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Previously a local program, this new national event provides legally blind and eligible disabled Veterans an opportunity to develop new skills and strengthen their self-esteem through adaptive golf and bowling events. Each year, the TEE Tournament uses a therapeutic format to promote rehabilitation, fellowship and camaraderie among participants. The event provides eligible Veterans with an opportunity to participate in therapeutic adaptive sporting activities which demonstrate that having a visual or physical disability need not be an obstacle to an active, rewarding life. Each year, the event uses a therapeutic format to promote rehabilitation, fellowship and camaraderie among participants.

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Adaptive Sports LogoTEE Videos

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Benefits of Adaptive Sports

Recent studies indicate that disabled Veterans who participate in adaptive sports report benefits such as:

  • less stress
  • reduced dependency on pain and depression medication
  • fewer secondary medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, hypertension)
  • higher achievement in education and employment
  • more independence


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National Veterans
TEE Tournament

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