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Odd: Paul Pegala on CNN Sitch just said about Michelle Obama "Most of the guys I know want to date her." Bill Clinton? #TCOT
Jackson just pounded a cup and a half of chow. One last walk and then I'm back to the trenches for @SAnuzis. #RNCChair
Walking home quickly to let Jackson out and get back to @sanuzis backing.
Rumor spreading that Saltsman can't get a third state to meet nomination reqs to get on #rncchair ballot.
Footage of @SAnuzis Blue Brigade #RNCChair
@jlloydbarnes "Thanks David for telling me about Tweetie iPhone application. It's really increasing my addiction to Twitter." (U're welcome)
@andyroth you're hilarious. You can't ignore/block FB invites before ever receiving. At least not that I know of.
CNN is grabbing footage of Saul's blue brigade of supporters. I'm grabbing footage of CNN on my Flip Mino. #rncchair
David Pogue: The Twitter Experiment
@Sanuzis "blue brigade" and bloggers highlighted by National Journal #RNCChair #TCOT
@andyroth Facebook has an "ignore all" invitations tab (mis-tweet r/t)
dandyroth there is an "ignore all" invitations tab - @davidall being interviewed on ABC's politics live about the #rncchair race [r/t @lyndsim]
Sunlight Foundation: "White House Breaks Transparency Promise" #TCOT #Itoldyouso
Done with ABC News. Heading to Suite 956 for an update on @sanuzis.
Heading to ABC News then back to #rncchair
@sanuzis with RNC Members/press before open-press #rncchair luncheon
@ReubenIngber Dupont Circle is great. If looking for lunch, hit up Circa for light fare. Kramerbooks is a must-see. Enjoy.
Sitting at the Cap Hilton waiting for #rncchair chatting with @kryanjames @eeilon @chrisfaulkner


Biz Stone Evan Williams davegray Karl Frisch Dave Winer Nancy Scola Ruby Sinreich nicco mele Jim Long Bre Pettis Joshua Levy Robert Scoble CNN Breaking News Darth Vader Julia Roy Erick Erickson Roger Erik Tinch James Lileks Fausta Justin Hamilton David Beach Steve Garfield Micah Sifry Michael Whitney Todd Zeigler Barack Obama L. Kirkland michael stewart Jasmine Chng Liza Sabater Human experiment Shaine Mata Jared Brown Jason Rosenberg confession Susan Getgood
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