In 1964, the media weren’t afraid to expose the brutal slavery that was widespread in the Muslim world

Today, it’s a lot different. The enslavement of Africans you will see in this video is still being practiced in the oil-rich Gulf states, but today’s media refuse to report it because it would be “offensive to Muslims.”

I can’t quite place the voice of the narrator in this film, but it sounds like one of the famous journalists back when there were only 3 major networks. See the stories our media will not report in the links below.

H/T revolteseneurope













EGYPT: Mohamed Morsi refers to the Jews as ‘descendants of apes and pigs’ and calls for their annihilation

Obama-on-Gun-ControlAnd the Obama Regime just bypassed Congress to hand over $1.5 billion in American taxpayer money as well as 20 F-16 Fighter Jets to President Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood-controlled, sharia-ruled government in Egypt.

Algemeiner (h/t Jim Y)  In two separate  2010 interviews with Al-Quds TV in Lebanon, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi makes disparaging remarks about Jews and dismisses peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs.


In one interview, dated September 23, Morsi refers to Jews as “the descendants of apes and pigs.” During the interview, which was released by The Middle East Research Institute’s (MEMRI) today, Morsi also declares that peace negotiations are futile and promotes the use of force. “There should be military resistance within the land of Palestine against those criminal Zionists, who attack Palestine and the Palestinians,” he says.

In another interview, dated March 20th, Morsi continues to promote the use of force against Israel. “We must all realize that resistance is the only way to liberate the land of Palestine,” he says. Then he dismisses Israel’s right to exist. “The Zionists have no right to the land of Palestine. There is no place for them on the land of Palestine.”

Mohammed Morsi

Some excerpts from the video interviews below:

“Either [you accept] the Zionists and everything they want, or else it is war. This is what these occupiers of the land of Palestine know – these blood-suckers, who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs.”

“The Zionists have no right to the land of Palestine. There is no place for them on the land of Palestine. What they took before 1947-8 constitutes plundering, and what they are doing now is a continuation of this plundering. By no means do we recognize their Green Line. The land of Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, not to the Zionists.”


“We want a country for the Palestinians on the entire land of Palestine, on the basis of [Palestinian] citizenship. All the talk about a two-state solution and about peace is nothing but an illusion, which the Arabs have been chasing for a long time now. They will not get from the Zionists anything but this illusion.”

“They (Jews) have been fanning the flames of civil strife wherever they were throughout history. They are hostile by nature. The Zionists understood nothing but the language of force.”

“This Palestinian Authority (Fatah) was created by the Zionist and American enemies for the sole purpose of opposing the will of the Palestinian people and its interests.”

“All Muslims and Arabs should support the armed resistance fighters and besiege the Zionists wherever they are. None of the Arab or Muslim peoples and regimes should have dealings with them.  They must not be given any opportunity, and must not (be allowed to) stand on any Arab or Islamic land. They must be driven out of our countries.” 


“Muslims discovered America,” says terror-linked CAIR’s Executive Director of Islamic Propaganda

6a00e00986be4d88330120a936a08b970bNihad Awad, Executive Director for  Muslim Brotherhood proxy, Council on Anti-American Islamic Relations (CAIR), who bears an uncanny resemblance to a ferret, appeared on Iqra (Saudi Arabian television) and favorably compared the values of Islam to the values of America.

MEMRI According to Hamas/Hezbollah supporter and executive director of terror-linked CAIR (Council on Anti-American Islamic Relations), “In my view, Islam and the US are twins, linked by common values. The values on which the US was founded are the same values advocated by Islam: freedom, and especially freedom of religion, freedom of speech, protection of minorities, and spreading justice among all sectors of society.”

Shoebat  Far too few people in the west do not understand the motivation behind these lies. The kicker in this clip is when Awad lends credence to the absurd notion that Columbus discovered America only after Muslims did. Stealth Islamists like Awad know Americans better than they know themselves. He knows that it’s effective to imply that America was stolen from the Indians, that it was taken from Mexicans, and that reparations for slavery should never end.


A hidden treasure and the best book written on the middle east ever – The Forgotten Ally, click for details.

Note that Awad said Islam believes in “freedom of speech” and “spreading justice”. Yet, Mohamed Morsi, President of Egypt recently signed a sharia Constitution into law and then said he wanted dialogue. Soon thereafter, a satirist was interrogated by prosecutors for speech critical of Morsi.

