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Thursday, December 20, 2012

UN General Assembly to ratify honor to Holocaust denier

The United Nations General Assembly is scheduled on Wednesday to ratify all resolutions adopted by the 'human rights council' during 2012. One of those resolutions honors a Holocaust denier.

While a handful of these decisions were good, many were despicable. One stands out for its ignominy: the appointment of a top official whose life’s work—authoring books on World War II that make Germans the victims and the Allies the war criminals—has made him a hero to Holocaust deniers.
Alfred de Zayas was appointed in March as the council’s “Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order,” an anti-Western mandate created by Cuba's Communist regime.
Inexplicably, Zayas was unanimously recommended by a U.N. committee that included British Ambassador Peter Gooderham, who was supposed to effectively represent the interests and values of Western democracies such as Britain, France, Germany and the United States.

To undo this wrong, tomorrow U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice should lead the world's democracies in calling for a vote on the omnibus resolution—which includes the appointment of Zayas—and vote No.

Ambassador Rice should also take the floor and explain to the U.N. and the world why America and all decent people categorically object to an appointment that contradicts the principles of the U.N. and its founding history as the anti-Hitler alliance. Click here to send an email urging action.
Read the whole thing

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NY Times' Rudoren runs with the wrong crowd?

After the New York Times was forced to correct a story by Jodi Rudoren in which she repeated the Leftist mantra that construction in E-1 would cut off Ramallah from Bethlehem and make a 'two-state solution' 'impossible,' former National Security Adviser Elliot Abrams worries that Rudoren doesn't get out and about with a broad enough range of people.
By any standard that’s a remarkable correction. Let me rephrase it without the Times‘s defensive use of “imprecisely.”  A more honest correction would have said this: “The Times reported, not as opinion but as fact in a news story, that the new construction being planned by Israel would cut Ramallah and Bethlehem off from Jerusalem, divide the West Bank in two, and make a contiguous Palestinian state impossible. None of those assertions was true, so we have to withdraw all of them.”
Now how is it that three such glaring errors are made in one Times story? After all, a simple glance at the map would show for example that from Ma’ale Adumim to the Dead Sea is 15 kilometers, and that the proposed construction would not cut the West Bank in two or make contiguity impossible. It is just plain extraordinary that the Jerusalem bureau chief of The New York Times knows so little about the geography of the Jerusalem area that she could write such things. Here’s my theory: that just about everyone she knows –all her friends– believe these things, indeed know that they are true. Settlements are bad, the right-wing Israeli government is bad, new construction makes peace impossible and cuts the West Bank in half and destroys contiguity and means a Palestinian state is impossible. They just know it, it’s obvious, so why would you have to refer to a map, or talk to people who would tell you it’s all wrong? This was precisely what was feared when Ms. Rudoren was named the Times’s bureau chief: that she would move solely in a certain political and social milieu, the rough Israeli equivalent of the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
 Rudoren responds:
It's not correct that most of the people I associate with have a left wing perspective, or any particular perspective. In fact I have been widely praised for speaking to a broad variety of people for my stories.
The essence of what our E1 story said was correct: that building there is seen by palestinians, peace advocates and diplomats worldwide as the death knell of the two state solution, because it prevents meaningful contiguity in the West Bank and easy access to the heart of East Jerusalem. (The Israelis also understand this; it's precisely why this area was chosen at this time.)
On deadline, late at night and at the end of a very long couple of weeks, I used imprecise language and, yes, did not study the map carefully enough. I deeply regret that, but it does not betray any agenda or anything about who I know or consult in my reporting. 
So I did a little experiment.... I went through Rudoren's Twitter follows (she has over 800). It overwhelmingly leans Left (which may be inevitable when you work for the New York Times and follow many of its employees), but I managed to find 10 people whom I know (either personally or through email) among her followers that I would consider Center or Center-Right.  I sent them an email with the following questions:
Just curious:

Jodi Rudoren follows you (and me) on Twitter. Has she been in touch with you since she's been in Israel (other than following you on Twitter) in connection with a story or otherwise?

Emails? Phone calls? Meetings?

Thanks for any responses
Within an hour, seven of them had answered. Of those seven, five are in Israel and two are in the US. Of the two in the US, one, a leader in a major US Jewish organization, says that she has 'met, facebooked, tweeted, emailed' with him. The other, a major US right wing blogger, says no contact.

Of the five Israelis, one has met with her once and spoken to her on the phone a couple of times. Another, a reporter for an Israeli newspaper, has asked Rudoren questions, but says that Rudoren has never initiated contact. The other three say they have had no contact with her. One of those three, a longtime activist in the 'settlement movement,' expressed particular frustration, because he has reached out to her a number of times and has gotten no response.

To that you can add me. I would venture to guess that I have one of the better-read right wing blogs in Israel that is not affiliated with any newspaper or major blogging group. I've had some email contact with her, but nothing substantive (her parents were friends of my parents of blessed memory, so I do have a personal connection).

Maybe she reads all our blogs silently?

I have no idea how much contact Rudoren has with people on the Left. But when she writes, "It's not correct that most of the people I associate with have a left wing perspective, or any particular perspective," let's just say I have my doubts. If Rudoren wanted to meet on background with a representative group of Right wing Israeli bloggers, it would not take much effort to put such a meeting together. There's been no request that I know of (and I would likely know) for anything like that.


Move one of the bloggers who has had no contact with Rudoren from Israel to the US.

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Unrealistic expectations

I have been sent a full copy of Evelyn Gordon's latest JPost column, which is behind a paywall. It should be of interest to both the Americans and the Israelis who read this blog. Read the whole thing and I'll have some comments afterward.
On many issues, J Street isn’t nearly as representative of American Jewry as it likes to think. But the anguished query posed by its communications director, Alan Elsner, last week is undoubtedly shared by a vast swath of American Jews: “Why are Israeli politicians of all stripes almost totally disregarding what we see as the main issue facing the country, the need to reinvigorate negotiations with the Palestinians toward a two-state solution?” Indeed, the former head of the Union for Reform Judaism, Rabbi Eric Yoffie, voiced similar frustration in October, saying he was “stunned” that “Israeli-Palestinian peace is no more than a peripheral issue” in the election campaign. And unlike J Street, Yoffie’s pro-Israel credentials are unimpeachable.

Most Israeli Jews would counter with one very simple question: “What exactly do you expect us to do?” Because until someone produces a credible answer to that question, Israelis see little point in wasting time and energy on it. And overwhelmingly, they view the answers produced by American Jews as non-credible.

The most popular American Jewish response was perfectly captured by America’s (non-Jewish) defense secretary, Leon Panetta: “Just get to the damn table!” To which most Israelis would reply, “We’d like nothing better, but how?” After all, despite having promised to resume negotiations immediately after the UN recognized “Palestine” as a nonmember state, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is still refusing to do so without preconditions that Israelis deem unacceptable. And there’s no way to get to the table if the other side refuses to show up.

