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January 4, 2013

Sandy Victim: Obama is a 'Straight Out Liar'

Via Nathaniel Botwinick:

Another of Hurricane Sandy's victims expressed his disgust with the president this afternoon: "He's a phony, he's a liar. Straight out liar. He said to me, face to face, that, 'he's going to cut the red tape.' We're two months now, and no red tapes been cut. He told me things are going to be taken care of, FEMA has to listen to him." Also, as a bonus, wait for his take on the extension of unemployment benefits (see the video at link).

Posted by Hyscience at 5:15 PM| Comments

Liberal Chick: "The State is My Shephard, I Shall Not Want" (Video)

Funny ... and very true!

Submit to liberal-progressivism, embrace mediocrity and the entitlement state, give up your foolish desire for liberty, freedom, and individual responsibility, and surely you'll be happy dwelling in your low-rent government-assisted housing, eating off food stamps, trusting the government to keep coming up with the money to pay for it all ... as it continues to plunge ever-deeper in debt.

Posted by Hyscience at 3:05 PM| Comments

Hot Seat with Bill Whittle: How do conservatives compete with liberal hand-outs? (Video)

In this sneak peek of Hot Seat with Bill Whittle, Bill answers the question: "How do Conservatives compete with the Liberal promise of Free Stuff at the expense of others?"

On the other hand, it's hard to see the 'gimme-dats' being willing to actualy work for a living when Obama and his fellow Dems are essentially paying them to take from the producers of our society and vote for more of the same.

Posted by Hyscience at 2:49 PM| Comments

The Scariest Jobs Chart, Ever

Via Business Insider:

This morning we learned that the U.S. economy added 155k jobs in December and the unemployment rate ticked up in 7.8 percent.

Although the numbers were in line with economists' expectations, they still reflect a job market that remains incredibly weak almost four years into the economic recovery.

Calculated Risk runs a chart every month putting the current jobs recovery into perspective.

"This shows the depth of the recent employment recession - worse than any other post-war recession - and the relatively slow recovery due to the lingering effects of the housing bust and financial crisis," writes Bill McBride of Calculated Risk

(Click on image to enlarge).


Bottom line ... this was just another sluggish growth employment report, but supposedly, if Washington can get its act together (and that's a very big 'if'), things are looking up for the economy.

Meanwhile, our national debt has us racing towards Greece at the rate of over $4 billion a day ... and Obama wants to increase the spending while completely ignoring trillions and trillions of dollars, and growing, in unfunded federal liabilities.

Posted by Hyscience at 12:00 PM| Comments

Barack Obama Makes Judicial Watch's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians List

Congratulations to our Corruptocrat-in-Chief. Although he has won other awards, including having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely bupkis, his inclusion among Judicial Watch's Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians for 2012 is special ... because he actually earned it.

Posted by Hyscience at 11:23 AM| Comments

Chicago Murders Continue to Skyrocket, Business Owner Shot in the Back and Killed

Chicago, a city with some of the toughest gun control measures in the country, ended 2012 with 513 homicides, a 15 percent increase from 448 homicides in 2011, and with just four days into 2013, it's already clear that murders in the Windy City are going to continue to skyrocket. The latest horrific murder in Mayor Rahm Emanuel's city was of a business owner and family man who ran from his attackers. He was shot in the back and killed.

A revered Chicago muffler shop owner became the city’s fifth homicide of 2013, but not before calling his son to let him know he was shot, reported.

"They shot me in the back," Michael Kozel, 57, the owner Independent Muffler Shop in the city's Southwest Side, told his adult son. Those were his last words he said.

The son, who wished to remain anonymous, said he raced to his dad's shop, only to find Kozel in the back of an ambulance. Kozel was pronounced dead shortly after 9 p.m., according to the Cook County Medical Examiner's office.

Investigators say two men pretending to be customers walked into the shop Wednesday at about 5:25 p.m. The men attempted to rob Kozel and one of his employees. One of the robbers shot Kozel in the back, as he was trying to get to safety.

Kozel's son said his father was a very generous person. He said if you didn't have money to pay for the work on your car, he was the kind of person that would just work out some kind of deal for you, because he understood that's how people were.

"My dad would fix the car and say, ‘I'll see you in a month.' What shop does that in Chicago these days?" his son said.

