Monday, December 31, 2012


One can guess (and some be sure) on what comes this year of our Lord being 2013, but I and my mine wish you and yours the very best.

May God Bless all who may may venture to read this message!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas All, Its a Miracle !

The following is not exactly traditional Christmas music, but it fits my feeling of my Lord and Savoir be it in American cities or say London to Glasgow or Jerusalem to Tel-Aviv,,,,

To all I pray for a very Merry and Blessed Christmas !

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Get a Load of This,,,And Ask For Your Input

Everyday I pick up the local paper, the so-called 'right-leaning' one (link and attribution down below) basically for the "letters to the editor" as all the news I need to know I have already received via the internet.

Well yesterday they published the following, the letter writer or paper titled 'The right to live life unarmed'. Now that title alone has but one answer; Please by all means do not buy a weapon, be it a gun, taser, knife, mace or even a whistle as that is your right and leave the rest of us to our rights.

But no, this imbecile has much more to say. 

Now I do not want to have all the fun responding to this as it were, so please answer this 'letter' in your own words and length is not of any concern,,,,,,

The right to live life unarmed

Why should I get a gun for protection? There isn't anyone out to get me. I have no enemies. Is the world a dangerous place? Maybe, but such danger isn't purposeful — meaning, danger is not out to get me. Hear this: People who own guns for personal protection are, by definition, paranoid.

Why should I get a gun for protection? Contemplating my surroundings, I imagine that most of my neighbors have guns, especially that drunk guy down the street who insisted on lighting off fireworks every night for weeks this summer. Does Fred next door have one? I hope not, because I like him, I really do. I don't want to imagine that the kind and loving people next door are afraid someone is going to threaten them with deadly force — worse, that church-going Christians are prepared to kill.

Why should I get a gun for protection? Because I can? I don't socialize unnecessarily anymore, because the last time I did, I was amazed that my new found drinking buddies carried handguns. I don't know why they carry. I asked one guy if he had problems with paranoia, but he didn't answer. I gather they carry because they can. A friend got a gun, another thought it was cool, the next girl got one to fit in — peer pressure? Is there anyone out to get them? Are they in danger?

Why should I get a gun for protection? I'm not paranoid. There's nobody out to get me. I'm not prepared to kill or maim. I possess nothing worth endangering my soul over. The gun culture is insane. There is nothing worth ending life. The Second Amendment is an abomination, and needs to be repealed. A right to be paranoid? People who own guns are prepared to kill. This is not sane.Hear this: There is no gun owner on Earth who has a chance of getting out alive.

Courtney Cadotte, Royal Oak

From The Detroit News:

For a well reasoned argument against this idiot I would refer you to my last post, but by all means add your two cents.