Just last week, for instance, Abbas set three preconditions for resuming negotiations: a settlement freeze, agreement that talks would start from where they left off under former prime minister Ehud Olmert, and agreement that the final borders would be based on the 1967 lines. Now consider what one of Israel’s most dovish politicians, someone who actually has made the “peace process” her flagship campaign issue, has to say on these subjects:

At a conference of foreign diplomats last week, Tzipi Livni said it was “clear … there would not be return to 1967 borders,” and that “the only way for the conflict with the Palestinians to end is for Israel to keep” the settlement blocs. Interviewed subsequently by The Jerusalem Post, she said she wouldn’t agree to start the talks from where Olmert left off, because “The idea that the Palestinians think they can take any Israeli offer to their pocket and say ‘let’s start from this’ is completely unacceptable.” She probably would agree to something like the partial settlement freeze Israel instituted in 2009-10, but Abbas deemed that “worse than useless” and refused to negotiate. And neither she nor any other Israeli politician would acquiesce in the full freeze Abbas demands, covering even the huge Jewish neighborhoods of East Jerusalem that everyone – Palestinians included – agree would remain Israeli under any deal.

So given that Abbas will only negotiate under preconditions all Israelis consider non-starters, how do American Jews expect Israel to “get to the damn table”? Do they believe Israel should simply forfeit its vital interests by, say, not only agreeing to the 1967 lines, but doing so upfront, without even getting any reciprocal concession? Or do they have some more feasible idea – and if so, why aren’t they sharing it?

The more realistic, like Yoffie, do recognize that negotiations are probably impossible. But their solution is equally unfeasible: returning to “unilateral action.”

Is it really necessary to remind American Jews that Israel tried unilateral withdrawals twice, from Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza in 2005, and both times got nothing in return but rockets on its cities and cross-border raids that kidnapped and killed its soldiers? Very few Israelis would agree to repeat that experience in the West Bank, whence even short-range rockets could easily reach Israel’s major cities and commercial hubs. It’s no accident that Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who has advocated turning to unilateralism, recently quit politics after polls showed his party barely squeaking into the Knesset.

So do American Jews have a magic solution for how to withdraw unilaterally without creating a security nightmare, or do they simply think Israelis should be willing to live with endless rocket fire for the sake of “peace”?

Then there’s the minor matter of the nature of our “peace partner.” How can Israel make peace with people who, for instance, accuse it of “one of the most dreadful campaigns of ethnic cleansing and dispossession in modern history”; praise Hamas for launching rockets at it; and claim it infects Palestinians with AIDS – all recent statements by senior PA officials? Or who deny Jewish history, glorify terror in their official media, demand that Israel commit demographic suicide and indoctrinate their children to view Israel’s eradication as their ultimate goal?

And another minor detail: Even with all this, the PA is too moderate for most Palestinians. As The Jerusalem Post’s Khaled Abu Toameh noted last week, when Abbas returned to Ramallah after the UN recognized “Palestine” in the 1967 lines, “fewer than 5,000 Palestinians … turned out to greet him.” But when the head of Hamas came to Gaza and vowed “to liberate all Palestine, ‘from the river to the sea’ … because the country belonged only to Muslim and Arabs, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians showed up to welcome [Khaled] Mashaal and voice support for his plan to eliminate Israel.” So where does that leave prospects for peace?

All this explains the shocking findings of a poll commissioned by the Saban Center last month: Fully 55% of Israeli Jews don’t think “lasting peace” with the Palestinians “will ever happen.” And only 4% see peace as possible “in the next five years.”

So unless American Jews can credibly explain to Israelis why they’re wrong, and then present a credible plan for achieving this as-yet elusive peace, it’s ridiculous to expect Israelis to consider “peace” a major campaign issue. Politics, as Otto von Bismarck famously said, is the art of the possible. And as long as peace talks don’t appear to be within the realm of the possible, Israeli politics will quite rightly focus on issues that are.
American Jews (indeed, Americans in general) who advocate that we 'just to get to the damn table' or act unilaterally, remind me of the Israeli Left., who for years argued that there has to be peace because we just can't live without it. The fact that the Left has been and will again in the upcoming elections be eviscerated, combined with the fact that even Tzipi Livni understands that there's not going to be peace anytime soon (see above), show that the Left is mouthing platitudes that really don't mean anything, and that American Jews are doing the same, albeit without the recognition that what they advocate is impossible.

It takes two to tango. There is no 'Palestinian' partner for peace.

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WaPo's Milbank, Atlantic's Wright: Hagel smeared by neocons and Zionists

The Washington Post's Dana Milbank and the Atlantic's Robert Wright will both tell you that it was the all-powerful Zionists and neocons who did in Chuck Hagel. All-powerful? In Obama's Washington? That's just about the most paranoid statement I've heard in a long time.

Here's Milbank (Hat Tip: Weasel Zippers).
The neoconservative journal, no fan of the iconoclastic former Republican senator, published a smear under the headline: “Senate aide: ‘Send us Hagel and we will make sure every American knows he is an anti-Semite.’ ” In the posting, this anonymous aide went on to accuse Hagel of “the worst kind of anti-Semitism there is.” As evidence, the article included a quotation from Hagel referring to the “Jewish lobby.”
Other right-wing publications and conservative Zionist groups inevitably joined the chorus, including a column by Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal saying Hagel’s prejudice has an “especially ripe” odor. 
And Wright
Over the past year, as I've written about Israel critically and gotten a milder version of the kind of blowback Hagel is getting, my view of the people generating it has changed. I used to think that all the "anti-Israel" and "anti-Semitism" charges were just cynical smears, and I still think some of them are. But I also think some of them come from people who genuinely believe that any severe critic of Israel speaks out of malice. These people are blinded by their passions, and the fact that their smears are wild and unfounded doesn't mean they're insincere.
Still, these smears have been hugely counterproductive from a truly pro-Zionist standpoint. What you're seeing now is one of the final desperate spasms of a group that has already helped destroy the thing it loves, and will probably destroy a few other things before finally, like Joseph McCarthy, destroying itself and receding mercifully into the pages of history.
Yeah, that's it. If you criticize a critic of Israel, it's just a smear. What a coincidence that the biggest adherents of  forcing Israel to live with a 'Palestinian state' designed to undermine its existence alongside it are the most vehement critics of measures to stop Iran's nuclear weapons drive.

But there's nothing to see here, so let's just move on.

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Hagel out?

