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Happy Year 2013! We’re in Trouble!

I’d like to take the moment to wish everyone a Happy New Year. However, I might want to add that my wish is by no means a guarantee. I fear that 2013 is going to be a terrible year, and it will result in hardships of all sorts. Here are some of my reasons… 1. Fiscal Cliff jumping: It appears that we are going to go off the “fiscal cliff.” What does that mean? It means that Obama’s negotiating position was “give me exactly what I want, and nothing less.” The members of the stupid party, however, made many concessions, and proved themselves to be RINO’s. They even went as far to offer one of Nancy Pelosi’s former proposals. But … Read entire article »

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Obama: “It’s the right thing to do for the country…”

Most of you already know that in the early morning hours on this 1st day of 2013 the Senate voted to increases taxes on wealthy Americans while making the current tax rates on the middle class permanent.  For every $41 dollars in revenue generated in taxes there is $1 dollar in spending cuts.  Nothing and I mean nothing with the national debt was addressed.  Out of control spending was not addressed.  Florida Senator, Marco Rubio hammered this point home when he said, “Thousands of small businesses, not just the wealthy, will now be forced to decide how they’ll pay this new tax and, chances are, they’ll do it by firing employees, cutting back their hours and benefits, or postponing the new hire they were looking to make.  And to make matters … Read entire article »

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Fiscal Cliff: Republicans and the Art of Surrender…

I have been saying all along that more than likely the framework of a fiscal cliff deal was crafted months ago and that all we’re seeing now is nothing more than political theater.  The actual plan was probably hammered out by leaders from both parties and the President before the election and now they’re putting on a show for the American people.  They’re playing us.  As more of the plan leaks out you will see that real spending cuts are not even addressed.  This is about raising revenue to continue the expansion of government, further shackling the American people and both parties desire this state.  Substantial spending cuts and entitlement reforms downsize the size of government and no one in Washington really wants that. This is why entitlement reforms were taken … Read entire article »

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Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Beginning of the End Edition)

  It pains me to say this but I believe that 2012 will be remembered as the year that marked the beginning of the end for the Republican Party.  I don’t say this because we lost the Presidential election and seats in both the Senate and House.  I say this is because the Republican Party is no longer the party for limited government, limited spending, low taxes, and individual liberty.  The truth is they had been drifting away from their core values since George W. Bush.  I guess I just didn’t want to believe it.  My point is I believe it now and my guess is I’m not alone.  The establishment types are pushing out the base and without the base they cannot win.  I know a number of card carrying … Read entire article »

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Hillary Clinton is the Horatio Gates of our time…

I believe Hillary Clinton is the Horatio Gates of our time.  Horatio Gates was a Major General during Revolutionary War.  He was also a complete phony and if you ask me history has been far too kind to him.  His most notable achievement was his victory at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777; however most scholars now agree that it was that actions of General Arnold and General Lincoln during that battle that ultimately led to the victory and that Gates contributions were minimal at best. Gates, whom Arnold called ‘the greatest poltroon in the world and many other genteel qualifications,’ had contributed little to either battle. His plan to hold his position and fight from behind breastworks made tactical sense. But it smacked of extreme caution at a time when … Read entire article »

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For Those of You That Thought ACORN was Done with Voter Fraud, Think Again

We are all aware of what ACORN was. It was the regressive juggernaut that mastered the flooding of the voting registration system-jamming so many false registrations into the system that it would be overwhelmed, and not be able to track them, all. They did it all, from flooding voter registrations, to harassing and intimidating people, or just jamming things up with failure, ACORN was the place where the rent-a-mob gathered. Then, after being repeatedly exposed as the criminal enterprise that they were, ACORN dissolved itself. The media declared them dead. The left said that the investigations and exposes were all racist, but now ACORN was no more, and no one should ever look into anything ever again. However, it wasn’t the end of ACORN. Instead of going … Read entire article »

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Remembering our history: Christmas Day 1776

Merry Christmas!  Today as we come together with family and friends and celebrate the birth of Christ take some time to reflect on the self.  Reflect back on the past year and your dealings with people.  Your knowledge and education.  Your heart.  And finally what you can do to improve the self.  One of the things I have always believed enhances the self is knowledge.  One of the most basic things we can do as a people is learn about our history as a nation.  Remembering where we came from and the courageous acts of our founders is an essential component in improving the self.  So each Christmas I publish the historical account of George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware on Christmas Day in 1776.  I don’t think many people … Read entire article »

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Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Christmas Edition)