Kozel and his wife were married for more than three decades.

"He had a lot of plans to travel -- wherever my mom wanted to go," the son said. "As long as it was with my mom, and it made her happy."

This latest murder comes as the Illinois legislature is pushing for even more unhelpful, totally useless (Gun control laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available), gun control measures that are certain to only create more defenseless victims for violent criminals to prey on.

Illinois Senate Democrats advanced legislation late Wednesday to restrict semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity magazines, pressing forward with new gun control measures in the waning days of the session over the objections of firearms groups.

Amid the developments, the Illinois State Rifle Association issued an "urgent alert" to its members warning them that Democratic legislators were trying to push through last-minute anti-gun legislation.

"There would be no exemptions and no grandfathering," the group stated in its alert. "You would have a very short window to turn in your guns to the state police and avoid prosecution."

A Senate committee approved two bills, one dealing with the weapons and the other with magazines. Democratic supporters could face a tough sell in the full Senate.

One measure would ban the possession, delivery, sale and transfer of semiautomatic handguns and rifles. People who currently own such weapons could keep them but would have to register them. The bill would allow semiautomatic weapons to be used at shooting ranges, but those facilities would be regulated.

Bottom line, Democrats just don't get it ... and they never will. Guns don't kill people, mentally-disturbed people and criminals kill people, and truth be known ... less guns results in more violence. More regulation results in less safety.

H/t - Katie Pavlich

Posted by Hyscience at 9:01 AM| Comments

Video: The Obama Way Equals The Chicago Way

The following is a featured video put together by the crew at The video exposes the hypocrisy of Obama when he blames spending on Congress yet takes no responsibility for his own actions. You may or may not agree with the demands for spending Obama makes in this video, but you can't deny it's Obama who demands all of our record spending, not the GOP in Congress:

Posted by Hyscience at 8:50 AM| Comments

Who Knew Lap-Dancing Could Be So Dangerous!

Apparently, lap-dancing can be a hazardous occupation:

CLEVELAND -- A woman was seriously injured after a bizarre incident inside a local strip club early Wednesday morning.

It happened at Christie's Caberet in The Flats, just after 1 a.m.
According to police, 22-year-old Lauren Block, of Richmond Heights, was reportedly on the second floor of the club when she went over the balcony and landed on her head. ...

[A] witness said he was getting a lap dance from Block on the second floor of the club when something went terribly wrong.

The reporting officer said this of the incident: "(The witness) stated that (the dancer) grabbed the rail, as he was facing away from the balcony, and she tried to complete some sort of jump/dance move, and accidentally went head first over the rail."

Block reportedly fell 15 feet and suffered "major head trauma."

She was taken to MetroHealth Medical Center, where she is listed in critical condition.

It won't be long now before the ever over-reaching, over-regulating, Obama Department of Labor starts regulating lap-dancing as a hazardous occupation and enforcing work place and safety 'standards' and 'qualifications' for employment ... including safety harnesses. After all, Obama's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has already stepped in to investigate the 'accident' ... clearly ignoring the 'stupidity factor'.

Posted by Hyscience at 8:10 AM| Comments

Seven Things You Need to Know About Al Jazeera

Given that Al Jazeera has purchased former Al Gore's Current TV in a major deal that will bring the Qatar-financed, pro-Islamist, Muslim Brotherhood-loving, news source to millions of U.S. cable subscribers, there are some things Americans need to know about it that provide evidence of what one can expect from an Al Jazeera network.

So, The Washington Free Beacon has compiled a list comprising 7 of Al Jazeera's greatest hit to provide some clues:

1. Al-Qaeda's Anwar al-Awlaki praised Al Jazeera

2. Egyptian Salafist Muhammad al-Zawahiri justified 9/11 in an Al Jazeera appearance

3. Al Jazeera staffers chanted 'down with fascist America' on air

4. Sudan's president slammed the U.S. government's human rights record on Al Jazeer

5. Hugo Chavez called Al Jazeera a "model of honor, bravery, and the fight for justice"

6. Al Jazeera aired a series of Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi speeches on how the Jews deserved to be punished by Hitler

7. Al Jazeera interviewed Afghan Mujahideen leader on Osama bin Laden's death: Americans "barbarians, who mutilate bodies"

Keep reading for details of the above list of greatest hits.