Adam Kredo reports that Chuck Hagel will not be the next Secretary of Defense of the United States.
Sources on Capitol Hill told the Free Beacon that opposition to Hagel reaches all the way to the Embassy of Israel, which is said to have quietly expressed concern about the former senator.
“Our office has talked with the Israel embassy who says their policy is to support whatever the president wants in his cabinet and would not provide further comment,” one Senate aide told the Free Beacon. “With a little prodding, our contact at the embassy did allude to their concern for Hagel’s nomination.”
An Israeli embassy spokesman declined comment.
Hagel has drawn additional heat from insiders who claim he lacks the credentials needed to manage a department as large and essential as the Pentagon.
“Yes, Hagel has crazy positions on several key issues. Yes, Hagel has said things that are borderline anti-Semitism. Yes, Hagel wants to gut the Pentagon’s budget. But above all, he’s not a nice person and he’s bad to his staff,” said a senior Republican Senate aide who has close ties to former Hagel staffers.
“Hagel was known for turning over staff every few weeks—within a year’s time he could have an entirely new office because nobody wanted to work for him,” said the source. “You have to wonder how a man who couldn’t run a Senate office is going to be able to run an entire bureaucracy.”
Others familiar with Hagel’s 12 year tenure in the Senate said he routinely intimidated staff and experienced frequent turnover.
“Chuck Hagel may have been collegial to his Senate colleagues but he was the Cornhusker wears Prada to his staff, some of whom describe their former boss as perhaps the most paranoid and abusive in the Senate, one who would rifle through staffers desks and berate them for imagined disloyalty,” said Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser on Iran and Iraq. “He might get away with that when it comes to staffers in their 20s, but that sort of personality is going to go over like a ton of bricks at the Pentagon.”
Multiple sources corroborated this view of Hagel.
“As a manager, he was angry, accusatory, petulant,” said one source familiar with his work on Capitol Hill. “He couldn’t keep his staff.”
“I remember him accusing one of his staffers of being ‘f—ing stupid’ to his face,” recalled the source who added that Hagel typically surrounded himself with those “who basically hate Republicans.”
Sources expressed concern about such behavior should Hagel be nominated for the defense post. With competing military and civilian interests vying for supremacy, the department requires a skilled manager, sources said.
“The Pentagon requires strong civilian control,” a senior aide to former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told the Free Beacon. “It’s already swung back in favor of the military over the past five years. A new secretary of defense should push it back in its rightful place, but it’s doubtful Hagel would be that guy.”
“It’s not clear that [Hagel] has the standing, the managerial prowess, or the willingness to gore some oxen,” said the source.
One senior Bush administration official warned that Hagel is ill informed about many critical foreign policy matters.
“He’s not someone who’s shown a lot of expertise on these issues,” said the source, referencing a recent Washington Post editorial excoriating Hagel’s record. “That [op-ed] was extraordinary.”
“Only in Washington,” the official added, “can someone like [Hagel] be seen as a heavy weight. He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer.”
Hagel is likely viewed positively by the administration mainly because he is a Republican who often criticizes his own party, the source said.
“He’ll dance to a tune played by the White House,” said the former official. “That I think is the real problem.”
Read the whole thing. Yes, there's much more. This guy was a disaster from the get-go.  His only qualification is that he's a RINO. I wonder if he paid his taxes.....

The next candidate?

Here's a speech she gave to the Institute of National Security Studies in May.

Let's go to the videotape.

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Abu Bluff asks the wrong party to allow Syrians to cross border


Moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen has asked the United Nations to 'allow' 'Palestinian refugees' from Syria to enter Judea, Samaria and Gaza. There's one small problem. None of Judea, Samaria or Gaza shares a common border with Syria. All share a common border with Israel. And countries control their own borders.....
Fatah spokesman Ahmed Assaf said that his faction was prepared to receive the Palestinian refugees if Israel allows them to enter the West Bank.
“This is a sacred right and an urgent humanitarian case,” Assaf said. He was speaking during a sit-in strike in Ramallah in solidarity with the Palestinians of Syria.
He said that 90 percent of the camp’s residents have fled their homes in the past few days because of the fighting.
PLO leaders in the West Bank have accused the Syrian authorities of perpetrating massacres against the Palestinians.
The leaders accused the PFLP-GC, which is headed by Ahmed Jibril, of “selling itself to the devil” by directing its weapons against fellow Palestinians.
Jibril denied that he and his family had fled to Lebanon or Iran.
He told reporters that some 400 militiamen belonging to the Syrian opposition were now in control of the Yarmouk camp. He said that he instructed his followers to withdraw from the camp to avoid further bloodshed.
Jibril reiterated his support for the Syrian government, which, he added, is facing a “conspiracy to topple the regime.”
On Wednesday, another 60 Palestinian families from the Yarmouk camp crossed the border into Lebanon to escape the fighting.
More than 2,000 Palestinians have fled from Syria to Lebanon since the beginning of the week.
They have no 'sacred right' to be in Israel. They have lived in Syria for four generations. Whether they ought to be admitted as a 'humanitarian gesture' is a separate issue, but they seem to be doing just fine in Lebanon. And if they want to come here, they have to ask, not demand. They have no more right to be here any more than I have a right to come to whoever is now living in my old house in New Jersey and demand that it be returned to me.

Sorry to be so harsh, but what's going on in Syria cannot be used as a way for 'Palestinians' to find their way into Israel.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hagel: Not an option

With news reports suggesting former Senator Chuck Hagel may be nominated for the job of Secretary of Defense, the Emergency Committee for Israel released "Not An Option," a 30-second TV ad that highlights Hagel's troubling record on Iran.

The ad recounts Hagel's numerous votes against sanctions, his opposition to designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization, and his view that there is no "viable" military option for preventing a nuclear Iran -- in contrast to President Obama, who insists all options remain on the table.

The ad will air on cable this Thursday and Friday throughout the Washington DC area.

Let's go to the videotape.

Still waiting to hear from Ira Forman on this.

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An economic disaster

Experts estimate that the specter of an Iranian nuclear weapon would be an economic disaster.
Top foreign policy experts writing in today’s Wall Street Journal highlighted the threat posed by a nuclear Iran to global financial markets. The article was written by Charles Robb, Dennis Ross and Michael Makovsky who  led a Bipartisan Policy Center task force that examined the energy-related costs of inaction against Iran. They concluded that “A nuclear Iran would raise the likelihood of instability, nuclear proliferation, terrorism and war.”
To quantify this price impact, the task force “identified five scenarios that an Iran with nuclear weapons would make more likely: domestic instability in Saudi Arabia, the destruction of Saudi energy facilities, an Iran-Saudi nuclear exchange, an Iran-Israel nuclear exchange, and the lapse of sanctions against Iran.”
The task force concluded that even if none of these risks came to pass, the very specter would cause the following disruptions:
• Oil prices could rise by 10% to 25% in the first year (or $11 to $27 more per barrel). As instability and tensions remain high, so will prices, even rising as much as 30% to 50% ($30 to $55 per barrel) within three years.
• Consequently, gasoline prices could jump 10% to 20% in the first year. Within three years, the cost of gas could rise more than 30% (or more than $1.40 per gallon). Such sustained price increases would have a pronounced negative impact on the U.S. economy.
• U.S. gross domestic product could fall by about 0.6% in the first year—costing the economy some $90 billion—and by up to 2.5% (or $360 billion) by the third year. This is enough, at current growth rates, to send the country into recession.
• The unemployment rate could also rise by 0.3 percentage points in the first year and by nearly 1% two years later, resulting in some 1.5 million more Americans becoming jobless.
I'm sure President Hussein Obama is already  planning how not to let this crisis go to waste.

