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As an added bonus, sign up today and we'll give you access to a Patriot Outdoor News exclusive video, "Hunting Monster Bucks & Eating Live Crickets!" The video features young huntress Regis Giles as she pursues a world-class whitetail buck with her father, Doug Giles.


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Raising Boys Feminists Will Hate

Raising Boys Feminists Will Hate: Parent, if you have a young son and you want him to grow up to be a man, then you need to keep him away from pop culture, public school and a lot of Nancy Boy churches. If metrosexual pop culture, feminized public schools and the effeminate branches of evanjellycalism lay their sissy hands on him, you can kiss his masculinity good-bye because they will morph him into a dandy. Yeah, mom and dad, if – if – you dare to raise your boy as a classic boy in this castrated epoch, then you’ve got a task that’s more difficult than getting a drunk to hit the urinal at Chili’s. Read this bold and hard-hitting guide by Doug Giles, the politically incorrect master, on how to raise your son in a world which more and more seems to hate masculinity.

If You’re Going Through Hell …


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Kudu Voodoo DVD

Kudu Voodoo: Breaking the Hex of Africa’s Vexing Gray Ghost. Travel with Regis Giles to South Africa on the hunt of a lifetime! Packed with adventure, family fun and lots of laughs; watch as Regis pursues giant Kudu bulls in an effort to break the hex of Africa’s vexing gray ghost.