Posted by Hyscience at 7:29 AM| Comments

January 3, 2013

Pat Condell On Patronising the Palestinians (Video)

Atheist Pat Condell totally nails liberal's insane racism on the Palestinian issue, as well as the true nature of the Palestinians and Islamists:

Posted by Hyscience at 1:50 PM| Comments

Al Gore Pockets Estimated $100M on TV Sale to Arab Oil-Backed Al Jazeera

aljazeera-large.pngEnviro-loon/former VP Al Gore, whose post-vice presidential work has centered around reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other green causes, talks a good anti-fossil fuel game but when it comes to his bank accounte ... he doesn't give a damn as to where the money comes from:

Al Gore's Current TV confirmed Wednesday evening that it has been sold to Al Jazeera for an estimated $400 to $500 million, with the former vice president set to pocket up to $100 million from the sale.

In an email sent to Current TV's staff, co-founder and former chief executive officer Joel Hyatt describes the selling process he and co-founder Al Gore went through in considering sale to Al Jazeera, acknowledging Current TV was a failed model.

Hyatt points to the Al Jazeera's many accomplishments, including its global reach and for being the "only news network" that Obama-supporter Colin Powell watches, as factors in their decision.

The announcement makes clear that Al Jazeera plans to create a new international news network for an American audience called "Al Jazeera America."

So, loud mouth Al just pocketed 100 million dollars from the oil he's been railing against for the last couple decades. But that's no all the story ... his hypocrisy doesn't end there - he made sure the transaction took place by the end of 2012 so as to avoid the higher taxes that went into effect as part of President Obama's soak-the-rich fiscal cliff ultimatum. But wait ... there's even more to this story than the way Gore parlayed a vanity project into a financial windfall from Arab oil. It's the way he will assist the plan of Al Jazeera, which has long been rightly dismissed by the American public as a platform for Islamist and anti-American and anti-Israel propaganda.

Related video: FOX News Host Mocks Al Gore's Failed TV Venture Current TV.

"So Current TV, which nobody has ever heard of, most of our viewers never heard of this thing. It's in 40 million households. Only 42,000 are watching it on a given night. That's not good. Just FYI from being in the cable world I can tell you."

Posted by Hyscience at 11:47 AM| Comments

(Video) Daughters of American Revolution Removes All References to God & Jesus Christ From Official Literature (Updated)

Liberal-progressives' war on Christianity has now reached the Daughters of the American Revolution, whose motto has been "God, home and country" for 122 years ... but now have removed all references to God and Christianity from all of its official books. Chaplains were told to stop using the name of Jesus. The DAR even removed "America the Beautiful" from its official documents because it mentions God ... all in the name of 'inclusion.'

This was reported by Fox News commentator Todd Starnes on FOX and Friends this morning:

Starnes reports on

The dispute has been brewing for more than a year when DAR members learned that the newly revised Ritual and Missal books -- the primary guide for chaplains -- were altered. They noticed that the name of Jesus Christ had been omitted.

The DAR president general did not return calls seeking comment for this story.

The members said DAR leadership made the changes to be politically correct and to accommodate new members of other religious beliefs.

A state chaplain in the organization notified members of their concerns in a newsletter.

"The newly updated Missal and Ritual was written to reflect the desire to be considerate of other belief systems," the statement read. "The Chaplain General uses scripture from both the Old and New Testaments and prays in the name of God without reference Christ. Chapter and district chaplains need to follow the example set by the National Society."

The statement also reminded members to "appreciate the differences in members' religious beliefs and to adapt our rituals and prayers to respect these differences."

That directive has infuriated rank and file members of the DAR -- an organization that is deeply rooted in the Christian faith.

Several members of the DAR spoke with Fox News about their concerns -- on the condition they remain anonymous.

"They are changing the legacy and intent of the Founding Ladies and rewriting the history of the Daughters of the American Revolution," one member told Fox News. "How dare they? They're supposed to be doing it out of inclusion. To me, it's exclusion. If they are saying it's because of religious tolerance -- my question is -- if someone is so incensed over the name of Jesus and words like 'white crosses' that reference soldiers who died for America -- is it not they who are intolerant?"

