Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Ultra Isolation Transformers

In order to identify about Isolation Transformers and Ultra Isolation Transformers, you want to understand what a transformer is and what principle it serves. A transformer, basically stated, is a machine that converts 1 volt to another. There are of course several types of transformers.
Let’s some transformers have single coil with a range of fixed or movable taping and they are known as auto-transformers. But these kinds of non-isolated transformers are attractive obsolete and their use is now limited to equipments like voltage regulators/voltage stabilizers. Today transformers with 2 coils are the ones rampantly used. These two coils are isolated from every other with lamination materials which are not conductive.

Generally, no direct electrical path between the two coils is provided. The primary coil of a transformer converts / transforms the electrical power into magnetic field and the secondary coil in twist converts this magnetic field keen on electrical power. Summing up, an
Isolation Transformer may be defines as a transformer with two coils that are not directly related through a conductor. Now let us go on to understand what Ultra Isolation Transformers.

The Ultra Isolation Transformers care for the Computers, CNC Machines and Telecommunications tackle from possible hurt due to electrical noise, spikes etc. Ultra Isolation Transformers are particularly useful in hospitals to protect patients addicted up to monitoring instruments that are powered by utility mains.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Damascus Bombing

 The 10th May 2012 Damascus bombings were approved away by a duo of bombs supposedly explodes by suicide bombers exterior of a martial aptitude composite in Damascus, Syria. Mutual, the executors ignited more than 1,000 kilograms of volatile  slashing the fascia sour a 10-story structure. With 55 public complete dead and almost 400 others wounded.

The early car bomb was igniting on a six-lane public road in the region of Qazzaz bordering to an armed intellect multiple through the daybreak sprint moment. The explosion damaged the complex safety wall. As a horde collected about the place of the explosion, a moment, bigger blast rapidly pursued.

The death excise was the major in Damascus while the begin of the mutiny in March 2011. It was complicated and vigilantly synchronizes. Spectator said the first explosion, at speed hour crest, was speedily trailed by a moment, bigger one, exploiting fatalities, injure and terror. Most of the wounded were informed to be civilians.

On Thursday night, it was description that Syria's UN representative said there had also been a blast in Aleppo. Basher Ja'afari said the blast on Thursday morning in Syria's next town "led also to … civilian wounded and huge indemnity to personal property".


Estimation are still separated about two harass on equally susceptible safety system in the Kafr Sousseh area of Damascus before Christmas. Resistance basis explained unsolved removes of detainees to the greatly secured structure the day before the explosions, which matched with the influx of Arab League monitors. Western governments accomplished that those attacks had been agreed out by an al-Qaida-type group using armed volatile and methods great in Iraq.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Sana's suicide bombing

The 2012 Sana'a bombing was a suicide attack on 21 May 2012, adjacent to Army defense force dedicated for the annual Unity Day armed parade in Sana'a, Yemen. The service is carried out each year on 22 nd May as 1990 to blot the amalgamation of North Yemen and South Yemen as the Republic of Yemen. Among above 120 people were dead, the attack was the deadliest in Yemeni record. Dependability for the attack was argued by the Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula-associated Ansar al-Sharia.

Yemen attack

The attack took place in AL Sabin Square, near Yemen's presidential palace, as armed forces were organizing themselves in a parade preparation for the awaiting Unity Day services. Depending on whether the Yemeni security officials, the bomber was scoundrel warriors take part in the drill wearing a belt of volatile. Untimely reports suggested a few dozen fatalities, but by the premature daylight the exact death levy was at 90, with by 222 wounded. Security officials confirmed that the attacker had ignited his unstable shortly before protection Minister Muhammad Nasir Ahmad Ali and the army chief-of-staff were expected to meet the throng.

The attack resulted in "horrific carnage", with one onlooker telling "arms and legs dotted on the ground .The wounded people were stack on top of each other, roofed with blood." One more fighter who had been there for the attack called it a "massacre", avowing "I have never seen such a horrific day in my life". Al-Arabiya described on 96 dead and over 300 injured in the blast. Later in the day the sufferer toll was raised yet again, this time to over 120 killed and nearly 350 injured some of them gravely.