Christmas time has always been my favorite time of the year.  It’s the time of year for celebrating the birth of the Christ, for family, and for holding on to hope.  Growing up I was blessed to be a part of a large family.  Each Christmas Eve we would come together at my grandparents house, sit down at a large dinner table, eat, drink, and be merry.  After we were finished eating the kids would scamper off to the living room and wait for the adults to finish what they were doing so we could exchange our gifts.  It was a time of laughter and love; a time when life was much simpler.  No cell phones.  No video games.  Just family, love, and laughter.  I often find myself looking back … Read entire article »

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No more secret deals: It’s time for conservatives to put Obama on defense

I’ve been saying for some time now that John Boehner must go.  And it finally looks as if there’s some momentum in congress to make this happen in the aftermath of the “Plan B” fiasco that occurred this past Thursday night and the purging of fiscally minded conservatives from key committee positions.  After two years of leading the Republicans to a place called nowhere, Republicans are now beginning to see the damage that Speaker Boehner is doing to the party.  In fact over the last two years Boehner has predictably caved in on every major spending issue that he has had to face.   You can read about the move to unseat Boehner over at America’s Watchtower. President Obama has used Boehner’s predictability against Republicans.  He has been able to shape the … Read entire article »

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Well we made it to our second year.  To be honest when we first started this site we really didn’t know where we were going to go with it.  We just decided to write what was on our mind.  We wanted to do something different and offer readers a different perspective on every day events.  We didn’t know how many people it would reach or how many folks would even care about what we had to say.  The one thing we knew was advancing liberty and freedom had to be a key component of this site.  I’ve always believed that the answer to our problems can be found in the wisdom of our founders.  Their timeless wisdom and deep understanding of human nature and the nature of government is a … Read entire article »

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American Crisis: “These are the times that try men’s souls”

On this day in 1776 Thomas Paine published an American Crisis.  From; These are the times that try men’s souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. When these phrases appeared in the pages of the Pennsylvania Journal for the first time, General George Washington’s troops were encamped at McKonkey’s Ferry on the Delaware River opposite Trenton, New Jersey. In August, they had suffered humiliating defeats and lost New York City to British troops. Between September and December, 11,000 American volunteers … Read entire article »

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Founding Fathers’ Quotes on the People’s Right to Bear Arms

Just three days after the horrible shooting in Newtown Connecticut, progressive forces are in full “never let a crisis go to waste” mode to advance their anti-gun agenda.  They have allowed no time for mourning and are striking while the iron is hot.  It’s a selfish and shameful act that is driving the national debate towards gun control and the away from the root cause of our problem; the devaluing of human life.  I decided that the best people to help make the case for those of us who cherish America and our second amendment rights are our founding fathers.  Below are some quotes from the founders on the people’s right to bear arms.  Take a few minutes to read them. “I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the … Read entire article »

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Media Bias: Media Never Reported That Oregon Mall Shooting Stopped by Armed Citizen

While the country was in a state of shock over the events at the Sandy Hook school shooting, the MSM was crying for gun control In fact, they were doing so when even the earliest reports of that shooting were coming out. However, they had an earlier shooting that very week, at an Clackamas, Oregon shopping mall. However the MSM left an important aspect of that shooting out- that the shooting was stopped after an armed citizen pulled his weapon on the shooter. Here is the video… Isn’t it interesting that the MSM left this out of their coverage? Or, was it just that the reality of the situation didn’t fit the narrative, so reality had to go? I think we know the … Read entire article »

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Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Losing Ourselves Edition)

When tragic events occur in our “free” society many people tend to default to looking for a political solution to solve the problems.  When the unthinkable happened this past Friday at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut all of us were affected in some way by this tragic event.  I know for me when I first learned that a gunman murdered 20 school children and 6 adults my heart sank.  All I could think about were the families and community and the massive sense of loss they must have felt and are feeling.  The emptiness in their hearts must be simply overwhelming.  I won’t even begin to claim that I understand the pain they’re going through because I personally have never had to deal with the loss of a child.  … Read entire article »

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Newtown School Shooting: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

No words can begin to express how I feel about the tragic events that occurred today in Newtown, Connecticut.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Newtown community. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 King James Version (KJV) 3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from … Read entire article »

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Let it Burn: Should the GOP Allow Obama to Raise Taxes?

An idea has been mentioned that perhaps the GOP should simply vote “present” for any “fiscal cliff” vote, and allow Obama to raise all the taxes they want. Then, as the thinking goes, Obama and the Democrats will take the blame for the job losses and such that result. The Trifecta panel, via PJ Media, discusses this… While the panel only lightly discussed the media’s role in any scenario I think it’s important. Because, even if the GOP gives Obama exactly what he wants, it will never be Obama’s fault. Even if the exact tax increases that Obama requests are found to be directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of jobs going away, it will never be reported. You see, we don’t live in a post modern … Read entire article »

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Obama’s mob…he owns it!