The DAR has also reportedly eliminated an oath to the Constitution, a promise to respect the American flag, as well as patriotic hymns that reference God -- including "America the Beautiful."

Members were told those items were inadvertently left out of the revision and will be included in future publications.

"A group of us went through the Ritual and Missal and compared the old version and the new version," another member told Fox News. "Every single prayer closing in the name of Jesus Christ no longer included the name of Jesus Christ."

More here.

Starnes goes on to report that DAR members are particularly disturbed that the changes were made without the vote or the approval of the 170,000 membership, and many are perplexed over who might be so offended by the mere mention of the name of Jesus Christ. They said Christianity had never been forced on any members but to remove it from the historic organization's documents is a "deception and twisting of history."

Update: The Daughters of the American Revolution did not return telephone calls or email seeking comment on the story. However, on Thursday they released a statement calling allegations they have removed the name "Jesus Christ" from their Ritual & Missal "false and incorrect."

Following is their statement:

Continue reading "(Video) Daughters of American Revolution Removes All References to God & Jesus Christ From Official Literature (Updated)"

Posted by Hyscience at 11:14 AM| Comments

Boehner Out as Speaker? (Updated)

Via Ron Meyer at CNS News:

I have confirmed with a group of Congressmen that House Speaker John Boehner will not be reelected Speaker tomorrow.

He will either resign or be forced out tomorrow.

Only 17 members are needed to block Speaker Boehner's election tomorrow. A Speaker needs an absolute majority of all votes cast for a specific person.

If no one has a majority, the House is speakerless. I've confirmed these rules with the House Parliamentarian.

Via Matthew Boyle at Breitbart:
The Speaker of the House will be elected today and some conservatives believe they have the votes necessary to oust John Boehner. In an appearance on CNBC, American Majority Action spokesman Ron Meyer said there are more than 20 House Republicans willing to vote for someone other than Boehner on Thursday when the 113th Congress convenes to elect a Speaker. Another source from a different organization has similarly confirmed that more than 20 have planned to oppose Boehner.
If these reports hold up and Boehner is indeed going to be out, good riddance (we're talking about a guy that has never won a negotiation battle with the White House or the Senate). What matters next is who replaces him and whether or not his replacement is a true conservative that won't betray conservative principle and economic reality (this excludes House Majority Leader Eric Cantor).

Update: So much for wishful thinking ... John Boehner has been reelected as Speaker. Mark this day down as doom for the GOP.

Kabuki Theater: Is the GOP "Controlled Opposition"?
Cliff Deal Only Whets Obama's Appetite For More Taxes

Posted by Hyscience at 6:32 AM| Comments

January 2, 2013

$86.8 Trillion ... And Growing

The politicians in Washington may have just finished rustling with the roughly $600 billion "fiscal cliff" ... and the 2013 budget soon to come ... but the far greater fiscal challenge of the U.S. government's unfunded pension and health-care liabilities continue to remain offstage (Obama refused to seriously address any of it). But if the government prepared an accurate one, the truly important figures ... the ones that the Dems continue to ignore ... would appear on the federal balance sheet.

The real number is far greater than the $16.3 trillion you see on the debt clock: The actual liabilities of the federal government -- including Social Security, Medicare, and federal employees' future retirement benefits (payments that the federal government has already promised to make but does not have the revenue streams needed to make those payments) -- already exceed $86.8 trillion, or 550% of GDP.

Posted by Hyscience at 2:43 PM| Comments

'Fiscal Cliff' Deal Also Doles Out Millions for Hollywood, Railroads, Rum Producers


Surely to no one's surprise, despite the "fiscal cliff" deal having been heralded as a saving grace for middle class taxpayers, their families and the unemployed ... buried in the fine print of the deal are also some lesser-known New Year's gifts to some of Washington's favorite industries.

Yep, typical Washington BS - made much worse by a far-left president ... it's a deficit-ignoring, spending-increasing, pork-laden rip off that increases taxes on most Americans. And then there's that not-so-little problem that the cost of servicing the projected increased federal debt of $1.2 trillion will actually eat away about 88 cents of every new dollar raised. And ... we haven't even addressed a nickel of the debt ... or the debt ceiling.

