a perversion of reality. The more the world abandons reality, the more the strength of our faith in God’s one true reality is tested.

Good Catholics know that it is not only our Catholic Faith that puts us at odds with the world today, but also our perspective on history — our worldview, if you will — as we have “been there, done that” throughout history. Good Catholics know what happens when governments become hostile to the Church. They know that people of all faiths and of no faith will die in large numbers when atheism becomes the official “religion,” if you will, of a country. The promises of “freedom” from atheists have always turned out to be lies that are told in a quest for power over people of faith, and the people of faith are those whose mission is characterized by love for the weak.

This point about atheism is laid out very clearly in an article at National Catholic Register by Tom Hoopes: Year of Faithlessness? 2013’s Year of Faith Badly Needed After 2012.

Atheists always follow the same cycle — peaceful beginnings grow to angry denouncements and, often, to violent force. But the Christian cycle of persecution, death and glorious resurrection is always more powerful — because it is founded in love and not hatred.

Not only have we read the Bible and know how it ends, we’ve read our history books and know that good eventually conquers evil. The Year of Faith gives us an opportunity to become “good Catholics” to ensure that the conquering of good over evil happens before many more millions die from abortion, and also from persecution at the hands of those deluded into thinking that Christianity is the enemy.

So, let’s get to work, shall we?

From the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: What is the Year of Faith?

At certain times in the history of the Church, popes have called upon the faithful to dedicate themselves to deepening their understanding of a particular aspect of the faith. In 1967, Pope Paul VI announced a Year of Faith commemorating the 19th centenary of the martyrdom of Sts. Peter and Paul. The 1967 Year of Faith called upon the Church to recall the supreme act of witness by these two saints so that their martyrdom might inspire the present day Church to collectively and individually make a sincere profession of faith.

The upcoming Year of Faith declared by Pope Benedict XVI is a “summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the One Savior of the world” (Porta fidei 6). In other words, the Year of Faith is an opportunity for Catholics to experience a conversion – to turn back to Jesus and enter into a deeper relationship with him. The pope has described this conversion as opening the “door of faith” (see Acts 14:27). The “door of faith” is opened at one’s baptism, but during this year Catholics are called to open it again, walk through it and rediscover and renew their relationship with Christ and his Church.

Read more Questions and Answers on the Year of Faith.

Click here for the main page on the Year of Faith.


Catholic in Brooklyn: ‘Happy New Year? I Don’t Think So’


Frosty Footpath, by Barbara Miers, via flickr

Catholic in Brooklyn provides a basic overview of why this probably will not be a happy new year. The outlook appears to be bleak, indeed, for Christendom. There is much to be hopeful for, though, in that this is the Year of Faith – a call to participate in the New Evangelization.

“…They called the church together and reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith…”(Acts 14:27).

The Church began as a tiny mustard seed, but has grown to 1.6 billion members. It is not so bleak for us, perhaps, as it was for the early Church facing the whole world. For many, it will not be a happy new year…but there is redemption in suffering.