Yesterday our community organizer in-chief traveled to Michigan and did what he does best;agitate the agitators who will do his bidding.  Again check out the below clip to see the master manipulator in action. What we’re seeing is the President of the United States inject himself into state matters,  Even though he knows he has no authority to change anything in this arena it doesn’t stop him from tapping into the emotions of the mob.  His words as misguided and irresponsible as they were evoked the anger of the mob.  And today it played out in Lansing Michigan. This anger led to an assault on conservative activist Steven Crowder. Mr. President you own this!  You are just as responsible for the assault on Mr. Crowder as the thugs who actually hit him.  This … Read entire article »

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President Obama and mob rule

In the latter days of the Roman Empire it was mob rule that guided Rome to its eventual demise.  Emperors remained in power for as long as the mob was entertained and distracted.  Emperors recognized the power of the mob and used it to increase their popularity and gain support for radical reforms and much like the Roman Emperors of old who used the mobs to advance their agenda today very little has changed. America stands on the edge of a fiscal cliff.  There is gridlock in Washington and both sides appear to be unwilling to compromise.  Where is President Obama?  Why isn’t he in Washington leading?   Because Obama recognizes the power of the mob and he’s still in campaign mode traveling around the country stirring the mob up.  Check out … Read entire article »

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Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Late edition)

Sorry for getting this out so late but my schedule was packed today.  I write this as someone who has decided not to support the Republican Party until there is a change in leadership and a major paradigm shift.  And no the paradigm shift should not involve pandering to specific groups of people.  Conservatism is for all people because it universally advances liberty and freedom by downsizing the entity that threatens both; government.  John Boehner and his establishment ilk don’t see it that way.  In fact they don’t have a problem with big government as long as they can manage it.  And Republicans who don’t follow the party line, well they are isolated and their voices are silenced.  This mindset has been destroying the Republican Party for some time now … Read entire article »

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December 7, 1941: Attack on Pearl Harbor Remembered

At 7:55 am, Sunday December 7, 1941 the Empire of Japan launched an attack on Pearl Harbor.  More than 2,000 American were killed and our Pacific fleet was crippled.  Below is the only known color video of that day. May we never forget.  Peace through strength. Liberty forever, freedom for all! … Read entire article »

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Supreme Court rules that government induced flooding may be compensable

This past Tuesday the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on the case ARKANSAS GAME AND FISH COMMISSION v. UNITED STATES  The commission sued the United States, alleging that temporary deviations from the Water Control Manual made by the Army Corps of Engineers constituted a taking of property and that the commission was entitled to compensation.  The commission maintained that these deviations caused sustained flooding during tree-growing season and led to the destruction of timber and a substantial change in the character of the land, creating costly reclamation measures. The following is an excerpt from the case. The Commission sought compensation from the United States pursuant to the Fifth Amendment’s instruction: “[N]orshall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” The question presented is whether a taking may occur, … Read entire article »

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Washington Politics: Power and Control is the name of the game

When I first sat down I was going to write about John Boehner and his “purge” yesterday of fiscal conservatives from key committee positions but my friend Steve over at America’s Watchtower has already covered this topic and said everything I would have said in his excellent article.  So I’m not going to retread that tire.  As most of my readers know I have been pushing the notion that the “fiscal deal” has already been cut behind closed doors and that what we’re observing now is nothing more than political theater.  I said the deal would include some type of tax increases and the counter proposal that Boehner floated yesterday did indeed include tax increases.  So no surprises there.  I also said the real battle would be selling the tax … Read entire article »

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Why wasn’t there a “Red Line” moment for Benghazi?

I have not hidden the fact that I believe Hillary Clinton should be fired or forced to resign as Secretary of State because of her failures in the loss of four American lives in the Benghazi attack on 9-11-2012.  She admitted she was ultimately responsible for their deaths and call me silly I believe she should be held accountable for it. In my opinion if Hillary had a sliver of honor or integrity she would have resigned immediately after it was revealed that her State Department ignored repeated request by Ambassador Stevens to enhance the security posture at the Benghazi consulate. Instead she has been allowed to keep her job and gallivant around the world looking strong and determined, warning Syria that the use of Chemicals Weapons are a “red … Read entire article »

