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How the West was Lost

Judi McLeod

Judi McLeod, Editor

Donatello Restaurant Fine Italian and Mediterranean Dining in Toronto.
Jesse Willms

Watermain Break Clock

UN Agenda 21 - Environmental Piracy

Chasing Sovereignty

The Wind and the Spirit

The Whistleblower: How the Clinton White House Stayed in Power to Reemerge in the Obama White House and on the World Stage

CFP News Headlines...

Cover Stories, News

Apocalypse Sooner or Later
 Erik Rush Full Story

The snapshot of America does not look good. I realize this will appear to some a vast understatement, but bear in mind that not all readers here are part of the choir as yet. While I don’t believe that the momentum of statists (the political left) in the US can be abated at this point (short of civil war or Divine Intervention), anyone who wakes up along the way may be able to prepare themselves for the worst, thus attenuating their suffering.

I Repeat, We Must Get the U.S. out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S.
 Jerry McConnell Full Story

I have made the statement seen above on many occasions over the past years, but I fear we are not a bit closer today than we were the first time I said it.  Oh, there have been others who have agreed and carried the demand to new locations and people, but it remains just that; a statement.

Why NOT questioning Hillary Clinton’s illness is media malpractice
 Marinka Peschmann Full Story

Some media outlets such as the New York Post, Fox News, The Daily Caller, Infowars, and Republicans are under fire and criticism from outlets like Huffingtonpost, The Daily Beast, Seattle Times, The Week, Politico, Media Matters, the Los Angeles Times, MSNBC, BuzzFeed, Atlantic Wire and the DailyDownload for questioning the veracity of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s illness. But the real question is—how can they not question Hillary’s truth-telling?

House Republicans Have More Than Two Options
 Michael R. Shannon Full Story

There were a few anxious moments in the White House last night and early Thursday morning. For a brief moment it looked liked John Boehner’s re–election as Speaker might be in trouble. This would have been a disaster for the Obama administration — equivalent to the French hiring Gen. George S. Patton as their commander–in–chief in the fall of 1938.

Vote-stealing Dem Pleads Guilty to Beating up Girlfriend
 Selwyn Duke Full Story

If you’re a Democrat operative forced to resign for facilitating vote fraud, what do you do for a follow-up?

Popular Reads:
Every Scientific Fact is Open to Reevaluation—Except Evolution, by Conservatives

Gun Owners Mad As Hell And Will Not Take It!

Ya Miss Me?

Do Not Underestimate the Value of Culture as a Power of Change

The Communist in the Room

Straw Boss

America and the World in 2030

The latest from “DHS Insider”

Christmas, Jesus & the Sandy Hook Massacre

The ‘Reagan 13’ give Americans Something to Believe In

The wretched absurdity of the Benghazi report

Is America Becoming a Pagan Kingdom?

Confronting our spiritual bankruptcy

Benghazi explained: Interview with an “Intelligence Insider” (Part III)

The way past Obama is dismantling the United Nations

Health info collected to “protect the President”

Obama: Give me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take your Country out

Benghazi: Behind the scenes (Part II)

The way out of ObamaNation is the collapse of Agenda 21

Benghazi explained: Interview with an “Intelligence Insider”

Cover Stories, News
Palestine: Creative Compromises Can Conquer Conflict
 David Singer
Egypt, Jordan, Israel, West Band and Gaza

Al Gorezeera
 William Kevin Stoos
Stoos Views/Hugh Betcha’s Exclusive Interview With Al Gore

Let’s Not Give Up On The Constitution
 Douglas V. Gibbs
A whole generation of students are being taught that the Constitution is unimportant, and if anything, a hindrance

The Inconvenient Gypsies
 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
Gypsies or the Roma, European Union

The View from the Bottom of a Fiscal Abyss
 Doug Patton
This is not a fiscal cliff. This is fiscal insanity. It is a fiscal abyss, and we are about witness the view from amidst the rubble at the bottom of it

American Politics, Freedom, Canadian Politics

Nationwide Gun Confiscation Australia ... 6 minute video case study
 News on the Net   -- American Politics
If this happens here in the USA, kiss the rest of the Bill of Rights good-bye

Catholic Health Insurance Company Granted Temporary Relief from HHS Mandate
 Christian Newswire   -- American Healthcare
Thomas More Society Says Burden Lifted for Triune Health Group

Will the Senate Minority Be Silenced?
 Heritage Foundation--Amy Payne   -- American Politics
Reid wants to change longstanding Senate rules so that a simple majority of 51 Senators could end any debate

Empires Rise and Empires Fall
 Dr. Robert R. Owens   -- American Freedom
Elections have consequences and the ignored corruption of fraudulent voters and whacky voting machines has given Mr. Obama an uncontested victory

Fiscal Cliff Deal is No “Deal” for Working Families
 Liberty Counsel   -- American Politics
“Until the President leads and the men and women we sent to Washington step up to face the looming economic crisis, American families are at risk,”

