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Video: The State is my Shepherd

Take a look at the following video, The State is my Shepherd… The hippie was almost convincing, however, for full authenticity, she would have had to gone a week without bathing.  I’m sure most good Conservative or Libertarian girls would prefer to bathe during that time frame

Not-So-Trivial Pursuit

    “The weirder you’re going to behave, the more normal you should look.” — P.J. O’Rourke “These days, there are few few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA …” — Pravda (Americans, Never Give Up Your Guns) Collectively, the modern American electorate may not be the dumbest group ever assembled, but they’ll do until the real idiots show up.  After all, what other drove of dimwits would hand a flame thrower to a pyromaniac then wonder why the house is suddenly ablaze?  What other swarm of simpletons would engage a lifelong highwayman to safeguard [...]

From Ye Olde New Yorke Times: Demand a Plan to End Musket Violence in the Colonies

  Dateline April 19, 1775.  Ye Olde New Yorke Times We here at Ye Old New Yorke Times have just received word of a gun-inspired massacre of innocents in the colony of Massachusetts Bay. How long must we be held hostage to Musket violence?  We here at Ye Olde New Yorke Times used to content ourselves with the position that it was time to register all Muskets.  That it was time to tax bullets. But now we must change our position.  The brave Regulars, the brave King’s Troops were needlessly cut down by a gang of wild musket owners. And [...]

Alleged OWS Activitst, Aaron Greene, Caught With Bomb Making Materials: Media Bias and Denials Ensue

One thing that can be counted upon is that OWS participants will be caught in bomb plots.  Then, the second thing that can be guaranteed is that OWS will deny it, and the MSM will help cover it up.  Also, you can guarantee that the MSM will blame Conservatives for any adverse event that occurs, even in the absence of all evidence.  The Blaze has information on the arrest… Aaron Greene, 31, and his nine-months pregnant girlfriend, Morgan Gliedman, 27, were apparently found to have these elements in addition to bomb-making instructions, a stack of papers with a cover sheet entitled, “The [...]

Al Jazeera and Current TV, Two Bitter Tastes That Go Great Together!

As we had reported, the Goracle’s befuddled TV network, Current TV was in serious financial trouble, and the investors were looking for a buyer.  It appears that they have already found one, in the name of Al Jazeera.  Newsbusters has more… The following is an excerpt from Stelter’s online January 2, New York Times article: Al Jazeera is finalizing a deal to take over Current TV, the low-rated cable channel that was founded by Al Gore and his business partners seven years ago. If the deal is completed, Current will provide the pan-Arab news giant with something it has sought for years: [...]

Woman Assaults Teen With SUV: Who Needs an Assault SUV?

I think he time has come to have a national debate on assault SUV’s.  Take a look at the video… I have to ask, who needs a vehicle that big? Also, since this argument was over a parking space, shouldn’t there be a waiting period for parking space. After all, we have an obligation to protect people from things that they are too stupid to handle or themselves, right? H/T: Motor City Times

Illinois Gun Bill to Ban Assault Weapons Bans About Every Modern Firearm

On New Years Eve, I made the point that liberals are gun grabbers that needed a justification to take all the guns.  A great example of this is an Illinois Gun bill that might be proposed in the lame duck session of the their State Legislature… Press release: “The ISRA has learned from a credible source that Illinois Senate President John Cullerton [above] will introduce a so called ‘assault weapons’ ban on Wednesday when the legislature returns for its ‘lame duck’ session. Cullerton hopes to ramrod the bill through and get it to Governor Quinn for signature by Friday. If he is [...]

OWS Revisited: Sense of Entitlement and Dependency on Display

This is an old video, but it does show how the people at OWS display their sense of entitlement and dependency. You see all the hallmarks… 1.  He is uninformed 2.  When presented with factual information, he ignores it.  To quote our friend Bezmenov, “Facts say nothing to him.” 3.  He honestly thinks that society owes him what he wants. Why go over this?  Well, several million people that think like this put Obama back in the oval office.  We underestimated their numbers.  They are ignorant, entitled, and they vote.  And, we’re stuck with them.

Tell Hollywood to Shove it, Their Hypocrisy is Enough

It seems that Hollywood is part of the regressive rush to disarm the populace.  But, they have some substantial hypocrisy to overcome.  This video shows it all. What more can be said.  It’s USDA Grade A Hypocrisy!

Happy Year 2013! We’re in Trouble!

I’d like to take the moment to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  However, I might want to add that my wish is by no means a guarantee.  I fear that 2013 is going to be a terrible year, and it will result in hardships of all sorts.  Here are some of my reasons… 1.  Fiscal Cliff jumping:  It appears that we are going to go off  the “fiscal cliff.”  What does that mean?  It means that Obama’s negotiating position was “give me exactly what I want, and nothing less.”  The members of the stupid party, however, made many concessions, [...]

