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Obama’s Labor Secretary Says Extended Unemployment Benefits Saves Millions Of Jobs

January 4, 2013
Hilda Solis

And we wonder why the economy has been so sluggish with mental giants like Hilda Solis out there shaping economic policy. After this morning’s dismal jobs report, Obama’s labor secretary appeared on CNBC and claimed that extending unemployment benefits has saved millions of jobs. Good grief, people take her seriously! How does paying more people…

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Former Crooks Call Journal News List Of Gun Owners ‘Gold Mine’, Stalkings Begin After Names Published

January 4, 2013
Journal News Rockland

Fox News interviewed some former crooks who called the list of handgun permit holders published by the Journal News in New York a “gold mine” for criminals. Reformed crooks say the New York newspaper that published a map of names and addresses of gun owners…

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Saturday Is Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day – Support Religious Freedom

January 4, 2013
Hobby Lobby

I know what I’m doing tomorrow, at least for a little while. I’m going to head over to Hobby Lobby to support the company in its fight for religious freedom and against the Obamacare mandates. ** Find a Hobby Lobby near you. The Saturday hours are 9:00 AM to…

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Good News – Court Rules In Favor Of Virginia Against EPA

January 4, 2013

Here’s a little bit of good news for the end of the work week. A judge ruled in favor of the state of Virginia in their case against the costly water rules imposed on them by the EPA.  Late this afternoon, a federal judge accepted…

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Whose Debt?

January 4, 2013
deficit chart bush democrats

President Obama and his allies continue to blame George Bush for the massive debt problem we have. Unfortunately, the facts don’t back them up. Before the Democrats took control of congress in 2007 the deficit was almost gone. It didn’t take off until they took…

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Alan Grayson Accuses Republicans Of Waging ‘Legislative Terrorism’

January 4, 2013
Alan Grayson

Alan Grayson is back in Congress and back in the news. He accused the Republicans of waging “legislative terrorism” for using the debt ceiling as a way to cut some federal spending. Of course, he was on MSNBC with Al Sharpton, so he wasn’t challenged.…

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House Passed $9.7 Billion Sandy Package – More To Come

January 4, 2013

Today the House passed a $9.7 billion package that will increase funding for federal flood insurance to pay out claims related to Hurricane Sandy. They will take up another bill in a week or two that will address further funding. According to The Wall Street…

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In The News: New Government Approved Light Bulbs Cause Skin Cancer

January 4, 2013
CFL lightbulb

I told you about this in July of 2012, but it’s back in the news again. Those government approved fluorescent light bulbs that are approved by the government not only give off ugly light and are hazardous when broken, they may also cause cancer. Money saving, compact…

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Harry Reid’s Plan To Silence The Minority

January 4, 2013
Harry Reid

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is plotting to do away with the filibuster in an effort to silence the minority. This is something he and the members of his party were against when they were in the minority, but now that they control the…

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So, How Did Al Gore Get Cable Providers To Go Along With Sale To Al Jazeera?

January 4, 2013
Al Gore

By now you’ve all heard how Al Gore sold his Current TV network to Al Jazeera, the Arab news network owned by the oil-rich Qataris, and is walking away with a cool $100 million. The global warming profiteer and champion of “tax the rich” class…

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Barney Frank Wants To Fill John Kerry’s Senate Seat

January 4, 2013
Barney Frank

Now that Senator John Kerry is moving on to fill Hillary Clinton’s secretary of state position there will be a vacancy until a special election can be held. Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick will chose an interim replacement to fill the seat until a new candidate…

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Official Unemployment Rate Now 7.8%, This Economy Stinks

January 4, 2013
unemployment help wanted

The official unemployment rate has gone up to 7.8%, the government reported this morning. Wait, scratch that, the rate has remained flat because the number reported last month was revised upward. They say 155,000 jobs were created, but something like 30,000 of those jobs were…

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The Truth About The Debt Limit

January 4, 2013

The Washington Examiner’s Conn Carroll takes issue with Buzz Feed’s characterization of the debt limit as simply being an authorization to make good on debts the government has racked up by previous congresses. Basically, Buzz Feed’s John Stanton was just repeating a White House talking…

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Tim Geithner To Resign Before Debt Ceiling Fight

January 3, 2013

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is resigning, even if no debt ceiling deal is worked out by the end of the month. Knowing how things are done in Washington, DC these days it’s doubtful any agreement will be reached before his departure. Treasury Secretary Timothy F.…

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Empires Rise and Empires Fall

January 3, 2013
white house

Dr. Owens: Elections have consequences and the ignored corruption of fraudulent voters and whacky voting machines has given Mr. Obama an uncontested victory.

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Finally A NYC Politician Displays Some Sanity

January 3, 2013
Rep. Peter King

Judging by the way some New York and New Jersey Republicans have been acting you’d think that Speaker John Boehner had agreed to raise taxes without any concession from the Democrats on spending. Oh wait. He did that. But that’s not what they’re mad about.…

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Where Are The Women In The Obama White House?

January 3, 2013

Washington Free Beacon noted a lack of women in some of the top level meetings in the White House. Maybe the women are left in the kitchen. The White House’s Flickr account recently released a photo of President Barack Obama and his top advisers. The…

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What To Expect From DC In 2013

January 3, 2013
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid

The Washington Examiner has a preview of what’s in store for us from Washington, DC in 2013. It’s not going to be pretty. Now that the fiscal cliff crisis was resolved in the middle of the night, they will move on to the debt ceiling…

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Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Rise Again

January 3, 2013
unemployment line

Initial jobless claims reported last week were revised from 350K to 362K, and this week they’ve come in at 372K, dashing the expectations of economists again. New applications for unemployment benefits jumped 10,000 to 372,000 in the week ended Dec. 29, the U.S. Labor Department…

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Boehner Figures Out Obama Doesn’t Play Nice

January 3, 2013

Speaker John Boehner has finally figured out that President Obama doesn’t play nice. Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is signaling that at least one thing will change about his leadership during the 113th Congress: he’s telling Republicans he is done with private, one-on-one negotiations with President…

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Chart Of The Week

January 3, 2013

What are the Democrats going to do now that they've raised taxes on the rich?

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Math: Democrat Politician = Anti-American

January 3, 2013
Math: Democrat Politician = Anti-American

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Obama Auto-Signs Fiscal Cliff Bill

January 3, 2013

President Obama auto-signed the fiscal cliff bill while he continues his vacation in Hawaii. Lucky us. Obama, who is vacationing in Hawaii, signed the bill using an autopen, a mechanical device that copies his signature. Call me old fashioned, but shouldn’t major taxing and spending…

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Hey Dummies, Obama Is Everything You Hated About Bush On Steroids!

January 3, 2013
bush miss me

At this point I just have to laugh when I see the polls. President Obama has higher ratings than George W. Bush, even though most Americans see the best of times behind us. Thanks to the media there’s been a national disconnect with reality. Bush…

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New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Wants The Kids In School Longer

January 2, 2013

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wants our children in school longer. He’s looking to lengthen the school day and the school year. He also wants the pre-schoolers full time. I guess he doesn’t think the state has enough control over the children already. A commission…

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