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Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
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Weekly Jihad Report
Dec. 24 - Dec. 31
 Jihad Attacks:


 Allahu Akbars*:


 Dead Bodies:


 Critically Injured:


 *Suicide Attacks
Monthly Jihad Report
November, 2012
 Jihad Attacks:






 Dead Bodies:


 Critically Injured:



Dhimwit of the Month

Nathan Lean
December 2012

City of Hamburg
November 2012

Thomas R. Pickering
October 2012

Susan Rice
September 2012

Barack Obama
August 2012

Professor Robert Shedinger
July 2012

Islam's Stealth War on American Freedom
A Word to Offended Muslims
Why Islam is Not a Religion
Islam's Indian Slave Trade
Islam in Africa
The Islam Saturation Index
Ten Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace
What is 'Islamophobia'?"

What a Real Feminist
Looks Like (~2:22 mark)

"Brother, you can believe in stones, so long as you don't throw them at me..."
Wafa Sultan on al-Jazeera

Fundamentalist Fashion Show

Daily Show: Marijuana Debate

A Real Man Respects Women

Are you a Looter
or a Producer?



Visit the TROP Bookstore


. .
Picture of the Week

Let's hope that cell phone is his.


Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle.  Those who follow him are harsh
 to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
  Quran 48:29

2013.01.04 (Garissa, Kenya) - Two refugees bleed to death after al-Shabaab cadres toss a grenade into their camp.
2013.01.03 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Sunnis target a minibus carrying Shia pilgrims, managing to kill just four.
2013.01.03 (Swabi, Pakistan) - A prayer leader is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2013.01.03 (Nawa-i-Barakzayi, Afghanistan) - A cleric is gunned down in his own mosque by religious hardliners.
2013.01.03 (Musayyib, Iraq) - Twenty-eight Shiite pilgrims are blown apart by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2013.01.03 (Song, Nigeria) - Four people are burned to death by Religion of Peace radicals, including a child.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.


Articles & Commentary

Jihadism, Antisemitism, and Totalitarianism  (Andrew Bostom)
(Video) The venerable Andrew Bostom explains why he decided to throw himself into countering Jihad and Islamization.

Keeping the Woman on a Tight Leash  (CARE-2)
A quick reflection on the status of women in Muslim society.

al-Jazeera: Psychological Warfare  (Gatestone)
"As a TV channel, Al-Jazeera does not operate under accepted Western norms. It is a fundamentalist terrorist communications base operating under Qatari political cover, with a pretense of pluralism."

Who Are the Extremists?  (Ynet)
"Who are the extremists? Those who want the security barrier and all the checkpoints removed, which will lead to a wave of terror attacks against Israeli civilians, or those who want the barrier and checkpoints to remain in place?"

Inconvenient Truths and the Palestinians  (Gatestone)
What the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank do not want others to know.

No God-Given Right to Be Atheist  (al-Bawaba)
As Egypt slides further into the grip of religious fundamentalism, the freedom not to believe is slowly disappearing

A Sudanese-Style Genocide in Egypt?  (FrontPage Magazine)
Islamists in the Sudan massacred millions for resisting Sharia. Will the Muslim Brotherhood do the same in Egypt?

Islamist Threat is Second to None  (The Gleaner)
The Western proclivity to project our own values onto our enemies is losing ground to reality.

Patronizing the Palestinians  (Pat Condell)
(Video) Why isn't it considered 'racist' to hold Palestinians to lower standards?

Morsi: The Common Tyrant  (FrontPage Magazine)
The new Egyptian dictator is already a master of populist rhetoric and scapegoating.

Sue Myrick: Infidel from Hell  (WND)
"As Myrick leaves the House on Thursday, she leaves behind a legacy as a strong patriot and fearless stateswoman in the war on Islamic terror."

Proof that Allah is a Mouse?  (Answering Muslims)
An example of the sorry state of Islamic apologetics.

Judeo-Christo-Phobia in Islam  (Islam Watch)
When Muslims hate unbelievers, they're just following their Quran.

Killing Charity in the Name of Jihad  (Pak. Christian Post)
Only one religion murders humanitarian workers in the name of God.

Hunting the Unicorn of 'Moderate Islam'  (American Thinker)
"The voice of these courageous saints of Islamic moderation are as crickets chirping."

An Insane Killer & 'Islamophobia'  (Jihad Watch)
A Muslim Brotherhood linked writer in the U.S. wastes no time trying to get mileage out of a tragedy in New York involving a mentally-ill woman off her medication.

The Islamization of France 2012  (Gatestone)
What Muslim immigrants to France lose in public opinion, they more than make up for in political and cultural gains.

Exposing the Anti-Israel 'Peace' Industry  (FrontPage)
Where's the hand-wringing for the billions of people on the planet who are far worse off than the Palestinians but don't have themselves to blame?

The Islamist Memeplex  (Islam Watch)
"The desire for utopia, along with the promise of eternal heaven, can somehow paradoxically justify the ultimate Jihadic fantasy of attaining world peace through suicide bombings."