Yemen attack

A doctor at a Sana’s hospital portrays the city's medical facilities as beleaguered, and stated that the attack had left dozens ossified. Most of the fatalities emerged to be from the Central Security Organization a large paramilitary force control by Yahiya Saleh, a nephew of ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Within hours of the attack, Saleh was send away from his post by presidential ruling.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Terrorist Iraq attack

      A chain of immediate bombing and gun firing happened in Iraq on 13 June 2012. Nearly 93 public were killed and more than 300 injured in harmonized attacks cross-ways Iraq.

Location     Baghdad,Other six cities and Iraq
Performer      Islamic State of Iraq
Date      13/06/2012 - Wednesday
Type     Car Bombing and Shooting

      A large amount of the attacks were car bombings and come out to be intended mostly at Shias pilgrims grouped to memorialize the fatality of imam Moussa al-Kadhim. The most primitive car bomb, projected at a set of pilgrims, blast in Taji, a town north of Baghdad. It was tracked by four explodes cross-ways Baghdad. According to a bystander, the bombs were intended at pilgrims moreover killed people working in the area. In all, 10 explode were informed cross-ways the Baghdad area.

Car Bombing - Iraq

      Two bombs in Hilla come out to have been intended at security forces. The performers beleaguered an eatery repeated by police, killing 22 people and departing 38 injured. According to bystander intelligence, the car bomb was exploding right as a minibus full of police officers pulled up to the eatery.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Sahara: Uniting against terrorism

 terrorism  attacks

For countries bordering the Sahara Desert, terrorist attacks continue to pose “real threats,” says Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci. The menace, he adds, is compounded by the fact that terrorist groups often have ties with organized crime, including drug and arms traffickers who operate across the region’s remote and poorly controlled frontiers. To face the challenge, Mr. Medelci says, African countries must not only better coordinate their actions against terrorism and crime, but also improve the living conditions of the poorest people. 

One sign of growing cooperation against terrorism among governments in the region was a 16 March meeting in Algiers between Mr. Medelci and the foreign ministers of a half dozen other countries — Burkina Faso, Chad, Libya, Mali, Mauritania and Niger — all of which border the Sahara and the semi-desert region to its south known as the Sahel. The following month, the military chiefs of the seven countries also met in Algiers, specifically to coordinate their security actions.

The ministers and generals were spurred on by fresh reminders in recent months of the seriousness of the problem: the seizure of several European and African hostages in Mauritania and Mali, an attack on a military post in Niger that cost the lives of five Nigerien soldiers and an ambush in the Kabylie region of Algeria that killed seven security guards. By addressing the region’s security challenges, General Salah said, it would make it easier for our respective political authorities to devote themselves to the task of economic and social development for the benefit of our peoples.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Syrian resistance reports massacre of 220 civilians

About 220 Syrians, mostly civilians, were killed in a village in the rebellious Hama region when it was bombarded by helicopter gunships and tanks then stormed by militiamen who slaughtered some families, opposition sources said on Friday.UN special envoy Kofi Annan said he was "shocked and appalled" by news of "intense fighting, significant casualties, and the confirmed use of heavy weaponry such as artillery, tanks and helicopters" in the village of Tremseh.

If scores of civilians were killed, this could be the worst atrocity in 16 months of fighting between rebels and the forces of President Bashar al-Assad. World powers are deadlocked over how to halt the bloodshed, with Russia and China opposed to Western and Arab calls for Assad to step down immediately. 

Syrian state television said there had been fighting in Tremseh and accused "armed terrorist groups" of committing a massacre there, but gave no death toll. It said three soldiers had been killed. Armed Assad loyalists known as Shabbiha have been accused repeatedly of cold-blooded indiscriminate killings carried out on the coattails of army offensives into rebel-held districts.

Friday, June 22, 2012

US to smack terrorist label on Nigerian militants

According to the officials US government is expected to properly apply a foreign terrorist label today to three alleged foremost figures of the violent Nigerian militant group Boko Haram. The action by the State and Treasury departments follows increasing pressure on the Obama government to take stronger action beside Boko Haram.

Today’s expected action, involves applying the terrorist designation to three men supposed to be central figures in the set. Boko Haram increasingly is seen as an effective risk to Nigeria, the continent’s the majority crowded state and major oil producer, and as part of mounting arc of Islamist extremist groups stretching across northern Africa.

The State Department has been underneath pressure to act alongside Boko Haram for months. In January, Lisa Monaco, the Justice Department’s top national security officer, sent a letter to the State Department arguing that the Nigerian group met the criteria for a foreign terrorist listing because it either engages in terrorism that threatens the United States or has an ability or intention to do so.