Scotty Dismayed by New Graphical Interface Aboard Star Ships

  Captain Montgomery Scott of Star Fleet in his retirement speech expressed dismay at the direction Star Fleet has taken.  He particularly expressed his disgust at the graphical interface aboard the new star ships. In my day an engineer was looked up to and respected.  Sure the Captain got all the glory but the engineer was the brains.  We were the ones crawling around in Jeffries tubes and not being electrocuted.  We were the intellects in Star Fleet.   When I started out the fleet was using Star Fleet 3.1 as the operating system for its ships.  And that system [...]

Great Moments in Civil Discourse: Kill All Republicans

Just because they’re so tolerant, they just have to kill all Republicans! This picture is a testament to the successful completion of a long-term, systematic programming of mass consciousness by the media, education, and entertainment subsidiaries of the Party Central Committee – starting with the unconditional love of other people’s money and ending with the unconditional rage against enemies of the people.The demonization of the opposition is meant to be the final stage of revolutionary conditioning. It seems that it just may be completed on schedule, with four more years to solidify the revolutionary fundamental transformation of America. Can’t you [...]

Gun Control, So Popular, Only one Protestor at Denver Gun Show!

If you ask the closest liberal, they would surely tell you that almost everyone wants gun control. They would add that few that don’t are Tebaggers, NRA members, KKK, or just flaky Christians waiting for the end of the world.  However, with guns, magazines, and ammo flying off the shelves.  But, how many people do want gun control? It seems that there was a protest in favor of gun control.  It occurred in Denver Colorado, and lets just say that impact was rather underwhelming.  The story can be found at BizzyBlog… So it’s come to this: While those who gather [...]

Sunday Links: Facebook Friends Pics Edition Volume 47

It’s Sunday again!  I hope that everyone is having a great Sunday, and plan on a safe and happy New Years celebration.  As we celebrate Christmas, and now New Years Day, I’m contemplating what is to come in 2013.  It isn’t pretty, but we will contemplate that at another time.  For now, here is your links, as well as pics from my Facebook Friends… A Conservative Teacher Vive la Revolution Against Boehner!   Ace of Spades HQ College Game Stuff   Adrienne’s Corner New York newspaper Journal News plans to release more gun owner permit holder names…   All American [...]

USA R.I.P. Was it Suicide, Murder or Stupidity?

Well, the United States of America isn’t dead yet, but she seems to be getting weaker by the day. If she does die, it will not be due to natural causes. Nations don’t die from natural causes. They either commit suicide or they are murdered. America is gravely injured. Are they self-inflicted wounds or is someone trying to kill her? Suicide is a conscious act, where as murder can be either intentional or unintentional. So, which is the case for our beloved America? Some days I am convinced she is committing suicide by way of death of a thousand self-inflicted [...]

Warning: ObamaCare Tax Hikes Strike in 2013

My opposition to the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)  was based on the fact that it used the state to seize property from citizens and use that property to abort babies and encourage old people to die already all while lessening an individuals choices in their own healthcare. Because of its attack on life, liberty, and property rights, I opposed it, in addition to believing that it was unconstitutional and unaffordable. It remains all of these and more, and in addition billions of very real tax hikes hit a range of Americans starting in 2013, which are going to cost my [...]

Earth First Calling for Creepy Mock “Assasinations”

Um, sometimes, even Moonbats do something that is so creepy…well, it’s really creepy.  Case in point, Earth First (just think of them as outspoken, yet cowardly militant tree huggers).  They recently published a “hit list” for mock assassinations.  Moonbattery has the details… The libs avoid conspiracy charges by stopping a millimeter short of actually advocating murder: Let us say clearly, this is not a call to undertake assassinations of the elite scum who are pillaging the planet and enslaving the populace — but not because we think that is a bad idea. And it’s also not because we think killing [...]

ObamaCare Damage: Health Insurance Premiums to Double?

If you ask Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini, the answer is yes.  Townhall has more… Yesterday on CNBC, Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini said that health insurance premiums could as much as double if Obamacare comes into full effect: To provide all Americans with health insurance, premiums will have to rise to pay for it, Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini told CNBC’s “Closing Bell” on Wednesday. “If we’re going to insure all Americans, which is a worthy and appropriate cause, then somebody has to pay for it,” Bertolini said of the expected premium increases under Obamacare. Bertolini said that insurance premiums could double [...]

Piers Morgan Promotes Himself to God: Demands Bible be Amended

Unfortunately, Piers Morgan’s self promotion to turn the Holy Trinity into a quartet did not go through, and he remains at his current station: officious twit.  Apparently, Morgan had a double portion of his “unwarranted self importance flakes” prior to doing this interview… So, Piers Morgan promotes himself to being God, because HE thinks that HE knows what should be in the Bible. The Bible answers… 2 Timothy 3:16 New International Version (NIV) 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, But, as we all know, Mr. Morgan is a far higher authority [...]