Black Slavery in America and Turkey  (Andrew Bostom)
"It is important to note the complete absence of anything resembling a slavery abolition movement within Ottoman Turkey, even during the modernization period."

al-Qaeda Carves Out Its Own Country in Mali  (Yakima Herald)
"Fowler said he saw al-Qaida fighters chant Quranic verses under the Sahara sun for hours, just one sign of their deep, ideological commitment."

China Rushes to Define Itself as 'Muslim'  (Greenfield)
Better read the fine print first. Islam doesn't have a good history of giving back.

Should Britain Push Back?  (Douglas Murray)
(Video) Where does tolerating the intolerant really lead?

Geert Wilders' Courageous Journey  (FrontPage Magazine)
"Wilders has paid a price for his condemnation of Islam."

Video of FSA Torture  (Tundra Tabloids)
(Graphic Video) "Allah Akbar" is yelled during one part of this by the supposedly 'secular' FSA torturers. Our one problem with video is that it makes an uneducated comparison to the Abu Ghraib scandal, in which nothing like this occurred.

. . .And Beat Them Lightly  (Muslim Issue)
(Video) A woman resists putting on her hijab (at least temporarily).

Obama Gives Cold Shoulder to Secularists  (FSM)
This is a somewhat partisan article, but it raises several good points about recent US State Department decisions.

Jihad-Free Gifts? Better Check that List Twice.  (Bad Eagle)
The Islamic bank that owns a variety of American companies has a surprising "spiritual advisor."


More Resources from TROP

Previous Picture of the Week

This man loves his religion.  He loves his prophet. 
You can tell by the way he puts himself into beating a total
stranger accused of disrespecting a copy of the Quran. 
About 70 other Muslims joined in the punishment. The festivities
culminated with the suspected Islamophobe being set on fire.

A Buddhist monk in Burma echoes universal exasperation
 with Muslim entitlement.  While the Muslim community always
blames its bad behavior on others, the rest of the world
is starting to figure out the common denominator.


Obedient Women
Obedient Women

 Islam gets results.

Respectful Children
Respectful Children

Impressive Technical Skills

Moral Clarity


Most Popular Picture of the Week

In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94
terror attacks across 10
countries during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.


Hate speech? Sounds like it to us, too... but, oddly enough, devout Muslims would have to disagree.

(Some people don't seem to understand the point that we're making here.  Try clicking on the link!)


Gay men being rounded up for "processing" in the Islamic world, where
they are
demonized, banned, beaten, probed, forced into marriage,
incarcerated, lashed, hanged, brutalized, stoned, tortured and shot


So, you think the Ku Klux Klan
and the Spanish Inquisition are bad?
So do we, but...

Put the Numbers in Perspective

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years. (

More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65 years. (source)

Muslim countries have lower rates of adultery.


Where Islam is "Misunderstood"

For some very odd reason, the perfect religion of Islam
is routinely "misunderstood" each and every day to sanction
terrorism in the name of Allah.  Since 9/11, this occurs in:

India and the Sudan and Algeria and New York and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and Arkansas and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and California and Kuwait and Virginia and Ethiopia and Georgia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Louisiana and Texas and Tanzania and Illinois and Australia and Pennsylvania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Afghanistan and Chad and Canada and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Argentina and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and North Carolina and Germany and Arizona and Lebanon and Iran and Kazakhstan and Sweden and Azerbaijan and Iraq and Scotland and Macedonia and Bulgaria and...

...and pretty much wherever Islam is taken seriously

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who
are near to you, and let them find harshness in you,
and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty"
 Qur'an, Sura 9:123