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America Domesticated

Domesticate: to take, especially by generations of breeding, to live in close association with human beings as a pet or work animal and usually creating a dependency so that the animal loses its ability to live in the wild. I have the most pathetic dog in the world.  He’s a cock-a-poo.  He’s fat, lazy, and the only thing that qualifies as effort in his life is when he begs.  Still, we are pathetic owners.  We love him because he is cute and because he is ours.  We are those bad owners who give him food from the table and treats for tricks.  He sleeps on a nice bed, has his toys replaced when they go bad (due to his mistreatment of them), and has more money than can be justified spent … Read entire article »

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Tribute to the Fallen Heroes of Benghazi

Every time I think about the men who died during the Benghazi attack on 9-11-2012 my stomach turns.  How could we leave our own to die?  Why isn’t anyone being held accountable almost three months later?  Why wasn’t Hillary Clinton fired or forced to resign?  Who gave the stand down order?  Why were so many requests for extra security denied?  Someone knows the truth about what happen on that terrible day.  Someone knows who gave the stand down order.  Someone knows why numerous requests for additional security were ignored.  Don’t these people have any honor or integrity?  Will they remain cowards hiding in the shadows or find the courage to step out into the light and reveal the truth?  This all makes me sick.  It should make every red, white, … Read entire article »

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Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Fiscal Cliff edition)

The other day I wrote a post about the fiscal cliff negotiations and how I believe a deal has already been made behind closed doors.  That all we’re seeing now is political theater with both sides grandstanding in an attempt to appeal to their bases.  The basis for reaching this conclusion is I believe in the end there is very little difference between the two political parties in regards to their end state goals of achieving a larger more intrusive government in our lives.  In fact the only difference between the two is how fast we get there.  Most of these folks have worked together for a number of years playing the Washington game and it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that many of them are good friends behind … Read entire article »

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The Greatest Show on Earth “THE FISCAL CLIFF”

Everyone knows the news cycle drives the topics that Americans focus on.  The current news cycle is focusing on the “fiscal cliff’ and these secret discussions going on behind closed doors to avert a fiscal disaster at the turn of the year.  This so called “fiscal cliff” is a crisis that was completely manufactured by Washington D.C. politicians when they failed to act last year.  It’s an environment that Washington politicians feed off of because it’s nothing more than political theater.  They have an opportunity to grandstand and make empty promises to their constituents.  But in the end it’s nothing more than a show being put on for the American people by both major parties.  It provides the perfect venue for them to do what they do best…lie to the … Read entire article »

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Wandering around in my mind

Lately I’ve been finding it hard to jot some words down on the blog.  I’ve been wandering around in my mind finding it difficult to string together anything that could be construed as a coherent thought.   The truth is I’m tired.  I’m tired of both Republicans and Democrats stealing my liberties and my property to expand the size of government and the role they play in my life.  I’m tired of the next crisis they will use to drive us deeper in debt and regulate us more.  I’m tired of a tax system that takes money from my wife and me and redistributes to people who don’t pays taxes.   I’m tired of an uninformed electorate who has no desire to educate themselves on the issues.  I’m tired of an overregulated … Read entire article »

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Pravda Knows Where We Are Going, Why Don’t We?

I find it a cruel , yet hilarious irony that Pravda, the former propaganda media outlet in the also former Soviet Union, finds it tragic that we are going down the road traveled by the Bolsheviks. Steve, from Motor City Times, has more… Via Pravda (yes, that Pravda): Reading Putin’s speech without knowing the author, one would think it was written by Reagan or another conservative in America. The speech promotes smaller government and less taxes. It comes as no surprise to those who know Putin as a conservative. Vladimir Putin went on to say: “…we are reducing taxes on production, investing money in the economy. We are optimizing state expenses. The second possible mistake would be excessive interference into the economic life of the country and the absolute faith into the all-mightiness of … Read entire article »

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Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Traditions edition)

I’ve always believed that if you want to keep traditions you should learn about their origin and honor it.  This year more stores were open for business on Thanksgiving Day earlier than any other time in previous years.  Their goal was to get a jump on “Black Friday” madness and who can blame them if there’s a market and demand for it.  I guess my question is at what point should we step back and say more is not always better?  Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that brings families together for one day to sit down, reflect on what we’re thankful for, and break bread together.  We talk, watch football, play games, and come together under one roof.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m still a free market guy … Read entire article »

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Restoring liberty should be our number one priority

During the recent election most people listed the economy as their number one concern and that it should be a top priority for the next administration.  The reason people prioritize the economy as their main concern is because they can feel it.  Like the nauseating smell of cigarettes smoke, people feel the negative effects of a faltering economy.   It has an immediate and direct impact on their lives and impedes their ability to pursue happiness because there is little to no opportunity.  So it’s a natural thing for people to desire stronger economic conditions because it creates an opportunity rich environment. It establishes a basis for financial and economic security.  And it enhances and improves the individual condition.  If only people would connect the dots and realize that liberty is … Read entire article »

