I had plans this weekend to write 12,000 words and finish off my novel. I took Friday off from work because my husband and I were going out with friends. I had a lot of errands to run.

The bad news started early and was just relentless all day on Friday. My daughter is in the middle of a crisis, the shootings at Sandy Hook, the list is long and no writing got done, I have no Christmas shopping done, no decorations up and I am scanning the websites on a Sunday night just wondering what the hell is wrong with people?

Mr. Huckabee? You are not helping the situaiton by saying that if god was allowed in schools that a twenty Year old psychopath who is autistic and so nuts his own mom feared him … and she wasn’t altogether normal given the end of the world obsession she had going on there … god being in school would have prevented this? Are you high? Cut it out. You sound stupid and I know you aren’t.

The Westborough Baptist Church says they are going to picket the funerals. It’s time to Baker Act these people. Seriously. Let’s just call them crazy and stop pretending they aren’t. That thinking didn’t save the Sandy Hook shooter’s mom and it’s time to take them off the street. God has nothing to do with the way they behave either.

The Democrats are shoving through one freedom sucking new regulation after another while no one is looking and Boehner is crawling all over himself, abasing the entire Republican party while he thinks no one is watching … holy shit, man. Where are your balls? Find them and put them back on right now before you humiliate yourself and further. We may be grieving but we are not deaf and blind.

Hillary Clinton is faking a fall to get out of testifying and John Kerry, America hater and Military nemisis, is now the new Secretary of State.

The gun control freaks are in full throated scream-mode.

It’s all just noise, the white noise that televisions used to make when there was no signal-an absence of anything and yet the soundand strange static screen continue. No one is home there.

Go read this rant by Bernie Goldberg for your feel good article of the day.

“envy is a powerful force, most Americans would have no problem if taxes were to go up on the so-called rich. Why should they care, they would figure? “My taxes aren’t going up.””

Yeah. He said it. I second that and raise a glass of the dwindling bubbly to the coming new year.

Today’s Quote via And So It Goes in Shreveport:

We’re up to our asses in alligators right now and the worst is yet to come.

I could not agree more completely. I posted an old movie clip on Facebook

“Do you really wanna jump? Do ya wanna? Then let’s jump.”

I have been reading the news and the the blogs about the fiscal cliff and the conservatives are all in agreement, Let.It.Burn. Vote present and give them exactly what they are asking for. Which reminded me of the following scene only it ain’t going to end as well for us. Such is life in the new normal, right? Amazing times we are living in.

One person was trying to puzzle out the Obama strategy as if Obama actually wants to avoid disaster. He doesn’t want to avoid the disaster. People it is time to put on the nihlist hat and think different before it’s too late. As horrifying as this may be to a rational human being, you need to entertain the possibility that the Democrats want this, and figure out how to feed it to them till they throw up. The tricky part is surviving.

Runner up quote:

It’s a comfort to know that, no matter how bad things get in the coming dystopia, we’ll still be allowed to admire, from afar, our Really Cool President yukking it up with vintage British rock stars. I guess it keeps the baby-boomers happy as their wealth evaporates and their kids look for jobs that aren’t there. ~ Pundette

Well the party season has begun. What are the super rich trend setters wearing?

Michael Kors

The material looks like it was recycled from that cool gold crinkley material they used on the lunar lander. so it’s green. The style? Hides a multitude of figure flaws but is not all that flattering. I give it a four out of a possible ten and two of those points are for the creative re-use of no longer needed space program materials.


Linked by Theo Spark. Thanks!

Ok. Look.

I haven’t been posting blogs, but it’s not because I’ve given up. I promised myself I’d get another book out into the wild for my own sanity and entertainment, and I only have so much free time in the day. And honestly, when things are as bad in the world as they are currently and there ain’t much you can do about it but observe the badness, realigning your energy to constructive activities is not a bad idea.

There are worse things I could be doing.

I have been posting some on facebook now and then and keeping up with the news and blogs, though. My husband and I have been trying to figure out how to weather the next decade and we really don’t have a good handle on it, to be quite frank. Conversations have been going like this in the evenings:

Husband: Did you see this? I can’t believe they are doig this.

Me: It doesn’t matter.

Husband: No really. Did you see this?

Me: It doesn’t matter. This thing? That thing? Doesn’t matter. We are completely screwed.

Then we go over the scenarios of what will happen if things fall this way or that way and determined that we are, indeed, screwed no matter what happens from here on out. There is nowhere to realistically run from the financial melt down – the man made financial melt down – the anthropologically caused financial melt down — heading our way.

It doesn’t matter what your income level is, you – YOU my friends — and I – are going to suffer. Right now I am rooting for the cliff to take us all down together at the same time. You want “fairness’? THAT is fair.

Life goes on, as they’ve learned in other countries. Well. It goes on for some people, others don’t make it.

I’ve tentatively run the numbers for next year based on the most likely scenarios and my best estimate is that the government is going to be taking, one way or another, an additional 7% of what we earn and the cost of living reality will take another 3 to 5% of what we earn. I didn’t shop Black Friday and I haven’t put up Christmas decorations and I actually might not do much for Christmas this year. It’s going to go to the US. Government in April. Merry Christmas Mr. President.