Posted by Richard at 1:40 PM| Comments

Charles Krauthammer: Obama's Presidency Is 'All About' Raising Taxes to Pre-Reagan Levels to Support the Entitlement State (Video)

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer shared his thoughts last night on the fiscal cliff bill as the House of Representatives voted 257 to 167 to pass a measure that avoids the fiscal cliff. Krauthammer said the bill is just what President Obama wanted, in that it raises tax rates on people making more than $450,000, puts off spending cuts and extends unemployment benefits. Krauthamer's remarks succinctly nail exactly what Obama has been up to, what he has up his sleeve, and what he and his presidency is really all about:

"He's not interested in cutting spending," Krauthammer said, explaining that Obama's second term is devoted to "undoing Reaganism" and ramping up tax rates on the rich. Krauthammer explained that the president still wants to eliminate tax deductions for the wealthy to bring in even more revenue.

"He has no interest in anything other than raising the level of taxation to pre-Reagan levels so he can support the entitlement state, which is what his presidency is all about. It's a very long view, and I think he's attacking it exactly the right way if you are of his ideology," Krauthammer said.

Posted by Richard at 11:58 AM| Comments

Obama Lies to America, "Bitch-Slaps" The GOP, Then Heads Back To Hawaii For More Vacay And Golf

The Lid's title nails exactly what Obama just did:

In the end President Obama proved this had nothing to do with the "middle-class" and everything to do with punishing the Republicans who had dared to oppose him. Late last night the Senate compromise fiscal cliff bill passed via a "bipartisan" 257-167 vote. Republicans voted "no" by an overwhelming margin 151-85, those 85 yeas combined with the 172 Democrats who voted for the bill enabled its passage.

As soon as the bill was passed the Divider-in-Chief stood before the Cameras with the SHMOTUS Joe Biden and took the opportunity to stick it to the GOP and lie to the American People:

But we are continuing to chip away at this problem, step by step. Last year I signed into law $1.7 trillion in deficit reduction. Tonight's agreement further reduces the deficit by raising $620 billion in revenue from the wealthiest households in America. And there will be more deficit reduction as Congress decides what to do about the automatic spending cuts that we have now delayed for two months.
However, as The Lid goes on to point out, according to the CBO what Obama just did actually INCREASES the national debt by $4 trillion. And that is just one of several misstatements the Divider-in-Chief made.

As for that "balanced approach" Obama has been yakking about, it's completely out the window. He got his tax hikes, but there were no spending cuts. In fact, we will spend even more as a result of the Obama-created fiscal cliff 'deal.' Obama's actions have proven that he isn't now nor has he ever really been willing to look at entitlement or spending reform. On anything other than wealth-redistribution via taxing the "rich" and ever-increasing government spending ... he's totally all talk and no walk.

And as for this new Hawaii vacay he's now off to after 'bitch slapping' the GOP by telling them "I won and from now on you will do it my way" ... and lying to the American people by saying the deal cut the deficit ... that will be costing tax payers more than another $3 million.

Meanwhile, don't think you can breath a sigh of relief over not having your taxes go up just because Obama got his "tax the rich" deal. Truth be known, 77% of Americans are going to end up paying more federal taxes in 2013.

Posted by Richard at 10:47 AM| Comments

December 28, 2012

Obama Administration Gives Muslim Brotherhood Member Security Clearance

Not a new story, but well worth giving more exposure.

Muslim Brotherhood member Mohamed Elibiary has been given a secret clearance by Barack Obama's Homeland Security.

And you say 'puh-leeze, surely this can't be true' ... right?

Instead of acting uninformed, smirking and generally not giving a sh*t, Napolitano should be saying, "Of course we will look into this immediately!"

Robert Spencer writes at WND:

Homeland Security is on the hot seat. Back in October 2010, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano named the devout Muslim Mohamed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Council. The Texas Department of Public Safety now says that Elibiary may have been allowed to gain access to a highly sensitive database of intelligence reports, and then allegedly shopped some of the material he found in that database to a media outlet for a story about "Islamophobia" in the Public Safety Department.

Who else is the devout Elibiary shopping sensitive intel to? Mohamed Elibiary was one of the speakers at a December 2004 conference in Dallas entitled "A Tribute to the Great Islamic Visionary," that is, the Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran and the violent Muslim global revolution to install a universal Islamic government.