What could go wrong?

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Jerusalem planning council snubs its nose at Obama and Cameron

Snubbing its nose at US President Barack Hussein Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, the Jerusalem planning council on Wednesday approved the construction of 2,610 new Jewish housing units at Givat HaMatos, a new neighborhood to be built in southeastern Jerusalem. The new neighborhood is located beyond the 1949 armistice lines - the place where fighting stopped in the 1948-49 War of Independence - but well within Jerusalem's city limits. Obama's and Cameron's respective governments blasted Israel on Tuesday for having the temerity to build homes for Jews in its own capital.
"We are deeply disappointed that Israel insists on continuing this pattern of provocative action. These repeated announcements and plans of new construction run counter to the cause of peace," US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters.
"Israel's leaders continually say that they support a path towards a two-state solution yet these actions only put that goal further at risk.
"So we again call on Israel, and the Palestinians, to cease any kinds of counterproductive, unilateral actions and take concrete steps to return to direct negotiations," Nuland said.
In a separate statement, British Foreign Secretary William Hague called the Israeli decision "a serious provocation and an obstacle to peace."
"If implemented, it would make a negotiated two-state solution, with Jerusalem as a shared capital, very difficult to achieve," he said. "We urge Israel to reverse this decision and take no further steps aimed at expanding or entrenching settlement activity."

US and EU officials were in “close contact” regarding how to best and most effectively react to Israeli plans for thousands of new Jewish apartments in east Jerusalem, European diplomatic officials said on Tuesday.
The comments came amid reports that the four EU countries on the UN Security Council – France, Britain, Portugal and Germany – were preparing a statement in the council condemning the settlement construction. The coordination with the US stems from a desire to avoid an American veto of any Security Council resolution on the matter.
Well, Boo F... Hoo. The 'Palestinians' - the fake 'people' (yes, Newt Gingrich had that one right) invented by the Arab countries as a tool to fight Israel's existence - have turned down countless offers for a 'reichlet' between the Jordan and the Mediterranean. With the consent of their negotiators, not one of those offers has included the areas in question. And for the last four years, the 'Palestinians' have just refused to come to the table. Enough is enough. We liberated Jerusalem in a defensive war 45 years ago, it has been our capital for 3,000 years, and there is simply no reason not to build here. 

And what happened in the Jerusalem planning council?
The Jerusalem Local Planning Committee on Wednesday afternoon gave final approval for plans to construct 2,610 new housing units in Givat Hamatos, a new neighborhood in southeast Jerusalem located across the Green Line.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told 11 envoys from Asian and Pacific countries on Wednesday that Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years, and Israel would continue to build it.
Netanyahu made his comments on the terrace of the King David Hotel, overlooking the walls of Jerusalem's Old City.
"I want to take the opportunity to point out a simple fact," he said. "The walls of Jerusalem that you see behind us represent the capital of the Jewish people for some 3,000 years."
Netanyahu said every Israeli government has built in Jerusalem, "and we will not change that."
"This is something natural, and I ask each of you to imagine that you would be restricted in building in your capitals," he said. "This is not logical, and for us what is important is that we are committed to our capital, to peace, and we will build in Jerusalem for all its residents."
Attending the meeting with Netanyahu were the ambassadors of China, India, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, Myanmar, Thailand, Nepal, Vietnam and Sri Lanka.
On Monday, the Interior Ministry in a surprising move did not approve a major part of the new Givat Hamatos neighborhood. The committee decided to postpone more than 1,000 units for both Arabs and Jews which would be located in both Beit Safafa and Givat Hamatos.
 Actions have consequences. If the 'Palestinians' are going to run to the UN rather than negotiating with us, then we're going to do what we should have done long ago. Build baby build!

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Of course: Iran's Press TV says 'Israeli agents' behind Newtown school massacre, Daily Kos says Press TV is as reliable as Fox News

The image came from a blog that thankfully I was unable to access. I am hoping that the blog was taken down. Adam Lanza, who murdered 20 children and six adults in Connecticut on Friday was neither a Jew nor connected to Israel. But that hasn't stopped the usual anti-Semitic freakazoids from coming out of the closet to blame both Jews and Israelis for the massacre. Including Iran's Press TV.
Today, Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.”

Harris cited Israeli “rage” against the US and against President Barack Obama. By “Israel,” we mean “Netanyahu.”

The mission was to teach America a lesson, knowing that “America would take the punishment, keep “quiet,” and let a ‘fall guy’ take the blame.”

A “fall guy” is another word for “patsy.”

Harris, citing the flood of inconsistencies in the “cover story,” pointed out the following, “The facts are now becoming obvious. This is another case where Israel has chosen violence and terrorism where their bullying in Washington has failed. Israel believes the US “threw them under the bus,” particularly after the recent Gaza war, allowing Israel to be humiliated in the United Nations. Their response was to stage a terror attack, targeting America in the most hideous and brutal way possible, in fact, an Israeli “signature attack,” one that butchers children, one reminiscent of the attacks that killed so many children in Gaza?”

Washington is terrified of Israel, their powerful lobby and its relationship with organized crime. Now, a key former Senator, Chuck Hagel, who has helped expose this fact, is likely to be nominated as the secretary of defense, despite vocal protests from Israel.

Today, Israeli news gave further credence to Harris’ analysis when they issued the following statements regarding the probable nomination of Hegel:

“Chuck Hagel’s statements and actions regarding Israel have raised serious concerns for many Americans who care about Israel,” said the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) Executive Director, Matt Brooks. “The Jewish community and every American who supports a strong US-Israel relationship have cause for alarm if the president taps Hagel for such an important post.”

“The appointment of Chuck Hagel would be a slap in the face for every American who is concerned about the safety of Israel,” he asserted.
It goes on from there. Read the whole thing

Incredibly, a blogger at Daily Kos uses this story as an occasion to compare Press TV to Fox News.
In the world of Tehran and it's supporters, who number in the millions of people around the world, people like Michael Harris (who has appeared with Neo-Nazi's and supported all kinds of nutty things), and Gordon Duff are legitimate sources of information.
As is said: "Information is Power". It is and when we get it, it is important to understand what is being conveyed. Of course, Press is going to get loons like Harris and Duff for their information. They merely reinforce the meme that Iran wants to perpetrate. They want to blame Israel for everything so is it a surprise that they try to hang this one on Israel as well. BUT, as consumers of news it is important that we understand what is being peddled. Same as information coming from FOX. One pretty much needs to triple check their sources to see if the story is true. One difference though between FOX and Press TV... That is that Press TV is a semi-official source of information and reflects the Governments thinking in Iran while FOX is the media arm of a political group that got beaten like a drum in the last election.
What's the difference between the US Left and Iran?  One's a group of anti-Semitic raving lunatics and the other is an Islamic Republic.

