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Target: Iran?


Situation Report: Expert analysis, briefings and
commentary from across the political spectrum.
  • Generations of Terrorism by Brian Michael Jenkins, 12 Dec -- "The terrorist plot uncovered recently by Jordanian authorities raises concerns about the resurgence of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), the growing numbers of combat-experienced jihadists being generated by Syria's continuing civil war, and the future terrorist threat to the region. The plot itself envisioned a complex operation beginning with bombings at shopping malls in Amman, followed by armed assaults on Amman's luxury hotels. ..."
  • Political Impasse in Egypt by Jeffrey Martini, 12 Dec -- "If there ever was a honeymoon in Egypt's post-Mubarak politics, it is long over. The two main ideological camps - Islamists and secular-liberals - have shown a willingness to cooperate only when brought together by a common foe. ..."
  • Calling Paula Broadwell by George Smith, 17 Nov -- "From All In: "One of Petraeus' favorite quotes comes from Seneca, a first century Roman philosopher: 'Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.' This has been true for Petraeus at many turns ......"
  • Obama Trip Could be Bellwether for U.S.-Asia Relations by Scott Warren Harold, 16 Nov -- "On his first trip abroad since winning reelection - and the first ever by a U.S. leader to Burma - President Obama will confront evident opportunities and risks in pushing ahead with his bold approach to expanding U.S. ties with Southeast Asia. Obama will presumably attempt to carefully coordinate his messaging with Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. ..."
  • U.S. Role in Kirkuk Could Promote Peace, Prevent Conflict in Northern Iraq by Larry Hanauer, 5 Nov -- "Continued violence in Iraq, which has reached its highest level in more than two years, underscores that the country remains unstable and politically fragile. No matter which presidential candidate occupies the White House in January, he should make a concerted effort to address Iraq's most combustible hotspot: the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk. ..."