Manhattan Infidel Presents: A Sampling of This Year’s Christmas Specials

Here at the headquarters of Manhattan Infidel our mission statement mentions our pride in disseminating the latest in culture.  And what says culture more than a cheap made for TV movie?  The mission statement also mentions I am lactose-intolerant.  Yet I also love to eat pizza with extra cheese.  While eating ice cream.  And practicing auto-eroticism.  And drinking milk.  And now with the Christmas holiday behind us it is time to review this year’s top Christmas-themed specials.  And please, lay off the cheese.  I have a sensitive digestive tract. Unlike the innocent Christmas specials of the past which featured singers [...]

Big Fish Eat Little Fish: What Happens When There Are No More Little Fish?

Then the big fish turn on each other until there are no fish. That would seem to be the logical end, don’t you think? Not exactly favorable to one’s self-preservation, is it? It seems to this humble observer that this is what big governments do. They keep eating more and more of the food supply (the economy) until there is not enough left to support them. Are big corporations playing the same stupid game? Maybe that is what Kim Strassel is suggesting in this Wall Street Journal article. …a growing collection of CEOs and big-business lobbies have fallen in line [...]

David Gregory Above the Law? Media Bias Trumps Gun Laws!

Oh to be a influential liberal!  I could be Al Gore, and while telling everyone that they need to live in thatch huts, I could live in big mansions and fly around in private jets.  Or, I could be Michael Moore, and hang out with the 99% and tout democracy, while living in a 1% house, and forcing workers to join unions.  Because, as well all know, nothing says democracy like forced union membership. But, David Gregory media talking head at NBC, may take the cake,  He appeared on Meet the Press last week… Visit for breaking news, world [...]

Newsweek Prints it’s Last Magazine

Newsweek has finally succumbed. After nearly eighty years Newsweek has printed its final copy featuring a picture of the old Newsweek offices in New York with a Twitter hashtag #LastPrintIssue plastered across the front. And nothing of  value was lost.

Serf City, Here We Come

“I want next year to be a year of strong economic growth. Call me a hopeless optimist … ” — Barack Obama, 12/21/12 So saying, Butch Incapassidy packed the old battleaxe and the chillun in the woodie and took off for the warmer clime of the former Sandwich Islands  (“…the fact of the matter is, I think if you look at my track record, I’m raising a family here.”)  The rest of the Hole-In-The-Head gang, also known as the U.S. Congress, likewise prepared to scatter to their respective hideouts, while the rest of us are stuck on their out-of-control toboggan [...]

RIP Three Champions of Liberty: Vaclav Havel, Daniel Inouye, Robert Bork

Being a champion of liberty means fighting for human freedom and pushing for policies and laws that lessen the oppressive control of the state on individuals. These people didn’t just talk the talk- they walked the walk. Each was faced with a moment in their lives when they could have just backed down from their beliefs and knuckled under to those who demanded that they sacrifice their liberty and freedom to the state- but in each case they resisted and fought back. In their lives we as conservatives can gain inspiration to continue to fight for life, liberty, and the [...]

Gun Control Racist? No Guns for Negroes

Here is a video that points out a inconvenient truth…that gun control has often targeted blacks.  Take a look, and judge for yourself… Once seeing them, I had a much greater understanding of the racism involved in the gun control debate.  Also I had no idea how important that arms were to the civil rights movement.  Of course, this isn’t taught or televised, since this simply does n0t fit the narrative. Unfortunately, when reality is ignored for the sake of the narrative, people die. ACORN, Voter Fraud, Registration, Crime,

For Those of You That Thought ACORN was Done with Voter Fraud, Think Again

We are all aware of what ACORN was.  It was the regressive juggernaut that mastered the flooding of the voting registration system-jamming so many false registrations into the system that it would be overwhelmed, and not be able to track them, all.  They did it all, from flooding voter registrations, to harassing and intimidating people, or just jamming things up with failure, ACORN was the place where the rent-a-mob gathered. Then, after being repeatedly exposed as the criminal enterprise that they were, ACORN dissolved itself.  The media declared them dead.  The left said that the investigations and exposes were all [...]

Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas!  Here is the reason for the season, so to speak… 2:1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 2:2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) 2:3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. 2:4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) 2:5 To [...]

Christmas Concert: The Three Tenors

As a part of the Christmas celebration at the CH 2.0, here is a concert featuring the Three Tenors, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, and Jose Carreras.

The Green Mitten Mystery: A Christmas Story

Our friend and contributor, Don, has written a children’s Christmas Story.  He has graciously given the CH 2.0 permission to publish it here. One Thursday in December, on the first morning of the first snowfall of the Christmas Season, four kids were walking to school. They were three brothers named Jon, Roy, and Jake and their younger sister, Hope. Jon said, “It sure is cold, I wish it was warmer!” “I’m glad that it’s cold”, Hope replied. “Are you crazy?” “No I’m not!” Hope said, as she stamped her foot. Jake said, “Remember what Dad told us? The first snowfall [...]