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Disgraceful: Obama using Newtown massacre as a fundraiser

And you thought this sort of 'classy' move would end after the 2012 elections? No....
In email from chief campaign advisor David Axelrod that urges supporters to watch President Obama's moving address to the community of Newtown, Conn., there are two links that open a page with a video player featuring the president's speech and two donate buttons asking for $15-$1,000 for his campaign.
"The next chapter begins today. Stand with President Obama for the next four years," headlines the donation page.
While he links to the donation pages in his email, Axelrod did not mention donations with his words. Instead, he expresses the horror the nation feels about the shootings. "Our hearts broke on Friday as we learned of the tragic and senseless deaths of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut," he wrote. "As we reflect on the lives lost last week, we must also, as the president urged, consider how each of us can play a part in making our country worthy of the memory of those little children."
But above and below a picture of Obama giving his speech are two links to the donation and video player page. One reads, "Watch this speech." The other reads "http://my.barackobama.com/Newton". Clicking the picture also directs supporters to the video player and donation page.
Obama critic and blogger Jeryl Bier wrote, "Not one, but two buttons - two opportunities to donate to the Obama campaign. Not to the Red Cross, or to a memorial fund for the children and adults killed in Newtown. How hard would it have been to shift the focus, disable the buttons, for just one email, just one blog post? But the show must go on."
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Shame on you America for reelecting this vile creature for another four years. I'm embarrassed (and yes, I voted).


Imagine if this had come out before the US election

The mainstream media worked with the Obama administration to prevent the details of the Benghazi consulate terror attack from coming out before the elections for exactly the reasons we all suspected. Now that the political fallout for Hussein Obama will be much lighter, an independent inquiry has slammed the State Department for the lack of security that led to four American deaths, including that of the US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens (above).
In a scathing assessment, the review cited "leadership and management" deficiencies at two department offices, poor coordination among officials and "real confusion" in Washington and in the field over who had the responsibility, and the power, to make decisions that involved policy and security concerns.
The report's harsh assessment seemed likely to tarnish the four-year tenure of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who said in a letter accompanying the review that she would adopt all of its recommendations.
"Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department ... resulted in a special mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place," said the unclassified version of the report by the official "Accountability Review Board."
The board specifically faulted the department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, the regional office which is responsible for the Middle East and North Africa, and the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, its law enforcement and security arm.
The five-member board said US intelligence provided no "specific tactical warning" of the attack and that there was "little understanding of militias in Benghazi and the threat they posed to US interests" in the eastern Libyan city, where the central government has little influence.


The report faulted as "misplaced" the mission's dependence for security support on the "armed but poorly skilled" Libyan February 17 Martyrs' Brigade militia members and unarmed guards hired by State Department contractor Blue Mountain Libya.
No Blue Mountain guards were outside the compound immediately before the attack to provide early warning, which was their responsibility. The report raised the possibility that Blue Mountain guards left the "pedestrian gate open after initially seeing the attackers and fleeing the vicinity. They had left the gate unlatched before."
The board found little evidence that the February 17 guards alerted Americans to the attack or swiftly summoned more militia members to help once it was under way. There had been questions of reliability in the weeks preceding the attack.
"At the time of Ambassador Stevens' visit, February 17 militia members had stopped accompanying special mission vehicle movements in protest over salary and working hours," the report said.
The board recommended that the State Department create a new, senior position to oversee security at "high threat" posts, to strengthen security at such posts beyond what is usually provided by host governments, and to consult outside experts on "best practices" for operating in dangerous environments.
The department should also hire more security personnel at dangerous posts, ensure key policy and security staff serve there for at least a year and consider making it easier to punish those who perform poorly in future security incidents.
 Have you ever been to an Israeli diplomatic installation outside Israel? I have. In New York and in Boston. Additionally, there is similar security at many Jewish community institutions throughout Europe (I've been to them in Vienna, Madrid and Paris off the top of my head). The security is all run by Israelis - no locals. You have to be admitted to an anteroom through one secure door, and that door has to close completely before the door that actually lets you into the building opens. Maybe the US will acknowledge reality and adopt similar measures now. Don't bet on it with Obama in charge. And notice once again that the buck stops at Hillary.

And for those of you who still believe the White House's story that Benghazi started as a demonstration against a movie about Mohamed....
Republican lawmakers had blasted [Susan] Rice for comments she made on several television talk shows in the aftermath of the attack in which she said preliminary information suggested the assault was the result of protests against an anti-Muslim video made in California rather than a premeditated strike.
The review, however, concluded that no protest took place before the attack. Rice has said she was relying on talking points drawn up by US intelligence officials.
But hey - the election is over so who the hell cares anymore?

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Livni whines over Ramat Shlomo

Building in Jerusalem is very popular. In addition to the 1,500 housing units that were approved in Ramat Shlomo earlier this week, the Netanyahu government has announced that it will speed up the approval process for another 5,000 units. Needless to say, this has not endeared the Likud-Beiteinu combination to the Tzipi Livni party. On Wednesday morning, on Israel Radio, Livni had a tantrum.
Speaking to Israel Radio, Livni said "They do this every election. The Likud is exposing Jerusalem to international condemnation for electoral purposes."

For her part, Livni said Israel must reserve the right to build in Jerusalem, Israel's capital city. "I myself built in Jerusalem," she said, referencing her governmental experience in previous Likud- and Kadima-led coalitions. "I built in Jerusalem," she repeated, "and I will protect it in any diplomatic negotiations [with the Palestinians.]"
The difference, she added, was that her construction over the green line was undertaken in conjunction with negotiations. "When we built, there was international silence. Because we were building alongside a diplomatic effort to reach a solution," she said.
Actually, that's a load of crap. Ramat Shlomo was completed in 1996 - before Livni took office. The only new neighborhood that has been built in 'east' Jerusalem since has been Har Homa, which was approved and started... during Netanyahu's first term in office. In fact, Livni and her boss, Ehud K. Olmert, spent most of their time in office denying that they agreed to a freeze in 'east' Jerusalem.

The only housing that has been built in 'east' Jerusalem since then has been small projects here and there. There has been nothing as significant as Givat HaMatos, a new neighborhood proposed for the southern end of the city, and no project has been as large as the 1,500 units proposed for Ramat Shlomo.

Israelis aren't dumb enough to be fooled by Livni.

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Senate Republicans to oppose Hagel?