Obama Pitches $4 Trillion Deficit Increase As a Reduction!
 John Lillpop   -- American Politics
The bill that Obama is so fond of will INCREASE the deficit by 4 Trillion

Fire the coach
 Sarge   -- American Politics
John Boehner

Welcome Illegal Aliens—You’re Safe Here
 Alan Caruba   -- Immigration- Border Security
Homeland Insecurity: Failed Politics, Policies, and a Nation at Risk

Uproar Over Bloated Sandy Aid Package
 Heritage Foundation--Amy Payne   -- American Politics
Exploiting disaster victims

2010 Election Just a Preview?
 J.D. Longstreet   -- American Freedom
A purge of Congress is in the offing

Six-year-old Suspended for Firing Assault Finger
 Selwyn Duke   -- American Politics
I believe that a motivating factor behind the school’s action is anti-male bias

Tear down that wall? Not so fast: Permit to raze Reagan’s Hyde Park boyhood home under review
 Guest Column--Lee Bey   -- American Politics
Friends of President Reagan's Chicago Home

WyLiberty Attorneys File Appellate Brief in Free Speech Case
 News on the Net   -- American Politics
"The FEC's regime of red tape silenced Free Speech and many other grassroots groups throughout the 2012 election cycle,"

Commentary: Government Violence: The Missing Link in the Gun Control Debate
 John W. Whitehead   -- American Freedom
Government and its tendency to use violence as a means to an end

House Speaker Boehner Votes for Obama’s Marxism
 Cliff Kincaid   -- American Politics
Communist Manifesto: Class envy and jealousy could serve as the basis for the seizure and maintenance of political power

Return of the “Red Decade”
 J.D. Longstreet   -- American Freedom
Democratic Party Embraces Socialist Bill of Rights

Recent CFP Columns
AIM calls Al Jazeera a homeland security threat
 News on the Net   -- Media - Media Bias
"Al Jazeera English is planning to reach American Muslims, who primarily speak English, with inflammatory words and images making America out to be the enemy and villain in the Middle East.”

Bloomberg ‘Half-Right,’ says CCRKBA
 CCRKBA   -- Gun Control - Second Amendment
Self-defense deserves press coverage, too

Norwegian 2L ups audio quality ante again
 Jim Bray   -- Technology- New Products
If you want a fantastic audio experience worthy of your expensive electronics, you can't go too wrong here.

Greens now betray the wild fish
 Dennis Avery   -- Energy - Environment
Could biotech salmon threaten the wild salmon populations?

Self-defence policy is the elephant on the shooting range
 News on the Net   -- Gun Control - Second Amendment
When a public safety measure comes too late, surely we can conclude that its time has come

Developing Countries Subsidize Fossil Fuels, Artificially Lowering Prices
 Institute for Energy Research   -- Energy - Environment
Global fossil fuel consumption subsidies are almost 6 times higher than global renewable subsidies

Attorney General Cuccinelli announces legal victory against EPA attempt to regulate water itself as
 News on the Net   -- Energy - Environment
Victory will save Virginia taxpayers estimated $300 million plus

JUST IN: Lisa Rizzolo allowed to withdraw $13,271 from Cook Islands account
 Steve Miller   -- Crime - Security

NIGERIA: Churches Attacked on Christmas Eve
 News on the Net   -- Christianity - Religion
The Persecution & Prayer Alert: Voice of the Martyrs

Al Jazeera Bails Out Al Gore – Buys Current TV
 Don Irvine   -- Media - Media Bias
Al Gore’s grand experiment ending with a resounding thud

Minister for Government Policy Oliver Letwin Concedes Defeat
 Guest Column By Dr. Benny Peiser   -- Global Warming - Climategate
Nigel Lawson Wins Climate Policy Bet

Congress cuts intelligence budget for 2013 despite global dangers
 Jim Kouri   -- War on Terrorism
The House removed several measures meant to block the leaking of classified information

Why Some Critics Won’t Accept U.S. Energy Independence
 Institute for Energy Research   -- Energy - Environment
So-called green or alternative energy sources

The American Way of War
 Alan Caruba   -- Military
Short wars for the purpose of removing an obvious threat seem to me a very good idea. Invading and then staying around for a decade is a very bad one.

A Place to Come to
Ya Miss Me?
 Dub and Deb  
Freedom of speech, Governmental control, indoctrination

Travel Pages
Aruba Makes a ‘Splash’ in Canada
 News on the Net  
Aruba's presence in Toronto

Health and Medical Pages
New method for uncovering side effects before a drug hits the market
 American Chemical Society By Yoshihiro Yamanishi, Ph.D.
Drug side effects by some estimates claim 100,000 lives every year

Car Pages
Mazda3 Sport SKYACTIV: great car, still with “Zoom”
 Jim Bray
The 2013 Mazda3 Sport SKYACTIV starts at $20,69

Custom Search

Caruba: Professional Writing Services
Careful what you wish for!
 Dag Barkley

Hillary’s Blood Clot
 Dag Barkley

Hillary's Blood Clot

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