Student Sues School for Bullying: Was Abused and Threatened After Wearing Romney/Ryan Shirt to Class

For all of the talk about bullying, Conservatives get left out of the mix.  For the proof, take a look at this video, via Gateway Pundit… See, bullying is bad, unless you belong to the following “categories”… 1.  Conservatives 2.  Christians 3.  Jews 4.  Tea Party members 5.  NRA members You see, “anti-bullying measures” are meant to protect liberals from dissent (yes, they might protect some poor kids from general abuse-at least while someone is actually looking, but that is another story).  Anyone who disagrees with the regressive agenda are still subject to discrimination, abuse, death threats, violence, and the [...]

Sunday Links: Facebook Friends Pics Edition Volume 46

Well, folks, it’s just a few short days before Christmas, and the politics keep spewing forth like raw sewage.  Frankly, it’s a terrible thing to reference both Christmas and raw sewage in the same sentence, but that is the nature of our world today.  The propaganda drive against the Second Amendment continues unabated-facts be damned.  Also, RINO’s continue their assault on their constituents, via tax increases, and playing into Obama’s hands.  The fiscal cliff is nothing more than a way for Obama to look good, and trash Republicans at the same time.  Sadly, he will succeed, as the MSM will [...]

Some Holiday Fun: Jeff Dunham and Peanut Read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’

How about some nice holiday fun?  Here is Jeff Dunham and Peanut reading, “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Enjoy folks!

Liberals Threaten NRA with Death, Forgets That Clinton Made Same Suggestion

The hypocrisy runs pretty deep in liberal-land.  If fact, hypocrisy might just be the bedrock upon which planet liberal rests, but that is a post for anther day.  Yesterday, the NRA responded to the horrific massacre at Sandy Hook, by advocating for armed police to be in each school.  Liberals all over, from political figures, to media talking heads, all vilified the NRA President, Wayne Lapierre, and many death threats were issued.  However, all of these useful idiots failed to recognize that one of their own, then President Bill Clinton, made that exact same suggestion after the Columbine incident in [...]

End of the World! Consider a Donation?

As we all know, the end of the world is today.  But, had you considered that your world goods will do you no good in the aftermath?  if you believe in karma, you might want consider donating your worldly goods to a worthy cause.  After all, why bring down eternal judgment on yourself for being stingy, like a Republican 1 percenter, or even worse, a tea bagger? On the right, you will notice a paypal donation button.  Make peace with the cosmos, and send all of your money to the CH 2.0 bunker.  It’ll be good for your spirit, and you can [...]

Leftist Blame Game in Action: Progressive WVKO Fails Miserably

As well as we’ve been covering, when liberals fail, it is always someone else’s fault.   The leftist blame game is the among the proudest traditions in the liberal playbook.  So, no matter the reality of the situation, someone else is always to blame.  For the latest, we have to look at the fate of a regressive radio station in Ohio… WVKO No Longer Broadcasting Progressive Talk It is with great sadness I must inform WVKO’s listeners that once again, Progressive Talk will be silenced on the Columbus airwaves. Our one-year lease on the station is about to expire, and [...]

Liberal Hypocrisy Alert: MIchael Moore’s Body Guard Arrested on Gun Violation

Imagine that you are the rotund and overwhelmingly self important leftist, like Michael Moore Jabba the Lib.  Naturally, you are going to be against the Second Amendment, because no one should be able to use guns to protect themselves against the state, or criminals, or even union goons (or do I repeat myself?).  They should die for the narrative, like good little drones, and forget about all the statistics and examples of how guns reduce crime and save lives. But, there is a separate set of rules for self important liberals.  You see, those blabbering masses of flesh that would [...]

The Self Fullfilling Prophesy of Zero Leadership

Does hysteria breed hysteria? I think that is the message of Professor Larry Kotlikoff;s article at VOX. Imagine that you are an employer. Every day you hear, “the economy’s going over a fiscal cliff. Tax hikes and spending cuts totalling $600 billion will kill the economy”. Everyone is saying it – the politicians, the media, the economists, the Fed, the CBO, the IMF. So it must be true. Sure, the Republicans and Democrats may make a deal and save the day. But these guys never agree and, meanwhile, economic doomsday – January 1st – is just weeks away. What do [...]

Losing Control Over Gun Control

[...] Hysteria and frenzy are clearly the way the politicians and media elites think we should deal with tragedy. These media worthies might better spend their tears and lamentations over the reckless coverage of the tragedy, when speculation, supposition and make-believe were presented as fact. Errors included the wrong number of the dead, the false identification of the shooter, the wrong guns identified, and the way the shooter was dressed. Tragedy was compounded by media ghouls who descended on surviving children and parents, stuffing microphones the size of beer cans in their faces to ask, “how did it feel?” (When [...]