Senate Republicans say that, Senatorial courtesy notwithstanding, they may oppose Chuck Hagel's nomination to be Secretary of Defense if it is presented to them (Hat Tip: Memeorandum).
Asked about Hagel’s 2008 statement that the “Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people here [in Washington, D.C.],” South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham said Hagel will “have to answer for that comment” if he is nominated. 
“And he’ll have to answer about why he thought it was a good idea to directly negotiate with Hamas and why he objected to the European Union declaring Hezbollah a terrorist organization,” continued Graham, a member of the Armed Services committee. “I think he’ll have to answer all those questions.” 
Asked if he’d oppose Hagel’s nomination from the start, Graham said he would not. “I want to listen to what he has to say,” Graham said. “I like Chuck. He’s been a friend. He has a stellar military record. But these comments disturb a lot of people and he’ll have to answer those questions.”
John McCain of Arizona said he “strongly disagree[s]" with Hagel's comments on the "Jewish lobby."
“I know of no ‘Jewish lobby,’” McCain said. “I know that there’s strong support for Israel here. I know of no ‘Jewish lobby.’ I hope he would identify who that is.”
Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Marco Rubio of Florida called references to a Jewish lobby “inaccurate.” 
“I don’t agree with that statement,” Rubio said. “If he is nominated, there’ll be a hearing. His entire public record and all his public pronouncements will be reviewed as a part of that process. And we’ll move on from there."
Could be a fun hearing. Heh. 

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MK Danny Danon: 2013 will be year of decision on Iran

Here's a wide-ranging interview with Danny Danon, the young Likud MK who jumped to number 5 on the Likud slate during the primaries a couple of weeks ago. Danon spends a lot of time in this interview talking about Iran, but he talks about the 'Palestinians' and touches on other subjects as well.

Let's go to the videotape.

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Assad transferred chemical weapons to Hezbullah a year ago?

The Washington Post's David Ignatius reports that Syria may have transferred chemical weapons to Hezbullah a year ago.
According to the defector’s account, two senior Syrian officers moved about 100 kilograms of chemical weapons materials from a secret military base in January. The base was in a village called Nasiriyah, about 50 to 60 kilometers northeast of Damascus.
The officers placed the chemicals in a civilian vehicle and were seen driving across a bridge in the direction of the highway toward Lebanon, the Syrian source said. Two days later, he continued, two men with Lebanese accents arrived at the Nasiriyah base and were given training in how to combine and activate the chemicals, as well as the proper safety precautions in handling them.
Rumors about possible movement of Syrian chemical weapons have been spreading recently in the Middle East. But U.S. officials don’t appear to have any evidence that chemical weapons have actually been moved anywhere outside Syria.
The Syrian source also described construction of special trucks, which could transport and mix the weapons, at a workshop in the Damascus suburb of Dummar. This workshop was part of a network of secret research facilities known in Arabic as the “Bohous,” the source said.
Construction of these mobile laboratories began in the summer of 2011, a few months after revolutionaries began threatening Assad’s regime.
In the Dummar workshop, the Syrian source said, technicians constructed a mobile lab that could combine and activate so-called “binary” chemical weapons agents. These mobile mixers were constructed inside Mercedes or Volvo trucks that appeared, from the outside, to be similar to refrigerator trucks. Inside were storage tanks, pipes and a motor to drive the mixing machinery, the defector said.
The defector estimated that 10 to 15 of these mobile laboratories had been constructed. An independent source said these numbers were high, but he confirmed that the Syrians do have mobile labs.
Drawing on the defector’s reports, the Syrian opposition quietly gave Lebanese officials a description of the trucks about six weeks ago, so that they could monitor whether the vehicles were crossing into Lebanon with chemical weapons on board. Since then, none has apparently been seen near the border.
Read the whole thing.

I sure hope this isn't the first time that the Mossad is hearing about this.

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The wrong question on suicidal mass killers

In an op-ed comparing other mass murderers to suicide bombers, Adam Lankford asks the wrong question:
I can’t help but wonder about Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Seung-Hui Cho and Adam Lanza. If they had been born in Gaza or the West Bank, shaped by terrorist organizations’ hateful propaganda, would they have strapped bombs around their waists and blown themselves up? I’m afraid the answer is yes.
Maybe. But we'd be fooling ourselves if we think that Izz al-Din Shuheil al-Masri, Saeed Hotari or Abdel-Basset Odeh would have become suicide bombers had they lived in a society other than the 'Palestinians,' and that is the more relevant question.

Each of the non-Muslim Americans mentioned by Lankford acted on his own. That is not the case with the 'Palestinians.' This is from a Daniel Pipes piece called Arafat's Suicide Factory.
The system works: Hassan reports that "hordes of young men" clamor to be sent to their own obliteration. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have established a process of selection based in the mosques, where "a notably zealous youth" ready for martyrdom gets noted by clerics who recommend him for selection.
Those who make the cut enter a protracted, highly supervised, and disciplined regimen of spiritual studies and military-like training. These adepts are taught to see suicide operations as a way to "open the door to Paradise" for themselves and their families. "I love martyrdom" says one such "living martyr."

Just before setting off on an attack, the men engage in exquisitely pious preparations (ablutions, clean clothing, a communal prayer service). Their deaths are celebrated by Hamas or Islamic Jihad by orchestrating a festive funeral celebration ("as if it were a wedding," Hassan observes) and distributing video cassettes with a statement from beyond the grave. The sponsoring organizations then make sure that the family receives both social kudos and financial rewards.

These facts tell us three things: Militant Islamic suicide killers are not born; they are manufactured. Like the four simultaneous suicide hijackings on Sept. 11, the four nearly simultaneous suicide attacks in Israel last week resulted from long-term planning by sophisticated organizations. They cannot operate clandestinely, but require the permission of a ruling authority, either the Taliban or the PA.
Lankford claims that the mass murderers suffer from mental illnesses. That is not the case with the suicide bombers.
Previous studies have shown that most suicide bombers are religious, young, male, unmarried, and unemployed, with some high school education (Ganor 2000). A study that examined the sociodemographic characteristics of suicide versus non-suicide terrorists revealed significant differences between the two types of terrorists: the mean age of suicide bombers was 24.5 years, they were older than non-suicide terrorists, more suicide bombers than non-suicide terrorists were educated in religious schools, and the percentage of suicide terrorists affiliated with religious fundamentalist organizations was higher than that of non-suicide terrorists (Pedahzur et al. 2003). It  should be noted the sociodemographic characteristics of the suicide bombers (young, unmarried, and unemployed) are congruent with those of suicide bombers in other terrorist organizations such as the “Black Tigers” (LTTE) in Sri Lanka (Gunaratna 2000) and female suicide bombers acting on behalf of the PKK in Turkey (Ergil 2000). Most of the female suicide bombers in Palestinian society are also in their twenties and single. However, in contrast to male suicide bombers, they have a higher level of education than the average population. In fact, some female suicide bombers are graduates of universities or other institutions of higher education (Berko 2004; Yaffeh 2003).
These people are not mentally ill. Many, if not most of them, believe that they are helping their societies.