Two More Charity Workers Shot to Death...
Saudi Officer Rapes 13-Year-Old Boy in Las Vegas Hotel...
Pakistan: Human Bombs Killed over 5,000 Since 2002...
Saudi Man Arrested for Seeking Jewish Bride...
(UK) Terror Cleric Complains of 'Filthy' Rent-Free Home...
FBI: Islamic Cleric Assisted 9/11 Hijackers...
Obama Administration Accused of Sending Funds to MB...
Victim of Saudi Torture Pushes for Migrant Religious Rights...
CAIR Claims Muslims Discovered America First...
Fundamentalists Vow to Kill Jews Returning to Egypt...
Morsi Referred to Jews as 'Apes and Pigs' in 2010...
Muslim Brotherhood Magazine Boasts Of Infiltrating White House...
Radicalization Spreading in Canada...
Santa Claus Pelted with Stones...
'Modern' Turkey Number One Jailer of Journalists...
Jewish Man Murdered in 'Good Deed' by Muslim Woman...
Killers Removed Child Before Executing Charity Workers...
Arabs in Italy Beat Jewish-American Teen Unconscious...
Muslims Firebomb Orphanage in 'Moderate Indonesia'...
'Infertility' Conspiracy Theory Behind Murder of Polio Workers
New Muhammad Comic Strains Limits of Muslim Maturity...
al-Jazeera Buys Al Gore's U.S. News Network...
Christian School Admits Muslim - Quickly Sued by Parents...
British Council Withholds Free Housing Statistics...
Pakistan Requests SMS Ban Following 'Blasphemous' Text...
British Textbook Literally Wipes Israel Off the Map...
Sharia Province Bans Women from Straddling Motorbikes...
Syria's 'Arab Spring' Death Toll Tops 60,000...
Egypt's Nude Protester May Be Stripped of Citizenship...
Woman Honor Killed During Prison Conjugal Visit...
Egypt's 'Daily Show' Investigated for Insulting Morsi...
OIC Urged to Criminalize Criticism of Islam in the West...
Algerian Imam Stabbed After Denouncing Extremism...
Terrorists Seek 'Religious Permission' to Kill Bahrain King
Islamic Republic of Sudan Aerial Bombs Christian Villages...
Slitting of Throats Occurred Inside a Church...
Islam in France: 1,200 Car Burned over New year's Eve...
Seven More Aid Workers Shot to Death...
Mentally-Ill Woman Shoved 'Muslim' at NY Subway...
Morsi Advisor: Israel to Collapse Within 10 Years...
Atheist Locked Away in Egypt...
Church Guard Slain in Bosnia...
(UK) Muslim MP Stands Up for Israel...
Cleric: UnIslamic to Say 'Happy New Year'...
Christian Beheaded and Fed to the Dogs...
Fatwa Authorizes Syrian Rebels to 'Rape' Women...
Girl Killed by Family for Falling in Love...
Antiquities Pulled from Temple Mount and Dumped...
Murder of Boy Underscores Arab 'Marginalization' of Africans
Brave Afghan Cop Stands Up to the Taliban...
Arab Terrorist Almost Kills Israeli Baby...
Malaysian Muslims Irked by Christian Equality Demands...
Coptic Church Rocked by Bomb Blast - 2 Dead...
Muslim Clerics Arrested for Kidnapping Peer...
Mexican Drug Cartels Mull Converting to Islam...
al-Qaeda Puts Bounty on US Ambassador...
Cleric to Egypt's Copts: America Can't Protect You from Genocide
Indian Muslims Pray for Mumbai Mass Killer...
Religion of Peace Nail Bomb Found at Catholic Church...
Islamist's Adulterous Affair Exposed by Female Blogger...
19 Shiites Massacred by Bus Bombers...
Osama's Daughter-in-Law Joins British Legion...
Saudi Teen on Hunger Strike to Escape Violent Brothers...
Thai Terrorists Target Teachers
Fundamentalists Execute 21 Cap-tured Pakistanis in Cold Blood
Islamists Tie Up 15 Women and Children Before Slitting Throats
Muslim Brotherhood to Charge Sharia Opponents with Treason
Religion of Peace Cleric Calls for Hindu Genocide...
'We Are Going to Kill You Because You Don't Want Sharia'...
Sharia Cop Cuts Off His Own Brother's Hand...
Tunisian Islamist Official Caught in Extra-Marital Affair...
Christians Ask Turkey to Return Confiscated Church...
Art Journal Shut Down for Publishing Paintings...
Syrian Rebels to Fight 'Until the U.S. Pays Jizya'...
German Artist Puts Burqas on Statues in Protest...
Syria Worse for Christians than Iraq...
Saudi Women Stand Up to 'Female-o-phobes'...
Pakistan to Return Abducted Child...
CAIR Defends Hateful and Violent Cleric...
Saudi Police Foil Plot to Celebrate Christmas...
Iran Fires First Female Minister for Criticizing Health Policy...
(US) Hamas-Linked ICNA Uses Hurricane Sandy to Solicit Funds
Rhode Island Judge Orders Muslim to Pay Former Slave...
'If They Want a Mosque, They Can Go Back to Their Own Countries and Have One'...
(Australia) Tamil Refugees Refuse to Join Iranian Protest
Man's Eye Gouged Out on Suspicion of Adultery...
Nebraska Doctor: 'Islamophobia' to Blame for Hepatitis Infections...