When Rod Dreher of the Dallas Morning News challenged him about his appearance at this conference, Elibiary threatened Dreher, writing: "Expect someone to put a banana in your exhaust pipe." I warned about Elibiary's appointment back in 2010.


Posted by Hyscience at 12:00 PM| Comments

Re: 'How Obama's Policies Led to Benghazigate'

benghazi.jpgDaniel Greenfield writes at WND today:

It took some 22 hours for American help to arrive in Benghazi after all the t's had been crossed and the i's had been dotted, and the body of America's ambassador to Libya had been dragged through the streets by "rescuers" stopping along the way to pose for cell phone pictures with his corpse.

By way of comparison it takes about 16 hours for a boatload of Libyan illegal immigrants to row to the Italian island of Lampedusa. Support for the Americans under fire in Libya would have arrived sooner if a few former members of the Harvard Rowing Team had gotten in one of the many rowboats beached on the shores of Lampedusa and pushed the oars all the way to Benghazi.

It says something about the current state of asymmetrical warfare that not only can Al Qaeda throw together a coordinated string of attacks on American embassies around the region without anyone being the wiser for it, but boatloads of migrants from Libya can reach Europe faster on muscle power than American forces can reach a mission under attack while equipped with jet power.

Obama Inc. blamed the second set of September 11 attacks on a movie, which was giving Al Qaeda credit for not only orchestrating worldwide attacks on American embassies and consulates, but doing it in a matter of days based on nothing more than a YouTube trailer. That would make Al Qaeda one of the more impressive organizations around, but the administration found it easier to give Al Qaeda credit that the terrorist group didn't deserve rather than accept the blame that it did deserve.

When madmen in America shoot up schools or movie theaters, Obama blames the weapons they used and calls for gun control. When madmen in the Middle East shoot up American consulates and embassies, he blames movies and calls for film control.

Obama assured the nation that the "folks" responsible would be brought to justice. After three weeks of trying to get through Libyan immigration and dealing with concerns about conducting a criminal investigation in a war zone, the FBI finally made it to Benghazi, strolled around the compound for a few hours, took some pictures and then went home without interviewing any persons of interest.

An independent commission chaired by an Iranian lobbyist whose members were handpicked by Hillary Clinton conducted a review of what went wrong and found that the State Department probably should not have relied on an Islamist militia affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood for security, especially considering that its members had been going on strike for pay raises.

Four State Department officials resigned voluntarily, which in government lingo means that three of them took administrative leave and the fourth resigned one of his portfolios while keeping the rest. And the media declared that Benghazigate was over at last. Time for everyone to move on and close the book on another one of those Obama successes that up close look a lot like failures.

Three days after unilaterally deciding to go to war in Libya, while insisting on calling it something other than a war, Obama justified his intervention to the American people based on protecting what would shortly become Libya's most famously infamous city "We saw regime forces on the outskirts of the city ... we knew that if we waited one more day, Benghazi ... could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world."

But there was no massacre. Nor was there ever going to be one. The only people who were massacred in Benghazi were Americans.

Continue reading here. As Greenfield goes on to point out, Obama pulled out of Iraq and Al Qaeda in Iraq showed up in Benghazi. Now it's moved on to Syria. A year from now it may be in Jordan. The entire Middle East is a war zone now with terrorists and militias moving back and forth to feast on the instability and carve out their own private Benghazis where a man with a beard and a gun can provide protection in exchange for cash, and then take the weekend off to torch an American embassy or two. Welcome to Obama's Brave New Middle East that his policies have produced.

A reasonable mind is left wondering ... at what point, if ever, will the Obama media - Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media, begin to ask serious questions about Benghazigate, and when, if ever, will it begin to tell the truth about the relationship between 'His' policies and the completely unnecessary deaths of four brave Americans that his policies caused, he sat by, watched, and let happen!