But perhaps the biggest difference is in the third factor cited by Lankford:
The third factor is the desire to acquire fame and glory through killing. More than 70 percent of murder-suicides are between spouses or romantic or sexual partners, and these crimes usually take place at home. Attackers who commit murder-suicide in public are far more brazen and unusual. Most suicide terrorists believe they will be honored and celebrated as “martyrs” after their deaths and, sure enough, terrorist organizations produce martyrdom videos and memorabilia so that other desperate souls will volunteer to blow themselves up. 
But suicide bombing attacks commonly take place in public. Most importantly, in American society, people like Adam Lanza are shunned and scorned, whereas in 'Palestinian' society, suicide bombers are praised and lionized. While Columbine shooter Eric Harris may have "fantasized with his fellow attacker, Dylan Klebold, that the filmmakers Steven Spielberg and Quentin Tarantino would fight over the rights to their life story," among the 'Palestinians' that sort of thing actually happens. While Lanza had to murder his mother to get her weapons, a 'Palestinian' mother is thrilled that her child would become a suicide bomber. Maybe that's why an Adam Lanza is a rarity in the West, while for every 'successful' 'Palestinian' suicide bomber, there are tens, if not hundreds more who are caught before they can do their deed.

Other Muslims share the 'Palestinians' admiration for suicide bombers.  More here.

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A US Senator who gets it on WMD's

Here's video of Prime Minister Netanyahu welcoming Senator-elect Ted Cruz (R-Tx) on his first trip to Israel. Notice what Cruz says about Israel being in the front lines protecting the US against Syrian and Iranian weapons of mass destruction (toward the end of the video).

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Sunlight).

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Russia sends warships to rescue its citizens

Russia has dispatched warships just in case it needs to rescue its citizens in Syria.
Russia has sent warships to the Mediterranean Sea in case it has to evacuate Russian citizens from Syria, Interfax news agency quoted an unnamed naval source as saying on Tuesday.
A group of two assault ships, a tanker and an escort vessel left a Baltic port on Monday, the source said.
"They are heading to the Syrian coast to assist in a possible evacuation of Russian citizens ... Preparations for the deployment were carried out in a hurry and were heavily classified," the source was quoted as saying.
The report could not immediately be confirmed independently.
Is the end near?

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'Palestinians' flee Yarmouk, world is silent

95% of the residents have fled the Yarmouk 'refugee camp' in Syria in the face of fighting between forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad and Islamist rebels. The world remains silent.
The Palestinian ambassador said on Tuesday over 95 percent of Palestinians in the Syrian refugee camp of Yarmouk have fled, Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported.
Mahmud al-Khalidi told Ma'an refugees fled to UNRWA schools after fighting raged for days in the district on the southern edge of President Bashar Assad's Damascus powerbase, rebel and Palestinian sources said.
According to Ma'an, Al-Khalidi requested the Syrian Foreign Ministry to end airstrikes on the camp, but officials insisted rebels must leave the camp first.
The battle had pitted rebels, backed by some Palestinians, against Palestinian fighters of the pro-Assad Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC).
Many PFLP-GC fighters defected to the rebel side and their leader Ahmed Jibril left the camp two days ago, rebel sources said.
"All of the camp is under the control of the (rebel) Free Syrian Army," said a Palestinian activist in Yarmouk. He said clashes had stopped and the remaining PFLP fighters retreated to join Assad's forces massed on the northern edge of the camp.


Government forces have used jets and artillery to try to dislodge the fighters but the violence has crept into the heart of the city and activists say rebels overran three army stations in a new offensive in the central province of Hama on Monday.
On the border with Lebanon, hundreds of Palestinian families fled across the frontier following the weekend violence in Yarmouk, a Reuters witness said.
Syria hosts half a million Palestinian refugees, most living in Yarmouk, descendants of those admitted after the creation of Israel in 1948, and has always cast itself as a champion of the Palestinian struggle, sponsoring several guerrilla factions.
Both Assad's government and the mainly Sunni Muslim Syrian rebels have enlisted and armed divided Palestinian factions as the uprising has developed into a civil war.
The Times of Israel adds:
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says heavy battles are under way Tuesday in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk, in southern Damascus.
The Observatory says the fighting is forcing Palestinian refugees and Syrians who came to Yarmouk to escape violence elsewhere in the country to flee the camp.
When the revolt against Assad’s rule unrest began in March 2011, the half-million-strong Palestinian community in Syria tried to stay on the sidelines.
As the civil war deepened, most Palestinians backed the rebels, though some groups — such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command — have been fighting on the government side.
Just keep it on your own side of the border boys.... 

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How Obama's policies are turning Syria into an Islamist state

Barry Rubin shows how the Obama administration is making moves in Syria that assure that Assad's replacements will be Islamist - anti-American and obsessed with destroying the State of Israel.
The bottom line: If this is Syria’s new government then Syria now has an Islamist regime. This is happening with the knowledge and collaboration of the Obama Administration and a number of European governments. It is a catastrophe and one that’s taking place due to the deliberate decisions of President Barack Obama and other Western leaders. Even if one rationalizes the Islamist takeover in Egypt as due to internal events, this one is U.S.-made.
As Spyer points out, U.S. and European policy can be summarized as follows:
“To align with and strengthen Muslim Brotherhood-associated elements, while painting Salafi forces as the sole real Islamist danger.   At the same time, secular forces are ignored or brushed aside.”
The new regime, recognized by the United States and most European countries, as the legitimate leadership of the Syrian people, is the Syrian National Coalition, which has also established a military council.
Spyer’s detailed evidence for these arguments–much of which comes from raw wire service reports, praise is due to Reuters in this case–is undeniable. And if we know about these things there’s no doubt that the highest level of the U.S. government does so as well. Why is this happening? Because Obama and others believe that they can moderate the Muslim Brotherhood and it will tame the Salafists, despite massive evidence to the contrary. This is going to be the biggest foreign policy blunder of the last century and the cost for it will be high.
It should be stressed that such a strategy is totally unnecessary and the alternatives have been ignored, the real moderates are being betrayed.
Read the whole thing

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Time for Obama's court Jew to speak out against Hagel (UPDATED)

