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@bankruptingam: "Americans favor a balanced approach to #deficit reduction - but that means we need to actually cut spending!"
@bankruptingam: "The #FiscalCliff "fix" came with a big helping of #cronyism:"
@bankruptingam: "RT @WashCouldLearn: When it comes to kicking the can down the road, Washington could give Adam Vinatieri a run for his money. #TalkIsCheap"
@bankruptingam: "Pass the pork! RT if you think the #FiscalCliff bill didn't need to be packed with special handouts:"
@bankruptingam: "RT @DavidGuenthner: #Talkischeap. Cutting bloated govt to balance our budget and keep DC from spending America into the debt abyss is valuable."
@bankruptingam: "Congress has a #debt wish, and the #fiscalcliff deal is debt on arrival. RT if you think over-#spending is worse than these puns."
@bankruptingam: "Hey @BowlesSimpson, what crazy promise would YOU make if Congress did manage to produce a responsible #budget? #TalkIsCheap"
@bankruptingam: "RT! Does Congress have a #debt wish?"
@bankruptingam: "Get this morning's must-read economic news!"
@bankruptingam: "#TalkIsCheap, but what would you do if Washington actually followed through?"
@bankruptingam: "Hey Congress: #spending caps are not the same as spending #cuts! RT!"
@bankruptingam: "RT if you’d give up your morning coffee in exchange for a balanced #budget. We’re serious, Congress! #TalkIsCheap"
@bankruptingam: "#TalkIsCheap continues to take over the DC metro system. Tweet us your sightings!"
@bankruptingam: "RT if you aren’t satisfied with a #fiscalcliff deal that has no actual reductions in spending!"
@bankruptingam: "RT @WashCouldLearn: A Little Less Conversation A Little More Action: RT if you want less talk & more spending cuts from Washington in 2013 #TalkIsCheap"
@bankruptingam: "Have you seen @BankruptingAm’s #TalkIsCheap campaign, yet? Check it out and join the conversation:"
@bankruptingam: ".@BowlesSimpson called the #FiscalCliff deal a “missed opportunity” to fix our fiscal problems. RT if you agree!"
@bankruptingam: "RT to tell Washington politicians: #TalkIsCheap but lack of leadership is costing all of us."
@bankruptingam: "RT! See what extra #spending giveaways found a ride on the #FiscalCliff fix:"
@bankruptingam: "Curious about what “extras” made there way into the #FiscalCliff deal? RT if you’re sick of tacked-on spending!"