Arabs Buy 'Temporary Wives'...
Bishop Forgives Muslims for Killing Church Members...
Taliban: We Want Islamic Law and War...
Catholic Priest Shot in Christmas Day Attack...
Islamic Terrorists Killed 750 Nigerians in 2012...
Tongue Slashed After Student in Germany Refuses Islam...
Family Strangles Incest Victim for Becoming Pregnant...
Journalists Threatened for Reporting on 6-Year-Old Hindu Rape Victim...
HRW: 4-Year-Old Palestinian in Iconic Photo Killed by Terrorists
Islamists to Crack Down on Smoking in 'Sharia' Egypt...
Saudi Jailed for Calling for Reform in Islam...
Sweden to Deport Christian to Iran...
Irony as Relative of Pro-Immi-gration PM Beaten by Muslim...
(UK) Even Older Immigrants Unhappy w/ Current Generation
(Editoria) 7500 Germans Murdered by Turkish Immigrants...
Cleric Denounces Terrorism - Quickly Gunned Down...
Saudi Clerics Threaten Official with Prayers for Cancer...
Family of Six Wiped Out in 'Honor Killing'...
Egyptian Women Cut Their Hair to Protest Sharia Constitution...
Sheikh: Secularists are Even Worse than Jews...
Hamas Calls for Suicide Attacks on Israel...
'Violence Against Women' Law at Odds with Islam...
Fort Hood Shooter Still Awaiting Trial 3 Years Later...
Policewoman Who Killed American is Iranian...
Second Church Attacked, Death Toll at 12 Christians...
Abbas: No Benefit to Outlawing Honor Killing...
22 Hostages Freed From Somali Pirates After 3 Years...
Six Worshippers Dead in Christ-mas Eve Attack on Church...
Christian Worshippers Pelted with Rotten Eggs and Excrement in 'Moderate Indonesia'...
Bomb Found at Police Station in Christian Poso...
American Pastor Remains in Iranian Prison...
Christians Hole Up in NJ Church to Avoid Deportation...
'Father Christmas' Banned in Uzbekistan...
Iraqis Remember Victims of 2010 Christmas Church Massacre...
Nigerians Remember Victims of 2012 Christmas Church Massacre
Italy: 'Immigrants' Commit 40% of Rapes...
HRW Criticizes Gaza Militants for Targeting Civilians...
Rape Victim Receives 101 Lashes
Rights Report: Christians Most Oppressed Group, Muslims Most Oppressive...
Bentley Fires Chaplain Over Fear of Offending Muslims...
Syria Kills 200 People Waiting for Bread...
Islamists Vow to Destroy Last of Timbuktu's Relics...
26-Year-Old Woman Wins Right to Marry by Choice...
'Sex Talk' Magazine Launch Cancelled by Muslim Thugs...
Tourism Slumps in Egypt...
Hamas Prepares for Violent Takeover of West Bank...
NY Man Writes $82 Million in Bad Checks - in 2 Weeks...
Spain Moves to Deport Critic of Islam...
Liberal Blogger Faces Death in Saudi Arabia...
Syria's Rebel Government: Civilians Legitimate Targets...
Imam: Female Genital Mutilation an Islamic Right...
Syrian Rebels Outline Plans to Impose Sharia...
Islamic Militants Ban Cell Phone Cameras (Pakistan)...
Embarrassed Muslims Rescind Anti-Christmas Fatwa...
14-Year-Old Hindu Girl Raped, Mother Tortured...
Islamists Attack Secularists Mourning Earlier Victim...
Mob Beats Man to Death for 'Desecrating' Quran...
Islamic Teacher Sentenced for Raping 10-Year-Old Girl...
CAIR Chief Teams Up with Pro-Genocide Cleric...
Religious Police Bar Women from Driving in 'Liberated Syria'...
Beleaguered Indonesia Churches Still Shut This Christmas...
Cleric Encourages Kidnapping of Iraqi Christian Women & Girls...
Fatwa Blasts Uploading Photos to Social Networking Sites...
Woman Shot to Death for Drinking Alcohol...
Imam Arrested for Attempted Rape...
NY Man Beats 10-Year-Old to Death with Rolling Pin...
Americans Work to Reconstruct Face of 6-Year-Old Taliban Victim
Muslim Population in Britian Doubled in Last 10 Years...
Christian Man Murdered for Leaving Islam...
Clerics Advise Muslims Not to Wish 'Merry Christmas'...
Maker of $1 Billion Muhammad Movie is Bin Laden's Brother...
Women Already Being Marginal-ized in Syrian Opposition...
Syria's "Arab Spring' Devolves into Sunni-Shia Conflict...
Australian Mosque Puts Fatwa on Christmas...
US Urges 'Moderate Indonesia' to Ban Female Genital Mutilation
Bahrain Cleric Sued by Bomb Blast Victims...
Mali Tourism Killed Off by 'Islamic Insurgency'...
Toulouse Serial Killer Hailed as 'Martyr of Islam'...
Turkey May Agree to Criminalize Incest...
Sweden Demonstrators Hold Nude Protest Against Sharia...
Egypt Atheist Slashed with Knife in Prison...
American Convert to Christianity Arrested in Iran...
Religion of Peace Cleric Prays for Allah to Sterilize the Wombs of Jewish Women...
Islamists: Killings to Prevent 'UnIslamic' Polio Vaccinations...
Thai Muslim Terrorists Hunt Down Buddhists...