For someone who got Chuck Hagel so right in 2007 - in a post that was disappeared down the memory hole, but may still be found via the Way Back Machine - Ira Forman's silence is deafening. Forman, chair of the National Jewish Democratic Council and most recently the Obama campaign's liaison to the Jewish community, had this to say about Hagel in March 2007.
As Senator Hagel sits around for six more months and tries to decide whether to launch a futile bid for the White House, he has a lot of questions to answer about his commitment to Israel.  Consider this:
- In August 2006, Hagel was one of only 12 Senators who refused to write the EU asking them to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization.
- In October 2000, Hagel was one of only 4 Senators who refused to sign a Senate letter in support of Israel.
- In November 2001, Hagel was one of only 11 Senators who refsued to sign a letter urging President Bush not to meet with the late Yassir Arafat until his forces ended the violence against Israel.
- In December 2005, Hagel  was one of only 27 who refused to sign a letter to President Bush to pressure the Palestinian Authroity to ban terrorist groups from participating in Palestinian legislative elections. 
- In June 2004, Hagel refused to sign a letter urging President Bush to highlight Iran's nuclear program at the G-8 summit.
In 2009, when Hagel was appointed to be co-chair of President Obama's National Intelligence Advisory Board, Forman had this to say:
Back in 2009, when President Obama appointed Hagel to co-chair the President's National Intelligence Advisory Board, the NJDC's then executive director, Ira Forman, reserved criticism, as The Weekly Standard reported at the time.
"Anybody who's looking for purity from us is going to be disappointed," he said, after apparently being pressed to criticize Hagel's appointment. Forman at the time also suggested that the RJC was engaging in selective criticism and hadn't been so exercised about Hagel until the former Republican senator was embraced by Obama.
But Forman (who since went on to be the 2012 Obama campaign’s Jewish outreach coordinator) added: "If [Hagel] was taking a policy role, we'd have real concerns."
Secretary of Defense sure sounds like a 'policy role' to me. But last week, Forman refused to comment when contacted by the Daily Beast's Eli Lake.

Hagel doesn't just represent someone who is anti-Israel or who is an obsessive believer in 'engagement.' As Bret Stephens points out in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, Hagel has attempted to tar American Jews with the anti-Semitic canard of dual loyalty.
Prejudice—like cooking, wine-tasting and other consummations—has an olfactory element. When Chuck Hagel, the former GOP senator from Nebraska who is now a front-runner to be the next secretary of Defense, carries on about how "the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here," the odor is especially ripe.
Ripe because a "Jewish lobby," as far as I'm aware, doesn't exist. No lesser authorities on the subject than John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, authors of "The Israel Lobby," have insisted the term Jewish lobby is "inaccurate and misleading, both because the [Israel] lobby includes non-Jews like Christian Zionists and because many Jewish Americans do not support the hard-line policies favored by its most powerful elements."
Ripe because, whatever other political pressures Mr. Hagel might have had to endure during his years representing the Cornhusker state, winning over the state's Jewish voters—there are an estimated 6,100 Jewish Nebraskans in a state of 1.8 million people—was probably not a major political concern for Mr. Hagel compared to, say, the ethanol lobby. 
Ripe because the word "intimidates" ascribes to the so-called Jewish lobby powers that are at once vast, invisible and malevolent; and because it suggests that legislators who adopt positions friendly to that lobby are doing so not from political conviction but out of personal fear. Just what does that Jewish Lobby have on them?
Ripe, finally, because Mr. Hagel's Jewish lobby remark was well in keeping with the broader pattern of his thinking. "I'm a United States Senator, not an Israeli Senator," Mr. Hagel told retired U.S. diplomat Aaron David Miller in 2006. "I'm a United States Senator. I support Israel. But my first interest is I take an oath of office to the Constitution of the United States. Not to a president. Not a party. Not to Israel. If I go run for Senate in Israel, I'll do that."
Read these staccato utterances again to better appreciate their insipid and insinuating qualities, all combining to cast the usual slur on Jewish-Americans: Dual loyalty. Nobody questions Mr. Hagel's loyalty. He is only making those assertions to question the loyalty of others.
When someone in as prominent a position as Hagel is making those kinds of assertions against American Jewry, it's time for the American Jewish leadership to circle the wagons and fight back. And yet, Ira Forman is hiding in the brush along the side of the road (as, admittedly, are many others who find anti-Semitism in every pro-Israel pronouncement of a Christian Zionist - I looked in vain for a statement about Hagel from Abe Foxman over the last month).

What's the matter, Ira? Cat got your tongue? Or has Obama threatened your pocket?


Abe Foxman of the ADL has now come out against Hagel.
“Chuck Hagel would not be the first, second, or third choice for the American Jewish community’s friends of Israel.  His record relating to Israel and the U.S.-Israel relationship is, at best, disturbing, and at worst, very troubling.   The sentiments he’s expressed about the Jewish lobby border on anti-Semitism in the genre of professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt and former president Jimmy Carter.”
Still waiting to hear from Forman. 

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2012's Dishonest Reporter of the Year is an Israeli

In an unusual move, HonestReporting.com has given its 2012 Dishonest Reporter of the Year award to an Israeli.

And the winner is....

Haaretz's Gideon Levy.
It’s no secret that some of the most critical stories concerning Israel in the international press are lifted straight from the pages of Israel’s very own Haaretz newspaper, and all the more so thanks to its English language website.
While Haaretz is entitled to fulfill its role as a critical domestic judge of Israel and its government’s policies, what happened when it published a story that was — quite simply — dishonest?
Gideon Levy’s front page article ”Most Israelis support an apartheid regime in Israel,” backed by a survey, made headlines around the world:
Israeli back discrimination against Arabs: poll (Sydney Morning Herald)
Israeli poll finds majority would be in favour of ‘apartheid’ policies (The Guardian)
Israelis approve discrimination if West Bank annexed: poll (AFP)
Levy regularly demonizes the Jewish state to foreign audiences and in his own newspaper columns. He regularly goes beyond legitimate criticism of Israel, crossing red lines and allying himself with those who refer to Israel as a racist “apartheid state”, promote boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) and wish to see the very destruction of Israel.
On the basis that Levy promotes the canard of Israeli “apartheid”, he is the last journalist who could give an objective analysis of this polls results.
His article opened with the following premise:
Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports the establishment of an apartheid regime in Israel if it formally annexes the West Bank.
Levy’s entire premise was based, however, on a hypothetical situation where Israel annexes the West Bank – a policy that the majority of Israelis are opposed to according to the very same poll.
Other statistics were casually tossed into the mix by Levy in an attempt to fit the figures to his framing of Israel as an apartheid state. Minority opinions were highlighted and illustrative graphs that appeared in the Haaretz Hebrew edition were noticeably absent from the English article.
Levy stated that the survey was commissioned by the New Israel Fund’s Yisraela Goldblum Fund. It was perhaps an indicator of just how politicized and toxic this poll was that the New Israel Fund publicly disassociated itself (Hebrew) from it.
After an outcry over the article, Haaretz was forced to issue a clarification stating that the original headline did not accurately reflect the findings of the poll and amended the headline.
While it did not represent a correction or apology, Haaretz did publish an opinion piece by Dr. Yehuda Ben Meir, who shredded Levy, concluding:
There’s a lot of room for improvement in Israeli society, but this article does an injustice to the State of Israel, the Jewish people and the truth. an injustice to the State of Israel, the Jewish people and the truth.
Toronto’s Globe & Mail (to its credit) was the only non-Israeli paper to report the clarification – an indication of just how much damage the original story had caused to Israel internationally.
Read the whole thing

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