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My thoughts this Thanksgiving

When I was a child Thanksgiving was about family, football, and food.  My parents, brother, grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousins all came together under one roof around 3PM at my aunt and uncle’s house.  We would watch some football, laugh at stupid jokes, and then gather around the table at 4PM to eat some bird and stuffing.  One of us kids would always say grace before we started passing the bowls of food around the table. This is how it played out every year up until I left home to embark on my life journey. Those were good times and good memories. That was 25 years ago.  Today Thanksgiving is still a very special day to me; however the way I now celebrate and how I view the role it plays … Read entire article »

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Peace and Mideast Rhyme

While deleting all of my emails where I spelled “Obama” as “Osama” in fear that the Senate bill that bypasses the 4th Amendment and mistake me as a terrorist correspondent from Reuters, I considered the promising statement made by Obama about Israel, “There’s no country on Earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders.”  For the first time in a while Osama Obama and I agree.  Which is why I am fully behind is stance to stop the drone attacks in countries we haven’t declared war.  *pause* I’m also with the President for calling out Iran for supplying Palestinians with weapons in Gaza.  I’m a bit curious as to why he didn’t actually stop the supply ship that intelligence revealed.  Well, it’s likely that he … Read entire article »

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Is it Time for Conservatives to Form a Third Party? Updated and Stickied!

I have to admit that over the last several years, I have been torn about whether or not there is a need for Conservatives to leave the Republican party and either form a new third party, or join one of the small, already extant, Conservative parties. I have been on both sides of the fence, so to speak, and have been unable to come to a full decision. A recent comment on another post prompted me to again consider the issue. I think it’s time we revisit this debate First up, the “leave the Republicrats” side of the debate: We are tired, as Conservatives, with the Republicans talking Conservative on election day, and then doing the following Growing the government Increasing spending NOT fighting to shrink government and regulation Backing down from the liberals on … Read entire article »

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Warning: Conservative pundits like Bill Kristol will destroy the Republican Party

How any conservative can say with a straight face that raising taxes on anyone no matter rich or poor is a good thing is beyond me; however this is exactly what some conservative pundits are suggesting.  The below video is our video of the week.  It should act as a reminder of what is wrong with the Republican Party.  Check it out. Just because the Democrats have done a good job with their class warfare rhetoric and have managed to convince a large number of uninformed Americans that those who have achieved success and wealth in America are evil doesn’t make them right. Instead of the Republicans caving in again and shifting their party platform a little farther to the left, maybe they should stand by their principles of lower taxes … Read entire article »

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Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Hillary edition)

Whenever the left wants to protect someone who gets caught up in a scandal they simply stop talking about them and divert our attention towards something else.  This has been the case with Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi scandal.  Two and half months ago terrorists murdered four Americans in Benghazi, Libya on the anniversary of 9-11.  As information about the attack began to trickle out, it was discovered that Ambassador Stevens notified the State Department that the security situation in Libya was rapidly deteriorating and pleaded with them to add additional security to their detachment; additional security that never materialized.  This revelation in the early fact finding phase of the investigation shifted the attention of those seeking the truth squarely on the State Department.  Hillary Clinton, along with Susan Rice … Read entire article »

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It’s time to do the right thing…

For the last couple of days I’ve been observing the Benghazi hearings and the negotiations going on with Boehner and Democratic leaders to prevent us from going off a fiscal cliff.  It appears the left cares more about politicizing events to advance the agenda of their political party than doing what’s right and good for America and I’m personally tired of it.  Benghazi is a no-brainer. After seven hours of fighting and numerous requests for help, we failed to answer the call and left our citizens to die in the streets of Benghazi.  This alone is absolutely unacceptable, but what made it worse was the President misleading the American people by telling us it was a spontaneous event caused by some obscure video.  We now have learned that top White House … Read entire article »

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ZoNation: Liberals and Democrats Are Racist, Not Republicans!

Another good one from ZoNation. H/T Theo Spark It pains me to the core when strong conservative African American men and women are chastised and ridiculed by the left.  Isn’t this the same group of people who claim they represent the causes of the black community. And the left turns around and call us racist.  I see racism, however it’s not coming from the right.  How we let the left wrestle this issue away from us is beyond me.  Is the black community better off today for it?  The answer is no.  They have become dependent on an ideology that limits their opportunity and liberties.  It’s very sad. Liberty forever, freedom for all! … Read entire article »

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