List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2013.01.04 Kenya Garissa 2 7 Two refugees bleed to death after al-Shabaab cadres toss a grenade into their camp.
2013.01.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Sunnis target a minibus carrying Shia pilgrims, managing to kill just four.
2013.01.03 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 A prayer leader is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2013.01.03 Afghanistan Nawa-i-Barakzayi 1 0 A cleric is gunned down in his own mosque by religious hardliners.
2013.01.03 Iraq Musayyib 28 49 Twenty-eight Shiite pilgrims are blown apart by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2013.01.03 Nigeria Song 4 0 Four people are burned to death by Religion of Peace radicals, including a child.
2013.01.02 Iraq Karbalah 2 8 Two Shia pilgrims on foot are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.01.02 Pakistan Miranshah 3 3 A woman and child are killed when Islamic militants fire a rocket into their home.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Swabi 7 1 Six women are among seven humanitarian workers brutally machine-gunned by Mujahideen.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Karachi 6 40 Tehreek-e-Taliban set off a bomb at a political rally, taking out at least six participants.
2012.12.31 Pakistan Bakarabad 1 0 One civilian is killed when religious hardliners blow a girls' school.
2012.12.31 Iraq Bani Wais 4 1 A woman and child are among the casualties of a Mujahideen bombing.
2012.12.31 Iraq Musayyib 7 6 Four women and children are among seven innocents slain in their homes by the Islamic Army of Iraq.
2012.12.31 Syria Ras al-Ayn 1 0 A pregnant Christian woman is left widowed after her husband is beheaded Islamic radicals and fed to dogs.
2012.12.31 Iraq Karrada 5 25 Sunnis set off a bomb next to a group of Shi pilgrims, killing five.
2012.12.30 Pakistan Baluchistan 20 24 Twenty innocents are slain in a targeted Lashkar-e-Jhangvi suicide attack on a bus carrying Shia pilgrims
2012.12.30 Pakistan Yousaf Talab 1 4 Muslim militants are suspected of firing a mortar into home, killing a woman.
2012.12.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.12.30 Libya Misrata 2 2 Islamists toss a hand grenade at worshippers leaving a Coptic church, killing two.
2012.12.30 Pakistan Ittehad Chowk 1 1 Gunmen fire at two Christian brothers in a targeted attack. One later dies of injuries.
2012.12.30 Pakistan Sargodha 4 0 Four Shiites are beheaded by Sunni rivals, including a religious scholar.
2012.12.29 Pakistan Peshawar 21 1 Twenty-one captured soldiers are executed in cold blood by Sunni fundamentalists at a cricket field.
2012.12.29 Syria Damascus 4 4 Sunni terrorists send rockets into a Shia shrine, killing at least four.
2012.12.29 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 1 0 An 18-year-old girl is strangled by her family on suspicion of a love affair.
2012.12.29 Pakistan Karachi 7 48 Terrorists send seven souls to Allah with a brutal suicide bomb attack on a bus.
2012.12.28 Nigeria Potiskum 2 0 Two people are killed when Boko Haram assault a bank branch.
2012.12.28 Nigeria Bigi 3 5 Suspected Islamic terrorists murder three villagers.
2012.12.28 Nigeria Kaduna 1 1 A university professor is cut down by Muslim gunfire.
2012.12.28 Nigeria Musari 15 0 Islamists tie up fifteen women and children inside a church, then slit their throats while shouting praises to Allah.
2012.12.28 Syria Damascus 4 10 A Sunni car bomb in a Shia neighborhood leaves four dead.
2012.12.27 Kenya Mandera 1 0 Islamists ambush and kill a local cop.
2012.12.27 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 0 Boko Haram murder three local cops and a businessman.
2012.12.27 Pakistan Charsadda 0 4 Four children are injured when radicals set off a bomb outside a rival mosque.
2012.12.27 Afghanistan Tarin Kot 4 2 A religious policeman helps his Sunni brothers slaughter four fellow officers in their sleep.
2012.12.27 Yemen Hadramawt 1 0 The body of a horribly mutilated al-Qaeda victim is discovered.
2012.12.27 Pakistan Hasankhel 2 22 Two security personnel are murdered in a Taliban ambush.
2012.12.27 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Christian girl is shot execution style through the head.
2012.12.27 Algeria Bouira 2 0 Two children, ages 12 and 14, are ripped to shreds by an Islamist bomb.
2012.12.26 Russia Vladikavkaz 1 0 A moderate mufti is assassinated by Islamic radicals.
2012.12.26 Turkey Batman 1 0 A young woman is strangled by her family to restore honor in the wake of a rape by her cousins.
2012.12.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 47-year-old Buddhist woman is shot to death while on a motorcycle by suspected 'insurgents'.
2012.12.26 Afghanistan Khost 3 7 Three Afghans are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.12.26 Sudan Buram 4 0 A 70-year-old woman and two children are among four Christians killed in an Islamic bomb attack.
2012.12.26 Nigeria Bachit 5 0 Suspected Fulani murder three villagers, including a married couple, in attacks on two Christian homes.
2012.12.25 Yemen Marib 14 0 Fourteen tribesmen are killed in an attack by al-Qaeda linked militants.
2012.12.25 Yemen Sanaa 2 0 Two Yemenis are gunned down by al-Qaeda.
2012.12.25 Nigeria Peri 6 4 A pastor and five worshippers are slaughtered in a Religion of Peace attack on a Christmas morning church service.
2012.12.25 Nigeria Rim 1 0 A Christian is killed in his home by Fulani gunmen in front of his family.
2012.12.25 Russia Nalchik 1 0 Suspected Islamists shoot a non-Muslim twice in the head.
2012.12.25 Nigeria Kano 2 0 Boko Haram gun down two people in separate attacks.
2012.12.25 Pakistan Karachi 6 1 An attack on a Sunni cleric leaves six dead.
2012.12.25 Tanzania Zanzibar City 0 1 A Catholic priest is shot in the chest by Muslim gunmen.
2012.12.25 Pakistan Yar Hussain 6 0 Three young women and a child are among a family of six machine-gunned by honor killers over two women wanting a divorce.
2012.12.24 Afghanistan Darzab 5 0 Five local police are slaughtered by Taliban militants.
2012.12.24 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Sectarian rivals target and kill two seminary students.
2012.12.24 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Two brothers are among three Shiites murdered by Sunni gunmen.