Awad’s CAIR (add a “o” at the end and you get “CAIRO”) is an extension of Morsi’s Brotherhood. If you want to know Awad’s agenda, watch Morsi. Again, Awad has to be far more stealthy because he’s on the frontline of the Brotherhood’s war with the west – the United States.

 In the words of Nihad Awad,“ Islam is not in America to coexist but to dominate.”

As for Awad’s contention that Islam shares the same values as America’s founders, his support of Hamas belies any such notion.

From a speech Awad gave at an American University, ”I used to support the PLO and I used to be President of the General Union of Palestine Students which is part of the PLO here in the U.S. But after I researched the situation, I decided to support Hamas instead of the PLO.”

Americans are in denial. Ignorance is no longer an excuse.


MOSCOW: Muslims threaten, “If you don’t build mosques for us in every borough, every neighborhood, we will occupy your churches”

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union 20 years ago, hundreds of thousands of Muslim invaders from former Soviet republics have swarmed into Moscow, pissing off the native population as they do wherever in the non-Muslim world they go.

Today, there are more than 2 million Muslims squatting in the Russian capital, making life miserable for Muscovites by blocking streets and sidewalks from pedestrian and vehicular traffic for several hours while they lift their asses to Allah every Friday. (So, where’s the KGB when you need them?)




Shame on you, Orlando, for accepting Muslim-funded billboards that slander Christianity and Judaism

Local Muslim organizations have started a deceptive and morally repugnant advertising campaign that promotes a lie about the so-called values that Muslims claim to share with Christians and Jews.

MEMRI According to Hezbollah supporter and executive director of terror-linked CAIR (Council on Anti-American Islamic Relations), “In my view, Islam and the US are twins, linked by common values. The values on which the US was founded are the same values advocated by Islam: freedom, and especially freedom of religion, freedom of speech, protection of minorities, and spreading justice among all sectors of society.” (HAH!) 

Islamic billboards appearing throughtout Orlando area

Orlando Sentinel  The billboards proclaiming “Same family, Same message” sprouting throughout the Orlando and Daytona Beach areas are sponsored by the Longwood-based American Muslim Community Centers, the Islamic Center of Orlando and the United Muslim Foundation in Lake Mary.


“In the holiday season, people are more spiritual,” said AMCC Chairman Atif Fareed. “The idea is this would be an ideal time to spread the message that we are really from the same source: one family, one message.”


The billboards, which have several different slogans, refer motorists to the website of the New York-based Islamic Circle of North America. The organization’s “Why Islam” campaign is intended to raise awareness and correct misconceptions about a religion many Americans associate with terrorism. ”Our goal is to reach out and start a dialogue with our fellow Americans,” said ICNA President Zahid Bukhari.


The Orlando billboards began going up a few days before an apparently demented woman pushed a Hindu man to his death in front of a New York subway on Dec. 27. The woman said she did it because she hated Muslims and Hindus for the terrorist attacks of 9-11.


Fareed, a commercial airline pilot, said the idea came when he saw the Why Islam billboards in Pensacola, and thought it would be a good way to introduce his organization to Central Florida residents. Relatively new to Orlando, AMCC opened its Longwood community center in June.

“If they can do it in Pensacola, Florida,” Fareed said, “we can do it in Orlando, Florida.”

Understand how history repeats itself with today’s persecution of Christians in Islamic countries and compare to the plight of the Jews in Nazi Occupied Europe, click here for details. 



FINALLY! Somebody in the media bestows a title on Barack Hussein Obama that he actually deserves



WND (h/t Ellen H)  Since Barack Hussein Obama has been president, he’s been showered with many such accolades – most recently when Newsweek crowned him “The First Gay President” for his election-year abandonment of his opposition to same-sex marriage. But the elite media, to commemorate other Obama affinities and policy positions, have also dubbed him “The First Hispanic President,” “The First Asian-American President,” “The First Jewish President” – and even “The First Female President.” 

But there’s one “first” label conspicuously absent from all the media homage paid to the 44th president – perhaps, ironically, because there’s more truth to it than the press is comfortable admitting – and that’s the title Whistleblower confers on Barack Hussein Obama in its blockbuster January 2013 issue: “THE FIRST MUSLIM PRESIDENT.” 


