Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Rolling Thunder - One Marine's Vigil

Originally posted in 2010.
One Marine stands vigil in the middle of Rolling Thunder:

On Memorial Day, 2012, this is but a small token
of my gratitude to those who gave all.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Why NOBODY Voted for Obama's 2013 Budget

Last February, Obama submitted his latest budget proposal to Congress.

On 3/28/2012, the House unanimously rejected Obama’s budget proposal.

On 5/16/2012, the Senate also unanimously rejected Obama’s budget proposal.

Rex Nutting, at MarketWatch, seemingly thinks Obama is the most fiscally responsible President ever. So, surely Congress must have found Obama’s budget to be far too austere, eh? Not exactly.

Click here and examine the scoring of Obama’s latest budget proposal by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. Examine the far right column of Table 1 on page 2. Divide $6,390 (billion) by $2,887 (billion) and see that Obama’s budget INCREASED deficit spending by a whopping 121% over what would be the case if Congress did NOTHING!

The chart below is a direct representation of the data found in Table 1 described above.

Click the image to enlarge it:
Click the image to enlarge it
Click here for the source -- see Table 1.
The same XLS spreadsheet can be downloaded from this CBO page.
You’ll have to create the chart yourself (as I did).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Obama Spending Spree Never Happened???

Updated on 11/27/12:
Now reflects data through fiscal year 2012
(Federal government fiscal year ends on September 30th.)

Click here and see that Rex Nutting is claiming that the Obama spending spree never happened and that Obama is the most fiscally responsible President ever. This has to be the most brazenly dishonest bit of purely political propaganda published in the last millennia or two.

There are so many layers to this dishonesty that I could spend an entire day debunking the nonsense. But, let’s keep it simple. Tell me, Mr. Nutting, which of the bars in the chart below (documenting federal spending by year) would you and Mr. Obama like to take credit for? The last four bars represent fiscal years 2009 through 2012 -- pick any one you like!

Click the image to enlarge the chart & view the source: Click the image to enlarge the chart & view the source
Click here & examine deficit spending.
Click here & see that ObamaCare adds ANOTHER
$1.1 trillion in deficit spending over the next 10 years.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

'Pro-Choice' Americans at Record Low 41%

Quoting Gallup:
“The 41% of Americans who now identify themselves as "pro-choice" is down from 47% last July and is one percentage point below the previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May 2009. Fifty percent now call themselves "pro-life," one point shy of the record high, also from May 2009.”
Click the image & read the rest:
Click the image & read the rest
Good news!

Now, can we stop using tax payer money to fund Planned Parenthood abortion factories?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Federal Spending 101 - The Entitlement Bomb

This post quickly details everything you need to know about our federal spending Entitlement Bomb.

If we do not reduce our entitlement spending we WILL, 3 to 20 years from now, experience the very same entitlement driven fiscal collapse which Greece is now experiencing.

First, click here & examine the deficit spending trends since 1970.

Next, quoting The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office:
“under any plausible scenario, the federal budget is on an unsustainable path—that is, federal debt will grow much faster than the economy over the long run... Federal spending on programs other than Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security— including national defense and a wide variety of domestic programs—is likely to contribute far less, if anything, to the upward trend in federal outlays as a share of GDP”
The remaining images are all taken from two CBO documents published in April of 2012 detailing federal spending for fiscal year 2011. These documents demonstrate that, as the CBO previously asserted, virtually ALL of the growth (as a % of GDP) in federal spending over the last 20 years came from Medicare and Medicaid.

Click here and here for the two CBO documents.

Mandatory Spending = All federal government entitlements.
Mandatory Spending + Net Interest consumed 96% of all tax revenues!
Click the image & examine federal spending in 2011:

Click the image & examine federal spending in 2011
Click here for the source
(The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.)

Between 1991 & 2011, Mandatory Spending as a % of GDP increased from 10.1% of GDP to 13.6% of GDP. Divide 13.6 by 10.1 and we find a 35% increase in Mandatory Spending over the prior 20 years:

Click the image & glance at Mandatory Spending from 1991 to 2011:
Click the image & glance at Mandatory Spending from 1991 to 2011
Click here for the source
(The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.)

Click the image & examine trends in Mandatory Spending.
Note that Medicare & Medicaid dominated the increases:

Click the image & examine trends in Mandatory Spending from 1991 to 2011
Click here for the source
(The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.)

Click the image & examine detailed Mandatory Spending in 2011:
Click the image & examine detailed Mandatory Spending in 2011
Click here for the source
(The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.)

Between 1991 & 2011, Discretionary Spending as a % of GDP remained flat and defense spending DROPPED by 13%. Had Obama not wasted $800 billion on his so-called “stimulus” fiasco (which, demonstrably, made matters FAR WORSE), Discretionary Spending would have DECREASED by 6%.

Click the image & glance at Discretionary Spending in 2011:
Click the image & glance at Discretionary Spending in 2011
Click here for the source
(The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.)

Click the image & examine trends in Discretionary Spending:
Click the image & examine trends in Discretionary Spending
Click here for the source
(The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.)

Click the image & examine detailed Discretionary Spending in 2011:
Click the image & examine detailed Discretionary Spending in 2011
Click here for the source
(The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Media FINALLY discover Obama's polygamist family tree

Way back in February of 2007, the AP eagerly reported that -- as recently as 1897 -- ancestors of Mitt Romney engaged in polygamy.

But, in 2008, nobody in the lame stream media was interested in vetting Obama in ANY WAY. They certainly were not interested in exploring his Kenyan roots.

So, I guess that explains why -- only on 4/12/12, after Obama had been President for over three years did we discover that -- going back to his great-grandfather -- Obama is the FIRST male in his paternal lineage who has NOT engaged in polygamy!

Obviously, both reports are utterly irrelevant (other than to shine a bright white light on media bias).

Liberal bias? WHAT Liberal bias? NAH! No such thing!

Obama's new slogan is even worse

I previously commented on a President so inept that he could not even select a winning campaign slogan.

Well, it appears as though Mr. Obama recognized his blunder and modified his slogan (thereby making it even worse).

Speaking at a New York City college which prohibits men from attending, Obama drew from the Cultural Marxist playbook and spoke about the example of Lily Ledbetter, the woman who sued her employer because she was consistently making less money than her male counterparts.

Leave it to a ChiTown lawyer to give props to a woman who sued over something which even CBS News admits is “a complete myth”.

Anyway, the upshot is that Obama’s new slogan is:
We look forward, not backward.
Yeah, with a Presidential record AND a life record as pitiful as his, it’s no wonder this clown doesn’t want anybody looking backward (at his record).
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