2012.12.24 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A Sunni cleric and university student are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2012.12.24 Iraq Baqubah 2 0 Mujahideen kill two brothers.
2012.12.24 Germany Bonn 0 1 Islamic extremists slash the tongue of an Indian student who refused their offer to embrace Islam.
2012.12.24 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Sunnis fire on two Shia brothers at a vegetable market, killing one.
2012.12.24 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 0 Six people are killed in a Christmas Eve church attack by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2012.12.24 Iraq Samarrah 2 0 Suspected al-Qaeda assassinate two guards at a Shia shrine.
2012.12.23 Iraq Mishahada 3 1 Terrorists murder three construction workers with a bomb planted under their house.
2012.12.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia trader is murdered by Sunni gunmen.
2012.12.22 Pakistan Dadu 1 0 A man accused of burning a Quran is pulled from a police station, tortured, beaten and then set on fire by a mob.
2012.12.22 Syria Damascus 5 24 At least five are killed by a Sunni car bomb.
2012.12.22 Pakistan Peshawar 9 30 A Religion of Peace suicide bomber detonates at a rally, killing nine innocents.
2012.12.22 Pakistan Miyaani 2 0 A conservative Muslim kills his sister and her suspected lover.
2012.12.22 Iraq Qazaniyah 4 11 A shop selling 'unIslamic' DVDs is the target of a bomb that leaves four dead.
2012.12.22 Nigeria Kano 4 0 Four people are reported killed when two suicide car bombers attack a telecom firm.
2012.12.21 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a female professional to death.
2012.12.21 Pakistan Wana 5 4 Five people are killed by a suicide bomber at a vegetable market.
2012.12.20 Pakistan Lines 1 0 A Shia banker is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2012.12.20 Afghanistan Zaranj 7 2 Five civilians are among seven Afghans taken out be a Religion of Peace roadside bomb.
2012.12.20 Indonesia Tambarana 3 3 Suspected Jamaah Anshoru Tauhid terrorists ambush and kill three local cops.
2012.12.20 Yemen Aden 1 0 A woman is shot to death by fundamentalists for drinking alcohol.
2012.12.20 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A health worker is murdered by Jundullah gunmen.
2012.12.20 Libya Benghazi 3 9 Two civilians and a police officer are killed when Islamic militants turn violent.
2012.12.20 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim snipers pick off a Buddhist policeman.
2012.12.19 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An 18-year-old humanitarian worker is shot in the head by Muslim hardliners.
2012.12.19 Pakistan Charsadda 2 0 Islamic militants shoot a female polio vaccine worker and her driver to death.
2012.12.18 Iraq Karbalah 3 15 Militant Sunnis detonate a car bomb outside a Shia shrine, sending three pilgrims to Allah.
2012.12.18 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A woman is murdered by fundamentalists for working on an anti-polio drive.
2012.12.18 Sudan Eire 5 1 Two 4-year-olds and a baby are among a Christian family of five killed in an Islamic bombing.
2012.12.18 Pakistan Landhi 1 0 A Shia doctor is murdered in his own clinic by Sunni gunmen.
2012.12.18 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A religious minority is shot to death.
2012.12.18 Pakistan Karachi 3 5 Three female humanitarian workers are shot to death by the Taliban, including a 50-year-old shot five times in the head.
2012.12.17 Iraq Baqubah 3 10 Islamic Army of Iraq bombers send three civilians to Allah.
2012.12.17 Iraq Baghdad 11 40 Islamic Army of Iraq bombers slaughter eleven people at a car dealership.
2012.12.17 Pakistan Jamrud 21 74 Five boys and two women are among twenty-one civilians dismantled by Religion of Peace bombers at a bus stop.
2012.12.17 Afghanistan Kabul 2 30 Two civilians are killed by a Taliban blast.
2012.12.17 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 5 26 Sunni bombers murder five Shiites outside their mosque.
2012.12.17 Iraq Khaznah 7 12 A community of Shabak religious minorities is the target of a Sunni car bomb that leaves seven dead, mostly women and children.
2012.12.17 Iraq al-Buslaib 3 0 Three local cops are murdered by al-Qaeda bombers.
2012.12.17 Pakistan Quetta 3 1 Sunni radicals shoot three people to death in a targeted attack on Shia.
2012.12.17 Iraq Khaldiyah 4 7 Jihadi car bombers take out four Iraqis.
2012.12.17 Iraq Rutba 2 9 al-Qaeda send mortars into a town, killing two residents.
2012.12.17 Iraq Baladruz 2 0 Two Kurds are blown to bits by Sunni bombers.
2012.12.17 Iraq Dujail 1 10 A car bomb targeting Shia pilgrims leaves one dead.
2012.12.17 Iraq Beaver Ridge Canaan 5 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills five Iraqis.
2012.12.17 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 3 3 Sunni hardliners storm a security checkpost and kill three local defenders.
2012.12.17 Thailand Narathiwat 2 5 Two people die from gunshot injuries after Muslims open fire on a group of Buddhist professionals.
2012.12.17 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Islamists shoot a medical worker to death.
2012.12.17 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis wipe out two rival Shiites.
2012.12.17 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two al-Qaeda torture victims are found burned to death.
2012.12.17 Iraq Balad 6 18 Muslim 'insurgents' slaughter six Iraqis with a car bomb.
2012.12.17 Iraq Qara-Tabba 3 10 Islamists bomb a funeral for three civilians murdered the day before, killing at least three mourners.
2012.12.17 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 4 21 Four people are taken out by Mujahideen bombers at a hospital.
2012.12.16 Libya Benghazi 4 0 Four police officers are killed during an attack by suspected Islamic militants.
2012.12.16 Yemen Hadramout 1 0 Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen kill a man on a motorcycle.
2012.12.16 Iraq Jalula 2 15 al-Qaeda bombers murder two police recruits.
2012.12.16 Iraq Tarmiya 3 4 Three local cops are machine-gunned by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2012.12.16 Iraq Kirkuk 9 55 Determined Sunni bombers set a series of bombs outside two Shia mosques that leave nine worshippers dead, including two children.
2012.12.16 Iraq Qara-Tabba 3 0 A woman and child are among three Iraqis exterminated in their home by Mujahideen.