Barack Hussein Obama’s relationship with Islam has long been one of the most radioactive questions surrounding his presidency. Before the 2008 election, it was considered impolite in the extreme even to mention publicly Obama’s middle name, “Hussein,” a name given only to Muslim babies. And despite repeated polls showing a significant percentage of voters – one in three conservative Republicans and almost one in five of all voters – believe the president is currently a Muslim, those who dare bring up the issue are mercilessly scorned as ignoramuses and bigots. 

Yet, there’s a side to Obama’s life, from his Muslim childhood, schooling, Quran studies, mosque attendance and prayer in Indonesia, to his bewilderingly pro-Muslim policies today as president, that has been carefully concealed from the public by the “mainstream media.” 


If you’ve wondered why the current U.S. president seems so supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood – both in the Arab-Muslim Middle East and, in the form of its various front organizations, within America itself “THE FIRST MUSLIM PRESIDENT”  will open your eyes. Highlights of  



• “The first Muslim president” by David Kupelian, on why an adoring press crowns Obama with every title – except this one

• “Muslim-American author embraces Obama as ‘My Muslim President’” – and reveals most Muslims she knows regard Obama as a “Muslim brother”

• “U.S. policy defending Shariah – not American citizens” by Clare Lopez, in which the 25-year CIA veteran blows the whistle on Obama’s brazenly pro-jihad policies

• “Rep. Allen West: Benghazi a result of ‘appeasement’ of the Islamic world” – the courageous Florida congressman speaks his mind on the president’s pro-Islamist foreign policy

• “Israel policy makes Obama honorary ‘first Muslim president’” by Joseph Farah, who asks: “Who has done more to foment and support the Middle East Islamist revolution over the last 2 years than Barack Obama?”

• “Obama’s Muslim childhood” by Daniel Pipes, in which the renowned Islam expert presents overwhelming evidence that the president of the United States – who claimed before his election in 2008 that he was never a Muslim – was indeed “born and raised a Muslim”

• “Obama family busted in Shariah scheme” by Jerome R. Corsi, a shocking exposé of how Obama’s extended family is working to drive Christianity out of Kenya and replace it with Shariah Islam

• “Obama Mideast policy includes arming jihadists” by Aaron Klein, who presents stunning evidence that the White House was supporting al-Qaida operatives who ended up killing the U.S. ambassador to Libya

• “Why Obama turned on Gadhafi – the surprising reason” by Jerome R. Corsi – on the Obama administration’s infatuation with the Muslim Brotherhood

• “Under-publicized threat deep in the White House” – in which veteran FBI agents disclose that penetration of the U.S. government by radical Islamist agents is much worse than previously thought

• “Rogues gallery of terror-tied ‘Muslim civil rights’ leaders” – a pictorial exposé of the “moderate Muslim civil rights group” in the nation’s capital that one FBI agent described as “a turnstile for terrorists and their supporters’

• “Manifesto puts Hillary’s top aide in Saudi plot” by Art Moore, on how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s trusted adviser Huma Abedin previously worked for her parents’ institute focused on establishing an Islamic America

• “What Muslim-Americans really believe” by Joseph Farah, on a new scientific poll revealing that most American Muslims oppose the most basic principles of the U.S. Constitution

• “Handing Muslim extremists the house keys” by Diana West, on why the power-elites don’t want to answer the questions of the “Bachmann 5.”



U.S. Marine to gun-grabber Senator Dianne Feinstein: “No Ma’m”

Joshua Boston, a retired Corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps, has a message for Senator Dianne Feinstein (D, CA) concerning her newest gun banning bill. Corporal Boston says, “No Ma’m.


Breitbart  Boston posted an open letter to Senator Feinstein at CNN’s ireport site on December 27 to let DiFi know that he, at least, would not submit to the government denuding him of his Second Amendment rights.


Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.

I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

We, the people, deserve better than you.

Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
Cpl, United States Marine Corps


Warner Todd Huston of Breitbart spoke to Mr. Boston about his letter. Here is the conversation:

Warner Todd Huston: What drove you to post this reply to Senator Feinstein?

Joshua Boston: I’ve been seeing this nonsense about gun control in the news since forever. Senator Feinstein regularly touts the effectiveness of the first Assault Weapons Ban while pointing out the “loopholes.” So she proposes this new ban legislation. Given the tragedy that happened recently it has considerably more traction with folks, most who rely in some major way on emotions and what they’re being told by the media about these “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” My Windham Weaponry SRC sits in my home loaded and ready to be used should the need ever arise. It does not make me a criminal.