6 Ways to Help Prevent School Shootings

Perhaps it is the policy advisor in me, or the fact that I get really upset thinking that my five children may not be properly protected while in school, or I all the calls to ‘do something’, have gotten to me- so here are six ways to help prevent school shootings, as suggested by a conservative teacher with a degree in public policy from a top east-coast school: Allow more guns in schools. Lost in the school shooting tragedy has been the news from the other tragedy, the shooting at the mall. There only two people were tragically murdered by an evil [...]

Founding Fathers’ Quotes on the People’s Right to Bear Arms

Just three days after the horrible shooting in Newtown Connecticut, progressive forces are in full “never let a crisis go to waste” mode to advance their anti-gun agenda.  They have allowed no time for mourning and are striking while the iron is hot.  It’s a selfish and shameful act that is driving the national debate towards gun control and the away from the root cause of our problem; the devaluing of human life.  I decided that the best people to help make the case for those of us who cherish America and our second amendment rights are our founding fathers.  [...]

The Reason for the Second Amendment

What is the reason for the Second Amendment?  Why did the founders place in in the Bill of Rights, and why so high up on the list?  This video explains it. H/T to commenter Steve, of Cry and Howl for reminding me of this video.  We had run it here before, but given present circumstances, it’s a good idea to run it again.

Another French Revolution? Gerard Depardieu Goes Galt

What if there were another French Revolution.  And this time, it was led by creators refusing to be robbed by the nanny state?  Well, one is beginning.  Earlier this year, the French foolishly elected socialists, and their PM decided that a really great way to raise revenue for do-goodery was to tax the evil rich at very high levels.  And, creators, like famous actor Gerard Depardieu have decided to vote with their feet, and leave France.  The Socialist PM fired off that the refusal to be robbed was “pathetic.”  Depardieu shot back and, in an open letter to Monsieur Ayrault, wrote, [...]

A Possible Motive in the Sandy Hook School Shooting? Did Adam Lanza Act Before His Mother Could Commit Him?

Today, FOX News reported that Adam Lanza, the perpetrator of the Sandy Hook Massacre, had a possible motive for his murder spree.  Some are reporting that his mother was planning to commit him.  Here is some video… The Daley Gator has more on motives as well… The Other McCain, who I stole part of that headline from, reports that we mayhave a motive in the Newtown shootings We now have the first clear suggestion of a motive: NEWTOWN, Conn. –  The gunman who slaughtered 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school may have snapped  because his mother was planning to [...]

Protest for Gun Control, Less Than 200 Show up

It seems that MSM created concern, or death threats on Twitter don’t exactly translate into protest attendance.  Apparently, some leftist organizer paid some rent-a-mob to show up and protest the NRA, and in favor of gun control.  However, it seems that the rent-a-mob wasn’t all that eager to show up, as they could only muster 200 useful idiots.  Gateway Pundit has more… Only 200 liberals marched to the NRA headquarters in Washington DC today. The Huffington Post reported: Gun control advocates marched to the National Rifle Association’s Capitol Hill office on Monday, in an effort to pressure the powerful organization to [...]

MEA President Politicize Shootings, Uses Tragedy to Push Personal Agenda Using Union Resources

Hours after the tragic school shooting, I received an email from the Michigan Education Association President Steve Cook. The entire statement can be found on the MEA website, paid for by unionized school employees, but here is the bulk of it: “Regardless of what the details and facts are of today’s events in Connecticut, this nation must have a real conversation about guns and the safety of our students and those who care for them. “I am a gun owner and avid outdoorsman, but something must be done to protect our children from such acts of violence. Entire school communities — boards, administrators, teachers, support [...]

Gun Control Works? Think Again!

The faulty premise of all faulty premise is that gun control works towards preventing crime.  To take a honest look at that thought, perhaps we ought to look towards a nation that established gun control, like Great Britain… Let’s see what effect once great Britain’s draconian authoritarianism has had. Here’s a report from 2009: The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year — a rise of 89 per cent. In some parts of the country, the number of offences has increased more [...]

Cigarette Taxes Create More Failure? NY and Chicago Suffer From Liberalism

It’s common sense, really.  If you tax something highly, human nature dictates that people will go out of their way to avoid the tax.  Liberals, however, seems to have missed that, because they continue to tax and tax.  Then, they are completely shocked and surprised when people do what they have always done.  Hot Air has the latest… First, my own home stomping grounds of New York, which has been seeking a way to stave off total fiscal collapse by jacking up one of the highest tobacco tax rates in the nation. How’s that working out for ya? ALBANY – [...]