2012.12.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 26-year-old Buddhist woman is murdered by Muslim 'separatist' gunmen.
2012.12.15 Pakistan Makan Bagh 1 0 A 16-year-old girl dies in a hospital from an earlier Taliban blast targeting schoolgirls.
2012.12.15 Pakistan Peshawar 5 45 Islamic militants fire rockets into an airport, killing at least five civilians.
2012.12.14 Pakistan Lahore 2 0 A 24-year-old woman is shot to death along with her lover by her conservative brother.
2012.12.14 Iraq Samarrah 2 20 Sunni bombers kill two Shia pilgrims in an attack on their bus.
2012.12.14 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Boko Haram Islamists murder a man in front of his wife and children.
2012.12.14 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 Three people are left dead after an al-Shabaab car bomb.
2012.12.14 Nigeria Kano 1 0 Boko Haram is suspected of assassinating a local lawmaker.
2012.12.13 Pakistan Mastung 1 0 A Hindu doctor is murdered by an Islamic fanatic.
2012.12.13 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 Holy Warriors set off two car bombs in populated areas which leave six dead.
2012.12.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 15 Two civilians and a US soldier are blown up by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.12.13 Syria Qatana 24 30 Women and children are among two dozen innocents slaughtered by a Sunni 'rebel' car bomb attack on a residential neighborhood.
2012.12.13 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A father of two is among two Shiites picked off by Sunni snipers.
2012.12.13 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gunmen take out two sectarian rivals at a tailor shop.
2012.12.13 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A Shiite is brought down in a targeted attack by Sunnis.
2012.12.12 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 The custodian of a Shiite mosque and his nephew are mowed down by a Sunni drive-by.
2012.12.12 Iraq Tikrit 2 1 Muslim terrorists kill two university students with an IED.
2012.12.12 Iraq Fallujah 4 0 Four Iraqi policemen are machine-gunned at a checkpoint by Islamist 'insurgents'.
2012.12.12 Yemen Maarib 1 0 A tribesman is ambushed and killed by al-Qaeda.
2012.12.12 Pakistan Karachi 2 8 Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers take out two locals.
2012.12.12 Pakistan Gilgit 3 7 Three students are killed during a clash between Sunni and Shia.
2012.12.12 Syria Damascus 9 50 Two Fedayeen suicide car bombers rack up nine kills.
2012.12.12 Pakistan FATA 3 0 Two peace committee volunteers are among three Pakistanis murdered by religious radicals.
2012.12.12 India Macherla 1 0 A Hindu man is hacked to death for eloping with a Muslim woman against the will of religious leaders.
2012.12.11 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A school director and teacher are murdered in the cafeteria by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.12.11 Thailand Narathiwat 4 4 A baby and woman are among four shot to death in a tea shop by Islamic terrorists.
2012.12.11 Yemen Mukalla 1 0 An official is assassinated by al-Qaeda on his way to work.
2012.12.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Wahhabi terrorists gun down a 23-year-old Shiite shopkeeper.
2012.12.11 Pakistan Hasan Owlia 1 0 A Hindu is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2012.12.11 Nigeria Dalwa 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death in front of other family members in their home by Islamic extremists.
2012.12.10 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 The acting head of women's affairs is brutally shot to death by fundamentalists on her way to work.
2012.12.10 Tunisia Bou Chebka 1 0 Suspected Salafis pick off a border guard.
2012.12.10 Afghanistan Nimroz 1 0 A local police chief is blown up by the Taliban.
2012.12.10 Pakistan Kaki 6 8 At least six innocents are killed when Shahid suicide bombers assault a police station near a mosque.
2012.12.10 Pakistan Gulbahar 1 0 A Shia police officer is gunned down by Sunni terrorists.
2012.12.10 Iraq Yathrib 3 2 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned by Muslim terrorists.
2012.12.10 Algeria Kasrine 1 0 Salafists murder a border guard.
2012.12.09 Iraq Iskandariyah 3 3 An 8-year-old is among three family members slain in their home by al-Qaeda bombers.
2012.12.09 Pakistan Shaikh Yousuf Chowk 5 3 Islamic militants are thought responsible for opening fire on a group of vegetable traders on their way to market.
2012.12.09 Nigeria Potiskum 1 0 At least one local is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2012.12.09 Pakistan Bara 1 1 A sapper is killed trying to defuse a bomb planted by Muslim extremists.
2012.12.09 Pakistan Miramshah 2 0 Two local soldiers are kidnapped by the Taliban and executed.
2012.12.09 Lebanon Tripoli 4 40 Sniper and rocket fire between Sunni and Shia residents leaves four dead.
2012.12.09 Afghanistan Ghorak 2 2 Religious extremists kill two civilians with a roadside bomb.
2012.12.08 Kenya Nairobi 5 13 Islamists throw a grenade into a crowd of moderates leaving a mosque, killing at least five.
2012.12.08 Pakistan Datta Khel 1 3 A tribesman cutting wood with family is killed during a mortar strike by militant Muslims.
2012.12.08 Yemen Maarib 17 0 Seventeen local security personnel are killed in an al-Qaeda ambush while guarding a pipeline.
2012.12.08 Somalia Beledweyne 1 0 Religion of Peace activists shoot 55-year-old Christian to death for leaving Islam.
2012.12.07 India Kolkata 1 0 A young woman is pulled out onto the street and beheaded by her brother for immorality.
2012.12.07 Pakistan Pishin 1 3 A Sunni drive-by attack leaves at least one Shia dead.
2012.12.07 Pakistan Much 1 0 Wahhabi terrorists storm a market and open fire on a Shia trader.
2012.12.06 Nigeria Yankaba 2 0 Two Christian teenagers are executed by gunmen on a motorcycle yelling, 'Allah akbar'.
2012.12.06 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two unarmed protesters are surrounded, beaten and stabbed to death by Muslim Brotherhood.
2012.12.06 Nigeria Gamboru 6 0 Six people are executed in cold blood by Islamists after being unable to recite from the Quran.
2012.12.06 Lebanon Tripoli 11 20 A 13-year-old boy is among eleven civilians taken out by sectarian snipers.
2012.12.06 Iraq Jisr Diyala 5 0 Five policemen are shot in their sleep by Islamic Army of Iraq terrorists.