Posted by Hyscience at 11:14 AM| Comments

(Obama-Arab Spring Update) Egyptian Cleric Threatens Egypt's Copts with Genocide: "The day Egyptians ... feel you are against them, you will be wiped off the face of the Earth"

More evidence that Obama's snuggling up to the Muslim Brotherhood was a very bad policy from the get-go, and that it was, from the beginning, a death sentence to Christians in Egypt. Obama, having been (or still at heart) a Muslim and so Islam-friendly, had to have known what was to come and he just didn't care. Obama has reached out and supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt ever since he invited them to his speech in Cairo in June 2009, and has been a strong supporter of Egypt's sharia-pushing Islamist Prime Minister Mohamed Morsi all along ... even extending a 'hand of friendship' to Morsi after he attempted to rule as a dictator. Now we're seeing the result on Christians ... and its anything but promising.

Raymond Ibrahim, Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum, writes: Egyptian Cleric Threatens Egypt's Copts with Genocide:

"The day Egyptians ... feel you are against them, you will be wiped off the face of the Earth" -- Dr. Wagdi Goneim

Islamic leaders continue to portray the popular protests against President Morsi and his recently passed Sharia-heavy constitution as products of Egypt's Christians. Recently, Muslim Brotherhood leader Safwat Hegazy said in an open rally, as captured on video:

"A message to the church of Egypt, from an Egyptian Muslim: I tell the church -- by Allah, and again, by Allah -- if you conspire and unite with the remnants [opposition] to bring Morsi down, that will be another matter ...our red line is the legitimacy of Dr. Muhammad Morsi. Whoever splashes water on it, we will splash blood on him."
More recently, Dr. Wagdi Ghoneim -- who earlier praised Allah for the death of the late Coptic Pope Shenouda, cursing him to hell and damnation on video -- made another video, entitled, "A Notice and Warning to the Crusaders in Egypt," a reference to the nation's Copts, which he began by saying, "You are playing with fire in Egypt, I swear, the first people to be burned by the fire are you [Copts]" The video was made in the context of the Tahrir protests against Morsi: Islamic leaders, such as Hegazy and Ghoneim, seek to portray the Copts as dominant elements in those protests; according to them, no real Muslim would participate. Ghoneim even went on to say that most of the people at the protests were Copts, "and we know you hid your [wrist] crosses by lowering your sleeves"

The heart of Ghoneim's message was genocidal: "The day Egyptians -- and I don't even mean the Muslim Brotherhood or Salafis, regular Egyptians -- feel that you are against them, you will be wiped off the face of the earth. I'm warning you now: do not play with fire!"

Along with trying to incite Egypt's Muslims against the Copts, and threatening them with annihilation, Ghoneim made other telling assertions, including:

  • Addressing the Christians of Egypt as "Crusaders," once again showing Islam's simplistic, black-and-white vision, which clumps all Christians -- of all nations, past and present, regardless of historical context and denomination -- as one, in accordance with an Islamic tradition that states "All infidels are one religion."
  • Comparing Christian Copts to animals: "Respect yourselves and live with us and we will protect you... Why?... because Allah has forbidden me to be cruel to animals. I'm not trying to compare you to animals ... but if I am not cruel to animals or plants, shall I be cruel to a soul created by Allah? You are an infidel in Allah's sight -- and it is for him to judge you. However, when you live in my country, it is forbidden for me to be unjust to you -- but that doesn't mean we are equal. No, oh no."
  • Telling Copts: "I want to remind you that Egypt is a Muslim country ... if you don't like the Muslim Sharia, you have eight countries that have a Cross on their flag [in Europe], so go to them. However, if you want to stay here in Egypt with us, know your place and be respectful. You already have all your rights -- by Allah, even more than Muslims... No one investigates your homes, no one investigates your churches. In fact, in the past, the Islamic groups used to fake their IDs and put Christian names on them when they would go out for [jihadi] operations, so that when the police would catch them, they would see they are Christians and be left alone." Ghoneim misses the irony of what he says: Police know that Egyptian Christians are not going to engage in terror; Egyptian Muslims are suspect.
Continue reading here.

Egypt: Morsi Regime Rams Through New Egyptian Constitution
3 Things to Know About Morsi, Egyptian Christians and Religious Freedom
Egypt's Morsi offers nothing to defuse crisis

Continue reading "(Obama-Arab Spring Update) Egyptian Cleric Threatens Egypt's Copts with Genocide: "The day Egyptians ... feel you are against them, you will be wiped off the face of the Earth""

Posted by Hyscience at 9:45 AM| Comments