Mass Shooting at Santikos Mayan 14 Movie Theater Prevented by Armed Citizen:

Here’s another story that isn’t likely to show up on the MSM.  An off duty sheriff’s deputy, working at the Santikos Mayan 14 movie theaters  stopped a would be mass shooter before they even got into the venue. Soopermexican has more… From WOAI [emphasis added]: Two people are hospitalized after a gunman chased terrified restaurant patrons into the lobby of the Santikos Mayan 14 movie theater during a showing of “The Hobbit” last night, 1200 WOAI news reprots [sic].  Police detectives and sheriff’s investigators say the incident started in the China Garden Restaurant on Southwest Military Drive about 9 PM [...]

Great Moments in Civil Discourse: Liberals Threaten to Kill NRA Members

They’re liberal, tolerant, diverse, and loving… And they’ll kill you if they disagree with them.  At least that’s what many of the liberals on Twitter were saying as of late. Freedom Outpost has the details, via Free Republic…   Um, do these people even know that they are proving the point? If someone did go after a NRA event, or a NRA office, what are the odds that they will be killed by an armed citizen?  Go after a bunch of NRA members at an event, and they may go down in a hail of gunfire!  But that’s the point, [...]

Obama Quotes Bible in Sandy Hook Speech: Misses Irony Completely

In last night’s speech to honor the dead in the Sandy Hook shooting, President Obama quoted the Bible as follows… Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Holy Bible Matthew 19:14   There is one little problem with that, Mr. President.  These children are in public school, they cannot come to Jesus-they aren’t allowed.  Because, Mr. President, the SCOTUS decided that there is something in the Constitution that isn’t actually there, but it matched the regressive agenda.  So, God isn’t allowed in schools. And, come to think of it, [...]

Connecticut State Police Threaten to Investigate and Arrest People Spreading False Information on Social Networking Sites

This is a rather chilling example of authoritarianism.  A spokesman for the Connecticut State Police threatened to investigate and arrest people spreading false information on the Sandy Hook shooting.  Here is the video, via Steve Piotrowski’s 1776-R.   This is chilling for three reasons: 1.  People can be wrong, and post things that they think are true.  Perhaps people were just posting what they saw on one of the alphabet networks?  Because, quite frankly, they have been reporting incorrect information all the time. 2.  What happens when facts don’t fit the narrative, and are discarded?  There are plenty of times, as of late, where information has been [...]

Media Bias: Media Never Reported That Oregon Mall Shooting Stopped by Armed Citizen

While the country was in a state of shock over the events at the Sandy Hook school shooting, the MSM was crying for gun control   In fact, they were doing so when even the earliest reports of that shooting were coming out.  However, they had an earlier shooting that very week, at an Clackamas, Oregon shopping mall.  However the MSM left an important aspect of that shooting out- that the shooting was stopped after an armed citizen pulled his weapon on the shooter.  Here is the video… Isn’t it interesting that the MSM left this out of their coverage?  Or, [...]

Sunday Links: Facebook Friends Pictures Edition Volume 45

Well, it’s Sunday again, and I’m frankly still having a hard time grasping the scope of the recent school shooting.  More and more is coming out about the killer, and it’s increasingly apparent that he was a very disturbed individual.  Of course, the left didn’t even wait to see what was going on to start politicizing it.  I guess this displays another vital difference between Conservatives and liberals.  Liberals will take any opportunity to score political points, or misuse an event to justify a power grab.  Conservatives weep for the dead, and pray for the survivors.  We actually respond to [...]

Union Thug to Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan, “We’ll be at your daughter’s soccer game”

My theme for the week here, so it seems, is that if you leave leftists to their own devices long enough, that they’ll show their true nature.  That happened again in Michigan, where a speaker at a public event said (reading between the lines), “that’s a nice daughter you have there. It’d be a shame if something would happen to her.” Here is the video… Remember kids, this is how the left operates.  They want what they want, and if anyone stands in their way, they will be subjected to threats, attacks, intimidation, and harassment.  They aren’t above threatening children, [...]

Senseless Tragedy: 27 Dead, Including 20 Children, at Sandy Hook Elementary School

In an act of complete senselessness, a 20 year old man, identified as Adam Lanza, killed his teacher mother, and proceeded to the Sandy Hook Elementary School,where she worked, killing 20 children, and several staff, before apparently turning a gun on himself.  I first saw a report during my lunch break from Stacey McCain. PREVIOUSLY (12:15 p.m. ET) Shortly before 10 a.m. ET, there was an incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., about 12 miles from Danbury. The early information indicates that the school’s principal was the target of the attack. It was initially reported that three people have been wounded or [...]

US Military Tells Troops Not to Criticize Pedophilia, or Advocate for Women’s Rights? Tammies Are Silent

This is the tale of a story, and an non-story that is part of the story.  Recently, the US Military released proposed guides for troops suggesting that part of not being tolerant of Islam involves criticizing pedophilia, and supporting the rights of women.  That’s right, criticizing pedophilia and supporting the rights of women is apparently intolerant!  Cain TV has more… According to the proposed manual: “Many of the confrontations occur because of [coalition] ignorance of, or lack of empathy for, Muslim and/or Afghan cultural norms, resulting in a violent reaction from the [Afghan security force] member” This sort of “when in Rome” mindset might not be so [...]

