My beautiful wife, Vicky, and me moments after walking down the aisle together last August

Over the course of the last couple of months, I have learned a wh0le lot about blogging.  I’ve spent hours at a time learning how to drive more traffic to my site, hoping in the process to help shine some light on the darkness that is slowly creeping over our society as religion and morality become more and more relegated to the back burner.

In the past few days, I’ve been doing a lot of reading about copyright laws and how they apply to the blogging world.  In particular, I read a great post on the subject at Gabriel Malor’s blog.  Check it out here.

Unfortunately, copyright laws are much stricter than I expected, and in order to completely comply with such laws I would have to sift back through all 150ish posts from the past couple of months and do a lot of editing.  Plus, my job would be a lot harder from this point forward as my freedom to post would have to become much more limited in order to fully comply with copyright laws and fair use standards.

More than that, though, the time I’ve spent blogging during the last two months has kept me from spending time doing things that are very important to me.  So, after a great deal of thought, I’ve decided to take a break from blogging for the time being.  In the meantime, I’ll be able to spend more time in God’s Word, more time with my wife, more time keeping up with my classes, more time preparing for law school at the University of Virginia, and more time preparing for my legal career in constitutional law (Lord willing).

To my fellow bloggers I wish you all the best.  You are needed now more than ever, and it’s been my privelege to be  a part of the effort to cover the stories the mainstream media doesn’t want us to hear.

To those of you who have become regular contributors and visitors to my blog, thank-you.  If you’re on my blogroll you’ll stay on my blogroll, but of course you’re more than welcome to take me off yours if you so choose.  My life is about to start getting really busy with law school starting in the fall, so I doubt I’ll be back on this blog any time soon.

In the meantime, I suggest checking out two particular websites if you’re interested in staying up on all the news regarding issues of religion and morality that we’ve been covering on this blog:

1) Alliance Alert

2) OneNewsNow

Until we meet again somewhere in the blogosphere, God Bless everyone.  Stay strong.  Keep fighting for all the things that matter most: marriage, family, life, religion, morality, and country.  And, more than anything else, be in prayer for our nation daily.  You can be sure I’ll be there, too.