Zilla of the Resistance and friends

2013: Year of the absurd

I was driving to do some errands recently and heard a caller on one of my favorite talk radio stations make a statement about the absurdity of the whole country hanging on every word coming from a couple of guys in D.C. who are deciding who gets to keep what and who gets stuff taken away from them to give to someone else.

Is this America?

Apparently, it is.

While half the country (at least) hasn’t a clue about who the country’s leaders are or even what the major issues are (Benghazi: “Ben who?”), the rest of us have spent our new year holiday with an ear tuned in to discover what the hell our fates will be in 2013 and beyond.

This has got to stop, but I’m not sure where to start.

It began with Karl Marx, the Fabian Socialists, the Frankfurt School, Woodrow Wilson, John Dewey, the Roosevelt boys (Franklin and Teddy), and–sealed in law–the two biggies from 1913: the creature from Jekyll Island (the Fed) and the income tax law.

Some say it happened with the 17th Amendment when Senators became elected instead of appointed.

Salon weighed in on this last August: Why would anyone want to take away people’s rights to elect their senators?

Sen. Mike Lee, the Ivy League-educated Tea Party judicial mastermind from Utah, told CNN in 2010 that “the 17th Amendment was a mistake.” Texas Gov. Rick Perry also called the amendment “mistaken,” as did Rep. Paul Broun, a Republican from Georgia. Even conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said in 2010,
“I would change it back to what they wrote, in some respects. The 17th Amendment has changed things enormously … [Y]ou can trace the decline of so-called states’ rights throughout the rest of the 20th century.”

Alaska’s 2010 Republican nominee Joe Miller and perennial GOP candidate Alan Keyes have also signed on to the cause.

The enormous weight of all these years filled with missteps, both judicial and political, have made the saving of the United States as founded seem as insurmountable as Frodo’s quest to destroy the ring.

I just saw on Facebook that Mark Levin is cutting his vacation short to return to the air on Thursday and Friday of this week.

He’s never given up yet, and I doubt he would return just to monitor events (there are plenty of other sources for that). So I’m looking for an idea or two–because I’m out of ‘em for now.

Say WHAT??

And this guy is supposed to be the smartest person in history? http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/30/Obama-Makes-It-Clear-Chicago-The-Blueprint-For-Gun-Laws-Nationally Well, OF COURSE! Since it has worked SO well. Well, at least in the past year. http://crimeinchicago.blogspot.com/2013/01/chicago-ends-2012-with-532-murders-91.htmlContinue Reading

Happy New Year!!

A happy and prosperous new year to all our readers!!Continue Reading

My Response to Da Tech Guy Post Below

Your excellent post inspired me to add a bit of information, some of which dated back to 2004 that I had posted at my old site DBKP in 2010. Regarding the publication of the personal information of CCP holders; nothing new here. Much of this insanity started in 2004. Publishing the names and addresses ofContinue Reading

What the vaunted “press” DIDN’T tell you today

The “press” was all over the Newtown shooting minutes after it occurred…….. BUT http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2012/12/media-quiet-about-san-antonio-theater-shooting-2524596.htmlContinue Reading

Herman Cain The Dangers Of Compromising With Obama

This is a short clip from JZ’s Herman Cain interview -  my partner over at im41.com. I think we made a big mistake by not running this good man against Obama.Continue Reading

Worst Reporters Of Year – The Obamagasm Award!

Watching Tingles have an Obamagasm makes me want barf. Blaaaa!!!Continue Reading

“Glenn Beck Is A Thief” – Pamela Geller

This sort of thing happens all of the time. The smaller the blog, the more likely it is, and the less you can do about it. It even goes on im41. I have a very well known fan who makes a habit of republishing my stuff — minus the typos and grammar mistakes. I longContinue Reading

What Can be done To Change The Course We’re On?

Guest post by Whoopie What Can be done To Change The Course We’re On? Don’t just do something…stand there! Intended as a humorous rejoinder, the truth is, sometimes doing nothing is the best course of action. This is especially true when any of the possible solutions are no better than doing nothing at all. RunningContinue Reading

Michelle Fields vs. Cathy Areu Debate “Is The Tea Party Over?”- Greg Gut…

No the Teaparty is not over – we are just regrouping. He had another RINO presidential candidate shoved down our throats, and because of that a good part of us set this one out. But now the Teaparty is set to come roaring back. This time with teeth. I resisted the third-party talk for fourContinue Reading

Beware the Monsters of the Internet

Zilla’s not even hanging on by her fingernails so I thought I’d share something I posted yesterday about the monsters of the internet, because the monsters have also been harassing Zilla. These are truly evil people, and they walk among us. *** I’m not sure how the sociopathic monsters Stacy McCain writes of pertain to my sociopathicContinue Reading

Gun Confiscation Option Scrutinized by Michelle Malkin

As usual Michelle Malkin is spot on. These radicals feel emboldened, and they have good reason to be. All it would take for Americans to lose the right to keep and bear arms is an executive order in front of a bad congressional election in 2014. As it stands, the bill may very well dieContinue Reading

Don’t tell Me What I Need, Or Don’t Need!

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet: Cross posted from Conservative Blogs Central, by BC… ***** Starring down at me from a photograph atop the computer monitor directly in front of me is the determined visage of John Singleton Mosby.  His Confederate officer’s uniform is resplendent.  The brass is sparkling, the leather is polished, and hisContinue Reading

Allah turns Florida woman into frog for burning Qur’an!

It makes you wonder how many of the inbred SOBs actually think that this is real? We are not dealing with civilized people here. Half of the nasty suckers wipe their butts with their hand and smear it on the wall. The Virginian Cross Posted From im41.comContinue Reading

Can’t Even “Hang On By My Fingernails”

Because they’ve all fallen off. ALL OF THEM, right down to the tender pink nail beds which are now angry, inflamed and horribly painful. You have no idea how useful fingernails are and how much they are taken for granted until you are forced to life your life without a single one. It started aContinue Reading

‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

Enjoy Santa telling the story of the Night Before Christmas boys and girls! Merry Christmas to all and To all a good night! RAPH   Update by Zilla: Merry Christmas! This post is linked at Jackie Wellfonder. Thank you, Jackie!  Continue Reading