There is a reason we call it Islamic terrorism, and it isn't
because we falsely attribute motives to the terrorists, but
because Islam is the stated purpose and aim of the terrorists.
Daniel Greenfield
lake lanier house for sale by owner

Previous Years:

Islamic Terror Attacks for First Part of 2012

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2011

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2010

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2009

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2008

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2007

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2006

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2005

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2004

Islamic Attacks from September 11th, 2001 through 2003

About the List of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims

If we are "at war" with Islam it is not because there is something
 wrong with us, but because there is something wrong with Islam.

"I am one of the servants of Allah.  We do our duty of fighting for the
sake of the religion of Allah.  It is also our duty to send a call to
all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to
embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. 
Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion." 
Osama bin Laden (1957 - 2011)

If we should respect the Quran because not doing so causes Muslims to
get angry and kill, then here are the other things we should stop doing:

Educating  women.  Selling alcohol.  Pre-marital sexSharing a
non-Muslim religious faith. 
Democracy.  Disaster reliefSporting events
Free speech. Allowing women to dress as they please.  Being gay
Hindu.  Being Christian.  Being Jewish.  Being Buddhist
Sikh.  Being Ahmadi.  Being Sufi.  Going to the wrong mosque...


  Hamas Wants Your Money!   

This is Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Hamas terror group, which the Palestinians have chosen to run their government.  He wants your money...  unconditionally.

These are his people, the Hamas terrorists who have slaughtered hundreds of innocent people in shopping malls, cafes and even on buses.  (They're holding Qurans).

This is an example of who they murder: Mazal Marciano a talented and devoted mother of two small children.  She made easy pickings for Haniyeh and his henchmen.

Are you burning with the Peace of Islam?

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