I’m sick of being told by people in Washington D.C. what is okay for me to own for my own personal defense while they enjoy the safety of many armed guards with better firearms than I have access to. It’s hypocritical.

WTH: In your opinion, what do you think the Second Amendment is for?

JB: Looking at the founder’s times and what they had just gone through, it was something they put in there for us should we ever find ourselves in their shoes and have to reassert, because of whatever manifestation of tyranny, our inherent right to freedom and liberty.

WTH: Do you support concealed carry laws?

JB: I hold a CHL with the state of Texas. I would prefer there not be a bureaucratic apparatus whose hoops I have to jump through so that I may defend myself should the need ever arise outside of my home. Who are these legislators to tell me that I may not defend myself outside of my home because they don’t have my fingerprints on file?

WTH: Do you believe in any sort of gun restrictions?

JB: The only gun restriction I would favor is one in which only VIOLENT felons are prevented from purchasing or possessing a firearm. Other than that, why does the government or the police need them if I am not allowed to have one?

WTH: Some liberals say regular Americans shouldn’t be allowed to have guns because they aren’t trained. As a trained member of the military yourself, do you think average citizens have the ability to use guns correctly?

JB: Despite the training I received while in the Marines, I am a regular American. I am not exceptional. I am not superior. I am an American just like any other citizen. I’ve seen “average citizens” use guns extraordinarily efficiently when I go to the range. This is because they are responsible people who seek knowledge when they don’t know something. So yes they have the ability, and they should be able to purchase whatever weapons they deem sufficient for their needs.

WTH: Some people fear that government will use the military to forcibly disarm the public if gun banning laws get passed. What is your sense of your fellows in the armed forces. Do you think they’d follow orders to forcibly disarm the public?

JB: In my 8 years of service I could probably count on one hand the number of people that I met who would forcibly disarm the American public. The vast majority of American service members that I know and that I served with recognize that the Constitution is what we pledge to obey.

WTH: Do you feel that there will be any retaliation by the Marines for having posted your reply?

JB: I was honorably discharged on July 31st of this year. I’d certainly hope they wouldn’t “retaliate” in any way because I am doing my civic duty and keeping myself informed. I think that would go against our motto: “Honor Courage and Commitment” 

 WTH: Any other thoughts? 

 JB: I just hope that our elected representatives do not vote for this heinous attempt to make me and my fellow Americans defenseless against predators and criminals.


We at Breitbart salute Joshua Boston and hope that he is not uncommon among the members of our illustrious armed forces.


(BUMP) Letter from Imran Firasat, the ex-Muslim given political asylum in Spain, the country now trying to deport him to Pakistan because of his anti-Islam film and efforts to ban the quran in Spain [SIGN PETITION BELOW]

imagesDear BNI, as you know, my refugee status was revoked by the Spanish Ministry of Interior by reason that my activities against Islam are a risk to the national security of Spain. I was given a month for filing an appeal, which I am in process of doing. But the persecution doesn’t end there. All that the Spanish authorities have done against me to make the Muslim world happy apparently are not enough.

This evening I got a call from the police station. I was ordered to come to the police station and return back my residence card. I told them that look, I am in the process of filing an appeal and you can´t do that to me. I need to have my identity until the high court gives the final word on my status. I refused to go to the police station.


But as usual the Spanish authorities are in so much hurry for deporting me to Pakistan that they by themselves came to my home at 21:00 pm and ordered me to return back my residence card. I was also threatened that from now on I am not anymore a legal resident of this country and that I am an illegal immigrant who can be caught or deported anytime. (Imran will be executed for blasphemy and apostasy if he ever has to return to Pakistan)

This is what they think of Imran in Pakistan

This is what they think of Imran in Pakistan

Losing my residence card means I am a stateless person now without any identity. Anytime any policeman can put me behind the bars for being an illegal immigrant. I can´t even work as my work permission has also been revoked by the Spanish authorities. They have made me handicapped. They didn´t even wait for the judgment from the high court on my appeal.

You know why this all is happening to me? For criticizing Islam. My status in Spain has not been revoked because I have committed a crime according to the Spanish law, but I am being persecuted because of my opposition against Islam. Now expressing our view on Islam in the western world has been declared as an official crime. Spain is feared by the Islamic world.

