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  • Venezuela: Hurtling Toward the Post-Chavez Chasm

    Over the holidays, Venezuelans continued to receive increasingly grim news regarding the health of President Hugo Chavez. Current Vice President and Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro rushed to Havana and reported back that Chavez had suffered “new complications” and that the President remains in a “delicate” condition following his fourth round … More

    Taxpayer-Backed Pharmaceutical Company Fined for Illegal Kickbacks

    A California pharmaceutical company that has received federal subsidies under the Obama Administration agreed to pay $11.4 million last week to settle allegations that it bribed medical professionals to prescribe and sell its drugs. The allegation was detailed in a civil complaint filed in federal court in March 2009. The … More

    Obesity in America: Blame Trade Protectionism on Sugar

    With a new study pointing the finger at high fructose corn syrup as a culprit in America’s explosive epidemic of obesity, it is important to remember just why we are consuming so much of this commodity as opposed to the more traditional, and apparently healthier, sucrose or common table sugar. … More

    A New Year’s Resolution for Conservatives

    ‘Tis the season for hope—though you couldn’t tell from listening to conservatives. Two months after the election, the mood remains grim among many on the right. It’s not just that the American people have re-elected one of the most liberal presidents ever, or that the Supreme Court upheld the individual … More

    DEFENDING DEFENSE: Don’t Just Delay Defense Sequestration—Stop It

    By delaying defense sequestration two months, President Obama and Congress have shown their unambiguous recognition that sequestration’s automatic and indiscriminate cuts to the U.S. military pose clear dangers to national security. However, America’s leaders must now match their recognition of this reality with the resolve required to definitively stop defense … More

    Morning Bell: Taxes to Rise on Most American Workers

    Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called it “a happy start to a new year.” That probably tells you all you need to know about the fiscal cliff deal that passed the House last night. The bill—which President Obama has promised to sign, though he took off for Hawaii again after the … More

    Congressional Budget Office Shows Senate Bill Is $600 Billion Tax Hike

    The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) just now released its score of the bill the Senate passed early this morning while everyone was celebrating the beginning of the New Year. Despite knowing for a long time that taxes would go up on all Americans today, the Senate waited until we technically went … More

    Morning Bell: Tax Hikes to Start the New Year

    While you were sleeping—or ringing in 2013—the Senate voted to raise taxes. After missing the midnight deadline, Congress and the President have technically sent the nation over the fiscal cliff, meaning higher tax rates are already in effect for all income tax brackets. But the Senate’s deal, brokered by Senate … More

    Beware Obamacare’s Looming Conscience Cliff (VIDEO)

    The fiscal cliff isn’t the only abyss that the Obama Administration and Congress have created for individuals and employers. The Obamacare mandate that forces employers to provide and pay for coverage of abortion-inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization has created a cavernous void for religious liberty that will threaten the existence … More

    Top 10 Heritage Charts of 2012

    If you’ve read our work, you probably know we love charts. Our signature products — the Index of Economic Freedom and Federal Budget in Pictures — include some amazing informational graphics. We also showcase our charts weekly on The Foundry and in many of our research papers. Today we bring … More