Fascist Friday: Belafonte Goes True Marxist, Recommends That Obama Imprison Dissenters

Um, I said last night that if you leave leftists to their own devises long enough, they reveal their true nature.  And, what if Harry Belafonte suggests that Obama imprison dissenters?  Take a look at this video, via Gateway Pundit… Third world dictator?  Well, if we follow the path of Obama and the left, we may one day end up in that situation, being a third world hell hole. Of course, it’ll be someone else’s fault.

Maybe They Should Have Read it: ObamaCare Causes Massive Increase in Health Insurance Premiums

We’ve covered it before, and it’s still happening.  Health insurance premiums have taken off with the impending implementation of ObamaCare, and don’t appear to be slowing anytime soon.  We covered the beginning of this just recently. ObamaCare Damage: Health Insurance Premiums Rise Under Obama Elections Have Consequences: “Startling Rate Increases” Due to ObamaCare However, our friend Wyblog has the latest.   Obamacare: You get less than half the value at more than twice the price! I think Democrats call that “fairness”. Meanwhile in California, rates are going up twenty percent next year. Blue Shield of California is calling for a 20% rate hike on [...]

Michigan Union Violence Update: Thugs use Racial Slurs While Destroying Local Business

When you leave the left to their own devices, they’ll most often show you their true thoughts and intentions.  This could not be more true recently in Michigan, where it was seen that union thugs displayed the violence and intelligence that has given them their “thug” designation   Of course, racism has deep roots in both the Democratic party, as well as unions, so it isn’t a surprise that racial slurs flew when a black businessman dared provide a service to Americans for Prosperity. Stacey McCain has the background… Lee Stranahan returned my phone call today. He was in Lansing, Michigan, to cover [...]

President Obama and Mob Rule

In the latter days of the Roman Empire it was mob rule that guided Rome to its eventual demise.  Emperors remained in power for as long as the mob was entertained and distracted.  Emperors recognized the power of the mob and used it to increase their popularity and gain support for radical reforms and much like the Roman Emperors of old who used the mobs to advance their agenda today very little has changed. America stands on the edge of a fiscal cliff.  There is gridlock in Washington and both sides appear to be unwilling to compromise.  Where is President [...]

Taking America Back One Bit At A Time Part 6: The Process of Taking America Back

Earlier posts in this series can be found here: Part 1, Introduction, Part 2, The Founding, Part 3, The Taking, Part 4, The Taking continued, and Part 5, Looking Beyond December 2012. {NOTE: This is the last post in this series and it is long.} The Process of Taking America Back In Part 5, we speculated about the future. We divided the future into three parts: 1.) from December 2012 until the debt time bomb goes off, 2.) the period of chaos after the debt bomb goes off, and 3.) after the chaos. We will want to keep those three parts [...]

Unions Brought Right-to-Work on Themselves and Now Should Reap What They Have Sown?

While on the executive board of my local union, as the lone conservative voice I recommended from the very start against supporting Proposal 2, but no one listened to me and now the unions are reaping what they have sown. On several occasions I argued in my local union executive meetings and in our representation council meetings and I distinctly remember a heated discussion that I had with the Michigan Education Association President at a picnic, and in each case I strongly recommended that pushing for Proposal 2 was a bad idea for several reasons. One, that if the effort [...]

MIchigan Union Violence Update: Media Ignores it, Leftists Craft Conspriacy Theories

Michigan, Unions, Violence, Goons, Americans for Prosperity, Tent, Attack, Assualt, Intimidation, MSM, Bias, Coverage The post reality world means that it really makes no difference what really happens, and even if you have the most iron-clad evidence, it’s all about who controls the information.  So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at what is happening… Media Ignores Union Violence: As usual, the MSM is refusing to cover union violence.  That is not new, and we shouldn’t be surprised, but it still should be covered, and so it shall.  Newsbusters has a storyto that end… Networks Refuse to Cover Union [...]

Taking America Back One Bit At A Time: Part 5, Looking Beyond December 2012

Earlier posts in this series can be found here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, ans Part 4. Looking Beyond December 2012 In Part 4, The Taking of America continued, we arrived at the current point in time, December 2012. The movement to convert America into a socialist state has, after 100 years, nearly completed their mission. Barak Obama was elected in 2008 after the financial crisis. In four years his administration added $5 trillion to our national debt, which now stands at over $16 trillion and growing. In 2009, President Obama asked for and got an $800 billion stimulus [...]

Union Violence Update: Crowder Assailant Identified

The good thing about modern technology is that we can identify people that engage in stupid activity while in a public space.  This comes in particularly handy when dealing with “peaceful” leftist movements, who are always looking to spread “democracy.”  Then, when they end up spreading violence and thuggery, we have lots of footage to show the world.  Then again, we also get to identify the union thugs that commit said violence. Applying this to the current happenings in Michigan, we see that there may be a positive ID on the man who was filmed punching PJ Media’s Steven Crowder.  [...]