Does Obama’s $4 million dollar vacation for twenty days to Hawaii bother me? Does Timothy Geithner’s plan to tax the hell out of us and spend like a madman while granting the President God powers to raise the debt ceiling register with me? Do I care that we are again at five minutes to midnight, thrashing around in a financial “disaster” for no reason other than political manipulation?

Not really.

Go forth on vacation Mr. Obama and spend money like it’s inifinite.

Have fun Turbo-Tim with your insulting and mocking of the GOP and God bless us everyone and your elf ears, too.

The Fiscal Cliff show is at least as good as Beauty and the Beast on Ice.

It doesn’t matter. It’s like a game of “gross-out” or something. I am going to keep working and doing things that make my particular part of existence better and just hope that the fall will take us all down together quickly and at the same time in the same way. Our elected leaders are all worthless scum. Our system is broken beyond repair. We have no leaders.

For a writer, I must admit, these are good times to be alive. Charles Dickens did not have it so well, I wager.

I realize Glenn Beck was all over the man playing his obnoxious and snarky sound bites weekly. And it isn’t the snark that turns me off to him, believe me. No one likes snarkiness more than I.

I just never liked him.

Christie is a tease, a flirt, a gamer and none of the finesse required to pull it off. Stop playing with the reporters, Christie. They are not a toy. If he would cut that crap out I would like him but still not as much as Mitch Daniels

~ BoR

Kind of interesting to see the faithful fall off the wagon now.

I’ve been trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, even after he copped to weeping when Obama rewarded his Jersey photo op with a personal phone call from Bruuuuuuuce.


Did his defection at the eleventh hour hurt Romney? Most definitely.

It is what it is, man. History will decide whether or not Christie was the turning point. From my view he took the devastation of Jersey Shore and reflected it back on all of us. The damage in Jersey is nothing compared to what awaits us nation wide so I guess, in a way, Christie got revenge. He’s so damned shallow, and reactionary, though, he probably didn’t see it that way. But so it was. Misery loves company and Christie took the misery of one state and cast it back on all fifty, because he could.

Nicely done.

I wish he had just kept his mouth shut from the beginning and remained neutral on Romney. But he didn’t. He wormed his way in, made himself extremely visible and then just evicerated the ever loving crap out of Romney. That? Takes a cunning I would not have credited him capable of.

Et tu Brute?

Well not … bright, exactly … I guess. Um.

I mean we can’t pretend what’s happened hasn’t just happened and if your brain hasn’t completely shut down you are completely aware of what comes next. But I was thinking, in a nihlist, voyeuristic kind of way … and I do have kids so I am not completely numb to the horror of it … but in a “turning point in history” kind of way, how many humans know the exact moment civilization fell? I’ve read a lot of history and no great ruler or nation here in earth in the history of man has ever had so many of her citizens so completely awake and aware of “What just happened”.

It’s a hideous gift.

You know what I mean. You know exactly what I’m talking about.

You know what comes next, you can write the script.

And as it happens, as the dollar falls, as more middle class families fall into poverty and disappear, as we grow weaker and more vulnerable to the next war that will ultimately finish us off — mercifully. I mean, really. It’s almost the perfect metaphor for the baby boomer generation that made it happen, isn’t it? Everyone ages and everyone dies. We are a reflection of their decades of self indulgence now demanding to be cared for in our old age with out having earned that kindness and compassion and respect from the next generation.

We were not there to see the courage and sacrifice that heralded the beginning of the great experiment, but we ARE here to see the end of it. It’s a terrible honor. Because we know what just happened. We know what it means. We recognize what we’ve lost. We are seeing it happen in real time and unlike the passengers of the Titanic who had no clue what was unfolding or what it meant, we know.

It’s probably the hardest thing to do, to watch a world fall into ruin and see hundreds of years of hard work dismantled. It’s heart breaking to see the future you had hoped for, for your children, fall to pieces. But I believe that because we understand what has happened here and because I know we know that the scale of this is historic and thus unstoppable, I also believe we will rebuild it better when it’s over.

We will learn from this because we are lucky enough to live in the age of information where more people are wired in and more educated than ever before and have access to history and multiple perspectives on history. When these idiots are done tearing it all down and they eat each other — and they will, while we watch — we can rebuild it better.

They will, for the time to come, mock us for being “quitters” and “sore losers” and taunt us with stupid five year old insults. Let it roll off and ignore it. This is how it always plays out when a civilization falls. The “winning side”, completely oblivious to the disasterous prize they’ve captured, dance on the bodies of their enemies — and we most definitely are their enemies even if we never saw them as ours. Watch it and let it go and know recognize it for what it is,.

For now? Find it in you to thank God for this moment and the blessing of awareness that he’s tusted us to bear. We know what just happened. We know what it means to mankind. We know on which side of history we stood. Let go of the despair, brush away that burning need to enjoy the suffering that will inevitably follow this fall. Schadenfreude is not the way, my friend. It’s not the way. Protect the people you love and remember to help a stranger or two along the way if you can. Teach your children what you just learned and give them the skills they will need to pass on to next generations, because we are not done. We can wait this wave out. The United States may be done, but we are not. We will rebuild it someday, better than this.

Man, what a time to be here on Earth and what a ride. Amazing.

I did predict this …