Today's Politicos vs The Words and Deeds of The Founders

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The Shut Mouth Society by James Best


The Shut Mouth Society is a potboiler of the first order. James Best fans will be surprised as the author steps a bit outside of his regular genre, the classic American Western, and gives hero Steve Dancy a break. This reviewer wasn’t sure what to expect as Jim has been fairly close mouthed about the book himself, except to say that this book is his wife’s favorite.* After reading it, it’s easy to see why. It is difficult to talk about the story without giving away any of its many twists and turns, which on reflection, is probably why the author was so “shut mouth” about it. Well, here goes.

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January 7, 2013   No Comments

Cops: Mother of two surprises intruder with five gunshots |

Don’t expect to see much publicity about this from the MSM.

Cops: Mother of two surprises intruder with five gunshots |

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January 6, 2013   No Comments

A Defense of American Ideals by Thomas J Malone.

A Defense of American Ideals

There is much to recommend in A Defense of American Ideals just as there is much to recommend in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. However, there is also much of which to be critical. Malone is relentless in his attack on Christianity and increases his level of vitriol as the book progresses.

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December 31, 2012   No Comments

The eReader Cafe: Author Interview with James D. Best

An interview with our very own James Best at the e-Reader Cafe.

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December 30, 2012   1 Comment

The Feds Who Came to Dinner

In 1942 Warner Brothers released the movie The Man Who Came to Dinner. Based on the Broadway play by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman, the film starred Monty Woolley and Bette Davis. (Side note: At the time the …

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December 28, 2012   1 Comment

The Real Cause of The Benghazi Tragedy

Organizations, whether large or small, have unique cultures determined by their leaders. If the top level is careless, it will be reflected through the ranks in the way business is conducted. If the top level is reluctant to take responsibility when things go wrong, but regularly seeks someone to blame, the lower echelons will be reluctant to exercise initiative and make decisions. If those at the top are obsessed by organization politics, decisions at lower levels will be made on the basis of political advantage rather than by determining what is best for the organization or those it serves.

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December 24, 2012   2 Comments

The Campaign Is Over

Will someone please tell the president the campaign is over? He is back out on the hustings reading from the old class warfare script. He preens. He fabricates successes where there are none. He makes promises he has no intention of keeping.

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December 14, 2012   No Comments

Federalist No. 37

In Federalist No 37, Madison attempts to explain some of the difficulties faced by the convention.

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December 12, 2012   No Comments

An Interview With Leon Aron

Roads To The Temple

We are honored and pleased to present the following interview with Dr. Leon Aron, author of Roads To The Temple, reviewed here earlier this year. Dr. Aron was incredibly patient and generous with his time.

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December 6, 2012   No Comments

Draw Your Own Conclusions


We’re not going to offer any comment here – you decide if you can see any similarities.

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December 5, 2012   3 Comments