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VIDEO: Does Floating Hagel Balloon Show Obama's Posture Towards Iran?
January 4 - Hagel has been a "realist" towards Iran which infuriates Neo-cons and AIPAC, but will Obama fight for him? By Phyllis Bennis

2012 in 16 Stories
December 31 - Our biggest stories from 2012. By Peter Certo

Gun Ownership Is a Hobby, Not a Right
December 19 - Sure, some people can use guns safely. Some people can also smoke crack safely, drink and drive safely and handle explosives safely. We don't let them because too many other people can't. By Salvatore Babones

European Parliament Supports Robin Hood Tax in Landslide Vote
December 14 - Yeas outnumbered nays by a margin of 6-to-1. The next step will be a vote in the European Council, which is likely to happen in early 2013. By Sarah Anderson

Ripe for Reduction
December 12 - The pending budget deal must include long-overdue military spending cuts. By Miriam Pemberton, published in Counterpunch and The Liberty (TX) Vindicator and The San Antonio Express-News


Fix the Debt Empties Its Trojan Horse
January 2 - The corporate-driven campaign didn't get everything it wanted with the fiscal deal, but it's likely to continue to be a major force as budget talks continue. By Sarah Anderson and Scott Klinger

The fiscal cliff ... of '32
December 26 - Eighty years ago, just like today, a fiscal crisis almost totally dominated the nation's capital. By Sam Pizzigati, published in USA Today

Our Great Fiscal Opportunity
December 19 - This is a chance for the American public to engage in a critical debate over national priorities. By John Cavanagh

Latest "Fiscal Cliff" Proposals Would Deepen Inequality
December 19 - The early reaction by many progressive organizations is that it would be better to go over the cliff than accept the emerging bargain the President has offered. By Scott Klinger

In Fact, Fairly Taxing the Rich Won't Scare Them Away
December 12 - Recent research debunks some of the most common arguments against raising taxes on the richest Americans. By Sam Pizzigati, published in The Albany Tribune and Unionosity


Magazine Article
Canada Should Tell Mining Firm to Stop Bullying El Salvador
December 6 - Re-posted with permission from Embassy Magazine: Vancouver-based mining company Pacific Rim is butting heads with the government of El Salvador. By Manuel Perez-Rocha

Why the World Bank Must Divest from Fossil Fuels
December 6 - The World Bank should do the math and step of to the challenge of climate change. By Daphne Wysham

Is the World Bank turning up the heat?
December 6 - Daphne Wysham sat down with Al Jazeera's Inside Story to discuss a recent World Bank report on climate change and their own role in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. By Brian Cruikshank

The Private Sector's Murky Role in Climate Finance
December 6 - Multinational corporations and investment banks shouldn't dominate financing of climate adaptations, says Janet Redman, reporting live from the UN Climate Summit, Doha, Qatar. By Janet Redman

Doha Talks Show Need for Climate Action in Post-Sandy U.S.
December 5 - Will the United States ever change its policy of obstructing international action to stop climate change? If so, the political pressure to change the country's role will have to come from the American people. By Janet Redman

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