Imran is not only a filmmaker, but a talented artist as well

Imran is not only a filmmaker, but a talented artist as well

The Spanish authorities have given a message to the Muslim world that Spain has lost its dignity and that Spain is going to live like the Muslim world wants. Do you think; in this manner the Islamic terrorism and injustice can be stopped? Of course not. This encourages Muslims more to continue the path they have been following and not to be changed.

Friends, I am sad and shocked. Where is my right of freedom of expression? Why instead of being protected, I am being persecuted by the Spanish authorities? Is it a crime now to speak the truth about Islam? Am I going to die because of my opinions on Islam? I need the world´s support. If I get deported to Pakistan (which is highly probable now), then never anyone will dare to fight publicly against Islam´s violent ideology and the world will have to submit to Islam.

Please raise your voice for me and help me to be protected. Thank you very much.

Imran’s webpage is:  World without Islam (mundosinislam)

(BNI Readers, I am trying to get a link where you can contribute to Imran’s legal defense fund and will post when I do)



Jason Kenney, Minister for Citizenship and Immigration: Give Refugee Status:IMRAN FIRASAT, support Christians/Hindus of Pakistan

IMRAN FIRASAT, a Pakistani Christian, was provided refugee status by Spain many years ago. Recently, he exercised his free speech rights and produced a historically accurate film about Islam. In response, the Spanish government has begun proceedings to deport him back to Islamic Pakistan. The Islamic state of Pakistan routinely commits genocide against Hindus and persecutes Christians. His return to Pakistan is a guaranteed death sentence, since the Islamic state of Pakistan persecutes minorities and implements blasphemy laws which prescribe torture and execution for those who speak the truth about Islam. 

Canada is a multi-cultural nation where Hindus, Jews, and Christians together promote and protect freedom and liberty. In the past, Canada has allowed the entry of hundreds of thousands of false refugees filing claims of persecution, especially from the Islamic and Sikh populations.

In this instance, genuine persecution exists, and the Hindu and Judeo Christian values which define Canada dictate that Canadians must step forward and provide refugee status to IMRAN FIRASAT, as well as develop a refugee program for the millions of savagely oppressed Hindus and Christians in Islamic Pakistan and Bangladesh.  Minister Kenney must act on this issue immediately.







(Stephanie Sapp) or



JANUARY 2, 2013 –Last night at 9pm, the Spanish police showed up at his house and demanded that he return his residency card.  His residency card was then actually taken from him by the police.  This means that Imran is no longer eligible to work and is now classified as an illegal immigrant in Spain.  From this time on, he can at any time, be taken into custody and be deported to Pakistan where he would be arrested immediately as the death penalty for blasphemy awaits him there.  This has all been done without any type of due process of law and without any type of appeal before any court.  The original action of the Spanish government is a violation of Spanish law and again is an indirect result of the weakness of the United States government and the Obama administration’s continuing to appease Islam and to threaten anyone who speaks out against Islam.  President Obama himself has said, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  The words “MUST NOT”, alone are a type of threat, “MUST NOT belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”   Those words are directly from our President, a protector of radical Islam, a protector of violence and anti-constitutional actions.

Obama’s blatant destructive actions against the U.S. Constitution leads other nations to ignore their own constitutions, which victimizes their own law-abiding citizens.

Thank you,

Dr Terry Jones








PAT CONDELL: “It’s time to change our ‘racist’ attitudes and double standards about the Middle East”

“We must stop holding Arab Muslims to a lower standard of behavior than the rest of the world and giving them a free pass on indiscriminate barbarism because, as liberal racists, we don’t consider them capable of civilized behavior.”

“We must stop pretending that Islamic Jew hatred and oppression of women as mandated in the quran does not exist or that the desire to wipe Israel off the map is merely political and not religious blood vengeance.” “It’s time to start recognizing Israel as the frontline between Islam and civilization.”

More from Pat Condell


CAIR-Florida demands that the FBI seek out, close with, and destroy the enemy and his will to resist

Hezbollah/Hamas supporter, Hassan Shibley, executive director of CAIR (Council on Anti-American Islamic Relations) in Tampa wants the FBI to make a direct link between anti-Islam rhetoric and the ‘Islamophobe’ who shot a Muslim with a BB gun outside Walmart.

[UPDATE] CAIR has just posted a surveillance video of the alleged BB shooter. Hmmm, looks like he could be a Mooselum himself.