One Consequence of Forced Union Membership

As the unions fight to keep forced union membership in Michigan, I thought it might be a good idea to re-visit a story we did in early 2011, about how the SEIU got the then Governor of Michigan, to make parents of disabled children members.  Of course, the SEIU got to take dues from them, in exchange for…nothing! In other words, the SEIU has gotten to take millions of dollars from people that care for their disabled children. Because unions are so super great, that people have to be forced to join them. Now, let’s flashback to a more current [...]

Michigan: Union Thugs Attack, Steven Crowder of PJ Media Assaulted

Today, in Michigan, the world got yet another lesson in what unions are all about.  We’ve shown multiple examples of union violence in the past.  What the goons failed to calculate this time is that they picked on and assaulted a relatively well known Conservative in Steven Crowder, of PJ Media.  Here is a video of part of the assault… Ironically, while they are tearing down a tent set up by Conservatives, one is overheard complaining, and cursing about being called thugs…. And, we see the new tradition of attacking people with cameras… After all, they can’t have people recording [...]

Taking America Back One Bit At A Time – Part 4: The Taking of America Continued

Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this series Taking America Back One Bit  At A Time can be found here, here, andhere. The Taking of America continued In Part 3, The Taking of America, we talked about how from day one there were those who wanted to manipulate our new government in wats that would benefit them financially; the practice of  cronyism began in earnest and powerful bankers also took advantage of the potential of America through their investments and very importantly they applied their influence to get our government to establish a national bank that they could control. We talked about how it took the [...]

They Said if I Voted for Romney, They’d Come After my 401(k), and They Were Right!

That’s right kids, they government is eyeing your 401(k), IRA, or 403(b) with great envy.  And, as for the title, since Stacey is talking blog shtick, I thought I’d borrow from his well, which is deep with all sorts of goodness.   But, back to the seriousness.  There has been rumblings about the government taking over all private retirement accounts for some time.  Apparently, the democrats just can’t let a big pool of money sit there in private hands-it must be controlled, and redistributed, bythe kind hands of government.  Bob Belvedere at  TCOTS has more… The Editors at Investor’s Business Daily published an excellent [...]

Satan Is Seeking to Devour You

Us Christians have all read the Bible. We have all read about Satan (the devil). We know he is the master deceiver – the ultimate liar. Setting pride aside as I am tonight as a Christian, I really feel that most Christians can attest to the fact that Satan has them bound in some way. It could be in the area of the BIG three – drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Or it could it in a multitude of other things Eating Money Workaholic Laziness TV Music Reading Crafts like knitting, crocheting, etc Computer games Spending The list could probably be [...]

California Raises Taxes, Lose Revenues…Again!

They say that they definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.  If that is indeed the case, California’s tax policies make them the official land of fruits and nuts, as they are proving the insanity axiom to be most true. On March 15th of this year, we took a look at the fact that after yet another failed tax increase… One of the greatest weaknesses of the statists is that their efforts at creating a fantasy world. more often than not, create the exact opposite of their stated intent.  They try [...]

Taking America Back One Bit At A Time – Part 3: The Taking Of America

P art 1 of this series on Taking America Back One Bit At A Time can be found here and Part 2 can be found here. The Taking of America In Part 2, The Making of America, we left off with the delegates to the Convention producing their constitution for America and the warning from Ben Franklin that we were given a republic, if we could keep it. But, the job of constituting this new nation, The Republic of the United States of America, was not yet done.  It was now necessary to get the states to ratify the new constitution. This effort would produce the [...]

Sweden Declares War…on Playtime

Did the Burgermeister Meisterburger, seen here in this undated file photo,take over Sweden?  It would appear so, considering the whacky Cultural Marxism taking place there.  For a bit more, take a look at this from the American Enterprise Institute… But subterfuge and propaganda appear to be the order of the day in Sweden. In their efforts to free children from the constraints of gender, the Swedish reformers are imposing their own set of inviolate rules, standards, and taboos. Here is how Slate author Nathalie Rothchild describes a gender-neutral classroom: One Swedish school got rid of its toy cars because boys “gender-coded” them and ascribed the cars [...]

A Long Walk Off A Short Piers

From Gun Free Zone comes this gem (Piers Morgan Never Saw It Coming): “Just got this from Facebook. I don’t know how old this Twitter exchange is, but the poor Brit got his ass handed over with a ton of class by Carol Roth.” The hell with Boehner … let’s get Carol to run for House Speaker. Related articles The Bill of Rights, with Your Host, Piers Morgan! ( Pathetic: Piers Morgan takes 18 hours to craft comeback to ‘gun-toting heroine’(  Original Post:  Be Sure You’re Right, Then Go Ahead

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